6月10日,上海合作组织成员国领导人共同会见记者。国家主席习近平作为主席国元首发表讲话。全文如下: | Chinese President Xi Jinping on Sunday attended a joint press conference at the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit held in the coastal city of Qingdao. The following is the full text of his remarks: | |
同上海合作组织成员国领导人共同会见记者时的讲话 (2018年6月10日,青岛) 中华人民共和国主席 习近平 | Remarks by H.E. Xi Jinping President of the People's Republic of China At the SCO Joint Press Conference Qingdao, June 10, 2018 | |
各位同事, 各位记者朋友, 女士们,先生们: | Dear colleagues, Friends from the press, Ladies and gentlemen, | |
大家下午好!很高兴同大家见面。 | Good afternoon. It is my pleasure to meet with you. | |
上海合作组织成员国、观察员国领导人以及有关国际和地区组织负责人齐聚美丽的黄海之滨,共同描绘上海合作组织进入历史新阶段的发展蓝图,并就重大国际和地区问题深入交换意见,达成广泛共识。 | Leaders of the member and observer states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and heads of international and regional organizations have gathered here at the beautiful coast of the Yellow Sea to draw up a blueprint for the SCO's development as it enters a new phase in history. We have had an in-depth exchange of views on major international and regional issues, and reached broad consensus. | |
这次峰会期间,我们充分肯定印度、巴基斯坦加入以来本组织取得的新发展,共同发表了《上海合作组织成员国元首理事会青岛宣言》、《上海合作组织成员国元首关于贸易便利化的联合声明》等文件,批准了《上海合作组织成员国长期睦邻友好合作条约》未来5年实施纲要。我们商定,恪守《上海合作组织宪章》宗旨和原则,弘扬互信、互利、平等、协商、尊重多样文明、谋求共同发展的“上海精神”,坚持睦邻友好,深化务实合作,共谋地区和平、稳定、发展大计。 | During this summit, we have fully recognized the new progress made by our organization since the accession of India and Pakistan, issued several documents including the Qingdao Declaration of the Council of Heads of Member States of the SCO and the Joint Statement of the Heads of Member States of the SCO on Promoting Trade Facilitation, and ratified an action plan for implementing the Treaty on Long-Term Good-Neighborliness, Friendship and Cooperation of the SCO Member States covering the next five years. We have agreed to abide by the goals and principles of the SCO Charter, carry forward the Shanghai Spirit of mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality, consultation, respect for diversity of civilizations and pursuit of common development, and jointly pursue regional peace, stability and development by promoting good-neighborliness and friendship and deepening practical cooperation. | |
我们一致认为,当今世界正处在大发展大变革大调整时期,世界多极化、经济全球化深入发展,国与国相互依存更加紧密。世界经济复苏艰难曲折,国际和地区热点问题频发,各国面临许多共同威胁和挑战,没有哪个国家能够独自应对或独善其身。各国只有加强团结协作,深化和平合作、平等相待、开放包容、共赢共享的伙伴关系,才能实现持久稳定和发展。 | We share the view that the world is undergoing major development, transformation and adjustment. The trend toward multi-polarity and economic globalization is deepening and countries are increasingly interdependent. In the face of tortuous recovery of the world economy and various international and regional hotspot issues, countries are confronted with many common threats and challenges that no one can tackle alone. Only by enhancing solidarity and coordination and deepening partnerships featuring peace, cooperation, equality, openness, inclusiveness and mutual benefit will we be able to achieve lasting stability and development. | |
我们一致主张,安全是上海合作组织可持续发展的基石。各方将秉持共同、综合、合作、可持续的安全观,落实打击“三股势力”上海公约、反恐怖主义公约、反极端主义公约等合作文件,深化反恐情报交流和联合行动,加强相关法律基础和能力建设,有效打击“三股势力”、毒品贩运、跨国有组织犯罪、网络犯罪,发挥“上海合作组织-阿富汗联络组”作用,共同维护地区安全稳定。 | We hold that security is the foundation for sustainable development of the SCO. All parties, guided by the vision for common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security, will jointly uphold regional security and stability by implementing the Shanghai Convention on Combating Terrorism, Separatism and Extremism, the Convention Against Terrorism, the Convention on Countering Extremism and other cooperation documents, promoting counter-terrorism intelligence exchanges and joint actions, strengthening legal foundation and capacity building, effectively combating terrorism, separatism, extremism, drug trafficking, transnational organized crime and cyber crime, and leveraging the role of the SCO-Afghanistan Contact Group. | |
我们一致指出,经济全球化和区域一体化是大势所趋。各方将维护世界贸易组织规则的权威性和有效性,巩固开放、包容、透明、非歧视、以规则为基础的多边贸易体制,反对任何形式的贸易保护主义。各方将继续秉持互利共赢原则,完善区域经济合作安排,加强“一带一路”建设合作和发展战略对接,深化经贸、投资、金融、互联互通、农业等领域合作,推进贸易和投资便利化,打造区域融合发展新格局,为地区各国人民谋福祉,为世界经济发展增动力。 | We point out that economic globalization and regional integration are the compelling trend of our times. All parties will uphold the authority and efficacy of WTO rules, strengthen an open, inclusive, transparent, non-discriminatory and rules-based multilateral trading regime, and oppose trade protectionism of any form. All parties will continue to work in line with the principle of mutual benefit to improve regional economic cooperation arrangements, enhance the Belt and Road cooperation and complementarity of our respective development strategies, deepen cooperation in business, investment, finance, connectivity and agriculture, advance trade and investment facilitation, and foster new prospects for integrated development of the region to deliver benefits to our people and add fresh impetus to global growth. | |
我们一致强调,各国悠久历史和灿烂文化是人类的共同财富。各方愿在相互尊重文化多样性和社会价值观的基础上,继续在文化、教育、科技、环保、卫生、旅游、青年、媒体、体育等领域开展富有成效的多边和双边合作,促进文化互鉴、民心相通。 | We stress that the time-honored history and splendid culture of countries are the shared wealth of mankind. On the basis of respecting each other's cultural diversity and social values, all parties will continue to carry out effective multilateral and bilateral cooperation in culture, education, science and technology, environmental protection, health, tourism, youth, media and sports, with a view to promoting mutual learning between cultures and amity between the peoples. | |
我们一致认为,上海合作组织扩大国际交往和合作十分重要。各方愿在平等互利基础上,深化同观察员国、对话伙伴等地区国家的合作,扩大同联合国及其他国际和地区组织的对话和交流,共同致力于促进世界持久和平和共同繁荣。 | We believe that it is very important for the SCO to expand international interactions and cooperation. On the basis of equality and mutual benefit, all parties will work to deepen cooperation with regional countries including SCO observer states and dialogue partners, and step up dialogue and exchanges with the UN and other international and regional organizations to jointly promote lasting peace and common prosperity of the world. | |
我们一致商定,本次峰会后,吉尔吉斯共和国将担任上海合作组织轮值主席国。各方将积极支持和配合吉方履行主席国职责,办好明年峰会。 | We agree that the Kyrgyz Republic will take over the rotating presidency of the SCO after this summit. All parties will actively support and cooperate with Kyrgyzstan in fulfilling its responsibilities as the President and ensuring the success of next year's summit. | |
女士们、先生们、朋友们! | Ladies and gentlemen, Friends, | |
借此机会,我要感谢各国领导人和国际组织负责人出席这次峰会,感谢各方各界对中方担任上海合作组织主席国和筹办峰会期间给予的大力支持和协助,感谢媒体朋友们对上海合作组织发展和青岛峰会的关注。 | I would like to take this opportunity to thank the leaders of all countries and heads of international organizations for attending the summit. I am grateful for the vigorous support and assistance China has received during its presidency and in hosting this summit. My thanks also go to friends from the media for covering the progress of the SCO and the Qingdao Summit. | |
我坚信,在大家共同努力下,上海合作组织的明天一定会更加美好! | I am confident that with our joint efforts, the SCO will enjoy an even better future. | |
谢谢大家。 | Thank you. | |
(Source: Xinhua) |
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