
Comment(s)打印 E-mail China.org.cn  2016-06-30

Traditional handicraft – wire inlay painting


Editor's note: Wire inlay painting is a traditional handicraft in which craftspeople use aluminum oxide and natural pigments (colored paints) to produce paintings on wood, plastic or metal boards. Nowadays, for both the main and background colors, artists have adopted up-to-date technologies and techniques to ensure that their creations look clear and rich. Wire inlay painting combines the fine craftsmanship of meticulous painting and oil painting to create a more glittering, translucent and sparkling look. There are five procedures, including draft-drawing of the design, wire inlaying, coloring, painting and framing. Everything is done by hand, so it requires the artisans to develop painting and aesthetic abilities to a certain extent. It is an important part of China's intangible cultural heritage and occupies a significant niche in the world treasure-house of arts and crafts.


在甘肃省平凉市静宁县成纪掐丝画艺廊,工艺师正在给一幅掐丝画着色上漆。[中国网图片库 郑兵 摄]

在甘肃省平凉市静宁县成纪掐丝画艺廊,工艺师正在给一幅掐丝画着色上漆。[中国网图片库 郑兵 摄]
A craftsperson colors a wire inlay painting at a workshop in Jingning County of Pingliang City, Gansu Province. [Photo by Zheng Bing/photostock.china.com.cn]


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