附件一:成果文件 | Annex 1 : BRICS Cooperation Outcome Documents |
我们通过了以下成果文件: | The following outcome documents have been adopted. |
《金砖国家领导人汉堡非正式会晤新闻公报》 | Press Communique of the BRICS Leaders Informal Meeting in Hamburg |
政治安全合作 | Political and Security Cooperation |
1. 《金砖国家外长会晤新闻公报》 | 1. Media Note of the Meeting of BRICS Ministers of Foreign Affairs/International Relations |
2. 《金砖国家网络安全务实合作路线图》 | 2. BRICS Roadmap of Practical Cooperation on Ensuring Security in the Use of ICTs |
3. 《金砖国家中东问题特使会议联合声明》 | 3. Joint Communique on the Meeting of BRICS Special Envoys on Middle East |
经济合作 | Economic Cooperation |
1. 《金砖国家经贸合作行动纲领》 | 1. BRICS Action Agenda on Economic and Trade Cooperation |
2. 《金砖国家第七次经贸部长会议声明》 | 2. Seventh Meeting of the BRICS Trade Ministers Statement |
3. 《金砖国家服务贸易合作路线图》 | 3. BRICS Trade in Services Cooperation Roadmap |
4. 《金砖国家经济技术合作框架》 | 4. Framework on Strengthening the Economic and Technical Cooperation for BRICS Countries |
5. 《金砖国家电子商务合作倡议》 | 5. BRICS E-Commerce Cooperation Initiative |
6. 《金砖国家电子商务工作组议事规则》 | 6. Terms of Reference (ToR) of BRICS E-Commerce Working Group |
7. 《金砖国家示范电子口岸网络议事规则》 | 7. Terms of Reference (ToR) of BRICS Model E-Port Network |
8. 《金砖国家知识产权合作指导原则》 | 8. BRICS IPR Cooperation Guidelines |
9. 《金砖国家投资便利化纲要》 | 9. Outlines for BRICS Investment Facilitation |
10. 《2017年金砖国家财金成果文件》 | 10. Agreed Elements of Financial Deliverables of 2017 BRICS Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting |
11. 《金砖国家政府和社会资本合作框架良好实践》 | 11. BRICS Good Practices on PPP Frameworks |
12. 《金砖国家深化工业领域合作行动计划》 | 12. Action Plan for Deepening Industrial Cooperation Among BRICS Countries |
13. 《第三届金砖国家通信部长会议宣言》 | 13. Declaration of the Third BRICS Communications Ministers' Meeting |
14. 《金砖国家海关合作战略框架》 | 14. Strategic Framework of BRICS Customs Cooperation |
15. 《金砖国家创新合作行动计划(2017-2020年)》 | 15. BRICS Action Plan for Innovation Cooperation (2017-2020) |
16. 《第五届金砖国家科技创新部长会议杭州宣言》 | 16. Hangzhou Declaration of the 5th BRICS Science, Technology & Innovation (STI) Ministerial Meeting |
17. 《金砖国家科技创新工作计划(2017-2018年)》 | 17. Action Plan 2017-2018 in the Framework of BRICS 2015-2018 STI Work Plan |
18. 《金砖国家税务局长会议公报》 | 18. Communique of BRICS Heads of Tax Authorities Meeting |
19. 《金砖国家税务合作备忘录》 | 19. BRICS Memorandum of Cooperation in Respect of Tax Matters |
20. 《第二届金砖国家能源部长会联合声明》 | 20. Declaration of the 2nd BRICS Energy Ministerial Meeting |
21. 《第三次金砖国家环境部长会议天津声明》 | 21. Tianjin Statement on Environment of the Third Meeting of BRICS Environment Ministers |
22. 《第七届金砖国家农业部长会议共同宣言》 | 22. Joint Declaration of the Seventh Meeting of BRICS Ministers of Agriculture |
23. 《金砖国家农业合作行动计划(2017-2020)》 | 23. Action Plan 2017-2020 for Agricultural Cooperation of BRICS Countries |
24. 《金砖国家劳工就业部长会议宣言》 | 24. BRICS Labour and Employment Ministers' Declaration |
25. 《金砖国家技能脱贫减贫行动计划》 | 25. The BRICS Action Plan for Poverty Alleviation and Reduction Through Skills |
26. 《落实〈金砖国家经济伙伴战略〉进展报告》 | 26. Progress Report on the Implementation of the Strategy for BRICS Economic Partnership |
27. 《金砖国家银行合作机制银行间本币授信协议》 | 27. Interbank Local Currency Credit Line Agreement Under BRICS Interbank Cooperation Mechanism |
28. 《金砖国家银行合作机制信用评级合作谅解备忘录》 | 28. Cooperation Memorandum Relating to Credit Ratings Under BRICS Interbank Cooperation Mechanism |
29. 《金砖国家环境可持续城市伙伴关系倡议》 | 29. BRICS Partnership for Urban Environmental Sustainability Initiative |
30. 《金砖国家联合统计手册(2017)》 | 30. BRICS Joint Statistical Publication 2017 |
31. 《金砖国家研究基础设施和大科学项目合作工作组议事规则》 | 31. Terms of Reference (ToR) of BRICS Research Infrastructure and Mega-Science Projects Working Group |
32. 《金砖国家科技创新创业伙伴关系工作组议事规则》 | 32. Terms of Reference (ToR) of BRICS Working Group on Science, Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Partnership |
33. 《金砖国家出口信用保险机构和新开发银行总体合作谅解备忘录》 | 33. Memorandum of Understanding Between BRICS Export Credit Agencies and the New Development Bank on General Cooperation |
34. 《金砖国家关于劳动世界未来治理的共同立场文件》 | 34. The BRICS Common Position on Governance in the Future of Work |
35. 《金砖国家劳动研究机构网络工作章程》 | 35. BRICS Network of Labour Research Institutes Terms of Reference |
36. 《金砖国家社会保障合作框架》 | 36. BRICS Social Security Cooperation Framework |
37. 《金砖国家农业发展报告(2017)》 | 37. BRICS Agricultural Development Report 2017 |
38. 《2017年金砖国家工商论坛联合声明》 | 38. Joint Statement of BRICS Business Forum 2017 |
39. 《金砖国家工商理事会与新开发银行关于开展战略合作的谅解备忘录》 | 39. Memorandum of Understanding Between the BRICS Business Council and the New Development Bank on Strategic Cooperation |
40. 《金砖国家工商理事会关于标准监管合作的共同宣言》 | 40. Joint Declaration of BRICS Business Council on Regulatory Cooperation on Standards |
人文交流合作 | People-to-People Exchanges |
1. 《落实〈金砖国家政府间文化合作协定〉行动计划(2017-2021年)》 | 1. Action Plan for the Implementation of the Agreement between the Governments of the BRICS States on Cooperation in the Field of Culture (2017-2021) |
2. 《金砖国家图书馆联盟成立意向书》 | 2. Letter of Intent for BRICS Alliance of Libraries Cooperation |
3. 《金砖国家博物馆联盟成立意向书》 | 3. Letter of Intent of the Founding of the BRICS Alliance of Museums |
4. 《金砖国家美术馆联盟成立意向书》 | 4. Letter of Intent on the Founding of the BRICS Alliance of Art Museums and National Galleries |
5. 《金砖国家青少年儿童戏剧联盟战略合作意向书》 | 5. Letter of Intent for Strategic Cooperation of the BRICS Alliance of Theater for Children and Young People |
6. 《金砖国家加强传统医药合作联合宣言》 | 6. Joint Declaration of BRICS Countries on Strengthening Cooperation in Traditional Medicine |
7. 《金砖国家卫生部长会议天津公报》 | 7. Tianjin Communique of BRICS Health Ministers Meeting |
8. 《第五届金砖国家教育部长会议北京教育宣言》 | 8. Beijing Declaration on Education of the Fifth Meeting of BRICS Ministers of Education |
9. 《金砖国家加强媒体合作行动计划》 | 9. Action Plan of Promoting BRICS Media Cooperation |
10. 《金砖国家青年论坛行动计划》 | 10. 2017 BRICS Youth Forum Action Plan |
11. 《2017金砖国家友好城市暨地方政府合作论坛成都倡议》 | 11. Chengdu Initiative of 2017 BRICS Friendship Cities and Local Governments Cooperation Forum |
12. 《金砖国家治国理政研讨会泉州倡议》 | 12. Quanzhou Consensus of BRICS Seminar on Governance |
13. 《金砖国家政党、智库和民间社会组织论坛福州倡议》 | 13. Fuzhou Initiative of the BRICS Political Parties, Think-Tanks and Civil Society Organizations Forum |
14. 《金砖国家第九次学术论坛致金砖国家领导人厦门会晤的建议》 | 14. The 9th BRICS Academic Forum Recommendations to the 9th BRICS Summit |
15. 《金砖国家电影合作成都共识》 | 15. Chengdu Consensus of the BRICS Film Delegations of the 2nd BRICS Film Festival |
16. 《金砖国家电影合作拍摄2017-2021年计划》 | 16. BRICS Film Collaboration Plan for the Years 2017 to 2021 |
17. 《金砖国家电影人才交流培养计划》 | 17. BFA Program for BRICS Film Students and Talents |
18. 《金砖国家电影优秀传统文化传承与人才创新发展共同宣言》 | 18. Joint Declaration on Film Traditional Culture Inheritance and Creative Development of Young Talents |
19. 《金砖国家工会论坛宣言》 | 19. BRICS Trade Union Forum Declaration |
20. 《金砖国家工会致金砖国家劳工就业部长会议联合声明》 | 20. Statement by BRICS Trade Unions to the BRICS Labour and Employment Ministers' Meeting |
我们也注意到以下文件正在推进中: | Note is also taken of the ongoing work on the following documents. |
经济合作 | Economic Cooperation |
1. 《金砖国家知识产权合作行动计划》 | 1. The Action Plan on BRICS IPR Cooperation |
2. 《金砖国家遥感卫星星座合作协议》 | 2. Agreement on Cooperation on the BRCS Remote Sensing Satellite Constellation |
3. 《金砖国家会计准则制定机构联合声明》 | 3. National Accounting Standards Setters of BRICS Countries Joint Statement |
4. 《金砖国家审计监管合作联合声明》 | 4. BRICS Joint Statement on Audit Regulatory Cooperation |
人文交流 | People-to-People Exchanges |
1. 《金砖国家关于建立省州理事会的谅解备忘录》 | 1. Memorandum of Understanding on the Establishment of the Council of Regions of BRICS States |
2. 《金砖国家体育合作谅解备忘录》 | 2. Memorandum of Understanding on BRICS Sports Cooperation |
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