7月18日,在对阿拉伯联合酋长国进行国事访问前夕,国家主席习近平在阿联酋《联邦报》、《国民报》发表题为《携手前行,共创未来》的署名文章。文章如下: | Chinese President Xi Jinping on Wednesday published a signed article titled "Working Hand in Hand for a Better Future" on Al Ittihad and The National, two mainstream newspapers in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), ahead of his state visit to the Middle East country. The following is the full text of the article: | |
携手前行,共创未来 中华人民共和国主席 习近平 | Working Hand in Hand for a Better Future Xi Jinping President of the People's Republic of China | |
应哈利法总统邀请,我将于7月19日对阿拉伯联合酋长国进行国事访问。这是我今年首次出访的第一站,也是我再次当选中国国家主席后访问的第一个阿拉伯国家。 | I will pay a state visit to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) on July 19th at the invitation of President Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan. The UAE will be the first stop of my first overseas trip this year and also the first Arab state I will visit since my re-election as President of the People's Republic of China. | |
中阿两国人民友谊源远流长。早在2000多年前,我们的祖先就通过古代丝绸之路互通有无、相知相交。7世纪,双方又打通了海上贸易往来通道,中国的丝绸、瓷器销往阿拉伯半岛、东非、欧洲,阿拉伯香料和珍珠也登船经印度洋前往中国。 | The friendship between the peoples of China and the UAE dates back to ancient times. Our ancestors started trade through the ancient Silk Road well over 2,000 years ago and forged a friendship that remains vibrant to this day. With the opening of trade routes at sea in the 7th century, Chinese silk and porcelain were marketed to the Arabian Peninsula, East Africa and Europe while Arab spices and pearls were brought to Asia through the Indian Ocean. | |
1984年中国同阿联酋建交,掀开了交往合作的崭新篇章。过去的34年,是两国传统友好深化发展、民间往来迸发涌流的活跃时期,中国人民不会忘记2008年中国四川汶川特大地震发生后,阿联酋政府捐款5000万美元所体现出的患难真情。过去的34年,是两国快速发展、在欧亚大陆两端创造发展奇迹的时期,如今中国已成长为世界经济增长的重要引擎,阿联酋也成为阿拉伯世界的发展绿洲。过去的34年,是两国探索适合自身国情发展道路的时期,两国在加速迈向现代化的同时都保持了自身独立性。两国发展理念相近,政策目标相通,合作纽带越来越紧,已成为发展建设中优势互补的真诚朋友,沟通协调国际和地区事务的重要伙伴。 | In 1984, China and the UAE established diplomatic ties, opening a new chapter in the bilateral exchanges and cooperation. The past 34 years have seen a most dynamic growth of China-UAE traditional friendship and people-to-people exchanges. In the wake of the deadly earthquakes in 2008 which devastated Wenchuan in China's Sichuan Province, the UAE government donated 50 million U.S. dollars. The Chinese people will always remember the solidarity and compassion that came from the UAE. The past 34 years have seen a robust expansion of our economies in a development miracle occurring on both ends of the Eurasian continent. China has emerged as a strong driving force for world economic growth and the UAE has become an oasis of development for the Arab world. The past 34 years have also seen a fruitful effort of our two nations each to explore a development path befitting our respective circumstances. In the process of an accelerated modernization drive, our independence has remained intact. The development philosophies and policy objectives of our countries are similar. Our bonds of cooperation are growing stronger. China and the UAE have become bosom friends who help and complement each other, and important partners who always communicate and coordinate with each other on regional and international affairs. | |
2012年,阿联酋成为首个同中国建立战略伙伴关系的海湾阿拉伯国家,双边合作快速发展,内涵更加丰富。特别是2015年12月,阿布扎比王储穆罕默德访华,我们就发展中阿关系达成重要共识,引领两国友好合作取得了一系列标志性成就。 | In 2012, China and the UAE established a strategic partnership. The UAE is the first Gulf state to have done so with China. Thanks to the strategic partnership, our bilateral cooperation has embarked on a fast track and covered more areas. What should be specially mentioned is the visit to China by Crown Prince Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan of Abu Dhabi in December 2015. During his visit, the Crown Prince and I reached an important consensus on the way forward for a stronger relationship between the two countries. China-UAE friendly cooperation has since made landmark achievements. | |
——能源合作延伸到上游。2017年,阿方将阿布扎比陆上石油区块共计12%的特许经营权授予中国企业,这是中国在中东产油国首次获得上游合作份额。2018年3月,阿方又将阿布扎比海上石油区块所属2个油田各10%的特许经营权授予中国企业。 | -- Our upstream energy cooperation is off to a good start. In 2017, the UAE awarded Chinese companies a combined 12 percent stakes in Abu Dhabi's onshore oil concession, the first time for China to acquire stakes in upstream cooperation in an oil-producing country in the Middle East. In March 2018, the UAE awarded a Chinese entity another 10 percent stake in each of the two offshore concessions in Abu Dhabi. | |
——产能合作迈出历史性步伐。中阿联合建设运营的哈利法港二期集装箱码头项目将于2019年第一季度投入运营,年处理能力240万标准箱。设在哈利法港临港工业区的中阿产能合作示范园进展良好,目前共有16家企业签署入园意向协议,投资总额约64亿元人民币。 | -- Our industrial capacity cooperation has made historic progress. The Khalifa Port Container Terminal Two, a project jointly built and operated by Chinese and UAE companies with a designed annual capacity of 2.4 million TEUs, will be up and running in the first quarter of 2019. The China-UAE Industrial Capacity Cooperation Demonstration Zone located in the Khalifa Industrial Zone has made good progress. As things stand now, 16 enterprises have signed letters of intent with a committed investment of 6.4 billion yuan. | |
——高新领域合作逐步兴起。中阿合作建设中的迪拜700兆瓦光热发电项目是世界上规模最大、技术最先进的光热发电站;作为丝路基金在中东的首单投资,哈斯彦清洁煤电站建成后也将是中东首个清洁燃煤电站。 | -- Our new and high technology cooperation is on the rise. The 700-MW Concentrated Solar Power (CSP), a China-UAE joint project, is under construction in Dubai. It will be the world's largest and most advanced solar thermal power plant. The Hassyan Clean Coal Power Plant, the first Middle East project financed by the Silk Road Fund, will be the first clean coal plant in the region upon completion. | |
——金融合作深入开展。2015年12月,两国央行续签本币互换协议,签署在阿联酋建立人民币清算安排合作备忘录,并同意将人民币合格境外机构投资者试点扩大到阿联酋。中阿共同投资基金已完成12个项目、总额10.7亿美元的投资决策。 | -- Our financial cooperation is growing in depth. In December 2015, the central banks of our two countries renewed their currency swap agreement and signed an MOU on RMB clearing arrangements in the UAE. The two central banks also agreed to expand the RMB Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors (RQFII) pilot area to the UAE. The China-UAE Joint Investment Fund has finalized its plans for investment in 12 projects valued at 1.07 billion U.S. dollars. | |
——人文交流蓬勃发展。阿联酋成为中国公民首站旅游人数最多的中东阿拉伯国家,2017年,中国赴阿联酋游客数量首次突破100万人次,在阿联酋过境游客约350万人次。2017年,阿联酋在中东国家中率先获得持普通护照公民赴华免签待遇。阿联酋“青年大使”项目迄今已成功举办6届中国行活动,百余名阿联酋青年精英赴华交流参访。 | -- Our people-to-people and cultural exchanges are multiplying. The UAE is now the most favored first stop for Chinese tourists traveling to Arab destinations in the Middle East. In 2017, the number of Chinese tourist arrivals in the UAE exceeded the mark of one million for the first time in history, and about 3.5 million Chinese tourists transited through the UAE. Starting from 2017, UAE citizens traveling on ordinary passports may visit China visa-free. The UAE is the first Middle East country to have been granted such visa-exemption treatment by China. Moreover, the UAE Youth Ambassadors Program has organized six China tours for over 100 young people from the UAE. | |
新的征程需要果敢的引领者,新的使命需要勇毅的担当者。我在2014年面向阿拉伯世界提出共建“一带一路”倡议,得到所有阿拉伯国家热烈响应。阿布扎比王储穆罕默德更是富有远见地回应说:“在以新的丝绸之路这一现代方式加强中国同阿拉伯世界沟通的桥梁上,我们有着共同的抱负。这一合作框架之所以必要,是因为尽管我们的关系已取得了快速发展,但我们的雄心远高于此。” | A new journey needs leaders with strong resolve. A new mission needs people with strong commitment. In 2014, I called on the Arab world to join in Belt and Road cooperation. The Arab states responded favorably to my invitation. The Crown Prince Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan of Abu Dhabi noted in his visionary statement that we share the aspiration of building stronger ties between the Arab world and China in such a modern way as the new Silk Road, and that the cooperation under this framework is highly necessary because we have far greater ambitions, albeit the rapid growth of our bilateral relations. | |
共建“一带一路”植根于古丝绸之路的历史土壤,顺应阿拉伯国家推进经济多元化和工业化的发展需求。我期待通过这次访问,同阿联酋领导人一道描绘合作蓝图,释放合作潜力,为中阿关系提挡加速,打造中阿共建“一带一路”命运共同体,更好造福两国人民。 | Belt and Road cooperation is rooted in the history of the ancient Silk Road and dovetails with the development needs of Arab states, especially their economic diversification and industrialization. I look forward to working with the UAE leaders to draw up a blueprint for China-UAE cooperation so as to unlock its full potentials and advance China-UAE relations at a higher level and speed and build a China-UAE community of shared future in Belt and Road cooperation. Hopefully we will be able to deliver more tangible benefits to our two peoples through these endeavors. | |
我希望,两国携起手来: | To this end, I hope that our two countries will work hand in hand as: | |
——做真诚互信的战略伙伴。当今世界正处在大发展大变革大调整时期,中阿应该加强沟通和协调,维护和拓展双方在国际和地区事务中的共同利益,为促进世界和平、稳定、繁荣贡献正能量。 | -- Strategic partners who truly trust each other. Given the unprecedented development, transformation and adjustment the world is undergoing, China and the UAE need to strengthen their communication and coordination, safeguard and expand their common interests in regional and international affairs, and jointly contribute to world peace, stability and prosperity. | |
——做共赢共享的合作伙伴。中阿应该在共建“一带一路”框架内加强政策沟通,加快融合发展,共同维护多边贸易体制,推动经济全球化朝着更加开放、包容、普惠、平衡、共赢的方向发展。 | -- Collaborative partners who pursue win-win outcomes and mutual benefits. Under the framework of Belt and Road cooperation, China and the UAE need to strengthen policy communication, speed up integrated development, uphold the multilateral trading system, and see that economic globalization is more open, inclusive, balanced and beneficial to all. | |
——做互学互鉴的交往伙伴。中阿应该加强文化、教育、旅游、青年、媒体等领域合作,做不同宗教、不同文明对话互鉴的桥梁。中方将在阿布扎比开设中国文化中心,支持并参与迪拜在2020年举办中东地区首届世博会。 | -- Interactive partners who learn from each other. China and the UAE need to deepen cooperation in culture, education, tourism, youth, media and other areas, and promote dialogue and mutual learning between religions and civilizations. In this connection, China will open a Chinese culture center in Abu Dhabi. China will support and participate in Expo 2020 Dubai, which will be the first Expo held in the Middle East. | |
——做实践先行的创新伙伴。我们是敢为人先、追求卓越的民族,中方正在实施创新驱动发展战略,阿联酋也在推进“国家创新战略”、“2050能源战略”、“第四次工业革命六大支柱设想”,双方可以同向发力、相互促进,在更多高新技术领域寻求合作突破。 | -- Innovative partners who champion result-oriented actions. Both our nations are known for a trail-blazing spirit and pursuit of excellence. China is implementing its innovation-driven development strategy, and the UAE is acting on its National Innovation Strategy, Energy Strategy 2050 and a six-pillar plan for the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Our two countries may work in concert to seek new breakthroughs in new- and high-tech cooperation. | |
时代潮流滚滚向前,世界发展常变常新。中阿两国虽然相距遥远、国情千差万别,但都拥有极具奋斗精神、创造精神、追梦精神的人民。我曾说过,“中国人民自古就明白,世界上没有坐享其成的好事,要幸福就要奋斗”。阿联酋“国父”扎耶德总统也说过,“为国家带来进步的不仅仅是石油,还有这个国家人民所作出的努力”。只要两国人民共同支持和参与,就一定能够创造两国合作共赢新历史,为我们共同的世界、共同的未来作出更大贡献。 | As time marches on, the world changes and evolves into a new one. Our two countries are geographically far apart and different in national conditions. But we are both proud to have an enterprising and creative people who never give up their dreams. I once said, we Chinese have realized since the beginning of our nation that there is no such a thing as sitting idle and enjoying all the benefits. Happiness is to be earned through hard work. Similarly, the founding father of the UAE, His Highness President Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, aptly noted that oil alone cannot bring progress to a country and that it must be combined with the hard work of its people. I am convinced that with the support and participation of our two peoples, we will be able to make history with our mutually-beneficial cooperation and contribute more to the world and the future that we share. | |
(Source: Xinhua) |
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