
Comment(s)打印 E-mail China.org.cn  2016-04-29

Wu Songyan and her husband watch TV at home in Renqiao Town of Bengbu City, Anhui Province, on April 18, 2016. Wu's husband suffers from uremia, but his situation is basically stable thanks to medical treatment and her meticulous care. [Photo by Li Bin/China.com.cn]

2016年4月18日,安徽省蚌埠市固镇县任桥镇,吴松艳和丈夫在学校附近的家中看电视。吴松艳的丈夫患有尿毒症,目前,丈夫每周要去医院做透析3次,病情基本稳定。[中国网图片库 李斌 摄]
Wu Songyan and her husband watch TV at home in Renqiao Town of Bengbu City, Anhui Province, on April 18, 2016. Wu's husband suffers from uremia, but his situation is basically stable thanks to medical treatment and her meticulous care. [Photo by Li Bin/photostock.china.com.cn]

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