2月16日,河南省汝南县阳光舞蹈学校,舞蹈老师帮助金斗进行横劈训练。金斗是班里唯一的男生,他的横劈不是很标准,老师使用的方法让他很痛。身体柔韧性训练是舞蹈最基本的训练,也是其中最苦的部分。[中国网图片库 孙凯 摄]
Jin Dou undergoes physical flexibility training in a dance training class at an international art school in Ru'nan County, Henan Province, on Feb. 16, 2016. Jin is the only male student and physical flexibility training is the basic and hardest part of dance training and particularly difficult for male students. [Photo by Sun Kai/photostock.china.com.cn]
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