
Comment(s)打印 E-mail 新华网  2016-09-08

9月6日,在甘肃省高台县罗城镇盐池村,工作人员在铲盐。入秋以来,甘肃省张掖市高台县进入原盐开铲忙碌时节,人们将盐池中已晒好的原盐集中,并装车外运。高台县产盐历史悠久,是甘肃著名的化工原料基地。 [新华社]

9月6日,在甘肃省高台县罗城镇盐池村,工作人员在铲盐。入秋以来,甘肃省张掖市高台县进入原盐开铲忙碌时节,人们将盐池中已晒好的原盐集中,并装车外运。高台县产盐历史悠久,是甘肃著名的化工原料基地。 [新华社]
As the fall season approaches, a salt mine in northwest China is entering the peak season for crude salt. The mine located in Gaotai of Gansu Province has a long history of producing salt. [Photo/Xinhua]

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