
Comment(s)打印 E-mail 中国网  2016-08-22

8月20日,中国第七次北极科学考察队结束了全部六个短期冰站和一个长期冰站的作业,开始返回低纬度海域继续进行北冰洋大洋作业。“雪龙”船预计将于9月26日返回上海港。[新华社记者 伍岳 摄]
A helicopter of China's icebreaker Xuelong, or "Snow Dragon", attends a rescue drill on ice in the Arctic Ocean, Aug. 10, 2016. The research team of China's seventh expedition to the Arctic completed their works on six short-term and one long-term data acquisition locations on ice on Aug. 20, 2016. [Photo: Xinhua/Wu Yue]

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