1月9日,第七届乌珠穆沁骆驼文化节在内蒙古西乌旗开幕。本届骆驼文化节包括了骆驼选美比赛、10公里骆驼速度赛、捆草接力赛、5公里二岁骆驼速度赛、家庭娱乐比赛等民间体育竞技项目和民俗风情表演,充分展示了牧驼人生产、生活的真实场景。零下20度寒冷的天气里,300多峰骆驼成了乌珠穆沁冰雪草原的主角,它们或威武雄壮或憨态可掬,衬着牧民们艳丽的民族服装,为草原注入了无限生机。 [中国新闻网]
The 7th camel culture festival kicks off in west Ujimqin Banner of north China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, January 9, 2017. The festival features camel racing, performances, various competitions, and even a camel beauty pageant this year. Local herdsmen participate in camel racing and performances while dressed in traditional holiday costumes. [Photo/Ecns.cn]
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