White Paper: China's Space Activities in 2016

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五、国际交流与合作V. International Exchanges and Cooperation
中国政府认为,和平探索、开发和利用外层空间及其天体是世界各国都享有的平等权利。世界各国开展外空活动,应有助于各国经济发展和社会进步,应有助于人类的和平与安全、生存与发展。The Chinese government holds that all countries in the world have equal rights to peacefully explore, develop and utilize outer space and its celestial bodies, and that all countries' outer space activities should be beneficial to their economic development and social progress, and to the peace, security, survival and development of mankind.
国际空间合作应遵循联合国《关于各国探索和利用包括月球和其他天体在内外层空间活动的原则条约》及《关于开展探索和利用外层空间的国际合作,促进所有国家的福利和利益,并特别要考虑到发展中国家的需要的宣言》中提出的基本原则。中国主张在平等互利、和平利用、包容发展的基础上,加强国际空间交流与合作。International space cooperation should adhere to the fundamental principles stated in the Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, Including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies, and the Declaration on International Cooperation in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space for the Benefit and in the Interests of All States, Taking into Particular Account the Needs of Developing Countries. China maintains that international exchanges and cooperation should be strengthened on the basis of equality and mutual benefit, peaceful utilization and inclusive development.
(一)基本政策1. Fundamental policies
中国政府在开展国际空间交流与合作中,采取以下基本政策:The Chinese government has adopted the following fundamental policies with regard to international space exchanges and cooperation:
——支持在联合国系统内开展和平利用外层空间的各项活动。- Supporting activities regarding the peaceful use of outer space within the framework of the United Nations;
——支持政府间、非政府间空间组织为促进航天事业发展所开展的各项活动。- Supporting all inter-governmental and non-governmental space organizations' activities that promote development of the space industry;
——加强基于共同目标、服务“一带一路”建设的双边和多边合作。- Strengthening bilateral and multilateral cooperation which is based on common goals and serves the Belt and Road Initiative;
——支持亚太空间合作组织在区域性空间合作中发挥重要作用,重视在金砖国家合作机制、上海合作组织框架下开展空间合作。- Supporting the Asia-Pacific Space Cooperation Organization to play an important role in regional space cooperation, and attaching importance to space cooperation under the BRICS cooperation mechanism and within the framework of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.
——鼓励和支持国内科研机构、工业企业、高等院校和社会团体,在国家有关政策和法规的指导下,开展多层次、多形式的国际空间交流与合作。- Encouraging and endorsing the efforts of domestic scientific research institutes, industrial enterprises, institutions of higher learning and social organizations to develop international space exchanges and cooperation in diverse forms and at various levels under the guidance of relevant state policies, laws and regulations.
(二)2011年以来的主要活动2. Major events
2011年以来,中国与29个国家、空间机构和国际组织签署43项空间合作协定或谅解备忘录,参与联合国及相关国际组织开展的有关活动,推进国际空间商业合作,取得丰硕成果。Since 2011 China has signed 43 space cooperation agreements or memoranda of understanding with 29 countries, space agencies and international organizations. It has taken part in relevant activities sponsored by the United Nations and other relevant international organizations, and supported international commercial cooperation in space. These measures have yielded fruitful results.
1.双边合作(1) Bilateral cooperation
——中国与俄罗斯在总理定期会晤委员会航天合作分委会机制下,签署《2013-2017年中俄航天合作大纲》,积极推动在深空探测、载人航天、对地观测、卫星导航、电子元器件等领域合作。- China and Russia signed the Outline of China-Russia Space Cooperation from 2013 to 2017 through the mechanism of the Space Cooperation Sub-committee during the Prime Ministers' Meeting between Russia and China. The two countries have actively promoted cooperation in deep space exploration, manned spaceflight, earth observation, satellite navigation, space-related electronic parts and components, and other areas.
——中国与欧洲空间局在中欧航天合作联合委员会机制下,签署《2015-2020年中欧航天合作大纲》,明确在深空探测、空间科学、对地观测、测控服务、空间碎片、教育培训等领域开展合作,启动实施“太阳风与磁层相互作用全景式成像卫星”。圆满完成“龙计划”第三期科技合作。- China and the European Space Agency (ESA) signed the Outline of China-ESA Space Cooperation from 2015 to 2020 within the mechanism of the China-Europe Joint Commission on Space Cooperation. The two sides have declared their determination to cooperate in deep space exploration, space science, earth observation, TT&C services, space debris, and space-related education and training, and launched the panoramic imaging satellite for solar wind and magnetosphere interaction. The two sides have completed cooperation on the Dragon 3 cooperation program.
——中国与巴西在中巴高层协调与合作委员会航天分委会机制下,持续开展中巴地球资源卫星合作,成功发射中巴地球资源04星,签署中巴地球资源04A星联合研制补充协定以及遥感卫星数据与应用合作协定,保持中巴地球资源卫星数据的连续性。在南非、新加坡升级改造中巴地球资源卫星数据接收站,扩大该卫星数据在区域和全球范围的应用,积极推进中巴空间天气联合实验室建设。- China and Brazil, through the mechanism of the Space Cooperation Sub-committee of the Sino-Brazilian High-level Coordination Commission, have conducted constant cooperation in the China-Brazil Earth Resources Satellite (CBERS) program. They successfully launched CBERS-4, signed the Supplementary Agreement of China and Brazil on the Joint Development of CBERS-04A and Cooperation Agreement of China and Brazil on Remote-Sensing Satellite Data and Application, maintaining CBERS data consistency. The two countries also updated CBERS data receiving stations in South Africa and Singapore, expanding CBERS data application regionally and globally. They have worked together to set up the China-Brazil Joint Laboratory for Space Weather.
——中国与法国在中法航天合作联委会机制下,持续推进中法天文、中法海洋等卫星工程合作项目,签署关于空间与气候变化的合作意向书,推动空间技术应用于全球气候变化治理。- China and France, within the mechanism of the Sino-French Joint Commission on Space Cooperation, have engaged in bilateral cooperation on astronomic, ocean and other satellite programs. The two countries have signed a letter of intent on space and climate change, and worked to promote the application of space technology in global climate change governance.
——中国与意大利成立中意航天合作联合委员会,稳步推进中意电磁监测试验卫星工程研制。- China and Italy set up the Sino-Italian Joint Commission on Space Cooperation, and have steadily carried forward research and development of the China-Italy Electromagnetic Monitoring Experiment Satellite Program.
——中国与英国持续推进中英空间科学技术联合实验室建设,加强航天科技人才交流,启动中英遥感应用合作研究。- China and Britain have promoted construction of a joint laboratory on space science and technology, upgraded their exchanges in space science and technology personnel, and launched cooperative studies on remote-sensing applications.
——中国与德国推动两国航天企业间对话,加强两国在航天高端制造领域的合作。- China and Germany have promoted dialogue between their space industry enterprises, and strengthened cooperation in high-end space manufacturing.
——中国与荷兰签署空间合作谅解备忘录,推动农业、水资源、大气环境等领域遥感应用合作,明确在“嫦娥四号”任务实施中搭载荷方有效载荷。- China and the Netherlands signed a memorandum of understanding on space cooperation, promoting cooperation in remote-sensing applications in agriculture, water resources and atmospheric environment, and stating that Chang'e-4 would carry a Dutch payload in its mission.
——中国与美国在中美战略与经济对话框架下,开展民用航天对话,明确在空间碎片、空间天气和应对全球气候变化等领域加强合作。- China and the United States, within the framework of the China-U.S. Strategic and Economic Dialogue, carried out a civil space dialogue, stating that the two countries would strengthen cooperation in space debris, space weather, response to global climate change, and related areas.
——中国与阿尔及利亚、阿根廷、比利时、印度、印度尼西亚、哈萨克斯坦等国签署航天合作协定,建立双边航天合作机制,明确在空间技术、空间应用、空间科学、教育培训等领域加强交流与合作。- China signed space cooperation agreements and established bilateral space cooperation mechanisms with Algeria, Argentina, Belgium, India, Indonesia, Kazakhstan to strengthen exchanges and cooperation in such areas as space technology, space applications, and space science, education and training.
2.多边合作(2) Multilateral cooperation
——中国积极参加联合国和平利用外层空间委员会及其科技小组委员会、法律小组委员会的各项活动,积极参与外空活动长期可持续性等国际空间规则磋商,签署《中国国家航天局与联合国对地观测数据和技术支持谅解备忘录》,积极推动中国对地观测卫星数据在联合国平台上的共享与合作。- China takes an active part in activities organized by the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space and its Scientific and Technical Sub-committee and Legal Sub-committee, and negotiations on international space rules such as the long-term sustainability of outer space activities. It signed the Memorandum of Understanding between the China National Space Administration and the United Nations on Earth Observation Data and Technical Support, actively promoting data sharing and cooperation between China's earth observation satellites on the UN platform.
——中国积极支持联合国灾害管理与应急反应天基信息平台北京办公室开展相关工作。联合国在北京设立空间科学与技术教育亚太区域中心(中国),促进国际空间领域的人才培养。- China supports the relevant work of the Beijing office of the United Nations Platform for Space-based Information for Disaster Management and Emergency Response. The UN set up the Regional Center for Space Science and Technology Education in Asia and the Pacific (China) in Beijing to promote personnel training in the international space arena.
——中国在亚太空间组织合作框架下,积极参与推动亚太空间合作组织联合多任务小卫星星座项目,成功举办以“‘一带一路’助力亚太地区空间能力建设”为主题的亚太空间合作组织发展战略高层论坛,并发表北京宣言。- Within the framework of the Asia-Pacific Space Cooperation Organization (APSCO), China actively participated in the APSCO Joint Small Multi-mission Satellite Constellation Program. It also organized the APSCO Development Strategy Forum with the theme of "the Belt and Road Initiative for Facilitating Regional Capacity Building of the Asia-Pacific Countries," at which the Beijing Declaration was adopted.
——中国与巴西、俄罗斯、印度、南非等国航天机构共同发起并积极推动金砖国家遥感卫星星座合作。- China and the space agencies of Brazil, Russia, India, and South Africa co-sponsored and actively promoted cooperation in the BRICS remote-sensing satellite constellation.
——启动实施中国-东盟卫星信息海上应用中心、澜沧江-湄公河空间信息交流中心建设等项目。- China launched the China-ASEAN Satellite Information Maritime Application Center, and Lancang-Mekong River Spatial Information Exchange Center.
——中国积极参与机构间空间碎片协调委员会、空间与重大灾害宪章、地球观测组织等政府间国际组织的各项活动。成功举办第31届空间与重大灾害宪章理事会、第32届机构间空间碎片协调委员会等国际会议。- China actively participated in activities organized by the Inter-Agency Space Debris Coordination Committee (IADC), International Charter on Space and Major Disasters, Group on Earth Observations, and other intergovernmental organizations. It hosted the 31st Council of the International Charter on Space and Major Disasters, the 32nd Meeting of the IADC and other international conferences.
——中国积极参与全球卫星导航系统国际委员会活动,成功举办第7届全球卫星导航系统国际委员会大会,积极推动北斗系统与其他卫星导航系统兼容与互操作,推广普及卫星导航技术,与多个国家和地区开展卫星导航应用合作。- China actively participated in activities organized by the International Committee on Global Navigation Satellite Systems (ICG) and held the Seventh ICG Conference. It actively improved the compatibility and interoperability of the Beidou system with other satellite navigation systems, popularized satellite navigation technology, and cooperated with a number of countries and regions in satellite navigation applications.
——中国积极参与国际宇航联合会、国际空间研究委员会、国际宇航科学院、国际空间法学会等非政府间国际组织和学术机构的各项活动,成功举办第64届国际宇航大会、2014年联合国/中国/亚太空间合作组织空间法研讨会、第36届国际地球科学与遥感大会等国际会议。在联合国空间应用项目框架下成功举办首届载人航天技术研讨会。- China actively participated in activities organized by the International Astronautical Federation, International Committee on Space Research, International Academy of Astronautics, International Institute of Space Law, and other non-governmental international space organizations and academic institutes. It held the 64th International Astronautical Congress, 2014 United Nations / China / APSCO Workshop on Space Law, 36th International Conference on Earth Science and Remote-Sensing, and related international conferences. It also held the First Seminar on Manned Spaceflight Technology within the framework of the United Nations Program on Space Applications.
——中国积极参与全球防灾减灾国际事务协调,通过联合国灾害管理与应急反应天基信息平台、联合国亚洲及太平洋经济社会理事会、空间与重大灾害宪章等机制,为国际重大灾害救援工作提供了卫星数据支持和技术服务。- China actively participated in the international coordination of global disaster prevention and reduction, and provided satellite data support and technical services for major international disaster-relief efforts through the United Nations Platform for Space-based Information on Disaster Management and Emergency Response, United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, International Charter on Space and Major Disasters, and related mechanisms.
3.商业活动(3) Commercial activities
中国积极鼓励和支持企业参与空间领域国际商业活动,完成尼日利亚通信卫星、委内瑞拉遥感卫星一号、玻利维亚通信卫星、老挝一号通信卫星、白俄罗斯一号通信卫星等卫星出口和在轨交付,为土耳其蓝突厥2号地球观测卫星提供商业发射服务,成功搭载发射厄瓜多尔、阿根廷、波兰、卢森堡等国的小卫星,积极开展空间信息商业服务。China encourages and supports Chinese enterprises to participate in international commercial activities in the space field. It has exported satellites and made in-orbit delivery of Nigeria's communications satellite, Venezuela's remote-sensing satellite-1, Bolivia's communications satellite, Laos' communications satellite-1 and Belarus' communications satellite-1. In addition, it provided commercial launch service for Turkey's Gokturk-2 earth observation satellite, and when launching its own satellites took on small satellites for Ecuador, Argentina, Poland, Luxembourg and other countries. It has also provided business services concerning space information.
(三)未来五年重点合作领域3. Key areas for future cooperation
未来五年,中国将以更加积极开放的姿态,在以下重点领域广泛开展国际空间交流与合作:In the next five years China will, with a more active and open attitude, conduct extensive international exchanges and cooperation concerning space in the following key areas:
——“一带一路”空间信息走廊建设,包括对地观测、通信广播、导航定位等卫星研制,地面和应用系统建设,应用产品开发等。- Construction of the Belt and Road Initiative Space Information Corridor, including earth observation, communications and broadcasting, navigation and positioning, and other types of satellite-related development; ground and application system construction; and application product development.
——金砖国家遥感卫星星座建设。- Construction of the BRICS remote-sensing satellite constellation.
——亚太空间合作组织联合多任务小卫星星座和大学生小卫星项目建设。- Construction of the APSCO Joint Small Multi-mission Satellite Constellation Program and University Small Satellite Project Development.
——月球、火星等深空探测工程与技术合作。- The Moon, Mars and other deep space exploration programs and technical cooperation.
——载人航天空间实验室、空间站建设及应用。- Inclusion of a space laboratory and a space station in China's manned spaceflight program.
——空间科学卫星、遥感卫星、有效载荷等工程研制。- Research and development of a space science satellite, a remote-sensing satellite, payloads, etc.
——数据接收站、通信关口站等地面基础设施建设。- Construction of ground infrastructure such as data receiving stations and communications gateway stations.
——对地观测、通信广播、导航定位等卫星应用。- Satellite applications, including earth observation, communications and broadcasting, navigation and positioning.
——空间科学探索研究。- Exploration and research on space science.
——航天发射及搭载服务。- Launching and carrying services.
——航天测控支持。- Space TT&C support.
——空间碎片监测、预警、减缓及防护。- Space debris monitoring, early warning, mitigation and protection.
——空间天气领域合作。- Space weather cooperation.
——卫星整星、卫星及运载火箭分系统、零部件、电子元器件、地面设施设备等产品进出口和技术合作。- Import and export of and technical cooperation in the field of whole satellites, sub-systems, spare parts and electronic components of satellites and launch vehicles, ground facilities and equipment, and related items.
——空间法律、空间政策、航天标准研究。- Research on space law, policy and standards.
——航天领域人员交流与培训等。- Personnel exchanges and training in the space field.
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