2月16日,河南省汝南县阳光舞蹈学校,学生们参加考前集训。集训内容很枯燥,只有基本功训练和指定曲目的舞蹈套路训练,一遍遍的重复着压腿、弯腰、劈叉、旋转等动作,然后是指导老师一次次的纠正,从位置、姿势、步幅到节奏、情绪等,一天六个多小时,几乎是进行不间断练习。[中国网图片库 孙凯 摄]
Girl students in dance training at an international art school in Ru'nan County, Henan Province, on Feb. 16, 2016. The training contents include basic skills and designated movements like stretching, bending, splits and rotation lasting more than six hours a day without a break. [Photo by Sun Kai/photostock.china.com.cn]
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