
Comment(s)打印 E-mail China.org.cn  2016-02-25
丽水浴室虽然几度重新装修,但依然保留着六七十年代的瓷板地砖,对于当年来说,这是一种“豪华”的象征。[中国网 赖鑫琳 摄]

丽水浴室虽然几度重新装修,但依然保留着六七十年代的瓷板地砖,对于当年来说,这是一种“豪华”的象征。[中国网 赖鑫琳 摄]
Despite several revamps of Lishui Bathhouse, the floor laid with ceramic tiles, a sign of extravagance in the 1960s to 1970s, is little changed. [Photo by Lai Xinlin / China.com.cn]

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