
Comment(s)打印 E-mail China.org.cn  2016-02-25

负责控制锅炉房的师傅要时刻进来检查水温控制表,当水温达到55度时,他就得关掉开关。老早浴室采用的是烧煤的锅炉,随着时代的发展,渐渐演化成烧柴油或者用电。[中国网 赖鑫琳 摄]

负责控制锅炉房的师傅要时刻进来检查水温控制表,当水温达到55度时,他就得关掉开关。老早浴室采用的是烧煤的锅炉,随着时代的发展,渐渐演化成烧柴油或者用电。[中国网 赖鑫琳 摄]
The bathhouse keeper checks the water thermometer of the bathing pool as the heating devices should be turned off when the temperature reaches as high as 55 degrees Celsius. The heating resources of the bathhouses in Shanghai have evolved from charcoal to diesel and electric heaters. [Photo by Lai Xinlin / China.com.cn]

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