G20 Blueprint on Innovative Growth

Comment(s)打印 E-mail China.org.cn 2016-09-07

一、目标I. Our Objective
世界经济正处于重要时刻。我们决心展现领导力,秉持伙伴关系和包容精神,以应对新的机遇和挑战。我们承诺使用所有可用的政策工具,包括货币、财政和结构性政策,以稳定信心并促进增长。我们需要抓住技术突破为全球经济增长带来的历史性机遇。我们决心通过创新增长提升中长期增长潜力。创新增长理念涵盖支持创新、新工业革命和数字经济的行动,结构性改革亦在此方面发挥重要作用。在宏观经济政策措施支持下,这些行动可以提升生产力、创造就业、释放新的经济潜力。《创新增长蓝图》代表了二十国集团为促进强劲、可持续、平衡和包容增长作出的重要贡献,是对二十国集团成员在全面增长战略框架下所做努力的补充。The global economy is at an important juncture. We are determined to show leadership and act in a spirit of partnership and inclusiveness to address new challenges and opportunities. We are committed to using all available policy tools - fiscal, monetary and structural - to foster confidence and strengthen growth. Moreover, we need to seize the historic opportunities presented by technological breakthroughs for global economic growth. We resolve to raise mid-to-long term growth potential through a commitment to innovative growth. This concept encompasses actions in support of innovation, the New Industrial Revolution and the digital economy. We also stress the important role played by structural reforms in this context. These actions can raise productivity, create jobs and unleash new economic potential, especially supported by macroeconomic actions. The Blueprint on Innovative Growth represents an important contribution from G20 to support strong, sustainable, balanced and inclusive growth and complements the efforts that G20 countries are already making in their Comprehensive Growth Strategies.
二、总体工作方式II. Our Overall Approach
我们核准以下总体工作方式,以确保实现创新增长。我们将展现领导力、伙伴精神、远见和雄心,加强成员间以及公私部门间合作,以推进创新增长,应对共同挑战。根据《与贸易有关的知识产权协定》等二十国集团成员加入的多边条约及协定,我们重申充分和有效的知识产权保护和执法对创新十分重要。我们支持扩大开放,并在彼此同意的条件下促进自愿的知识传播和技术转让。我们进一步强调更为开放的贸易和投资体制的重要性。我们重视以包容的精神消除极端贫困、减少不平等和社会排斥,弥合数字鸿沟。我们鼓励建立创新生态系统,以激发创造力,支持将创意同创业、科技相结合,实现创新增长并创造就业机会。我们期待在二十国集团各工作机制之间以及同其他国际组织和倡议间的讨论中加强协调。考虑到各成员的不同关切和工作重点,我们将秉持灵活性。To ensure innovative growth, we endorse the following overall approach. We will demonstrate leadership and partnership, vision and ambition, and enhance the cooperation among members as well as between the public and private sectors, to advance innovative growth and address common challenges. In line with relevant existing multilateral treaties and agreements to which we are parties, including the TRIPs Agreement, we reaffirm the importance of adequate and effective intellectual property protection and enforcement for innovation, and support greater openness and the promotion of voluntary knowledge diffusion and technology transfer on mutually agreed terms and conditions. We further underline the importance of more open trade and investment regimes. We highlight the importance of inclusiveness to eradicate extreme poverty, reduce inequality and social exclusion and to bridge the digital divide. We encourage the creation of innovation ecosystems that catalyze creativity and support the combination of creative ideas with entrepreneurship, science and technology for innovative growth and job creation. We aspire to synergy in the discussion across work streams within the G20 and with international organizations and initiatives outside the G20. We will bear in mind the importance of flexibility given the variety of concerns and priorities of members in our work.
三、行动III. Our Actions
(一)创新1. Innovation
创新是指在技术、产品或流程中体现的新的和能创造价值的理念。创新包括推出新的或明显改进的产品、商品或服务,源自创意和技术进步的工艺流程,在商业实践、生产方式或对外关系中采用的新的营销或组织方式。创新涵盖了以科技创新为核心的广泛领域,是推动全球可持续发展的主要动力之一,在诸多领域发挥着重要作用,包括促进经济增长、就业、创业和结构性改革,提高生产力和竞争力,为民众提供更好的服务并应对全球性挑战。Innovation refers to the embodiment of an idea in a technology, product, or process that is new and creates value. An innovation is the implementation of a new or significantly improved product (good or service), or process which derives from creative ideas, technological progress, a new marketing method or a new organizational method in business practices, workplace organization or external relations. Innovation covers a wide range of domains with science and technology innovation as the core. Innovation is one of the key driving forces for global sustainable development, playing a fundamental role in promoting economic growth, supporting job creation, entrepreneurship and structural reform, enhancing productivity and competitiveness, providing better services for our citizens and addressing global challenges.
为进一步推动创新,帮助成员打造创新生态系统,我们通过《2016年二十国集团创新行动计划》,制定鼓励创新的指导原则和行动。我们鼓励采取支持创新的战略、政策和措施,将致力于支持科技创新投资,建立二十国集团在线创新政策实践交流社区,发布由经合组织起草的2016年二十国集团创新报告,同创新伙伴和利益攸关方开展密切对话,同时鼓励讨论开放科学,寻找应对全球挑战的创新型解决方案。To further advance innovation and assist member countries to create innovative ecosystems, we adopt the G20 2016 Innovation Action Plan which outlines the guiding principles and actions for encouraging innovation. We are committed to encouraging the adoption of pro-innovation strategies, policies and measures and supporting investment in STI, creating an online G20 Community of Practice for innovation policy and a 2016 G20 Innovation Report prepared by the OECD, stimulating close dialogue with innovation partners and stakeholders, while encouraging discussion on open science and finding innovative solutions to global challenges.
(二)新工业革命2. New Industrial Revolution
新工业革命为工业特别是制造业及其相关服务业转变生产过程和商业模式、推动中长期经济增长提供了新机遇。物联网、大数据、云计算、人工智能、机器人、增材制造、新材料、增强现实、纳米技术和生物技术等很多新兴技术取得重大进展。这些技术进步正推动智能制造、个性定制、协同生产和其他新型生产方式和商业模式的发展。同时,在这一新环境下,企业、员工、消费者、政府和其他利益攸关方也面临挑战。我们将全力识别在发达和发展中国家中存在的这些挑战和机遇,将新工业革命带来的社会成本降至最低,并充分利用其带来的机遇。The New Industrial Revolution (NIR) presents new opportunities for industry, particularly manufacturing and manufacturing-related service industries, to transform production processes and business models and enhance mid-to-long term economic growth. Significant advances are being made in many emerging technologies, such as the Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data, cloud computing, Artificial Intelligence (AI), robotics, additive manufacturing, new materials, augmented reality, nanotechnology and biotechnology. These technological developments are enabling smart manufacturing, customization, collaborative production and other new production modes and business models. However, there are also challenges for enterprises, workers, consumers, governments and other stakeholders in this new environment. We will make best efforts to identify these challenges and opportunities in developed and developing countries to minimize social costs and take full advantage of the opportunities presented by the NIR.
为促进新工业革命发展并将其作为经济增长主要动力,我们通过《二十国集团新工业革命行动计划》,制定推进新工业革命议程的指导原则和行动。我们将就新工业革命及其相关研究进一步加强沟通与合作,推动中小企业从新工业革命中获益,应对就业和劳动力技能方面的挑战,加强标准合作,就新工业基础设施深化交流与合作,确保根据《与贸易有关的知识产权协定》等二十国集团成员加入的多边条约及协定保护知识产权,同时支持发展中国家工业化。为此,我们要求经合组织、联合国贸发会议、联合国工发组织全面评估新工业革命带来的机遇和挑战,并于2016年底向我们提交报告。To promote the development of NIR and as a major source of economic growth, we adopt the G20 New Industrial Revolution Action Plan which outlines the guiding principle and actions for advancing the NIR agenda. We are committed to pursuing further work to strengthen communication and cooperation on the NIR and relevant research, facilitating ways for SMEs to benefit from the NIR, addressing necessary employment and workforce skills challenges, enhancing cooperation on standards, deepening exchanges and cooperation on new industrial infrastructure, ensuring intellectual property rights protection in line with relevant existing multilateral treaties and agreements to which we are parties, including the TRIPs Agreement, and supporting industrialization in developing countries. We therefore request the OECD, jointly with the UNCTAD and the UNIDO, to prepare a report that provides an overview of opportunities and challenges brought about by NIR and to report back by the end of 2016.
(三)数字经济3. Digital Economy
在2015年安塔利亚峰会上,二十国集团领导人确认,我们生活在互联网经济时代,这为全球经济增长带来机遇和挑战。数字经济是指以信息和知识的数字化为关键生产要素,以现代信息网络为重要载体、以有效利用信息通信技术为提升效率和优化经济结构重要动力的广泛经济活动。2016年,二十国集团建议共同利用数字机遇,应对数字挑战,推进繁荣和充满活力的数字经济,推动全球增长,惠及全体人民。During their meeting in Antalya in 2015, the G20 Leaders recognized that we are living in an age of Internet economy that brings both opportunities and challenges to global growth. The digital economy refers to a broad range of economic activities that includes using digitized information and knowledge as the key factor of production, modern information networks as the important activity space, and the effective use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) as an important driver for efficiency-enhancing and economic structural optimization. In 2016, the G20 suggests ways to collectively leverage digital opportunities and cope with challenges, in order to enable a thriving and dynamic digital economy, which drives global growth and benefits all.
为实现上述目标,我们通过《二十国集团数字经济发展与合作倡议》。我们将通过为数字经济发展创造有利条件释放数字经济潜力,包括根据“连通2020议程”,重申在2020年前新增15亿人联网并获得互联网服务的目标;通过扩大的和可负担的宽带接入,提升宽带质量;促进信息流动以实现经济增长、信任和安全;根据信息社会世界峰会突尼斯宣言第4段有关内容,确认言论自由以及信息、思想、知识的自由流动对数字经济至关重要、对发展大有裨益;确认必须尊重知识产权,尊重用于保护隐私和个人数据的可适用框架;促进信息通信技术引进投资;支持创业,促进数字化转型;鼓励电子商务合作;增强数字包容性,推行支持中小微企业更有效地利用信息通讯技术的政策。正如二十国集团安塔利亚峰会领导人公报第26段所述,我们将为开放、安全的信息通信技术环境提供政策支持,包括确认充分有效的知识产权保护和执法对数字经济发展的重要作用;在尊重自主选择发展道路条件下促进合作;推动透明的数字经济政策制定;支持开发和应用国际标准;增强信心和信任;管理无线电频率频谱以促进创新。我们承诺就这些问题继续密切合作,包括进一步开展相关研究和交流。我们欢迎国际组织,尤其是经合组织和国际货币基金组织,在各国统计组织支持下加大工作力度,改善对数字经济及其对宏观经济和其他重要政策影响的测度。To achieve the goals set above, we adopt the G20 Digital Economy Development and Cooperation Initiative. We are committed to unleashing the potential of the digital economy by providing favorable conditions for its development, including reaffirming the goal of ensuring the next 1.5 billion people are connected and have meaningful access to the Internet by 2020 in accordance with the Connect 2020 agenda, through expanded and affordable broadband access as well as improving quality, promoting the flow of information for economic growth, trust and security, recognizing that freedom of expression and the free flow of information, ideas, and knowledge, are essential for the digital economy and beneficial to development, as reaffirmed in paragraph 4 of the Tunis Commitment of WSIS and that applicable frameworks for privacy and personal data protection, as well as intellectual property rights, have to be respected, promoting investment in the ICT sector, supporting entrepreneurship and promoting digital transformation, encouraging e-commerce cooperation, enhancing digital inclusion and promoting policies that support MSMEs to use the ICT technology more effectively. We will offer policy support for an open, and secure ICT environment, including recognizing the key role of adequate and effective protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights to the development of the digital economy, as reaffirmed by paragraph 26 of the G20 Antalya Communique, promoting cooperation with respect to independent choice of development path, cultivating transparent digital economy policy-making, supporting the development and use of international standards, strengthening confidence and trust and managing radio frequency spectrum to promote innovation. We commit to cooperate and continue to work closely on these matters including through further relevant research and exchange. We welcome international organizations, particularly the OECD and IMF, supported by our national statistical organizations, intensifying their efforts to improve the measurement of the digital economy, its macroeconomic and other important policy consequences.
(四)结构性改革4. Structural Reform
在全球经济复苏弱于预期的背景下,结构性改革是提高生产力和潜在产出的关键。因此,结构性改革在实现强劲、可持续和平衡增长以及促进创新增长方面发挥着关键作用。2016年,在财金渠道强劲、可持续和平衡增长框架工作组内,我们就深化结构性改革议程密切合作,并取得实质成果。我们确定了结构性改革九大优先领域,包括促进贸易和投资开放,推进劳动力市场改革,提高教育程度与技能,鼓励创新,改善基础设施,促进财政改革,促进竞争并营造有利于竞争的环境,改善并加强金融体系,提高环境可持续性,促进包容性增长。我们制定并核可了48条对优先领域的指导原则,为各成员提供有用的高级别指导,同时允许各国在此方面兼顾本国国情。我们核可了一套包括政策性指标和产出指标的核心指标,以帮助监测和评估二十国集团成员在结构性改革方面所做努力的进展和效果,及其应对结构性挑战的充分性。深化结构性改革议程将纳入财金渠道现有工作机制,作为协助各成员开展结构性改革的工具。我们将落实并逐渐完善深化结构性改革议程,呼吁国际组织继续提供支持,同时注意到结构性改革的选择和设计应符合各国经济情况。Against the backdrop of weaker than desirable global recovery, structural reform is key to boost productivity and potential output. Hence it plays an essential role in achieving strong, sustainable and balanced growth, as well as promoting innovative growth. In 2016, in the context of the Framework Working Group for Strong, Sustainable and Balanced Growth under the Finance Track, we worked closely on the Enhanced Structural Reform Agenda (see the Hangzhou Action Plan) and achieved tangible outcomes. We identified nine priority areas of structural reforms, including promoting trade and investment openness; advancing labor market reform, educational attainment and skills; encouraging innovation; improving infrastructure; promoting fiscal reform; promoting competition and an enabling environment; improving and strengthening the financial system; enhancing environmental sustainability; promoting inclusive growth. We developed and endorsed a total of 48 guiding principles for the priority areas which provide useful and high-level guidance to members, while allowing us to account for the specific national circumstances. We also endorsed a common set of core indicators, comprising policy and outcome indicators, to help monitor and assess the progress and effectiveness of G20 members’ structural reform efforts as well as their adequacy to address structural challenges. As endorsed, the Enhanced Structural Reform Agenda will be incorporated into the existing work stream under the Finance Track as a tool to help assist members’ structural reform efforts. We will implement and improve over time the Enhanced Structural Reform Agenda, and call on the International Organizations (IOs) to provide continuous support, while noting that the choice and design of structural reforms are consistent with countries' economic conditions.
四、跨领域行动IV. Our Cross-Sectoral Actions
二十国集团成员确定数项需要特别关注并采取协调方法的跨领域问题。Several cross-sectoral issues are identified by G20 members, which require particular attention and a coordinated approach.
(一)加强多层面伙伴关系1. Enhancing multi-dimensional partnership
我们承诺就促进创新增长的国别战略开展沟通和信息分享,通过对话适时加强合作研究,应对共同挑战。我们确认工商界在实现创新和创业的收益方面的重要性,将适当加强公私部门间以及大公司和中小微企业间的伙伴关系。我们将继续采取全面方式,利用各种论坛及活动,加强各工作机制以及各配套活动间在相关领域,特别是就业、数字普惠金融和发展等问题上的合作,以促进强劲、可持续、平衡和包容增长。We are committed to communicating and sharing information on national strategies that promote innovative growth, through dialogues to increase collaborative research as appropriate and working together to address common challenges. We commit to enhance the partnership between public and private sectors as appropriate and the partnership between large companies and MSMEs while recognizing the importance of the business sector among others in realizing the benefits of innovation and entrepreneurship. We will continue to adopt a comprehensive approach, by taking advantage of different fora and events, to advance cooperation among different work streams and engagement groups in relevant areas, particularly on the issues such as employment, digital financial inclusion and development, to promote strong, sustainable, balanced and inclusive growth.
(二)支持发展中国家2. Supporting developing countries
我们承诺支持发展中国家利用科技创新、新工业革命和数字经济的机遇,制定相关战略和计划,推动包容性发展。我们认为充分、有效的知识产权保护和执法对促进科技创新、工业和数字经济发展的关键作用,支持在双方同意的条件下开展国际合作和自愿的技术转让。我们支持联合国技术促进机制在科技创新相关问题上加强协调、一致与合作。我们注意到根据联合国大会A/Res/70/294号决议、为建立最不发达国家技术银行而采取的行动。我们支持发展中国家分享最佳经验和项目,优化资源利用以促进可持续发展和社会包容,增强环境友好型技术意识。我们也认识到创新增长议程在为推动落实2030年可持续发展议程方面潜力巨大。We are committed to supporting developing countries to promote inclusive development in their effort to formulate strategies and programs taking advantage of STI, NIR and digital economy. We recognize the critical role of adequate and effective protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights in stimulating STI, industry and digital economy development, support international cooperation and voluntary technology transfer on mutually agreed terms and conditions. We support the Technology Facilitation Mechanisms of the United Nations in its efforts to promote coordination, coherence, and cooperation on STI-related matters. We note steps taken to launch the Technology Bank for the Least Developed Countries pursuant to the UN GA resolution A/Res/70/294. We support developing countries to share best practices and programs, optimize resource usage to promote sustainable development and social inclusion and promote awareness of environment-friendly technologies. We also recognize the potential of our innovative growth agenda to facilitate the achievement of Goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
(三)提高技能和改善人力资本3. Improving skills and human capital
我们承诺改善创新领域的培训和技能,完善政策促进创业、创新以及新工业革命和数字经济的参与度。我们认为适应力强的劳动力市场在应对新的创新经济挑战方面十分重要,欢迎《二十国集团创业行动计划》和《二十国集团关于促进高质量学徒制的倡议》。我们支持鼓励科技创新人才流动的政策,支持预测未来新技能需求的努力,支持运用多种政策措施和技术手段弥合数字鸿沟、增强数字包容性。我们承诺探索新的方法促进发达国家和发展中国家的沟通、人才交流与培训,我们鼓励大学、培训机构和企业就课程设置、技能需求以及技能扩散特别是数字技能传授加强交流合作。我们要强调和支持青年及女性在通过创新、创业为就业方面所发挥的重要作用,并承诺采取行动扩大高质量技能培训和教育的覆盖面。We are committed to improving training and skills for innovation and enhancing policies to facilitate entrepreneurship, innovation and participation in the new industrial revolution and the digital economy. We recognize the importance of adaptable labor markets for responding to the challenges of the new innovative economy, and welcome the G20 Entrepreneurship Action Plan and the G20 Initiative to Promote Quality Apprenticeship. We support policies that encourage the mobility of STI human resources, efforts to forecast the future demand for new skills, and the use a variety of policy measures and technical means to bridge the digital divides and enhance digital inclusion. We commit to explore new methods to facilitate communication, talent exchange and training between developed and developing countries. We encourage communication and cooperation among universities, training providers and businesses with respect to the content of curricula, skill requirements, and the promotion of skill dissemination, in particular digital skills. The role of youth and women in innovation and entrepreneurship for job creation should be highlighted and supported, and we commit to take steps to expand access to quality skills training and education.
五、未来工作V. Our Way Forward
我们高度重视《创新增长蓝图》的落实,将监测有关进展。我们将在尊重未来二十国集团主席国优先议程条件下,建立由经合组织和其他相关国际组织支持的专题工作组,推进二十国集团创新、新工业革命和数字经济议程,确保其同现有议程保持一致,并加强其同二十国集团其他工作机制的协调。We attach great importance to the implementation of the Blueprint and will monitor progress in this area. We will set up a G20 Task Force supported by the OECD and other relevant IOs to take forward the G20 agenda on innovation, new industrial revolution and digital economy, subject to the priorities of the respective future G20 presidencies, ensuring continuity and consistency with the results so far, and promoting synergies with other G20 work streams.

We acknowledge the contributions made by the OECD, UNIDO, UNCTAD, IMF, World Bank Group and other international organizations to the formulation of the G20 Blueprint on Innovative Growth, and look forward to continued support from these organizations.


(Source: Xinhua)


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