六、中国参与地区非传统安全合作 | I. China's Participation in Regional Non-Traditional Security Cooperation |
(一)救灾合作。2015年以来,中国继续积极参与和推动亚太救灾交流合作,主办第八届上合组织成员国紧急救灾部门领导人会议、中日韩第三届灾害管理桌面推演,与马来西亚联合主办东盟地区论坛第四次救灾演习,参加第三届世界减灾大会、亚洲减灾部长级对话会、上合组织成员国紧急救灾部门国际演练、亚太经合组织第九次灾害管理高官论坛、联合国国际搜索与救援咨询团亚太地震应急演练等国际会议和活动。 | 1. Disaster Relief Since 2015 the Chinese government has been actively involved in and promoted exchanges and cooperation on disaster relief in the Asia-Pacific region. China hosted the Eighth SCO Meeting of Heads of Emergency Prevention and Relief Agencies and the Third China-Japan-ROK Tabletop Exercise on Disaster Management, co-hosted with Malaysia the Fourth ARF Disaster Relief Exercise, and participated in the Third UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction, Asian Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction, International Drill of the Emergency Prevention and Relief Agencies of the SCO Member States, the Ninth APEC Senior Disaster Management Officials' Forum and International Search and Rescue Advisory Group Asia-Pacific Regional Earthquake Response Exercise. |
2015年1月、7月和2016年5月,马来西亚、缅甸、斯里兰卡遭遇特大洪涝灾害,中国第一时间向三国提供紧急救灾物资。2015年4月尼泊尔发生强震后,中国多支救援队、医疗防疫队和运输分队赴尼泊尔开展灾后援助工作,并向尼泊尔军方提供野战机动医院。 | In January and July 2015 and in May 2016, when Malaysia, Myanmar and Sri Lanka were hit by devastating floods, China immediately provided relief supplies to the three countries. In the wake of severe earthquakes in Nepal in April 2015 China sent rescue and medical teams and transportation detachments to the country and provided mobile field hospitals in support of disaster-relief efforts. |
中国政府将在灾害管理领域与各方进一步完善官员互访、信息共享、人员培训、技术交流、模拟演练、科研合作、物资储备、紧急救援等机制,加强亚太区域多边和双边救灾务实合作,共同提升地区减灾救灾能力。 | The Chinese government will continue to work with relevant parties to improve mutual visits of officials, information sharing, personnel training, technological exchanges, simulation exercises, scientific research cooperation, material reserves and emergency aid, to enhance practical bilateral and multilateral cooperation in disaster relief, and improve disaster mitigation and relief capacity in the Asia-Pacific area. |
(二)反恐合作。2015年以来,中国先后与周边多个国家开展打击涉恐偷渡犯罪合作,成功抓获了一批在本地区活动猖獗的涉恐嫌犯和“蛇头”,重挫了“东伊运”等恐怖组织非法偷渡网络,有效抵制和防范了“东伊运”等恐怖组织对本地区的渗透。 | 2. Counter-Terrorism Cooperation Since 2015 China has cooperated with a number of neighboring countries in combating terrorism-related human smuggling, and arrested a number of terrorist suspects and human smugglers active in the region. These efforts dealt a heavy blow to the illegal human smuggling networks of the "Eastern Turkistan Islamic Movement" (ETIM) and other terrorist organizations, and effectively countered and prevented the infiltration efforts of the ETIM and other terrorist organizations. |
中国分别同美国、俄罗斯、加拿大、英国、印度、巴基斯坦、韩国、印度尼西亚等国举行双边反恐磋商,并成功主办东盟地区论坛第13届反恐与打击跨国犯罪会间会,推动在打击互联网暴力恐怖音(视)频和恐怖分子跨境活动等方面加强合作。同时,中国积极参与亚太经合组织反恐工作组、“全球反恐论坛”,并与东盟共同举办打击跨国犯罪部长级会议,就反恐合作加强交流。 | China has held bilateral anti-terrorism consultations with the US, Russia, Canada, the United Kingdom, India, Pakistan, the ROK and Indonesia, hosted the 13th ARF Inter-Sessional Meeting on Counter-terrorism and Transnational Crimes, and promoted cooperation on combating Internet-spread violent and terrorist audios/videos and cross-border terrorist activities. In addition, by taking an active part in the APEC Counter-terrorism Working Group, the Global Counter-terrorism Forum and the ASEAN plus China Meeting on Transnational Crime at ministerial level, China has strengthened exchanges in anti-terrorism cooperation. |
阿富汗、中国、巴基斯坦、塔吉克斯坦建立了“阿中巴塔”四国军队反恐合作协调机制,旨在就反恐形势研判、线索核查、情报共享、反恐能力建设、反恐联合训练、人员培训方面开展协调并提供相互支持。 | China, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Tajikistan have established a coordination mechanism on counter-terrorism cooperation among the military forces of the four countries, aimed at conducting coordination on situation analysis, verification of clues, sharing of intelligence, capacity building, joint training and personnel training, and providing mutual assistance. |
(三)打击跨国犯罪合作。中国政府高度重视打击跨国犯罪,致力于全面、切实履行《联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约》。中国已与70个国家缔结司法协助、引渡等条约共123项,积极与美国、加拿大等国建立双边司法和执法合作机制,为与有关国家共同打击各类跨国犯罪提供了坚实的法律基础和有效的机制平台。 | 3. Cooperation in Combating Transnational Crimes The Chinese government places high importance on combating trans-national crimes, and is committed to fully and earnestly implementing the United Nations Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime (UNTOC). China has concluded 123 judicial assistance and extradition treaties with 70 countries, and actively promoted the establishment of bilateral judicial and law-enforcement cooperation mechanisms with the US and Canada. These efforts have provided a solid legal basis and effective platform for China's cooperation with relevant countries in combating transnational crime in all forms. |
中国积极参与打击跨国有组织犯罪国际合作,与联合国及其他国际和区域组织保持良好合作,深入推进湄公河流域执法安全合作,并与东南亚有关国家多次开展打击跨国犯罪联合行动,有效打击了拐卖人口、电信诈骗、经济犯罪、毒品犯罪等本地区突出的犯罪。2015年10月,中国举办“安全促发展”中国-东盟执法安全合作部长级对话暨湄公河流域执法安全合作部长级会议。在第二届湄公河“平安航道”联合扫毒行动中,中国、老挝、缅甸、泰国密切合作,抓获犯罪嫌疑人万余人,破获毒品案件约9000起,缴获大量毒品和易制毒化学品。 | China is actively involved in international cooperation in combating transnational organized crimes and maintains sound cooperation with the UN and other international and regional organizations. It has facilitated law-enforcement and security cooperation along the Mekong River and conducted multiple joint actions with Southeast Asian countries in combating transnational crimes, and effectively fought against human trafficking, telecom fraud, economic crimes and drug-related crimes that are prevalent in the region. In October 2015 China hosted the China-ASEAN Ministerial Dialogue on Law Enforcement and Security Cooperation with the theme "Security for Prosperity" and the Ministerial Meeting on Law Enforcement and Security Cooperation along the Mekong River. In the Second Safe Mekong Joint Operation by China, Laos, Myanmar and Thailand, over 10,000 suspects were arrested, more than 9,000 drug-related cases were solved, and a large quantity of narcotics was seized. |
中国愿意与有关各国加强司法和执法合作,共同打击跨国犯罪,同时希望各国进一步提升国际合作的政治意愿,努力克服法律制度的差异,积极推进在《联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约》框架下的合作,包括以公约为法律基础进行引渡合作,提供广泛的司法协助,并就犯罪所得的返还和分享积极开展合作。中国鼓励相关各国谈判缔结双边司法协助条约和引渡条约,推动打击跨国犯罪国际合作不断取得实实在在的成果。 | China stands ready to enhance judicial and law-enforcement cooperation with relevant countries in a joint effort to fight transnational crimes, and calls on all countries to enhance their political will for international cooperation, overcome differences in legal systems, promote cooperation within the framework of the UNTOC, including cooperation on extradition, provide wide judicial assistance, and cooperate in the recovery and disposal of criminal proceeds. China also encourages countries concerned to negotiate and conclude bilateral extradition and judicial assistance treaties for more concrete outcomes in cooperation to combat trans-national crimes. |
(四)网络安全。当前,网络安全问题的重要性进一步前移。亚太国家高度重视网络安全问题,不断加大对网络安全的投入,积极开展对话和区域合作。中国是网络安全的坚定维护者,支持并积极参与国际社会加强网络安全的努力。中国主张网络空间应用于促进社会经济发展、国际和平与稳定和人类福祉,倡导各方在相互尊重、平等互利基础上,加强对话合作,共同构建和平、安全、开放、合作的网络空间,建立多边、民主、透明的互联网国际治理体系,认为当务之急是在联合国框架下制定各方普遍接受的网络空间国际行为准则。 | 4. Cyber Security Currently, cyber security is acquiring greater importance. Asia-Pacific countries are placing high importance on cyber security, increasing input and actively conducting dialogue and regional cooperation on this issue. China is a staunch supporter of and an active participant in international efforts to ensure cyber security. It believes that cyberspace should be used to promote economic and social development, maintain international peace and stability, and improve the well-being of mankind. Countries should strengthen dialogue and cooperation on the basis of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit, and build a peaceful, secure, open and cooperative cyberspace and a multilateral, democratic and transparent international Internet regime. It is imperative that a universally accepted international code of conduct is formulated within the UN framework. |
2015年以来,中国继续积极推动并深入参与联合国框架下网络安全进程。中国与上海合作组织其他成员国共同向联合国大会提交“信息安全国际行为准则”更新案文。中国深入参与并推动联合国信息安全政府专家组达成最后报告,确认《联合国宪章》主权平等、不干涉内政、不使用武力等原则适用网络空间,为推动网络空间国际规则制定作出贡献。中国以建设性态度参加联合国互联网治理论坛、信息社会世界峰会高级别会议。 | Since 2015 China has continued to promote cyber security within the UN framework, and been deeply involved in the process. China and other SCO member states have jointly submitted an updated version of the International Code of Conduct for Information Security to the UN General Assembly. China has contributed to the endeavors to formulate international rules governing cyberspace by taking an active part in and facilitating the efforts of the UN's Group of Governmental Experts on Cyber Security to produce its final report, which affirms that the principles enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, including sovereign equality, non-interference in others' internal affairs, and non-use of force, also apply to cyberspace. China has also played a constructive role in the UN Internet Governance Forum and the High-Level Meeting on the Overall Review of the Implementation of the Outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society. |
中国不断加强与地区国家双边网络对话与务实合作。中国与俄罗斯签署信息安全合作协定并举行新一轮网络安全磋商,举行中日韩、中韩、中欧等网络对话,与美举行打击网络犯罪及相关事项高级别联合对话等会议。 | China has continuously strengthened bilateral dialogues and practical cooperation on cyber security with countries in the region. China and Russia have signed the Information Security Cooperation Agreement and held a new round of consultation on cyber security. China-Japan-ROK, China-ROK and China-EU dialogues on cyber security have been held. China and the US held the High-Level Joint Dialogue on Cybercrime and Related Issues. |
中国高度重视并积极参与东盟地区论坛以及金砖国家、上合组织等区域机制,推动地区网络安全合作平衡包容发展。积极参与金砖国家网络安全工作组及上合组织信息安全专家组,推动亚非法协设立“网络空间国际法”工作组,成功举办世界互联网大会等重要会议。 | China attaches great importance to and takes an active part in regional mechanisms under the ARF, BRICS and SCO in order to promote balanced and inclusive development of network security cooperation in the region. China is actively involved in the BRICS Expert Working Group on Cyber-Security and the SCO Expert Group on International Information Security, and has worked on the Asian-African Legal Consultative Organization to establish a Working Group on International Legal Issues Concerning Cyber Space. China also hosted the Second World Internet Conference. |
(五)海上安全合作。2015年是中国-东盟海洋合作年,海洋合作是建设“21世纪海上丝绸之路”的重点领域,中国与东盟国家在海上安全、科研环保等领域开展一系列交流合作活动。中国与泰国共同实施安达曼海科学考察,成功举行中泰海洋领域合作联委会第四次会议。与马来西亚签署《关于建立中马联合海洋研究中心的谅解备忘录》。中国与印尼海洋与气候中心和联合海洋观测站建设工作有序开展。成功举办第三届中国-东南亚国家海洋科研与环保合作论坛。 | 5. Cooperation on Maritime Security The year 2015 was the year of China-ASEAN maritime cooperation. Maritime cooperation is a key part of building the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road. China and the ASEAN countries conducted a series of exchanges and cooperative events on maritime security, scientific research and environmental protection. China and Thailand conducted a scientific expedition in the Andaman Sea, and held the Fourth Joint Committee Meeting on Marine Cooperation. China and Malaysia signed the Memorandum of Understanding on the Establishment of the China-Malaysia Joint Oceanographic Research Center. The construction of the China-Indonesia Center for the Oceans and Climate, and the Joint Oceanic Observation Station proceeded in an orderly way. The Third China-Southeast Asian Countries Marine Research and Environmental Protection Cooperation Forum was also held. |
中国积极参与和推动海上安全对话合作。2015年以来,举办亚太海事局长会议、北太平洋地区海岸警备执法机构论坛“执法协作2015”多任务演练、亚太航标管理人员培训班、亚太地区大规模海上人命救助(MRO)培训及桌面演习等项目。中国继续与澳大利亚、马来西亚配合,推进马航MH370客机搜寻工作,并提供2000万澳元用于后续搜救。积极支持《亚洲地区反海盗及武装劫船合作协定》(ReCAAP)“信息分享中心”能力建设和发展,向“中心”派驻中国海警职员。2016年6月,应越南请求,中国出动舰艇及飞机协助搜救越方失事飞机和机组成员。2008年12月至2016年1月,前往亚丁湾、索马里海域执行护航任务的中国海军护航编队共完成909批6112艘中外船舶的护航任务。 | China has actively participated in and advanced dialogues and cooperation on maritime security. Since 2015 China has hosted the Asia-Pacific Heads of Maritime Administrations Conference, the multi-task exercise "Cooperation for Law Enforcement 2015" of the North Pacific Coast Guard Agencies Forum, International Training Course for Lighthouse Management Personnel in the Asia-Pacific Area and the Asia-Pacific Mass Rescue Operation Training Course and Tabletop Exercise. China has continued its cooperation with Australia and Malaysia in the search for Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370, and provided 20 million Australian dollars for follow-up search-and-rescue efforts in this regard. China has vigorously supported the capacity building and development of the Information Sharing Center (ISC) under the Regional Cooperation Agreement on Combating Piracy and Armed Robbery, and accredited maritime police officers to the ISC. In June 2016, as requested by Vietnam, China dispatched vessels and airplanes to assist in searching for and rescuing Vietnamese airplanes which had crashed, along with their crew members. From December 2008 to January 2016 Chinese fleets sent to the Gulf of Aden and Somali waters as escorts conducted 909 missions, escorting 6,112 Chinese and foreign civilian vessels. |
(六)防扩散与裁军合作。中国一贯积极支持和参与国际军控、裁军与防扩散努力,主张全面禁止和彻底销毁核武器。中国积极推动全面落实《不扩散核武器条约》历次审议大会成果,建设性参加了《条约》第九次审议大会及五核国履行《条约》会议。中国愿与各方一道,为全面、平衡推进《条约》确立的核不扩散、核裁军、和平利用核能三大支柱作出不懈努力。 | 6. Cooperation in Non-Proliferation and Disarmament China supports and takes an active part in international arms control, disarmament and non-proliferation efforts, and stands for the complete prohibition and thorough destruction of nuclear weapons. China has earnestly implemented the outcomes of all the review conferences of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), and played a constructive role in the Ninth NPT review conference and the P5 Conference on Implementing the NPT. China stands ready to work with all parties through unremitting efforts to achieve the three NPT goals of "nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament, and peaceful use of nuclear power." |
中国认为,建立东南亚无核武器区对促进本地区及世界的和平与安全具有重要意义,始终坚定支持东盟国家建立东南亚无核武器区的努力,支持《东南亚无核武器区条约》议定书早日签署并生效。中国与东盟已解决所有议定书遗留问题,中国愿早日签署议定书。中国将继续以建设性姿态参与东盟和五核国磋商进程,推动东盟和其他四核国协商解决分歧,为议定书早日签署和生效作出努力。 | China holds that establishing a Southeast Asia Nuclear-Weapons-Free Zone is of great significance for promoting regional and global peace and stability. China supports the efforts of ASEAN countries to establish a Southeast Asia Nuclear-Weapons-Free Zone, and stands for the early signing and going into effect of the protocol to the Treaty on the Southeast Asia Nuclear-Weapons-Free Zone. China has solved all the remaining issues concerning the protocol with ASEAN, and looks forward to the signing of the protocol at an early date. China will continue to participate constructively in consultation between ASEAN and the five nuclear countries, and facilitate consultation between ASEAN and the other four nuclear countries to resolve their differences so that the protocol can be signed and come into effect at an early date. |
中国一贯主张全面禁止和彻底销毁包括化学武器在内的一切大规模杀伤性武器,反对任何人发展、保留或使用化学武器,支持《禁止化学武器公约》的宗旨、目标和禁止化学武器组织的工作,全面、忠实履行公约的各项义务。中国高度重视并支持在公约框架下开展国际交流与合作。 | China stands for the complete prohibition and thorough destruction of all weapons of mass destruction, including chemical weapons, opposes the development, stockpiling and use of chemical weapons by any one, and supports the purposes and goals of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction, and the work of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW). China is earnest in fulfilling its obligations under the Chemical Weapons Convention in its entirety, and attaches great importance to and supports international exchanges and cooperation under the convention. |
2015年,中国与禁化武组织联合举办亚洲地区第13届国家履约机构会议、化武援助与防护高级培训班,与联合国安理会1540委员会合办“亚太地区防扩散国家联络点培训班”。派代表出席亚太地区高级别防扩散对话会、东盟地区论坛防扩散会间会等活动。 | In 2015 China held the 13th Regional Meeting of National Authorities of Asian State Parties to the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction, hosted the Advanced Protection and Assistance Course with the OPCW, and held the Training Course on National Points of Contacts of States in the Asia-Pacific Region together with the UN Security Council 1540 Committee. China also participated in the Asian Senior-Level Talks on Non-Proliferation, ARF Inter-Sessional Workshop on Non-Proliferation, and other related events. |
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