
Comment(s)打印 E-mail China.org.cn  2016-04-29

Wu Songyan visits her student Kong Yuqing's home in Goudong Village in Renqiao Town of Bengbu City, Anhui Province, on April 18, 2016. The 10-year-old girl has been left behind by her mother. Her father is busy with farming, so she helps take care of her younger brother and sister after school. [Photo by Li Bin/China.com.cn]

2016年4月18日,吴松艳在三年级学生孔雨晴家中家访。10岁的孔雨晴家住安徽省蚌埠市固镇县任桥镇沟东村公平组,家里共有6口人,奶奶年老体衰,弟弟、妹妹年幼,爸爸一边务农,一边照顾家里,妈妈在镇上的饭店里打零工,以补贴家用。洗碗,扫地,看护弟弟和妹妹是孔雨晴回家要做的事情。[中国网图片库 李斌 摄]
Wu Songyan visits her student Kong Yuqing's home in Goudong Village in Renqiao Town of Bengbu City, Anhui Province, on April 18, 2016. The 10-year-old girl has been left behind by her mother. Her father is busy with farming, so she helps take care of her younger brother and sister after school. [Photo by Li Bin/photostock.china.com.cn]

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