四、少数民族、妇女、儿童、老年人和残疾人的权利 | IV. Rights of Ethnic Minorities, Women, Children, the Elderly and People with Disabilities |
2012-2015年,少数民族、妇女、儿童、老年人和残疾人权利得到有力保障,基本实现计划预期目标。 | From 2012 to 2015, China has taken measures to effectively protect the rights and interests of ethnic minorities, women, children, the elderly and people with disabilities, and basically achieved the planned goals. |
(一)少数民族权利 | (1) Rights of ethnic minorities |
少数民族平等参与管理国家和社会事务的权利得到依法保障。55个少数民族均有本民族的全国人大代表。人口超过100万的少数民族都有本民族的全国人大常委会委员;在155个民族自治地方的人民代表大会常委会中,均有实行区域自治民族的公民担任主任或者副主任。自治区主席、自治州州长、自治县县长,均由实行区域自治民族的公民担任。少数民族公务员占全国公务员总数的比例已超过少数民族人口占全国总人口比例。 | The right of ethnic minorities to participate on an equal footing in the management of state and social affairs has been protected in accordance with the law. All 55 ethnic-minority groups in China have representatives in the National People's Congress. All the ethnic-minority groups with a population of more than one million have members on the NPC Standing Committee. In each of the 155 ethnic autonomous areas, among the chairpersons and vice-chairpersons of the standing committee of the people's congresses there was one or more citizens of the ethnic group or groups exercising regional autonomy in the area concerned, and the head of any autonomous region, autonomous prefecture or autonomous county (banner) has to be a citizen of the ethnic group exercising regional autonomy in the area concerned. The proportion of ethnic minority civil servants in the national total has surpassed that of the ethnic minority population in the national total. |
少数民族人才培养稳步推进。2012年以来,国家有关部门共选派西部地区和其他民族地区2100多名干部,到中央国家机关和经济相对发达地区挂职锻炼。国家实施“西部之光”“少数民族科技骨干特殊培养计划”等重大人才培养政策与项目,为西藏、新疆等西部地区培养专业技术人才3000多人。免费为民族地区定向培养拟从事全科医疗的本科医学生,中央财政按照每生每年(5年制本科)6000元标准予以补助。2013年以来,开展了民族地区农村卫生人员重点业务培训、县级医院骨干医师培训、全科医生转岗培训等项目。 | Cultivation of ethnic minority talents has steadily progressed. Since 2012, relevant state organs have selected more than 2,100 cadres from Western China and other ethnic regions and dispatched them to organs of the CPC Central Committee and the state as well as to regions with a comparatively prosperous economy where they assume a temporary post for personal training and development. The state carried out "Light of the West", "The Special Cultivation Plan for Leading Professionals of Science and Technology in Ethnic Minority Regions" and other major talent development policies and projects, training more than 3,000 technological professionals for Tibet, Xinjiang and other western regions. Medical undergraduate students expected to provide general practices in targeted ethnic minority regions are educated free of charge, with the government offering a subsidy at a standard rate of 6,000 yuan per student per annum (for 5-year undergraduate programs). Since 2013, the state has launched training projects in ethnic areas, including training of rural health workers in major practices, training of leading doctors in county-level hospitals and training of general practitioners in job transfers. |
少数民族的经济发展权利得到保障。2012-2015年,中央财政安排少数民族发展资金148.24亿元,专项支持推进兴边富民行动、扶持人口较少民族发展以及开展少数民族特色村寨和少数民族传统手工艺品的保护与发展。国家安排中央预算内投资58亿元,用于帮助边境地区和人口较少民族聚居区的基础设施、群众生产生活条件改善和社会事业发展。2015年,内蒙古、广西、西藏、宁夏、新疆5个自治区和贵州、云南、青海3个省的贫困人口从2012年的3121万下降到1813万。2012-2015年,民族八省区国内生产总值从58505亿元增加到74736亿元;民族地区城镇常住居民人均可支配收入从20542元增加到26901元。 | The right of ethnic minority groups to develop their economy has been guaranteed. Between 2012 and 2015, the central government arranged an ethnic minority development fund of 14.824 billion yuan, in exclusive support of the actions to enrich border areas and their residents, efforts to develop ethnic minorities with a relatively small population, efforts to promote ethnic minority style villages and stockade villages, and efforts to preserve and develop ethnic minorities' traditional handicraft. The state appropriated 5.8 billion yuan from the central budget to help the construction of infrastructure, improvement of production and living conditions of the general population and the development of social undertakings in border regions and areas inhabited by people of ethnic minorities with a comparatively small population. The number of poverty-stricken people in the 5 autonomous regions of Inner Mongolia, Guangxi, Tibet, Ningxia and Xinjiang and the 3 provinces of Guizhou, Yunnan and Qinghai plummeted from 31.21 million in 2012 to 18.13 million in 2015. In the same period, the GDP of the eight ethnic minority regions increased from 5850.5 billion yuan to 7473.6 billion yuan, and the per capita disposable income of permanent residents in cities and towns soared from 20,542 yuan to 26,901 yuan. |
民族教育发展加快。对人口较少民族的农村义务教育阶段寄宿生按每人每年250元的标准予以生活费补助。对西藏自治区农牧民子女实行“包吃、包住、包学习费用”政策,并稳步提高经费标准,目前达到每年生均3000元。每年另行安排2000万元义务教育助学金,专项用于补助西藏自治区寄宿制贫困学生生活费。开展民族地区教育基础薄弱县普通高中建设项目,2012-2015年,共安排中央预算内投资70亿元,支持民族地区318所普通高中建设。继续实行对少数民族考生予以照顾的倾斜政策,2012-2015年,国家民委直属高校共安排本科招生计划12.4万多名,其中民族八省区4.6万多名,中央部门高校和地方高校安排少数民族预科招生计划18.5万多名。2012-2015年,少数民族高层次骨干人才计划共招收培养1.6万名硕士研究生,4000名博士研究生。 | The development of education among ethnic minorities has gained speed. Boarding school students from ethnic groups with a relatively small population who receive compulsory education in rural areas are provided with a living allowance at a standard rate of 250 yuan per person per annum. The policy of free board, lodging and tuition is applied to children of farmers and herdsmen in the Tibet Autonomous Region, and the standard of expenses has steadily increased with the current standard being 3,000 yuan per person per annum. Every year, a separate compulsory education aid of 20 million yuan is set aside for the special purpose of subsidizing the living allowances of poverty-stricken students in boarding schools in the Tibet Autonomous Region. The government launched the standard high school construction project in ethnic minority regions with a weak educational infrastructure, with 7 billion yuan appropriated from the central budget from 2012 to 2015 in support of the construction of 318 standard high schools in ethnic minority regions. The state continues to implement the preferential policy in favor of ethnic minority students in national entrance exams. From 2012 to 2015, institutions of higher-learning directly under the State Ethnic Affairs Commission planned a total enrollment of over 124,000 undergraduate students, including more than 46,000 from the eight ethnic minority regions. Institutions of higher-learning affiliated with other central departments and local institutions of higher-learning planned a total enrollment of 185,000 ethnic minority students in preparatory classes. Between 2012 and 2015, projects for the cultivation of high-level talents from ethnic minority groups recruited and trained a total of 16,000 post-graduate students and 4,000 PHD students. |
双语教育稳步推进。2015年,从学前到普通高中,实施双语教育的学校有1.2万余所,双语教师22.54万人,接受双语教育的学生349.12万人。每年出版民族文字的中小学教材3500余种、1亿余册。 | Bilingual education has made steady headway. In 2015, the schools that offered bilingual education, ranging from preschools to standard high schools, numbered more than 12,000 with 225,400 bilingual teachers and 3.4912 million students. Every year, more than 3,500 types of secondary and primary school textbooks in ethnic minority characters were published with more than 100 million copies printed. |
民族地区教育条件进一步改善。2012-2015年,中央财政投入10.25亿元,支持5个民族自治区“国培计划”中西部项目和幼师国培项目,共培训中小学幼儿园教师87万余人次。教育部直属师范大学师范生免费教育为民族地区输送教师4.2万人;“农村学校教育硕士师资培养计划”为民族地区输送农村教师4364人。2011-2015年,实施教育援疆项目528个,投入资金108亿元,培训教师13万人次,选派支教教师5300人。截至2015年,各类教育援藏项目达405个,援助资金9.38亿元,培训人员6829人次,人员援助3585人次。各类教育支援青海项目134个,援助资金6.7亿元。 | Teaching conditions in ethnic minority regions have been further improved. From 2012 to 2015, the central government allocated 1.025 billion yuan in support of the middle and western China projects and kindergarten teacher projects under the National Cultivation Plan in 5 ethnic autonomous regions, providing training to more than 870,000 teachers of secondary and primary schools and kindergartens. Normal universities directly under the Ministry of Education offer free education and provide 42,000 teachers to ethnic minority regions. "The Plan of Cultivation of Postgraduate Teachers in Rural Education" provided 4,364 rural teachers to ethnic minority regions. Between 2011 and 2015, 528 projects in aiding Xinjiang education were carried out, with an investment of 10.8 billion yuan, and offering training to 130,000 teachers. 5,300 teachers were selected and dispatched from other regions to Xinjiang for the projects. By the end of 2015, the number of various projects to support education in Tibet had reached 405, with the funding adding up to 938 million yuan, providing training to 6,829 people and moving 3,585 people to Tibet to support the projects. The number of various projects to support education in Qinghai had reached 134, with a total funding of 670 million yuan. |
少数民族文化得到保护。截至2015年年底,布达拉宫等9项分布在民族地区的自然、文化遗产被列入《世界文化遗产名录》。新疆维吾尔木卡姆艺术等14项和羌年等4项少数民族项目分别入选联合国教科文组织《人类非物质文化遗产代表作名录》《急需保护的非物质文化遗产名录》,在民族地区建成10个文化生态保护实验区。在已经公布的四批国家级非物质文化遗产代表性项目名录和四批国家级非物质文化遗产代表性项目代表性传承人名单中,全国共有479项少数民族非物质文化遗产代表性项目、524名非物质文化遗产代表性项目传承人入选。全国少数民族古籍解题书目套书《中国少数民族古籍总目提要》于2014年全部出版。 | The cultures of ethnic minorities are protected. By the end of 2015, 9 natural and cultural sites scattered in ethnic minority regions including the Potala Palace had been added to the World Cultural Heritage List. 14 ethnic minority arts including Uygur Muqam of Xinjiang had been added to the UNESCO's Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity and another 4 including Qiang New Year Festivals had been added to the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding. 10 experimental zones for cultural protection in ethnic minority regions have been established. 479 ethnic minority heritage items and 524 inheritors from ethnic minority groups have been put respectively on the four national representative lists of intangible cultural heritage and the four national lists of representative inheritors of intangible cultural heritage that have been made public. The book series of explanatory notes on ancient books of ethnic minority groups, entitled Synopsis on the General Catalogue of Ancient Books of Ethnic Minority Groups of China, was published in 2014. |
少数民族语言文字得到保护和发展。推进少数民族语言文字的规范化、标准化和信息处理。立项研制了蒙古、藏、维吾尔、哈萨克、彝等少数民族人名汉字音译转写规范。开展现代蒙古语常用词词表、藏文拉丁转写标准、现代维吾尔文学语言正字正音标准等研制工作。建设中国少数民族濒危语言数据库。设立并实施“中国语言资源保护工程”。截至2015年年底,有54个少数民族使用80余种本民族语言,21个少数民族使用29种本民族文字。全国有近200个广播电台(站),使用25种少数民族语言播音,出版民族文字图书的各类出版社有32家。全国已建成11个少数民族语言电影译制中心,可进行17个少数民族语种、37种少数民族方言的译制,2012-2015年共完成3000余部(次)电影的少数民族语言译制。 | The spoken and written languages of ethnic minority groups have been protected and developed. Efforts have been made to promote the regulation, standardization and computerized processing of these languages. Projects have been initiated for the research and formulation of regulations on the transliteration of people's names to Mandarin from Mongolian, Tibetan, Uygur, Kazakh, Yi and other minority languages. Work has been done on the research and formulation of the table on commonly used Mongolian words, the regulation of translation between Tibetan and Latin, and the standards on determining correct characters and pronunciations in modern Uygur literature language. Databanks on minority languages on the brink of extinction have been set up. The Project on the Protection of Chinese Language Resources has been initiated and implemented. By the end of 2015, 54 ethnic minority groups were using more than 80 spoken languages of their own ethnic groups, and 21 ethnic minority groups were using 29 written languages of their own ethnic groups. Up to 200 radio stations nationwide broadcast in 25 ethnic minority languages. 32 publishing houses of various types publish books in ethnic minority languages. 11 film dubbing centers have been set up throughout the country, using 17 ethnic minority languages and 37 ethnic minority dialects. From 2012 to 2015, they finished the dubbing of a large number of movies into minority languages amounting to more than 3,000 versions. |
(二)妇女权利 | (2) Women's rights |

| Figure 1: Proportions of females in various-level people's congresses and people's political consultative conferences |
妇女享有平等参与国家和社会事务管理的机会。十二届全国人大女性代表比例比上届提高2.07个百分点,达到23.4%;十二届全国人大常委会现有女性委员25人,占委员总数的15.5%。十二届全国政协有女性委员399人,占委员总数的17.84%。2011-2013年换届的新一届省级人大代表女性比例达到24.76%;新一届省级政协委员中女性比例达到22.22%。2015年省级政府领导班子配备女性干部比例比2012年有明显提升。2014年,在企业董事会、监事会中,女职工董事、监事占职工董事和监事的比例分别为40.1%和41.5%。 | Women enjoy the chance to participate on an equal footing with men in the management of state and social affairs. Female deputies account for 23.4 percent of all deputies in the 12th NPC, 2.07 percentage points higher than the previous congress. There are 25 female members in the12th NPC Standing Committee, accounting for 15.5 percent of all members. There are 399 female members in the 12th CPPCC, accounting for 17.84 percent of the total. Women deputies who served their tenures from 2011 to 2013 accounted for 24.76 percent of all deputies in the provincial people's congresses, and female members accounted for 22.22 percent in the provincial people's political consultative conferences. In 2015, the proportion of females in the leadership of provincial governments increased notably from that in 2012. In 2014, females in enterprises made up 40.1 percent and 41.5 percent of the members on boards of directors and boards of supervisors, respectively. |
妇女享有平等的就业权利。实施机关事业单位处级干部和高级职称专业技术人员男女同龄退休。2014年,全国女性就业人员占全社会就业人员的比重为44.8%。实施鼓励妇女就业创业的小额担保贷款财政贴息政策,2009年以来,向妇女发放创业担保贷款2607.04亿元,扶持和带动近千万妇女创业就业。 | Women enjoy the equal right with men to employment. The state implemented the same-age retirement policy for both cadres of section rank in authority organs and public institutions and technical personnel with senior professional titles. In 2014, female employees accounted for 44.8 percent of all people employed across the country. The state implemented an interest-deducted small loan policy, where the government pays part of the interest, to encourage women's employment and self-employment. Since 2009, it has provided 260.704 billion yuan in guaranteed loans for startups, with subsidized interest payments, to aid nearly 10 million women to start businesses or find a job. |
农村妇女依法享有土地权益基本得到落实。面向基层村委会开展法制宣传培训,加大村规民约备案审查纠正力度。在土地承包经营权确权登记颁证过程中,妇女的土地权益在登记簿和不动产权属证书上得到体现。 | The freedom of women in rural areas to enjoy land rights in accordance with the law is basically guaranteed. The state carried out legal publicity and training in grassroots village committees and strengthened the efforts to file, review and rectify village regulations and folk rules. In the process of determining and registering the right to land contracting and management, and in the process of issuing certificates concerning this right, women's rights to land were reflected through registration books and real estate ownership certificates. |
妇女健康服务水平持续提高。2012年4月,国务院颁布实施《女职工劳动保护特别规定》,修改完善适用范围、禁忌劳动范围等内容,将法定产假时间延长到98天。2015年,全国女性参加生育保险的人数达到7712万人,人均生育待遇支出16456元,比2014年增加2000元。2015年,1205万名计划怀孕夫妇获得免费检查,目标人群覆盖率平均达96.5%。2011-2015年,农村孕产妇住院分娩项目累计补助近5000万人,农村孕产妇住院分娩率从2010年的97.8%提高到2015年的99.5%。孕产妇死亡率自2010年的30/10万下降到2015年的20.1/10万。截至2015年年底,有5195万名农村妇女接受了宫颈癌免费检查,747万名农村妇女接受了乳腺癌免费检查。 | The level of health services for women has been raised continuously. In April 2012, the State Council promulgated the Special Rules on the Labor Protection of Female Employees, revising and improving some items including the scope of application and range of forbidden labor, as well as extending statutory maternity leave to 98 days. In 2015, maternity insurance covered 77.12 million women across the country and per capita treatment expenditure reached 16,456 yuan, 2,000 yuan more than in 2014. In 2015, 12.05 million couples who wanted to have babies received free physical tests, with the average coverage rate in target groups amounting to 96.5 percent. During the period of 2011-2015, nearly 50 million pregnant women in rural areas received hospital delivery subsidies, and the rate of women in the countryside giving birth in hospitals increased from 97.8 percent in 2010 to 99.5 percent in 2015. The maternal mortality rate lowered from 30 out of 100,000 in 2010 to 20.1 in every 100,000 in 2015. By the end of 2015, 51.95 million and 7.47 million rural women had free tests for cervical cancer and breast cancer, respectively. |
立法保护妇女免遭家庭暴力伤害。2015年12月27日,全国人大常委会通过的反家庭暴力法,专门设立了公安告诫、人身安全保护令和强制报告等制度。最高人民法院、最高人民检察院、公安部、司法部联合发布《关于依法办理家庭暴力犯罪案件的意见》,加强司法对家庭暴力的及时干预。2014-2015年,最高人民法院先后公布15起涉家庭暴力典型案例。一些地方公安机关和人民法院积极探索运用公安告诫和人身安全保护令等手段,有效防范和及时制止家庭暴力。 | The state legislated to protect women from domestic violence. On December 27, 2015, the NPC Standing Committee approved the Anti-domestic Violence Law, in which systems, such as police cautions, writ of habeas corpus and mandatory reporting, were specially set up. The Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Justice jointly issued the Opinions on Handling Domestic Violence Cases in Accordance with the Law, so as to intensify the prompt judicial intervention in domestic violence. From 2014 to 2015, the Supreme People's Court published a total of 15 typical cases related to domestic violence. Some local public security organs and courts effectively prevented and stopped domestic violence in a timely way by actively exploring and using police cautions and personal safety protection orders. |
反对拐卖妇女犯罪行为取得新进展。国务院办公厅印发《中国反对拐卖人口行动计划(2013-2020年)》,加大对拐卖人口犯罪的整治力度。2014-2015年,公安机关共破获拐卖妇女案件2412起。开展跨国打击拐卖妇女犯罪行为,促进湄公河次区域六国反拐合作进程。 | The state has made headway in cracking down on the crimes of abduction and trafficking of women. The General Office of the State Council published China's Action Plan Against Human Abducting and Trafficking (2013-2020) in order to strengthen efforts to crack down on such crimes. From 2014 to 2015, a total of 2,412 cases of abducting and trafficking women were cleared up by public security organs. China also launched campaigns against cross-border crimes of abducting and trafficking women, promoting cooperation processes with six Mekong River Sub-region countries. |
(三)儿童权利 | (3) Children's rights |
儿童健康权利得到有效保障。婴儿死亡率由2010年的13.1‰下降到2015年的8.1‰,五岁以下儿童死亡率为10.7‰,比2010年下降5.7‰。2014年,儿童低体重发生率为2.6%,5岁以下儿童低体重率为1.48%,提前完成计划预期目标。儿童免疫规划疫苗接种率达到97%以上,2014年平均接种率继续保持在99%以上。 | Children's right to health is effectively guaranteed. The mortality rate of infants reduced from 13.1 out of 1,000 in 2010 to 8.1 in 2015. And the mortality rate of children under the age of five was 10.7 out of 1,000, 5.7 points lower than in 2010. In 2014, the incidence rates of low weight in infants and children under the age of five were 2.6 percent and 1.48 percent, respectively, with the expected goals achieved ahead of schedule. Over 97 percent of children were vaccinated in the national immunization program. In 2014, the average vaccination rate exceeded 99 percent going forward. |
农村义务教育学生营养改善计划稳步推进。截至2015年10月底,全国22个省(区、市)的699个集中连片特困县开展学生营养改善计划国家试点,2115.16万学生受益,23个省的673个县开展地方试点,1090.78万学生受益。 | The state has steadily implemented a nutrition enhancement program for students receiving compulsory education in rural areas. By the end of October 2015, the national pilot program was launched in 699 concentrated destitute counties in 22 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government), benefiting 21.1516 million students. Also by the same time, the program was carried out on a local trial basis in 673 counties in 23 provinces, benefiting 10.9078 million students. |
校车和校园安全状况持续改善。2012年以来,国务院制定了《校车安全管理条例》,教育部制定了《义务教育学校管理标准(试行)》等一系列规范性文件。截至2015年年底,全国已建立37个安全教育实验区,覆盖12.8万所学校和5200万学生。 | The situation regarding school buses and campus safety has been continuously improved. A series of normative documents, including the Regulation on School Bus Safety Management formulated by the State Council and the Standard for Compulsory Education School Management set up by the Ministry of Education, have been promulgated since 2012. By the end of 2015, a total of 37 pilot zones on safety education had been set up throughout the country, covering 128,000 schools with 52 million students. |
留守儿童得到关爱。中央财政支持实施“农村留守儿童社区关爱服务试点项目”,20多万留守儿童受益。2014年以来,筹集社会爱心资金6700万元,在全国捐建670个“儿童快乐家园”。开展代理家长、结对帮扶、困境儿童救助等关爱活动,受益人数达1312.9万人次。 | Left-behind children are taken good care of. The central government supported the implementation of the "Pilot Project on Community Care Services for Rural Left-behind Children," benefiting more than 200,000 left-behind children. It has collected 67 million yuan in social charity funds to aid the establishment of 670 "Happy Homes for Children" across the country since 2014. A series of care activities, including acting parents, twinning and help for children in need, was carried out, benefiting 13.129 million such children. |
女童权利得到进一步保护。刑法修正案(九)取消嫖宿幼女罪,完善对幼女免于性侵害的保护制度。国家持续开展打击和查处非医学需要的胎儿性别鉴定和选择性别人工终止妊娠行为的专项行动。2015年,全国出生人口性别比下降到113.5,实现自2009年以来的七连降。 | Female minors' rights are further protected. The Amendment (IX) to the Criminal Law abolished the crime of prostituting female minors under the age of 14, improving the legal system on protecting female minors from sexual abuse. The state continues to launch special operations to combat attempts to identify the sex of a fetus other than for medical purposes and attempts to terminate a pregnancy once the sex of a fetus identified is not desired. In 2015, in terms of the gender ratio, for every 100 females there were 113.5 males, the seventh narrowing of the gap in a row since 2009. |
儿童保护和救助工作进一步加强。截至2015年年底,全国有儿童福利机构1605个,独立的未成年人救助保护机构407个,比2012年同期显著增长。2015年,被家庭收养的孤残儿童人数为2.3万人,占孤残儿童总数的4.4%,全国救助机构共救助儿童14.97万人次。确保不让受艾滋病影响的儿童因家庭困难上不起学或辍学,注意保护受艾滋病影响的学生的隐私,保护他们不受任何形式的歧视。刑法修正案(九)加大了对拐卖妇女儿童犯罪收买方的刑事处罚力度,收买被拐妇女儿童的行为一律追究刑事责任。截至2015年年底,全国打拐DNA数据库已为4000多名失踪儿童找到亲生父母。2014-2015年,全国共破获拐卖儿童案件2216起。最高人民法院、最高人民检察院等有关部门先后下发《关于依法惩治性侵害未成年人犯罪的意见》《关于依法处理监护人侵害未成年人权益行为若干问题的意见》,加强对儿童的司法保护。贯彻落实《禁止使用童工规定》,在劳动领域维护儿童权益工作进一步加强。 | Efforts to protect and support minors have been further intensified. By the end of 2015, there were 1,605 welfare institutions for children and 407 independent relief and protection agencies for minors nationwide, both of which increased substantially over the same period in 2012. In 2015, 23,000 orphans with disabilities were adopted by families, accounting for 4.4 percent of all such orphans, and a total of 149,700 children across the country were provided with relief. The state made sure that children affected by AIDS/HIV related illnesses can learn or continue their study at school without being affected by family difficulties. It has made efforts to protect the privacy of AIDS/HIV-affected children and prevent them from any form of discrimination. The Amendment (IX) to the Criminal Law strengthened criminal punishment for buyers of abducted women and children, and those engaged in any activity concerning the buying of abducted women and children will be held criminally responsible. By the end of 2015, the national anti-trafficking DNA database had helped over 4,000 missing children find their parents. From 2014 to 2015, the state solved 2,216 cases of trafficking in children. The Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People's Procuratorate and related departments successively promulgated the Opinions on Punishing the Crime of Sexual Assault against Minors and the Opinions on Legally Handling Several Issues on Guardians' Infringement upon the Rights and Interests of Minors, so as to beef up judicial protection on juveniles. The state implemented the Provisions on the Prohibition of Using Child Labor, and further intensified efforts to safeguard children's rights and interests in the field of labor. |
(四)老年人权利 | (4) Senior citizens' rights |
社会养老保障体系逐步健全。23个省(区、市)建立了高龄津贴制度,20个省(区、市)建立了经济困难老年人养老服务补贴制度,8个省(区、市)建立了失能老年人护理补贴制度,20个省(区、市)实施了老年人意外伤害保险制度。 | The social security system for the aged is gradually being improved. The advanced-age allowance system was set up in 23 provinces (autonomous regions or municipalities directly under the central government). The old-age service allowance system for seniors in financial difficulty was carried out in 20 provinces (autonomous regions or municipalities directly under the central government). The nursing care allowance system for senior citizens with disabilities was launched in 8 provinces (autonomous regions or municipalities directly under the central government), while accident injury insurance for the elderly was introduced in 20 provinces (autonomous regions or municipalities directly under the central government). |

| Figure 2: Basics of national old-age services by the end of 2015 |
社会养老服务体系快速发展。截至2015年年底,全国共有养老机构和设施11.5万个,比2012年增长151%;居家养老服务设施已基本覆盖城镇社区和50%以上的农村社区。全国养老床位671.7万张,每千名老人拥有床位30.3张,比2012年分别增加了60.9%和40.5%,远超计划预期目标。 | The old-age social service system is being rapidly developed. By the end of 2015, there were 115,000 institutions and facilities offering services for the elderly, an increase of 151 percent from 2012. Home-based care service facilities for the aged covered basically all urban communities and over 50 percent of rural communities. By the end of 2015, there were a total of 6.717 million beds for the elderly nationwide, averaging 30.3 beds for every thousand senior citizens, 60.9 percent and 40.5 percent higher than those in 2012 respectively, which far exceeded the planned targets. |
老年人文化生活更加丰富。截至2015年年底,全国共有老年学校7.63万个;建有180个国家级、500余个省级社区教育实验区、示范区,老年人占参与社区教育总人数的60%以上;有老年类报纸24种,老年类期刊24种。通过全国文化信息资源共享工程、国家数字文化网和“中国文化网络电视”等多种渠道提供各类适合老年人的数字文化资源。 | Senior citizens' cultural lives are being much enriched. By the end of 2015, there were 763,00 schools for the elderly across the country, 180 national-level and over 500 provincial-level community education pilot zones and demonstration zones, with the elderly accounting for over 60 percent of all participants in community education. There were 24 newspapers and 24 periodicals specially for the aged. The state provided a variety of digital cultural resources suitable for the elderly through various channels including the National Cultural Information Resources Sharing Project, the National Digital Culture Network and Chinese Culture Network TV. |
(五)残疾人权利 | (5) Rights of people with disabilities |
残疾人权益保障制度不断完善。2012年8月以来,国务院先后颁布《无障碍环境建设条例》《关于加快推进残疾人小康进程的意见》。最高人民检察院、中国残疾人联合会印发《关于在检察工作中切实维护残疾人合法权益的意见》。建立健全残疾人法律救助制度,为残疾人提供免费、及时、便利的法律服务。 | The system on the protection of rights and interests of people with disabilities has been constantly improved. Since August 2012, the State Council successively formulated the Regulations on the Construction of a Barrier-free Environment and the Opinions on Accelerating the Development of a Well-off Course for People with Disabilities. The Supreme People's Procuratorate and the China Federation of the Disabled jointly distributed the Opinions on Effectively Protecting the Disabled Persons' Lawful Rights and Interests in Procuratorial Work. The state has established and improved mechanisms for the provision of legal assistance to the disabled, offering free, timely and convenient legal services for them. |
残疾人获得社会保障。截至2015年,全国建立了困难残疾人生活补贴制度和重度残疾人护理补贴制度。1088.4万城乡残疾人纳入最低生活保障范围,近2230万残疾人参加城乡居民社会养老保险,302.3万残疾人参加城镇居民基本医疗保险。2012-2015年,496.2万农村贫困残疾人脱贫,317万农村贫困残疾人得到实用技术培训,提前完成计划预期目标。中央安排37.4亿元康复扶贫贴息贷款,扶持74.3万贫困残疾人。国家补助完成116.4万户农村贫困残疾人危房改造。 | People with disabilities are covered by social security. By 2015, the state had established a living subsidy system for the financially-challenged disabled population and nursing care allowances for the severely disabled across the country. There were 10.884 million people with disabilities in both urban and rural areas receiving minimum subsistence allowances, nearly 22.3 million people with disabilities in both urban and rural areas participating in social endowment insurance schemes and 3.023 million urban disabled dwellers participating in basic medical insurance schemes. During the period of 2012-2015, 4.962 million impoverished people with disabilities in rural areas were lifted out of poverty and 3.17 million poor disabled residents in rural areas received skills training, with the planned targets achieved in advance. The central government allocated a total of 3.74 billion yuan in rehabilitation and poverty-relief interest-deducted loans to support 743,000 impoverished disabled people. The state subsidized the renovation of dilapidated houses of 1.164 million rural households with disabled members. |
残疾人康复服务持续推进。截至2015年年底,全国已建社区康复站的社区总数22.2万个,2012-2015年,854.4万残疾人接受社区康复服务。1246.6万残疾人得到基本康复服务,提前完成计划预期目标。2011-2015年,中央财政投入经费4.32亿元,为3.6万名贫困孤独症儿童提供康复训练补助。覆盖城乡的辅助器具服务网络逐步完善,累计提供各类辅助器具665.5万件。 | The rehabilitation service for people with disabilities is being continuously enhanced. By the end of 2015, a total of 222,000 communities had established rehabilitation stations across the country. From 2012 to 2015, 8.544 million people with disabilities received community rehabilitation services. 12.466 million received basic rehabilitation services, achieving the expected goal ahead of schedule. From 2011 to 2015, the central government appropriated 432 million yuan to support rehabilitation training for 36,000 autistic children living in poverty. The supporting devices network covering both urban and rural areas is gradually being improved, offering 6.655 million supporting devices of various types. |
残疾人教育、就业和文化权利得到进一步保障。实施《特殊教育提升计划(2014-2016年)》,全面提升特殊教育普及水平、保障能力和教育教学质量。2015年,全国共有特殊教育学校2053所,在校生44.22万人,专任教师5.03万人。2012-2015年,中央财政共下达特殊教育补助资金9.25亿元。实施“特殊教育学校建设(二期)工程”,安排专项资金24.42亿元,共支持61所残疾人中高职院校和高等特殊师范院校基础设施建设。有关部门于2015年印发《残疾人参加普通高等学校招生全国统一考试管理规定(暂行)》,保障残疾人的平等受教育权;积极推进《残疾人教育条例》修订工作,加强法律保障。2012年印发《关于加强残疾人职业培训促进就业工作的通知》,保证有就业愿望的残疾人都获得相应的职业培训。自2014年开始,党政机关、事业单位、国有企业等单位招录残疾高校毕业生得到政策性保障。在各级公共图书馆建立盲人阅览室,截至2015年年底,盲文图书新增藏量48.6万册,盲人阅览室坐席数2.1万个。盲文出版物出版规模大幅提升。2011-2015年,共出版盲文教材476个品种,69.2万册;盲文图书5526个品种,133.19万册;低视力大字版图书1138个品种,112.34万册;盲人有声读物2400个品种,16000小时,提前并超额完成计划预期目标。优秀盲文出版项目纳入国家出版规划,国家出版基金对符合条件的予以支持。 | The rights of people with disabilities to education, employment and culture are further guaranteed. The state implemented the Special Education Promotion Program (2014-2016), in an effort to fully expand the reach of special education and guarantee the ability and the quality of education and teaching. In 2015, there were 2,053 special education schools nationwide, with a total enrolment of 442,200 students and 50,300 full-time teachers. From 2012 to 2015, the central government appropriated 925 million yuan as a special education subsidy. The state carried out "the Special Education School Construction (Second Phase) Project" and allocated more than 2.442 billion yuan to support the infrastructure construction of 61 secondary vocational schools and vocational higher education institutions for people with disabilities and special normal schools for higher learning. In 2015, related departments published the Administrative Provisions on Disabled Persons' Participation in the National College Entrance Examination (temporary), in an effort to guarantee disabled people's right to receive education equally, and actively enhanced the revision work on the Education Regulations for the Disabled in order to strengthen legal guarantee. In 2012 they published the Notice on Strengthening Vocational Training for People with Disabilities to Promote Employment, so as to make sure that the disabled who wish to find a job can get relevant vocational training. Starting from 2014, the recruitment of disabled college graduates by Party and government organs, public institutions, state-owned enterprises and other units were guaranteed by policies. By the end of 2015, the state had set up reading rooms for people with visual impairments in public libraries at all levels, with an additional collection of 486,000 books in braille and 21,000 seats in those rooms. The state hugely expanded the scale of publications in braille. From 2011 to 2015, the state published 476 textbook titles with 692,000 copies in braille printed, 5,526 books for blind people with 1.3319 million copies printed, 1,138 big-word books for people with poor eyesight with 1.1234 million copies printed, and 2,400 types of audio books for the blind with a total length of 16,000 hours. The expected goals were achieved ahead of schedule and exceeded. Some excellent publication projects for the blind people were included in the National Publication Plan. Any qualified project was supported by the National Publication Fund. |
无障碍建设与改造加速推进。有关部门修改实施《残疾人航空运输管理办法》《无障碍设计规范》,印发《关于加强村镇无障碍环境建设的指导意见》,制定实施《网站设计无障碍技术要求》。在所有列车设置残疾人专座,允许导盲犬乘坐火车。在城市道路、建筑物公共停车场增设无障碍停车位,在人行道交通信号设施安装盲人过街音响信号装置。国家补助57.3万户贫困残疾人家庭进行无障碍改造。 | The state quickened the construction and renovation of barrier-free facilities. Related departments revised and carried out the Management Measures for Air Transport of Persons with Disabilities and the Standards for Barrier-free Designs; published the Guiding Opinions on Strengthening the Construction of a Barrier-free Environment in Villages and Towns; and drew up and implemented the Requirements on Barrier-free Technologies for Website Design. It provided special seats for people with disabilities in all trains and allowed guide dogs to board trains. The state established additional barrier-free parking places on urban roads and in public parking areas within buildings and set up audio signal devices for people with visual impairments on pavement traffic signal facilities. It subsidized 573,000 families of the disabled to carry out renovation of barrier-free facilities. |
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