
Comment(s)打印 E-mail 新华网  2016-12-29

12月28日,在贵阳北站,一名儿童在从贵阳北开往昆明南的G4135次列车内向外张望。当日,上海至昆明高速铁路贵阳至昆明段开通运营,标志着我国又一条东西向的高铁干线沪昆高铁全线贯通。沪昆高铁东起上海,西至昆明,途经上海、浙江、江西、湖南、贵州、云南等省市,线路全长2252公里,列车运行时速300公里,是中国东西向线路里程最长、速度等级最高、经过省份最多的高速铁路,多项技术指标达到世界领先。沪昆高铁全线贯通后,从上海坐火车前往昆明只要11个小时,比现有的沪昆铁路节省23个小时。[新华社 欧东衢 摄]
Passengers are seen on the G4135 train at Guiyangbei Railway Station in Guiyang, capital of southwest China's Guizhou Province, Dec. 28, 2016. China on Wednesday put into operation one of the world's longest high-speed railways, linking the country's prosperous eastern coast to the less-developed southwest. The Shanghai-Kunming line -- 2,252 km in length -- traverses the five provinces of Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Hunan, Guizhou and Yunnan and cuts travel time from Shanghai to Kunming from 34 to 11 hours, according to China Railway Corporation. (Xinhua/Ou Dongqu)

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