二、进一步完善人权司法保障程序 | II. Further Improve the Legal Guarantee Procedure of Human Rights |
改革法院案件受理制度,变立案审查制为立案登记制;修改刑事诉讼法,落实罪刑法定、疑罪从无、非法证据排除等法律原则;修改民事诉讼法,促进纠纷有效解决;修改行政诉讼法,强化行政相对人合法权益保护;制定实施首部反家庭暴力法,加强对家庭暴力受害人人身权利的法律保障。 | We have reformed the case admitting system by converting the case-filing review system into a case-filing register system. We have revised the Criminal Procedure Law, and implemented principles of legality, presumption of innocence, exclusion of unlawful evidence. We have revised the Civil Procedure Law to effectively settle disputes. We have also revised the Administrative Procedure Law to strengthen the protection of legitimate rights and interests of private parties in administrative lawsuits. We have enacted the first Anti-Domestic Violence Law to strengthen legal protection of the personal rights of victims of domestic violence. |
人民法院改立案审查制为立案登记制,当事人诉权得到更好保障。2015年5月1日,人民法院立案登记制开始实施。对当事人提交的诉状,人民法院一律予以接收、登记,符合法律规定的起诉和受理条件的,一律予以立案受理,切实做到有案必立、有诉必理,当事人依法“无障碍”行使诉权。2015年5月至12月,各级法院共登记立案初审案件994.4万件,同比增长29.54%,当场登记立案率达95%,其中民事案件同比增长26.45%,行政案件同比增长66.51%,刑事自诉案件同比增长58.66%。房屋拆迁、土地征用、政府信息公开等行政诉讼“立案难”问题得到切实解决。 | People's courts change the case-filing review system into a case-filing register system to better protect litigants' right of appeal. On May 1, 2015, a case-filing register system came into operation. People's courts should accept and register all cases of litigation, handle all those that meet the conditions of admissibility and prosecution, and ensure that all cases are entered and properly handled, and that litigious right is exercised without obstruction. From May to December in 2015, 9.94 million first trial cases were registered at courts across the country, a year-on-year increase of 29.54 percent; the on-the-spot case registration rate was 95 percent, among which civil cases increased by 26.45 percent, administrative cases 66.51 percent and criminal cases 58.66 percent. Difficulties in filing administrative lawsuits concerning housing demolition, land acquisition, and government information disclosure were significantly eased. |
确立非法证据排除制度,保障犯罪嫌疑人合法权利。2012年修改的刑事诉讼法明确规定尊重和保障人权,并通过完善证据制度、强制措施、辩护制度、侦查措施、审判程序、执行程序及增加规定特别程序予以落实。刑事诉讼法明确规定办案机关实施拘留、逮捕后,应当将被拘留人、被逮捕人立即送看守所羁押,并确立讯问犯罪嫌疑人、被告人全程录音录像制度。2014年,公安部发布文件,对需要进行讯问录音录像的案件范围、录制要求等进一步作出明确规定。公安机关办案区讯问室和看守所讯问室普遍安装录音录像设施,开展讯问犯罪嫌疑人录音录像工作,有效预防刑讯逼供、违法取证等执法不规范问题。最高人民检察院发布《人民检察院讯问职务犯罪嫌疑人实行全程同步录音录像的规定》,进一步规范侦查讯问活动,强化对犯罪嫌疑人合法权利的保障。刑事诉讼法明确规定了非法证据的范围及排除非法证据的具体程序。司法机关在侦查、审查起诉和审判阶段发现有应当排除的非法证据的,都应当予以排除。2015年,各级检察机关对侦查机关不应当立案而立案的,督促撤案10384件;监督纠正滥用强制措施、违法取证等侦查活动违法情形31874件次。2014年,河北省顺平县检察院在审查办理王某某涉嫌故意杀人案时,针对多处疑点,坚决排除非法证据,作出不批捕决定,提出补充侦查意见,公安机关最终抓获真凶。 | Put in place a system to exclude unlawful evidence and protect the legitimate rights and interests of criminal suspects. The Criminal Procedure Law revised in 2012 has specific provisions on respecting and protecting human rights, and their implementation has been guaranteed through improving the evidence system, compulsory measures, defense system, investigation methods, trial procedure, and enforcement procedures, and by adding special procedures. The Criminal Procedure Law stipulates that after detaining and arresting suspects, the law enforcement agencies should immediately commit detainees and arrestees to custody in detention houses and ensure the interrogations of suspects and defendants are audio- and video-recorded. In 2014, the Ministry of Public Security issued more explicit regulations concerning the scope of and interrogation recording requirements for cases subject to audio and video recording. The interrogation rooms of public security organs and detention houses are all equipped with audio and video recording facilities to prevent misconduct in law enforcement such as extorting confessions by torture and obtaining evidence through illegal means. The Supreme People's Procuratorate issued the Provisions on Making Synchronous Audio and Video Recordings Throughout the Entire Process of Interrogation of Suspects in Work-Related Offences by People's Procuratorates to further regulate investigation and interrogation activities and strengthen protection of the legitimate rights and interests of criminal suspects. The Criminal Procedure Law outlines the scope of unlawfully-obtained evidence and procedures for excluding such evidence. The judicial organs should exclude such unlawful evidence if they find any during the criminal investigation, examination and prosecution, or trial of a case. In 2015, the procuratorial organs at all levels demanded the withdrawal of 10,384 cases wrongly filed by investigation organs, and regulated 31,874 cases of illegal conduct involving abuse of compulsory measures and unlawfully obtaining evidence. In 2014, the procuratorate of Shunping County, Hebei Province resolutely excluded illegally-obtained evidence in reviewing a murder case and decided not to approve arrest, and demanded provision of more evidence. The real murderer was later caught by a public security organ. |
贯彻疑罪从无原则,积极防范和纠正冤假错案。2013年,公安部发布《关于进一步加强和改进刑事执法办案工作,切实防止发生冤假错案的通知》等文件,深化错案预防机制制度建设,加强对执法办案全方位、全过程、即时性监督,从源头上防止冤假错案的发生。司法部制定《关于进一步发挥司法鉴定制度作用防止冤假错案的意见》,全面加强司法鉴定管理,进一步规范司法鉴定活动。最高人民检察院发布《关于切实履行检察职能,防止和纠正冤假错案的若干意见》,严把事实关、程序关和法律适用关,健全检察环节错案发现、纠正、防范和责任追究机制。2015年,各级检察机关对不构成犯罪或证据不足的,决定不批捕131675人、不起诉25778人;对认为确有错误的刑事裁判提出抗诉6591件。最高人民法院发布《关于建立健全防范刑事冤假错案工作机制的意见》,规定对定罪证据不足的案件应当依法宣告被告人无罪,确保无罪的人不受刑事追究。2012年至2015年,各级法院依法宣告3369名被告人无罪。张辉、张高平案,念斌案,呼格吉勒图案,徐辉案,黄家光案,王本余案,于英生案,陈满案,钱仁风案,徐金龙案,杨明案等一批冤假错案得到依法纠正。 | Implement the principle of presumption of innocence to prevent and correct miscarriages of justice. In 2013, the Ministry of Public Security issued the Notice on Further Strengthening and Improving Law Enforcement to Prevent Miscarriages of Justice and some other documents to prevent cases of misjudgment and to strengthen comprehensive, complete and real-time scrutiny of law enforcement to prevent miscarriages of justice at source. The Ministry of Justice issued the Opinions on Maximizing the Functions of the Forensic Assessment System to Prevent Miscarriages of Justice to strengthen forensic assessment management and further regulate such activities. The Supreme People's Procuratorate released Several Opinions on Effectively Performing Procuratorial Functions to Prevent and Correct Miscarriages of Justice, scrutinizing all activities concerning evidence, procedures and application of laws and to improve the system of discovery, correction, and prevention of cases of misjudgment, and to hold to account those responsible. In 2015, the procuratorial organs at all levels decided not to arrest 131,675 people and not to prosecute 25,778 in cases involving lack of evidence or actions that do not constitute a crime. In addition, they appealed against 6,591 judgments of criminal cases that they deemed wrong judgments. The Supreme People's Court issued the Opinions on Establishing and Improving the Working Mechanisms for the Prevention of Miscarriages of Justice in Criminal Cases, stipulating that the defendants should be acquitted for lack of evidence and no one should be prosecuted without criminal evidence. From 2012 to 2015, people's courts at all levels acquitted 3,369 defendants. A number of wrongful convictions were overturned in accordance with the law. These included the following cases: . rape and murder by Zhang Hui and Zhang Gaoping, nephew and uncle . poisoning by Nian Bin . rape and murder by Hugjiltu . rape and murder by Xu Hui . murder by Huang Jiaguang . rape and murder by Wang Benyu . murder by Yu Yingsheng . murder and arson by Chen Man . poisoning by Qian Renfeng . murder by Xu Jinlong . murder by Yang Ming |
开展刑事案件速裁程序试点,保障被告人获得快速审判。2014年6月,全国人大常委会通过《关于授权最高人民法院、最高人民检察院在部分地区开展刑事案件速裁程序试点工作的决定》。2014年8月,最高人民法院、最高人民检察院在北京、天津、上海、重庆等18个城市开展刑事案件速裁程序试点工作,对事实清楚、证据充分,被告人自愿认罪,当事人对适用法律没有争议的危险驾驶、交通肇事、盗窃、诈骗、抢夺、伤害、寻衅滋事等情节较轻,依法可能判处一年以下有期徒刑、拘役、管制的案件,或者依法单处罚金的案件,在遵循刑事诉讼法的基本原则、充分保障当事人的诉讼权利的前提下,进一步简化相关诉讼程序。截至2015年,全国212个试点基层人民法院适用速裁程序共审结刑事案件31086件,占试点法院同期判处一年以下有期徒刑以下刑罚案件的33.13%,占同期全部刑事案件的15.48%。其中,10日内审结的占92.77%,当庭宣判率达95.94%;附带民事诉讼原告人上诉率为零,被告人上诉率仅为2.13%。 | Carry out the pilot program of fast-track sentencing procedure for criminal cases to ensure defendants get speedy trials. In June, 2014, the Decision on Authorizing the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate to Launch the Pilot Program of Fast-Track Sentencing Procedure for Criminal Cases in Certain Areas was issued by the Standing Committee of the NPC. In August, 2014, the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate were authorized to launch a pilot program of fast-track sentencing for criminal cases in 18 cities including Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, and Chongqing. It concerns cases involving dangerous driving, traffic offenses, theft, fraud, forcible seizure, personal injury, picking quarrels and making trouble, or any other violation where the circumstances are minor and the accused may be sentenced to imprisonment of not more than one year, criminal detention, control, or a fine. If the facts are clear, the evidence is sufficient, the defendant voluntarily confesses to the crime, and the parties do not dispute the application of law, the relevant procedure shall be simplified, provided that it is in conformity with the basic principles of the Criminal Procedure Law, and the litigation rights of the parties concerned are fully protected. By 2015, 31,086 criminal cases suitable for the fast-track sentencing procedure were concluded in 212 pilot courts at the primary level nationwide, 33.13 percent of all cases involving imprisonment of not more than one year in the same period in pilot courts at the primary level, representing 15.48 percent of all criminal cases in all courts nationwide. 92.77 percent of these were concluded within 10 days, and the pronouncement rate in court was 95.94 percent; the appeal rate of the plaintiffs with incidental civil action was zero and that of defendants was only 2.13 percent. |
规范强制措施,减少羁押性强制措施的适用。刑事诉讼法对羁押性强制措施作出进一步完善,细化了逮捕的条件,明确了作为逮捕条件的社会危险性的具体标准,减少羁押性强制措施的适用,刑事强制措施的适用更加规范,公民人身自由权利保护更加有力。2014年,最高人民法院、最高人民检察院、公安部联合下发文件,明确了换押和羁押期限变更通知的范围、换押程序、通知程序、送达方式等,进一步预防和纠正超期羁押。检察机关严格执行法定逮捕条件和审查逮捕程序,坚持少捕、慎捕。2015年,各级检察机关对涉嫌犯罪但无社会危险性的决定不批捕90086人,对犯罪情节轻微、依法不需要判处刑罚的决定不起诉50787人。建立在押人员羁押必要性审查制度。犯罪嫌疑人、被告人被逮捕后,人民检察院仍对被羁押人的羁押必要性进行审查。发现不需要继续羁押的,建议有关司法机关予以释放或者变更强制措施。2015年,全国检察机关对不需要继续羁押的29211名犯罪嫌疑人建议释放或变更强制措施。 | Regulate compulsory measures and reduce application of compulsory custodial measures. The Criminal Procedure Law further improved compulsory custodial measures, refined conditions for arrest, defined the social risk criteria of offences and reduced the application of compulsory custodial measures to standardize the application of criminal coercive measures and better protect citizens' rights of personal freedom. In 2014, the Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, and the Ministry of Public Security jointly issued documents to specify who should be notified when there are any changes in the place or time of custody, procedure of custody change, notification procedure and form of delivery, etc. as another attempt to prevent and correct extended custody. The procuratorial organs strictly abide by arrest conditions and procedures prescribed by law, with a view to being prudent when making arrest decisions and reducing the numbers of arrests. In 2015, the procuratorial organs at all levels decided not to arrest 90,086 people suspected of crimes but posing no social danger, and decided not to prosecute 50,787 people accused of minor offenses but not subject to punishment according to law. A review system on the need for custody has been established. After the arrest of criminal suspects and defendants, the people's procuratorate still conducts a review on the necessity of keeping them in custody. If this is not necessary, it would suggest the relevant judicial organs release them or modify the compulsory measures. In 2015, procuratorate organs nationwide advised the release of 29,211 criminal suspects who needed no continued custody or whose compulsory measures be changed. |
完善未成年人刑事案件诉讼程序,促进犯罪未成年人回归社会。2012年修改的刑事诉讼法,在特别程序中增加了未成年人刑事案件诉讼程序一章,规定对犯罪的未成年人实行教育、感化、挽救的方针,坚持教育为主、惩罚为辅的原则,由熟悉未成年人身心特点的审判人员、检察人员和侦查人员承办未成年人刑事案件。公安部修订《公安机关办理刑事案件程序规定》,最高人民检察院修订《人民检察院办理未成年人刑事案件的规定》,最高人民法院发布关于适用刑事诉讼法的司法解释,对刑事诉讼法关于涉罪未成年人的特殊保护制度进一步细化。各级公安机关设立专门机构或指定专职人员,按照有关专门要求办理未成年人违法犯罪案件。最高人民检察院2015年成立了独立的未成年人检察工作办公室。截至2016年3月,全国有12个省级检察院、123个市级检察院、893个基层检察院成立了有独立编制的未成年人检察专门机构。人民法院稳步推进少年法庭建设。截至2015年,全国共有少年法庭2253个,有少年法庭法官7200多名。 | Improve procedures for juvenile criminal cases to help underage offenders better reintegrate into the society. The Criminal Procedure Law amended in 2012 added a chapter of procedures for juvenile criminal cases in the special procedures section, specifying the principle of "education, persuasion and rehabilitation" for juvenile offenders, sticking to the principle of applying primarily educational measures, and taking punitive sanctions as ancillary means. Judicial organs assign officials who have a good knowledge of the physical and psychological characteristics of minors to handle juvenile cases. The Ministry of Public Security revised the Provisions on the Procedures for Handling Criminal Cases by Public Security Organs, the Supreme People's Procuratorate amended the Rules for the People's Procuratorate's Handling of Criminal Cases Involving Minors, and the Supreme People's Court released a judicial interpretation applicable to the Criminal Procedure Law, further detailing the special protection measures for juvenile offenders. Public security organs at all levels set up special agencies or designated full-time staff to deal with juvenile delinquency in line with special requirements. In 2015 the Supreme People's Procuratorate set up the Procuratorial Office for Juvenile Delinquency. By March, 2016, 12 procuratorates at provincial level, 123 at city level and 893 at primary level had established special independent procuratorial agencies for juvenile delinquency. People's courts are pressing ahead with the building of juvenile courts. By 2015, there were 2,253 juvenile courts and over 7,200 judges of juvenile court nationwide. |
公安机关、人民检察院和人民法院在办理未成年人刑事案件过程中,严格落实年龄审查、指定辩护、慎用羁押措施等工作要求,依法通知法定代理人、合适成年人到场;对未成年犯罪嫌疑人、被告人的成长经历、犯罪原因、监护教育等情况进行调查并作为办案的参考;审判时被告人不满十八周岁的案件,不公开审理;对犯罪时不满十八周岁,被判处五年有期徒刑以下刑罚的,实行犯罪记录封存;积极开展对违法犯罪及有不良行为未成年人的帮教转化工作。自2002年以来,未成年人重新犯罪率基本控制在2%左右,未成年人犯罪案件数整体呈现下降趋势,未成年罪犯占全部罪犯的比例逐渐下降,2015年下降到3.56%。 | The public security organs, people's procuratorates and people's courts strictly implement requirements such as reviewing age, designating lawyers for defendants, and prudently applying custody measures in handling juvenile criminal cases, and notifying legal representatives and appropriate adults to be present. The judicial organs may take into consideration the family and school background, cause of crime, guardianship and education of a juvenile offender and use these as references when handling a case. Trials of cases in which the offenders are under the age of 18 will not be open to the public. If the offender is under 18 at the time of the crime and sentenced to less than five years of imprisonment, the records of the crime will be sealed. Efforts are made to educate and transform juvenile delinquents and minors involved in misbehavior. Since 2002, the juvenile relapse rate has been brought below 2 percent, and juvenile delinquency cases have decreased gradually to a ratio of 3.56 percent of all crimes in 2015. |
健全民事诉讼制度,加强对社会公共利益的保护。2012年修改的民事诉讼法,建立了公益诉讼制度。对污染环境、侵害众多消费者合法权益等损害社会公共利益的行为,法律规定的机关和有关组织可以依法向人民法院提起诉讼。2015年,最高人民法院发布司法解释,对环境民事公益诉讼案件的起诉主体、管辖法院、审理程序等作出了规定。2015年,最高人民检察院根据全国人大常委会的授权,在生态环境和资源保护、国有资产保护、国有土地使用权出让、食品药品安全等领域开展提起公益诉讼试点。试点检察机关共对325起案件启动诉前程序,提出检察建议,督促相关行政机关已履行职责或纠正违法224件、相关社会组织提起公益诉讼6件。对仍不履行职责或没有社会组织提起公益诉讼、公共利益继续受到侵害的,检察机关提起公益诉讼12件。 | Improve civil procedure system to strengthen protection of social and public interests. The Civil Procedure Law revised in 2012 set up a public interest litigation system. For conduct which damages public interests such as environmental pollution, or infringement of consumers' legitimate rights and interests, the relevant units and organizations prescribed by law may bring a lawsuit to the people's court. In 2015, the Supreme People's Court released a judicial interpretation to specify the prosecutor, court of jurisdiction, and trial procedure in environmental civil public interest litigation. In 2015, with the authorization of the Standing Committee of the NPC, the Supreme People's Procuratorate launched a pilot program for public interest litigation in the fields of ecological and resource protection, state assets protection, assignment of land use right of state-owned land, food and drug safety, etc. The pilot procuratorates launched pre-trial procedure in 325 cases, gave suggestions and urged relevant administrative organs to take action or correct 224 violations and some social organizations to institute six public interest litigations. In cases of non-performance of duties, or in absence of social organizations taking any action, while public interests are being continually damaged, the procuratorial organs may institute public interest litigations. In 2015, there were 12 such cases. |
制定实施反家庭暴力法,加强对家庭暴力受害人人身权利的法律保障。修改后的民事诉讼法对行为保全作出规定,为人身保护裁定提供了明确的法律依据。2015年12月,全国人大常委会通过反家庭暴力法,规定对家庭暴力行为根据情节轻重对加害人出具告诫书、给予治安管理处罚或追究刑事责任等,并首次设立人身安全保护令制度,切实保障家庭暴力受害人特别是未成年人、老年人、残疾人、孕期和哺乳期妇女的合法权益。最高人民法院、最高人民检察院、公安部、司法部联合发布《关于依法办理家庭暴力犯罪案件的意见》,加强司法对家庭暴力的及时干预。2014年至2015年,最高人民法院先后公布15起涉家庭暴力典型案例,为进一步保障妇女、未成年人、老年人合法权益提供司法指导。广州市越秀区人民法院审理林某某申请人身安全保护案,依法出具人身安全保护令,禁止被申请人余某对妻子林某某及其家人施暴,禁止余某利用骚扰、跟踪等手段妨碍林某某及其家人的正常生活,禁止余某在林某某居住区200米范围内活动,有效保障了申请人的人身安全。 | Formulate and implement Anti-Domestic Violence Law to strengthen legal protection of the personal right of victims. The revised Civil Procedure Law stipulates provisions for behavior regulation and defines the legal basis for rulings on personal protection. In December 2015, the Standing Committee of the NPC adopted the Anti-Domestic Violence Law, which stipulates that the offender should be given a written admonition, or subject to public security punishment or criminal sanctions based on the seriousness of the case. A personal safety protection writ system was set up for the first time to effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of victims of domestic violence, particularly minors, the elderly, the disabled, and pregnant and lactating women. The Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Justice jointly released the Opinions on Handling Domestic Violence Cases in Accordance with Law to strengthen timely judicial intervention in cases of domestic violence. From 2014 to 2015, the Supreme People's Court released 15 typical cases involving domestic violence, providing judicial guidance to further protect the legitimate rights and interests of women, minors, and the elderly. The people's court of Yuexiu District, Guangzhou City accepted an application for personal safety protection from a woman named Lin, and issued a Personal Safety Protection Writ, forbidding respondent Xu, her husband, from inflicting violence on her and her family, and from interfering with the normal life of her and her family by harassing or tracking, and prohibiting his presence within 200 meters of her residence to effectively protect the personal safety of the applicant. |
改革行政诉讼制度,保障行政相对人的合法权益。2014年修改的行政诉讼法着力解决实践中“立案难、审理难、执行难”问题。明确规定人民法院依法受理行政案件,行政机关不得干预、阻碍。人民法院在审理行政案件中,可以对国务院部门和地方人民政府及其部门制定的规范性文件进行审查,经审查认为规范性文件不合法的,不作为认定行政行为合法性的依据,并向制定机关提出处理建议。明确规定复议机关决定维持原行政行为的,复议机关和作出原行政行为的机关是共同被告。明确规定行政机关负责人应当出庭应诉。完善促进行政机关履行生效判决的措施,对于行政机关拒绝履行判决、裁定、调解书的,人民法院可以对行政机关负责人、直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依法采取罚款、拘留等措施。 | Reform the administrative litigation system to protect the legitimate rights and interests of private parties to administrative lawsuits. The revised Administrative Procedure Law in 2014 aimed to resolve difficulties in filing, adjudication, and execution of court rulings. It specifies that administrative agencies are not allowed to interfere with or impede the admission of administrative cases by the people's courts. In handling administrative cases, the people's courts can review regulatory documents formulated by ministries under the State Council, local people's governments and their departments, and if they find them unlawful, such documents cannot be used as references of legality in administrative cases and people's courts should offer suggestions to the enactment bodies. It also stipulates that if the reconsideration organ's decision sustains the original administrative action, the administrative organ taking the original administrative action and the reconsideration organ shall be co-defendants. The individual in charge of an administrative organ against which a complaint is filed shall appear in court to respond to the complaint. Measures should be improved to motivate administrative organs to implement effective judgments, and if they refuse to implement such judgments, convictions or mediation papers, people's courts may impose fines on or arrest leading members of administrative organs, persons in direct charge and others held accountable. |
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