
Comment(s)打印 E-mail China.org.cn  2016-02-25

一位师傅把高温消毒的毛巾放入泡沫箱子,以供客人取用。据老师傅讲,当年这些毛巾并不存放在此,而是由他直接“飞”给浴客,现在都不那么干了,时间改变着老浴室的传统。[中国网 赖鑫琳 摄]

一位师傅把高温消毒的毛巾放入泡沫箱子,以供客人取用。据老师傅讲,当年这些毛巾并不存放在此,而是由他直接“飞”给浴客,现在都不那么干了,时间改变着老浴室的传统。[中国网 赖鑫琳 摄]
A bathhouse worker puts towels into a foam plastic box, although, in the past they would be placed directly in the hands of the customers. The changing model of bathhouse services signals the transformation of customs. [Photo by Lai Xinlin / China.com.cn]

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