Full text: Human Rights Record of the United States in 2015

Comment(s)打印 E-mail China.org.cn 2016-04-15

国务院新闻办公室14日发表《2015年美国的人权纪录》,回应美国政府发布的“国别人权报告”。全文如下:The State Council Information Office of the People's Republic of China published a report titled "Human Rights Record of the United States in 2015" on Thursday. Following is the full text of the report:
Human Rights Record of the United States in 2015
State Council Information Office of the People's Republic of China
April 2016
目 录Contents
一、公民权利遭到肆意侵犯I. Wanton Infringement on Civil Rights
二、政治权利无法得到应有保障II. Political Rights Not Safeguarded
三、经济和社会权利难以有效实现III. Economic and Social Rights under Challenge
四、种族歧视变本加厉IV. Racial Discrimination Worse Than Ever
五、妇女和儿童权利堪忧V. Missing Rights for Women and Children
六、粗暴侵犯他国人权VI. Gross Violations of Human Rights in Other Countries
美国国务院于当地时间4月13日发布《2015年国别人权报告》,再一次对世界各国人权状况妄加置评,而对自身存在的严重人权问题却三缄其口,毫无反思之意。2015年的美国人权,不仅旧的问题未得到解决,而且新的问题不断滋生。既然美国政府不肯拿起镜子照照自己,那么也只好由别人来帮助完成了。On April 13 local time, the State Department of the United States released its country reports on human rights practices. It made comments on the human rights situation in many countries once again while being tight-lipped about its own terrible human rights record and showing not a bit of intention to reflect on it. In 2015, the United States saw no improvement in its existent human rights issues, but reported numerous new problems. Since the U.S. government refuses to hold up a mirror to look at itself, it has to be done with other people's help.
关于2015年美国的人权纪录,以下事实是凿凿在册的。The following facts about the U.S. human rights situation in 2015 are supported by irrefutable records.
——美国枪支管理失控,公民生命权受到严重威胁。枪击案件频发,是2015年美国留给世人最深刻的印象。截至2015年12月28日,当年共发生枪击事件51675起,造成13136人死亡、26493人受伤。-- The use of guns was out of control in the United States, which severely threatened citizens' right of life. The frequent occurrence of shooting incidents was the deepest impression left to the world concerning the United States in 2015. There were a total of 51,675 gun violence incidents in the United States in 2015 as of December 28, leaving 13,136 killed and 26,493 injured.
——美国警察暴力执法,公民人身安全无法保障。截至2015年12月24日,警察当年共射杀965人,警方滥用权力的行为并未得到应有的追究。巴尔的摩暴发了“为弗雷迪伸张正义”的抗议活动,芝加哥市民为麦克唐纳之死举行了大规模游行,明尼阿波利斯市的民众因贾马尔·克拉克被警察枪杀而包围警察局。-- Citizens' personal security could not be guaranteed with the excessive use of violence by police. Police shot dead 965 people last year as of December 24, and the abuse of power by the police did not result in discipline. "Justice for Freddie" protests were staged in Baltimore, demonstrators in Chicago took to the street to demand justice in the death of Laquan MacDonald, and protesters in Minneapolis camped outside a police precinct after Jamar Clark was shot dead by police.
——美国监狱系统腐败丛生,严重侵犯囚犯人权。佛罗里达州一所监狱的狱警将患有精神疾患的囚犯达伦·莱尼在淋浴间活活烫死。美国最大的女子监狱罗维尔监狱的狱警逼迫数百名女囚卖淫以换取基本的生活物资和保护,在过去十年间已有57名囚犯死在了该监狱。-- The prison system in the United States was plagued by corruption and severely violated inmates' human rights. The guards in a prison in Florida scalded a mentally-ill inmate Darren Rainey to death in hot shower. The guards in Lowell Correctional Institution, the nation's largest women's prison, pressured hundreds of female inmates to barter sex for basic necessities and a shield from abuse, and 57 inmates have died in this prison over the past 10 years.
——美国金钱政治和家族政治大行其道,公民政治权利难以得到有效保障。企业和个人可以向超级政治行动委员会无限额捐款以影响美国大选,企业通过金钱影响政治并获取巨额回报。有评论认为,美国的政治体系已被颠覆为向主要政治捐助者提供回报的工具。家族出身成为美国政治中的主导因素,少数家族和幕后利益集团用资金影响选举。美国党派之争绑架民意,因为选举利益导致民主党与共和党无法协调制定真正符合民意的政策。-- Money politics and clan politics were prevailing and the political rights of the citizens were not safeguarded effectively. Companies and individuals were able to donate an unlimited size to super Political Action Committees (super PACs) to influence the presidential election. In this way, corporations could use money to sway politics and reap tremendous returns. There were comments that the political system of the United States had been subverted to be a tool that provided returns to major political donors. Family pedigree had become a primary factor for U.S. politics, with a few families and behind-the-scenes interest groups influencing the election using funds. The popular will was abducted by factionalism in the United States, because the interests involved in election made it unable for the Democratic Party and the Republican Party to coordinate on and work out policies that were in line with the popular will.
——美国社会问题严重,保障公民经济和社会权利困难重重。2014年有4670万人处于贫困状态。每年至少有4810万人缺乏食物保障。2015年有超过56万人无家可归。79%的美国人相信更多人会掉出而不是上升到中产阶级行列。如今,美国仍有3300万人没有医疗保险,4400万受雇于私人部门的劳动者无法享受带薪病假的权利,占私人部门劳动者总数的40%。-- The lingering problems in U.S. society posed challenges for the country to fulfill its duty of safeguarding the economic and social rights of U.S. citizens. In 2014, there were 46.7 million people in poverty in the United States. Every year, at least 48.1 million people were classed as "food insecure." In 2015, more than 560,000 people nationwide were homeless. Seventy-nine percent of Americans believed it was more common for people to fall out of the middle class than rise up to it. There were still 33 million people in the United States with no healthcare insurance, and 44 million private-sector workers, about 40 percent of the total, did not have access to paid sick leaves.
——美国种族矛盾尖锐,种族关系处于近20年来最差时期。61%的美国人认为美国的种族关系糟糕。执法司法领域是种族歧视的重灾区。88%的非洲裔美国人相信自己受到警察不公正对待,68%的非洲裔美国人认为刑事司法体系存在种族歧视。非洲裔美国人拥有的财富仅为白人的十二分之一,拉美裔为十一分之一。有评论认为,对于许多非洲裔和拉美裔美国家庭而言,美国梦仍然遥不可及。-- Racial conflict was severe in the United States, with race relations at their worst in nearly two decades. Sixty-one percent of Americans characterized race relations in the United States as "bad." Law enforcement and justice fields were heavily affected by racial discrimination, with 88 percent of African-Americans believing they were treated unfairly by police, and 68 percent of African-Americans believing the American criminal justice system was racially biased. Whites had 12 times the wealth of blacks and nearly 10 times more than Hispanics. It was said that the American Dream remained out of reach for many African-American and Hispanic families.
——美国妇女状况不断恶化,儿童成长环境堪忧。全职女性与全职男性2014年的年薪收入比为79∶100。过去十年内贫困妇女比例从12.1%上升至14.5%。国际劳工组织指出,美国是唯一没有立法明确规定妇女带薪产假的工业化国家。23%的大学本科女生遭受性骚扰或性侵犯。2015年每个月至少发生两起校园枪击案,几乎每周都有两个孩子遭受意外枪击死亡,在美国15岁以上因伤死亡的青少年中有四分之一死于枪击事件。约1740万由单亲妈妈抚养的儿童中45%生活在贫困线以下。约五分之一的儿童生活在食品保障不足的家庭。-- The situation for American women was deteriorating and children were living in worrisome environment. In 2014, women in the United States were paid 79 cents for every dollar paid to men. The percentage of women in poverty increased from 12.1 percent to 14.5 percent over the past decade. The United Nations' International Labor Organization said that the United States was the only industrialized nation with no overall law for cash benefits provided to women during maternity leave. A total of 23 percent of undergraduate women said they were victims of non-consensual sexual contact. There were at least two school shootings a month in 2015 and almost two children were killed every week in unintentional shootings. About a quarter of the teenagers above 15 years old who died of injuries in the United States were killed in gun-related incidents. About 17.4 million children under the age of 18 were being raised without a father and 45 percent lived below the poverty line. About one fifth of all U.S. children lived in food-insecure households.
——美国仍在公然粗暴侵犯他国人权,视他国生命如草芥。美国在伊拉克和叙利亚的空袭行动炸死数千平民。美国在巴基斯坦和也门肆意开展无人机袭击,造成数百平民死亡。美军2015年10月3日对阿富汗昆都士“无国界医生”组织医院野蛮空袭,42人惨遭杀害。美国政府无视国际社会的强烈谴责,仍未关闭建立14年之久的关塔那摩监狱,至今仍有近100人在被任意拘留多年且未经审判的情况下继续被羁押。-- The United States still brazenly and brutally violated human rights in other countries, treating citizens from other countries like dirt. Air strikes launched by the United States in Iraq and Syria killed thousands of civilians. The United States also conducted drone attacks in Pakistan and Yemen indiscriminately, causing hundreds of civilian deaths. On October 3, 2015, the U.S. military bombed a hospital operated by "Doctors Without Borders" in the city of Kunduz in Afghanistan, in which 42 people were killed. Defying international condemnation, the United States still did not close the Guantanamo Bay detention camp, which had been running for 14 years and still locked up nearly 100 people who had been under arbitrary detention for years without trial.

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