兰州拉面师6秒拉一碗面 如工厂流水线

Comment(s)打印 E-mail 中国新闻网  2017-10-19

Noodle maker finishes in just 6 seconds

10月17日,兰州“80后”牛肉面拉面师马得龙最快6秒钟拉成一碗面,现场如工厂流水线一样迅速高效。马得龙虽然年纪不大,但从事牛肉面拉面行业已有16年时间。[中新社 杨艳敏 摄]
Ma Delong makes noodles in a restaurant in Lanzhou City, the capital of Northwest China’s Gansu Province, Oct. 17, 2017. Ma, who is in his thirties, has worked making hand-pulled noodles for more than 16 years. He is now able to turn dough into a bowl of noodles in just six seconds. (Photo: China News Service/Yang Yanmin)

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