
Comment(s)打印 E-mail China.org.cn  2016-02-25

老浴客们在休息大厅赤条条地盖着毯子,喝茶抽烟,看报聊天。这个休息大厅有四十多张沙发榻供浴客躺卧,像当年都是要预约等位的,现如今除了个别年纪特别大的老人依然“霸占”着个人的专位,其他的沙发榻还是有空位的。[中国网 赖鑫琳 摄]

老浴客们在休息大厅赤条条地盖着毯子,喝茶抽烟,看报聊天。这个休息大厅有四十多张沙发榻供浴客躺卧,像当年都是要预约等位的,现如今除了个别年纪特别大的老人依然“霸占”着个人的专位,其他的沙发榻还是有空位的。[中国网 赖鑫琳 摄]
The lounge of the bathhouse is equipped with 40 couches for clients to rest after their bath. In its busiest time in the past, customers needed to book the couches before their visits. However, now, many couches are often vacant. [Photo by Lai Xinlin / China.com.cn]

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