
Comment(s)打印 E-mail 新华网 2018-05-17

南海甘泉海台的冷水珊瑚群(5月15日摄)。正在执行我国“南海深部计划”西沙深潜航次任务的科学家,乘坐我国自主研制的4500米载人深潜器“深海勇士”号,在南海甘泉海台首次发现冷水珊瑚群,具有重要的科学研究价值。[新华社 张建松 摄] 

Photo taken on May 15, 2018 shows cold water coral on the Ganquan plateau in the South China Sea. Scientists descending inside China's manned submersible Shenhai Yongshi (Deep Sea Warrior) discovered cold water coral on the Ganquan plateau for the first time. [Photo/Xinhua]

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