
Comment(s)打印 E-mail China.org.cn  2016-02-25

丽水浴室门前狭小的巷子,曾经这里位于上海的南市区,是上海开埠最早的商业区,人声鼎沸,丽水浴室的生意兴隆可想而知。如今,这里是上海最大的旧城改造区,周围的老房子已经被拆得所剩不多,丽水浴室显得更为孤寂。[中国网 赖鑫琳 摄]

丽水浴室门前狭小的巷子,曾经这里位于上海的南市区,是上海开埠最早的商业区,人声鼎沸,丽水浴室的生意兴隆可想而知。如今,这里是上海最大的旧城改造区,周围的老房子已经被拆得所剩不多,丽水浴室显得更为孤寂。[中国网 赖鑫琳 摄]
Located in the southern part of Shanghai, which was one of the earliest Chinese areas coerced to open to the external world, Lishui Bathhouse has been dwarfed by the new skyrocketing buildings of the bustling business center. [Photo by Lai Xinlin / China.com.cn]

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