
Comment(s)打印 E-mail 中国网 2018-04-09

China's first homegrown regional jetliner completes crosswind flight test

4月8日,据中国商飞公司发布的消息,下午3时,中国自主研制的ARJ21-700飞机的104架试飞飞机在远赴冰岛、“离家”41天、往返两万多公里航程后,平稳降落在西安阎良机场,缓缓通过迎接的“水门”。这意味着ARJ21-700飞机欧洲冰岛大侧风试飞之旅画上圆满句号。【中新网 文/殷立勤 图/中国商飞公司供图】

China's first homegrown regional jetliner, the ARJ21-700, has completed a crosswind flight test. An ARJ21-700 aircraft landed at around 3 p.m. Sunday, April 8, 2018 at Yanliang airport in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, after a 41-day trip to Iceland, according to the Shanghai-based Commercial Aircraft Corp. of China (COMAC), its producer. Test pilots performed six pairs of takeoffs and landings with crosswind speeds of over 30 knots (55 kph) at the Keflavik Airport in Iceland, where two intersecting runways generate a suitable crosswind test environment. (Photo provided to China News Service)

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