Emperor Qianlong's seal fetches 980,000 euros at auction
当地时间2017年9月22日,法国图卢兹,拍卖师展示一枚乾隆私人印章。据报道,这枚米色滑石印章高9.2公分,高处形同山峰。印章四面细腻地刻着风景,底座刻着“乾隆宸翰”4个字。这枚印章后来以98万欧元(约合人民币769万元)拍卖成交,手续费不算在内。如果算上手续费,最终成交价高达122.5万欧元(约合人民币961万元)。买主是一位中国竞买人。[视觉中国] An imperial seal of Qing dynasty Emperor Qianlong has been sold for 980,000 euros at an auction in Toulouse, France. The soapstone seal, the 9.2cm-high replica of a mountain with landscapes engraved on its sides, was valued at 500,000-600,000 euros but will cost 1.225 million euros once expenses are added to the sale price. The successful bidder was a Chinese. [Photo/VCG] |
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