长春萌娃二月二剪龙头 独特发型萌萌哒

Comment(s)打印 E-mail 中国新闻网  2017-02-27

2017年2月27日是中国农历的二月初二,“龙抬头”的日子,民间有“剪龙头”的习俗。在吉林省长春市,许多家长一大早就带着孩子走进理发店,让发型师为宝宝们设计出各式搞怪独特的发型。孩子们独特的发型配上多变的表情,十分可爱。龙抬头是中国城乡的一个传统节日,标志着大地回春、农耕在即。这一天人们盛行放龙灯、吃面条、“剪龙头”,祈求丰收平安。[中新网 张瑶 摄]
A child gets a haircut at a barbershop in Changchun City, the capital of Northeast China's Jilin Province, Feb. 27, 2017. Feb 27 marks traditional Chinese festival Long Tai Tou (Dragon Head Raising Day), which refers to the start of spring and farming. During the festival, held on the second day of the second month of the lunar calendar, people play dragon lanterns, eat noodles, shave their hair, and pray for luck. (Photo: China News Service/Zhang Yao)

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