一年多来,基地工作人员精心照顾七仔。“七仔长得帅,胃口好,爬树技术高,还讲卫生!”工作人员这样点赞“帅哥”七仔。七仔每天吃饱喝足后喜欢玩奶盆、翻跟头,常把奶盆当凳子坐坏,在林木繁茂的基地里游玩时,经常“噌噌”几下就爬上大树,或在树干、岩石上留下气味标识。七仔有时也是“乖乖熊”,或眨巴着眼睛静坐“思考”,或绅士般地踏雪散步,大小便也总在离圈舍和吃竹子远一些的固定地方解决。目前七仔体重210多斤,比初到基地时增加30多斤。[中新网 吴燕峰 摄] Rare brown panda Qi Zai plays in the Wild Panda Training Base at the Foping Nature Reserve in Northwest China’s Shaanxi province, Feb. 27, 2016. Weighing about 105 kg, the 6-year-old panda was energetic and ate 50 kg of bamboo a day during the winter, according to keepers. The panda has been kept in the base in the remote Qinling Mountains for two years before becoming ready for release into the world. (Photo: China News Service/Wu Yanfeng) |
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