5月18日,由香港特区政府举办的“一带一路”高峰论坛在香港会展中心开幕。全国人大常委会委员长张德江出席开幕式并发表主旨演讲。[新华社 庞兴雷 摄] Zhang Dejiang, chairman of the Standing Committee of China's National People's Congress, delivers a keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the Belt and Road Summit sponsored by the government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, in Hong Kong, south China, May 18, 2016. [Pang Xinglei/Xinhua] |
中共中央政治局常委、全国人大常委会委员长张德江18日在香港会展中心出席“一带一路”高峰论坛并发表主旨演讲,全文如下: | Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress Zhang Dejiang delivered a keynote speech at the Belt and Road Summit on Wednesday sponsored by the government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR). The following is the full text of Zhang's speech: |
各位嘉宾、各位朋友, 女士们、先生们: | Distinguished Guests, Friends, Ladies and Gentlemen, |
大家好。很高兴与各位聚首香港,共话“一带一路”发展大计。在此,我代表习近平主席,代表中国政府,对论坛的召开表示衷心的祝贺,对光临盛会的海内外嘉宾和新老朋友表示热烈的欢迎和诚挚的问候! | Good morning. I am much delighted to join you here in Hong Kong to discuss the Belt and Road Initiative. Let me begin by expressing, on behalf of President Xi Jinping and the Chinese government, sincere congratulations on the opening of this summit and a warm welcome and cordial greetings to all our guests and both old and new friends from home and abroad! |
2013年的秋天,习近平主席提出共建丝绸之路经济带和21世纪海上丝绸之路的倡议,得到国际社会的广泛关注和积极响应。“一带一路”倡议,顺应了世界和平与发展的时代要求,符合各国加快发展的内在愿望,有助于促进沿线经济建设和全球经济繁荣,有利于加强人文交流、维护世界和平。 推进“一带一路”建设,是继承历史遗产,共同开创未来的深刻启迪。早在两千多年前,亚欧大陆的两端就开启了对话,丝绸之路也由此肇始。中国秦汉时期,古丝绸之路已形成并逐步发展,到隋唐时期,进入最繁荣的阶段。唐宋时期,凭借先进的航海技术,我们的祖先成功开辟了通往西方的海上丝绸之路。沿途各国互通有无,商贸兴盛,文明融合,呈现祥和繁荣景象。历史深刻启迪我们,以和平合作、开放包容、互学互鉴、互利共赢为特征的丝绸之路精神,值得今人继承和弘扬。中国经济要持续健康发展,实现“两个一百年”奋斗目标,也必须以更开放的姿态面向世界、面向未来。 | In the autumn of 2013, President Xi Jinping raised the initiative of jointly building the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road. This Belt and Road Initiative has drawn wide attention and gained positive response from the international community. The Belt and Road Initiative responds to the call of the times for world peace and development, and meets the need of all countries for faster development. It will contribute to economic development of countries along the routes and global prosperity as well as people-to-people exchanges and world peace. The Belt and Road development is a profound endeavor to carry forward the historical heritage and jointly create a brighter future. Over 2,000 years ago, there were already interactions between the two ends of the Eurasian continent, and that was when the ancient Silk Road began. The road had taken shape by the time of the Qin and Han dynasties of China, and was most prosperous during the Sui and Tang dynasties. During the Tang and Song dynasties, our ancestors developed advanced navigation techniques, and successfully opened up the Silk Road on the Sea that extended all the way to the West. Through bustling trade, the countries along that route brought their civilizations closer and lived in peace and prosperity. This period of history gives us something we should carry forward, i.e. the open and inclusive spirit of the Silk Road for peace, mutual learning and win-win cooperation. To maintain sound development of the Chinese economy and realize the "two centenary goals", China must be more open to the world in the future.
推进“一带一路”建设,是共同应对风险,促进全球经济复苏的时代要求。发展是世界面临的重大问题。当前,国际金融危机的阴云远未消散,世界经济也复苏乏力。面对防风险促复苏的艰巨任务,各国需要精诚合作,发挥协同效应。“一带一路”建设将促进中国与沿线国家的贸易投资,促进沿线国家的互联互通与新型工业化,促进各国共同发展,让发展成果实实在在地惠及沿线各国人民,为世界经济加快复苏增加正能量、增添新活力。 | The Belt and Road Initiative answers the call of our times for joint response to risks and joint efforts to strengthen global economic recovery. Development is a major issue facing the world. The shadow of the international financial crisis is not far behind, and the world economic recovery lacks momentum. To avert risks and boost recovery, countries must cooperate in good faith to build up synergy. The Belt and Road Initiative will boost mutual investment and trade between China and countries along the routes, facilitate connectivity between those countries and support their pursuit of a new-type of industrialization. The initiative will also promote common development and bring real benefits to the peoples along the routes, thus giving positive energy and new impetus to world economic recovery. |
推进“一带一路”建设,是推动区域协同发展,形成互利互惠发展新格局的客观需要。从区域发展看,“一带一路”横贯亚欧大陆,一头是快速崛起的东亚经济圈,另一头是高度发达的欧洲经济圈,以互联互通为纽带,将两大经济圈更加紧密地连接起来,能够有效促进亚欧大陆的广袤腹地加快发展,促进增长机遇共创、发展成果共享。“一带一路”倡议统筹了中国与沿线国家的共同利益和具有差异性的利益关切,加强了发展战略对接,有助于打造包容、均衡、普惠的区域合作架构,更加符合人类社会的根本利益。 | The Belt and Road Initiative meets the needs for coordinated development of different regions and a new development pattern that brings shared benefits. Stretching along the Eurasian Continent and having connectivity on its agenda, the Belt and Road links up more tightly the prospering East Asian economies and the highly developed European economies at the two ends. This will galvanize growth of the vast interior of the Eurasian continent. The initiative can also encourage the countries along the routes to jointly create growth opportunities and share development fruits. The Belt and Road Initiative helps to find the common interests between China and countries along the routes, while addressing different needs. The initiative thus better coordinates development strategies and will contribute to the building of an inclusive and balanced regional cooperation framework that delivers benefits for all. Such an initiative can therefore better serve the fundamental interests of the mankind. |
推进“一带一路”建设,是加强各国友好交往,促进文明交流互鉴的重要举措。回望历史,古丝绸之路是一条贸易之路,更是一条承载人文交流、推动文明互鉴的友谊之路。沿线各国人民共同生活的这片广袤土地,是人类文明的重要发祥地。从黄河流域、恒河两岸,到奔腾不息的尼罗河、天海一色的地中海,古代人类文明的绚丽花朵在互学互鉴中竞相开放,为沿线国家留下了共同的历史记忆。古人尚如此,今人何不为?作为“地球村”的建设者,在经济高度发达、社会不断进步的今天,我们有理由,也更有责任扩大友好交往,增进人文合作,让文明之光在交流互鉴中熠熠生辉,照亮前进的道路。国之交在于民相亲,民相亲在于心相通。“一带一路”建设将坚持经济合作与人文交流共同推进的原则,加强中国与沿线国家人民的友好往来,扩大在文化、教育、艺术、科技、旅游、卫生、体育等多领域的务实合作,打造沿线各国人民相互欣赏、相互理解和相互尊重的人文格局,为“一带一路”建设与世界和平发展打下坚实的民意基础。 | The Belt and Road Initiative is an important move to enhance friendship between countries and promote mutual learning between different civilizations. In history, the ancient Silk Road was not only a route of trade, but also a path of friendship that facilitated the dialogue and mutual learning between different civilizations. The vast land along the ancient Silk Road was home to important cradles of human civilization. From the Yellow River to the Ganges, from the Nile to the blue Mediterranean, the flowers of ancient civilizations had bloomed in the course of mutual learning and became the shared memory of countries along the routes. The virtues of our ancestors must be cherished and kept alive. Today, in a world where the economy and society have developed like unseen before, we, the builders of this global village, have every reason and the responsibility to increase exchanges and mutual learning between our peoples. Let us carry on our civilization of glory into the future. The friendship between peoples is the foundation of state to state relations. The Belt and Road Initiative will advance both economic cooperation and people-to-people exchanges, promote the friendly interactions between the peoples of China and countries along the routes, and expand practical cooperation in culture, education, arts, science and technology, tourism, health and sports. This will enhance mutual recognition, mutual understanding and mutual respect between peoples along the routes and lay a solid popular basis for the building of the Belt and Road and world peace and development. |
“一带一路”建设是中国在新的历史条件下实行全方位对外开放的重大举措,它把中国发展同沿线国家发展结合起来,把中国梦同沿线各国人民的梦想结合起来。中国是“一带一路”的倡导者和推动者,但建设“一带一路”不是我们一家的事。“一带一路”鼓励百花齐放,而非一枝独秀;提倡共同发展,不搞零和游戏。“一带一路”不是私家小路,而是大家携手并进的阳光大道。 | The Belt and Road Initiative is a major move of China to pursue all dimensional opening-up under the new historical circumstances. It will align China's development with that of the countries along the routes, and combine the Chinese Dream and the dream of their peoples. China is the initiator, but this is not a one man's show. The Belt and Road Initiative is about win-win cooperation and common development, not a solo performance or a zero-sum game. The Belt and Road are not private exclusive roads but wide and open avenues for us all. |
女士们、先生们: | Ladies and Gentlemen, |
去年3月,中国国家发改委等部门发布了《推动共建丝绸之路经济带和21世纪海上丝绸之路的愿景与行动》。按照“愿景与行动”确定的路线图,一年多来,“一带一路”建设起步顺利、开局良好:中国与沿线国家高层互访频繁,政府、议会、党派、地方友好往来持续升温;达成了一系列共识,签署了30多个共建“一带一路”合作协议,携手求解互利共赢、共同发展的最大公约数;中巴经济走廊启动一揽子重大项目建设,中蒙俄等经济走廊正抓紧开展规划编制,推动合作项目对接;在基础设施互联互通的引导下,装备制造、汽车、电子等10多个重点领域国际产能合作有序推进;中国至中亚、欧洲的集装箱班列开行超过千列,往返亚欧大陆两端的常态化国际运输机制已经形成;亚洲基础设施投资银行顺利开业,丝路基金和一系列多双边合作基金为“一带一路”建设持续提供资金支持,人民币跨境交易规模不断扩大;中国-中亚丝绸之路联合申遗取得成功,海上丝绸之路申遗业已启动,文化、教育、科技、旅游、商务等民间往来日益密切。事实证明,“一带一路”建设的前景十分广阔。 | In March 2015, China's National Development and Reform Commission, joined by other government departments, issued the Vision and Actions on Jointly Building the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road. Following this roadmap, we had a good beginning during the past year. Between China and the countries along the routes, there were frequent mutual visits at high levels of the government as well as closer interactions between governments, parliaments, political parties and at sub-national levels. Common understanding was reached in a number of areas, and over 30 cooperation agreements were signed. China and those countries worked hand in hand to seek the largest denominator in win-win cooperation and common development. A package of major projects has started in the building of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor. An overall plan is being made for the China-Mongolia-Russia economic corridor, partnering a number of cooperation projects. In pursuit of infrastructure connectivity, China's international cooperation on production capacity is well underway in more than 10 key areas, including equipment manufacturing, automobile and electronics. Over a thousand container trains have traveled between China and Central Asia or Europe. A functional international transport mechanism linking the two ends of the Eurasian continent is up and running. The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) has entered into operation, and the Silk Road Fund and several other multilateral or bilateral cooperation funds are providing continuous financing support to the Belt and Road Initiative. The RMB cross-border trading has expanded. The joint application to inscribe the portion of the Silk Road that passes through China and Central Asia on the World Heritage List was successful, and the application for the maritime Silk Road has been made. Interactions have increased in culture, education, science and technology, tourism, business and other areas. All these have proved that the Belt and Road Initiative enjoys a promising future. |
女士们、先生们: | Ladies and Gentlemen, |
此次论坛的主题是“一带一路”,主场是香港。香港是中国的一个特别行政区,也是“一带一路”建设的一个重要节点。中国中央政府在制定“十三五”规划纲要和设计“一带一路”愿景与行动时,均把支持香港参与和助力“一带一路”建设作为重要的政策取向。我们认为,香港在“一带一路”建设中具备许多独特优势,能够发挥重要作用。 | This summit on the Belt and Road takes place in Hong Kong not only because Hong Kong is a Special Administrative Region of China, but also because it is a key link for the Belt and Road. In designing its 13th Five-Year Plan and the Vision and Actions for the Belt and Road, the central government has made it a major policy to support Hong Kong's participation in the Belt and Road development. We believe that Hong Kong, with the following unique advantages, will be able to make important contribution to this endeavor. |
一是区位优势。从海上看,香港位于全球最繁忙的国际航路上,港口经济发达,是国家开放格局中的重要门户。从陆上看,香港背靠广东,通过现代化的互联互通,可以便捷、高效、低成本地连通内地,是连接海陆、沟通中外的重要节点。从空中看,香港有全球最繁忙的国际机场,客货运量都位居全球前列。还要看到,香港所毗连的珠三角地区,既是中国经济的三大增长极之一,也是体制机制改革和创新发展的高地。香港既紧邻深圳这样的创新创业中心,也能够与广东自贸区、前海深港合作区、福建21世纪海上丝绸之路核心区等形成“共振”效应。在产业上,周边省区以制造业为主,香港以服务业立足,互补“出海”的潜力巨大。 | First, advantages from Hong Kong's location. In terms of maritime transport, Hong Kong sits on the busiest international sea route and boasts developed port economy. It is also an important gateway in the landscape of China's opening-up. On the land, Hong Kong is next to Guangdong Province. With modern means of connectivity, Hong Kong has easy, efficient and economic access to China's mainland, thus serves as a hub of transportation and international communication. In terms of air transport, Hong Kong has the world's busiest international airport, topping the list in passenger and goods transport. Furthermore, Hong Kong borders on the Pearl River Delta, one of the three economic growth poles of China and the pioneer of China's institutional and structural reform and the country's pursuit of innovation-driven development. Moreover, Hong Kong is next to Shenzhen, a center for innovation and entrepreneurship. As a natural partner, Hong Kong can join forces with China (Guangdong) Pilot Free Trade Zone, the Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong cooperation zone and Fujian Province, which is a core area for the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road. Hong Kong's strength in the service sector and that of its neighboring provinces in manufacturing have great potential in exploring the international markets. |
二是开放合作的先发优势。香港自开埠以来就是自由港,连续22年被评为全球最自由的经济体,与世界上大多数国家和地区保持着紧密的经贸往来。香港回归祖国以来,内地与香港已形成全方位、宽领域、高层次交流合作格局,内地的很多开放政策都率先在香港“先行先试”,这不仅为内地扩大开放积累了经验,也为香港提供了难得的先机。这为香港抢抓“一带一路”新机遇、谋划新发展奠定了良好基础。 | Second, advantages as first mover of opening-up and cooperation. As a free port from the very beginning and the world's freest economy for 22 years in a run, Hong Kong maintains close economic and trade relations with most countries and regions in the world. After the return of Hong Kong to the motherland, an all-round, wide-ranging and high-level form of exchange and cooperation between the mainland and Hong Kong has taken shape. Many opening-up policies of the mainland were first experimented and practiced in Hong Kong. This has brought experience for the mainland to open wider, and offered rare opportunities for Hong Kong itself. This offers a good foundation for Hong Kong to seize new opportunities arising from the Belt and Road Initiative and achieve new progress. |
三是服务业专业化优势。香港作为发达经济体,服务业种类多、水平高,是重要的国际金融、航运和贸易中心,拥有全球最大的离岸人民币市场,也是全球最受欢迎的仲裁地之一。在会计、法律、咨询、旅游、基建工程与设计等领域,可以为沿线各国提供多方面的服务。据我了解,中国商务部在援助尼泊尔和柬埔寨的两个基建项目中曾引入香港顾问咨询公司承担项目监理任务,后来尼泊尔发生了大地震,大量建筑物倒塌,但香港公司监理的项目基本完好无损,充分体现了香港专业服务的优良品质,也证明香港专业服务参与“一带一路”建设大有可为。 | Third, advantages in professional services. Hong Kong is a developed economy with a diverse and advanced service sector, an important international financial, shipping and trade center with the world's largest offshore RMB market, and one of the world's most favorite places of arbitration. In accounting, law, consultancy, tourism, infrastructure development, engineering design and other fields, Hong Kong may offer a variety of services to countries along the Belt and Road routes. I understand that Hong Kong consultancy companies were appointed by the Chinese Ministry of Commerce as project supervisors in two Chinese assistance infrastructure projects in Nepal and Cambodia. Many buildings in Nepal collapsed in the devastating earthquake, yet the projects under their supervision were largely intact. This shows the superior quality of Hong Kong's professional services, and proves that such services have a big role to play in the Belt and Road development. |
四是文脉相承的人文优势。长期以来,香港就是东西方文化交流的重要窗口,多种文明在此交融,形成了中西合璧、特色鲜明的人文积淀。香港开放包容的文化氛围,既传承了中华优秀传统文化并使之发扬光大,同时,以影视、音乐等为代表的现代文化在华语文化圈也有很大的影响力。香港的功夫片在世界各地都有忠实“粉丝”,影响了几代人。在人脉方面,东南亚是“一带一路”建设的重点地区,当地许许多多的华侨,早年就是从广东取道香港远赴南洋,很多侨商的祖籍还在广东,与香港同属粤语文化圈,这为深化交流合作奠定了人文基础。 | Fourth, advantages gained from cultural and people-to-people interactions. For decades, Hong Kong has been an important window for cultural exchanges between the East and the West, and for interaction among various civilizations. This has created a distinctive culture that integrates the Chinese and Western civilizations. In an open and inclusive cultural atmosphere, Hong Kong has inherited and carried forward the traditional Chinese culture, and created a modern culture of its own, represented by movies, TV and music programs, that has a major influence in the wider Chinese language circle. Hong Kong's martial arts movies have loyal fans across the world and have influenced generations of people. Southeast Asia is an important region for Belt and Road development thanks to people-to-people connections. Lots of ethnic Chinese went there from Guangdong via Hong Kong in the early years, and many ethnic Chinese doing business there have their origin in Guangdong, which like Hong Kong, is part of the Cantonese culture circle. This laid down the cultural foundation for deepening exchange and cooperation. |
女士们、先生们: | Ladies and Gentlemen, |
中国中央政府高度重视香港的繁荣稳定和在国家战略大局中的作用,支持香港巩固既有优势、开发新优势,支持香港加强与内地的交流合作,支持香港拓展国际经贸联系。同时,香港也要更加积极主动地参与到国家发展战略中来。我注意到,今年全国“两会”期间,不少香港的人大代表和政协委员围绕香港在“一带一路”建设中如何作为、如何参与等问题,积极建言献策。梁振英行政长官和特区政府也把参与“一带一路”建设视作香港发展的重大机遇,并已推出了许多措施。香港民间的研讨活动也如火如荼。希望香港以更宽广的视野和胸怀,充分把握“一带一路”建设重大机遇,将自身发展与“一带一路”建设有机结合起来,进一步放大和提升香港的优势。中国中央政府将支持香港在以下几个方面发挥积极作用: | The central government attaches great importance to Hong Kong's prosperity and stability, and its role in the national strategy. We will support Hong Kong in building on its existing strengths and exploring new advantages, support closer exchange and cooperation between Hong Kong and the mainland, and support Hong Kong in expanding economic and trade ties with the world. Hong Kong, for its part, also needs to take a more active part in the national development strategy. I noticed that during this year's annual NPC and CPPCC sessions, many NPC delegates and CPPCC members from Hong Kong contributed their ideas on Hong Kong's role and participation in the Belt and Road development. The Chief Executive and the SAR government regard the participation in the Belt and Road development as a major opportunity for Hong Kong's development, and have introduced many policies. There are also lively discussions on this topic in the Hong Kong society. I hope that Hong Kong, with a broader mind and vision, would fully seize the major opportunities of the Belt and Road, link its own development with the Belt and Road, and further bring out its own advantages. The central government will support Hong Kong in playing an active role in the following aspects: |
一是主动对接“一带一路”,打造综合服务平台。我们支持香港专业机构和专业人士为“一带一路”建设提供会计、设计、咨询以及其他专业配套服务;支持香港建设亚太区国际法律及解决争议服务中心,为“一带一路”建设提供法律和仲裁服务;支持香港发展高增值航运业,打造21世纪海上丝绸之路多功能航运中心;支持香港企业发挥研发、管理、创意、营销、物流等优势,积极参与“一带一路”产能等实体经济领域合作,巩固和提高香港在国际分工中的竞争力。 | First, respond to the Belt and Road, and build a platform of comprehensive services. We support Hong Kong's agencies and professionals in offering accounting, design, consultancy and other professional services to the Belt and Road. We support Hong Kong's efforts to build a center for international legal and dispute resolution services in the Asia Pacific, in order to provide legal and arbitration services to the Belt and Road. We support Hong Kong in developing high added-value shipping industry, and building a multi-functional shipping center for the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road. And we support Hong Kong companies in leveraging their competitiveness in research, development, management, innovative industry, marketing and logistics, and participating in real economy cooperation such as production capacity cooperation along the Belt and Road. This will help secure Hong Kong's competitiveness in international division of labor. |
二是瞄准资金融通,推动人民币国际化和“一带一路”投融资平台建设。我们将鼓励内地企业利用香港的平台,为“一带一路”建设提供更多低成本的资金;支持香港强化全球离岸人民币业务枢纽地位,在“一带一路”沿线拓展人民币业务;支持香港协助开展基建项目投资、融资、资产管理等金融业务,为“一带一路”建设拓展资金渠道;支持香港为“一带一路”建设提供保险和再保险服务,对冲和化解风险。 | Second, facilitate capital flows and promote RMB internationalization and the development of the Belt and Road investment and financing platform. We will encourage mainland companies to use Hong Kong's platform to offer more low-cost capitals for the Belt and Road. We support Hong Kong in strengthening its position as a hub for global offshore RMB business, and develop RMB business along the Belt and Road. We support Hong Kong's assistance in investment, financing, asset management and other financial services for infrastructure projects, so as to widen the financial channels for the Belt and Road. And we support Hong Kong in offering insurance and reinsurance services for the Belt and Road to offset and reduce risks. |
三是聚焦人文交流,促进“一带一路”沿线民心相通。我们支持香港以多种形式加强与沿线国家的文化教育合作,打造人才交流平台;支持香港与“一带一路”沿线城市开展友好往来,加强人文交流;鼓励香港商会、社团、智库等民间组织开展与“一带一路”相关的研究宣介、培训考察等活动。通过这些交流合作,助力“一带一路”建设民心相通工作。 | Third, promote cultural exchanges for greater mutual understanding among the people along the Belt and Road. We support different forms of cultural and educational cooperation between Hong Kong and the countries along the routes, and the development of a platform for personnel exchange. We support friendly and closer people-to-people exchanges between Hong Kong and the cities along the Belt and Road. We encourage Hong Kong's business associations, social groups, think tanks and other organizations in organizing research, promotion, training, study tours and other events related to the Belt and Road. These exchange and cooperation will help increase mutual understanding among the peoples along the Belt and Road. |
四是深化与内地合作,共同开辟“一带一路”市场。我们支持香港充分发挥多中心合一的功能优势,在专业服务和国际化人才方面深化与沿海省区市的合作,创新合作模式,提升合作水平;鼓励香港与内陆省区市拼船出海,构建高中低搭配的多层次合作格局,共同开发沿线市场。 | Fourth, deepen cooperation with the mainland and jointly develop markets along the Belt and Road. We support Hong Kong in fully tapping its advantages as the center in multiple areas, deepening cooperation with coastal provinces and cities in professional services and talents with global vision, and elevating cooperation through innovative models. We encourage Hong Kong to work with inland provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities in developing overseas businesses, build a multi-level form of cooperation at different parts of the value chain, and jointly explore markets along the Belt and Road. |
女士们、先生们: | Ladies and Gentlemen, |
今年是中国“十三五”规划的开局之年,也是“一带一路”建设承前启后的重要一年。合抱之木,生于毫末;九层之台,起于垒土。在香港召开“一带一路”高峰论坛,对于进一步凝聚沿线合作共识具有重要意义。今天在座的各位嘉宾,都是沿线国家的优秀代表,希望大家在接下来的活动中深入交流,多发表真知灼见,为共同推进“一带一路”建设作出积极贡献。 | This is the first year for the implementation of China's 13th Five-Year Plan, and an important year for the Belt and Road development. "A huge tree that fills one's arms grows from a tiny seedling; a nine-storied tower rises from a heap of earth." This summit in Hong Kong is of great significance for building consensus for cooperation along the Belt and Road. I hope that all forum participants, as outstanding representatives from countries along the Belt and Road, will fully participate and share your wisdom in the following activities, to contribute to the joint effort for Belt and Road development. |
最后,我祝愿香港参与“一带一路”建设的航船,乘风破浪、驶向远方。 预祝论坛取得圆满成功,谢谢大家! | Finally, let me wish Hong Kong greater achievements in its participation in the Belt and Road development, and wish this Summit a complete success. Thank you! |
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