Full text: Beijing Declaration -- Toward an Even Stronger China-Africa Community with a Shared Future

Comment(s)打印 E-mail China.org.cn 2018-09-29
9月4日,中非合作论坛北京峰会圆桌会议在北京人民大会堂举行。国家主席习近平和论坛共同主席国南非总统拉马福萨分别主持第一阶段和第二阶段会议。这是习近平同拉马福萨及其他53个论坛非洲成员代表团团长一同步入会场。[新华社 鞠鹏 摄]
Chinese President Xi Jinping, South African President Cyril Ramaphosa, who is the African co-chair of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC), and heads of delegation of other 53 African members of the FOCAC, arrive at the venue of the roundtable meeting of the 2018 FOCAC Beijing Summit at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China, Sept. 4, 2018. Xi and Ramaphosa chaired the two-phase roundtable meeting respectively on Tuesday. (Xinhua/Ju Peng)

1.1 我们,中华人民共和国和53个非洲国家的国家元首、政府首脑、代表团团长和非洲联盟委员会主席,于2018年9月3日至4日在中国举行2018年中非合作论坛北京峰会。围绕“合作共赢,携手构建更加紧密的中非命运共同体”主题,致力于推进中非合作论坛建设,深化中非全面战略合作伙伴关系,协商一致通过《关于构建更加紧密的中非命运共同体的北京宣言》。

1.1 We, the Heads of State, Government and Delegations of the People's Republic of China and 53 African countries, and the Chairperson of the African Union Commission (AUC), gathered in China on the 3rd and 4th of September for the 2018 Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC). Under the theme "China and Africa: Toward an Even Stronger Community with a Shared Future through Win-Win Cooperation" and committed to the development of FOCAC and to deepening China-Africa comprehensive strategic and cooperative partnership, we adopted by consensus the Beijing Declaration-Toward an Even Stronger China-Africa Community with a Shared Future.

1.2 我们对中非合作论坛约翰内斯堡峰会召开以来,冈比亚共和国、圣多美和普林西比民主共和国、布基纳法索3国成为中非合作论坛新成员表示热烈祝贺。

1.2 We extend warm congratulations to the Republic of the Gambia, the Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe, and Burkina Faso on becoming new members of FOCAC following the Johannesburg Summit. 

2. 当今世界正处于大发展大变革大调整时期,和平与发展仍然是我们的共同核心任务,世界各国相互联系和依存日益加深,唯有携手合作,才能有效应对恐怖主义、冲突、贫富差距、贫困、气候变化、土地退化、粮食安全、重大传染性疾病、保护主义等全球性挑战。

2. In a world of major development, transformation and adjustments, peace and development remain our common aspirations. Growing interconnection and inter-dependence among countries has made collaboration the only viable way to effectively address terrorism, conflicts, wealth gaps, poverty, climate change, land degradation, food insecurity, major communicable diseases, protectionism and other global challenges.

3.1 共同忆及和充分肯定中非领导人近年来在双多边场合提及“人类命运共同体”和“中非命运共同体”理念,共同倡议世界各国同心协力,构建人类命运共同体,建设持久和平、普遍安全、共同繁荣、开放包容、清洁美丽的世界,建设相互尊重、公平正义、合作共赢的新型国际关系,维护和促进世界和平与发展。

3.1 Recalling and fully endorsing the vision of "a community with a shared future for mankind" and "China-Africa community with a shared future", which has been articulated by leaders of China and Africa on both bilateral and multilateral occasions in recent years, we call on all countries to work in concert toward a community with a shared future for mankind, an open, inclusive, clean, and beautiful world that enjoys lasting peace, universal security, and common prosperity, and a new type of international relations featuring mutual respect, fairness, justice, and win-win cooperation, with a view to upholding and advancing world peace and development.

3.2 我们一致认为,中非历来是命运共同体。中国是最大的发展中国家,非洲是发展中国家最集中的大陆。基于共同历史遭遇、发展任务和政治诉求,中非人民同呼吸、共命运,结下深厚友谊。一致承诺,加强集体对话,增进传统友谊,深化务实合作,携手打造更加紧密的中非命运共同体。

3.2 We believe that China and Africa are a community with a shared future. China is the largest developing country. Africa is the continent with the most developing countries. Sharing weal and woe, the Chinese and African peoples have forged a deep friendship rooted in our similar historical experiences, development tasks and political aspirations. We agree to strengthen collective dialogue, enhance traditional friendship, deepen practical cooperation, and work together toward an even stronger China-Africa community with a shared future. 

4.1 我们赞赏“一带一路”倡议遵循共商共建共享原则,遵循市场规律和国际通行规则,坚持公开透明,谋求互利共赢,打造包容可及、价格合理、广泛受益、符合国情和当地法律法规的基础设施,致力于实现高质量、可持续的共同发展。“一带一路”建设顺应时代潮流,造福各国人民。

4.1 We applaud that, under the Belt and Road Initiative, the principle of extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits is observed; market principles and international norms are followed; openness, transparency, and win-win results are advocated and practiced; efforts are made to develop inclusive, accessible and reasonably priced infrastructure that delivers extensive benefits and are consistent with the national conditions and laws and regulations of related countries, with a view to promoting high-quality and sustainable development for all. The Belt and Road development responds to the call of the times and brings benefits to all peoples.

4.2 非洲是“一带一路”历史和自然延伸,是重要参与方。中非共建“一带一路”将为非洲发展提供更多资源和手段,拓展更广阔的市场和空间,提供更多元化的发展前景。我们一致同意将“一带一路”同联合国2030年可持续发展议程、非盟《2063年议程》和非洲各国发展战略紧密对接,加强政策沟通、设施联通、贸易畅通、资金融通、民心相通,促进双方“一带一路”产能合作,加强双方在非洲基础设施和工业化发展领域的规划合作,为中非合作共赢、共同发展注入新动力。

4.2 Africa, being part of the historical and natural extension of the Belt and Road, has been an important participant in this initiative. The cooperation between China and Africa under the Belt and Road Initiative will generate more resources and means, expand the market and space for African development, and broaden its development prospects. We agree to form a strong synergy between the Belt and Road Initiative and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development of the United Nations, Agenda 2063 of the African Union (AU), as well as the development strategies of African countries. The closer connectivity in policy, infrastructure, trade, finance and people-to-people ties, strengthened industrial capacity cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative, and greater cooperation in the planning of African infrastructure and industrial development will lend new impetus to the win-win cooperation and common development between China and Africa.

4.3 非洲国家支持中国于2019年举办第二届“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛,中国欢迎非洲国家积极参与相关活动。

4.3 African countries support China in hosting the second Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation in 2019. China welcomes African countries' active participation in the Forum.

5.1 我们一致高度评价中非合作论坛18年来对中非关系发展的促进作用。2015年论坛约翰内斯堡峰会提出的中非“十大合作计划”及《中非合作论坛-约翰内斯堡行动计划(2016-2018年)》各项后续行动落实取得丰硕成果。

5.1 We applaud the role FOCAC has played over the past 18 years to promote China-Africa relations. The follow-up actions and the implementation of the outcomes of the Johannesburg Summit, including the "ten cooperation plans" and the FOCAC Johannesburg Action Plan (2016-2018), have produced fruitful results.

5.2 我们一致认为论坛机制日益高效,引领国际对非合作。同意维护论坛现有机制,保持特色和优势,更好促进新时代中非关系和中非合作发展。同意将论坛作为中非共建“一带一路”的主要平台。

5.2 We recognize that the FOCAC mechanism is increasingly efficient and has become a leading player in international cooperation with Africa. We agree to uphold the existing mechanism and preserve its uniqueness and strengths to further advance China-Africa relations and cooperation in the new era. We also agree to make the Forum a major platform for China-Africa cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative.

6. 中方愿继续秉持习近平主席提出的真实亲诚理念和正确义利观,加强同非洲国家团结合作。我们致力于共同努力,发挥好各自优势,照顾好彼此关切,不断建设和丰富中非全面战略合作伙伴关系,造福中非人民。

6. China will continue to strengthen solidarity and cooperation with African countries in keeping with the principle of upholding justice while pursuing shared interests and the principle of sincerity, real results, affinity and good faith, as proposed by H.E. President Xi Jinping. We are committed to working together to leverage our respective strengths, accommodating each other's concerns, and developing and enriching the China-Africa comprehensive strategic and cooperative partnership to the benefit of the Chinese and African peoples.

7.1 中方赞赏非洲一体化进程,承诺继续支持非洲谋求联合自强、加快推进一体化、维护和平稳定、实现经济更快增长等努力。注意到近年非盟首脑会议在上述方面取得令人鼓舞的成果。

7.1 China commends the African integration process, and pledges its continued support for Africa's efforts in seeking strength through unity, accelerating integration, upholding peace and stability, and achieving even faster economic growth. China takes note of the encouraging progress achieved in these areas at the AU Summits in recent years. 

7.2 我们欢迎中方继续同非盟及其所属机构、非洲区域经济组织等加强合作,支持非盟委员会在推动中非跨国跨区域合作中发挥建设性作用。中方欢迎非盟在北京设立驻华代表处,支持非盟改革,提升非盟能力建设和工作效率。

7.2 We welcome China's stronger cooperation with the AU, its agencies and African regional economic organizations, and support the AUC in playing a constructive role in promoting China-Africa transnational and trans-regional cooperation. China welcomes a representational office of the AU in Beijing, and supports AU reform to enhance its capacity building and efficiency.

8. 我们一致同意,继续坚定支持彼此维护国家领土完整、主权、安全和发展利益。论坛非方成员承诺继续坚定奉行一个中国原则,支持中国统一大业;支持中方同相关国家通过友好磋商和谈判,和平解决领土和海洋争议问题。中方重申愿在一个中国原则基础上同所有非洲国家发展友好合作关系、分享中国发展机遇;重申坚定奉行不干涉内政原则,支持非洲国家自主探索适合本国国情的发展道路。

8. We agree to continue to give each other firm support in upholding territorial integrity, sovereignty, security and development interests. African members of FOCAC reaffirm their commitment to the one-China principle, and their support for China's reunification and China's efforts in resolving territorial and maritime disputes peacefully through friendly consultation and negotiation. China reaffirms its commitment, on the basis of the one-China principle, to growing friendship and cooperation with all African countries and sharing with them its development opportunities. China reiterates its firm commitment to the principle of non-interference in others' internal affairs and supports African countries in independently exploring development paths suited to their national conditions.

9. 中方承诺同非洲国家加强发展战略对接,加强治国理政经验交流,分享减贫发展特别是乡村地区经济社会发展以及性别平等、妇女和青年赋权经验,支持非洲国家实现发展振兴,支持非洲实施《2063年议程》及其第一个十年规划,实现自主可持续发展。

9. China pledges to work with African countries to synergize development strategies and increase experience-sharing on governance, poverty reduction and development, particularly on rural socio-economic development, gender equality and women and youth empowerment. China supports African countries in working for development and rejuvenation and acting on Agenda 2063 and its first ten-year implementation plan, with a view to achieving independent and sustainable development. 

10. 我们赞赏中非在反腐败领域合作取得的显著成就和相关合作取得的积极成果,决心继续对腐败采取“零容忍”态度,不断完善反腐败合作制度和机制。欢迎非洲启动“反腐主题年”,愿以此为契机深化南南合作,加强经验交流分享,共同打击腐败、倡导廉洁。

10. We applaud the remarkable progress and positive results achieved by China and Africa in anti-corruption cooperation. We will continue to bear zero tolerance toward corruption and strengthen the institutions and mechanisms for anti-corruption cooperation. We welcome the launching of the African Anti-Corruption Year, and will take it as an opportunity to further enhance South-South cooperation and experience-sharing in a joint effort to fight corruption and promote integrity.

11. 我们积极评价双方就新形势下加强互利合作达成的共同发展、集约发展、绿色发展、安全发展和开放发展五大合作发展理念。充分肯定中非经贸合作取得的丰硕成果,高度评价中非贸易、投融资、基础设施等领域合作的显著成效。一致认为经贸合作始终是中非关系发展的“压舱石”和“推进器”。中方愿继续秉持互利共赢原则,以支持非洲培育不依赖原材料出口的内生增长能力为切入点,增强非洲第二、三产业生产能力,推动中非经贸合作转型升级,为非洲发展提供不附加政治条件的各类帮助和支持。非方重申坚持走可持续、多元化、社会经济协调发展之路,确保实现共赢结果。

11. We commend the principle of common, intensive, green, safe and open development agreed by both sides to enhance mutually beneficial cooperation under the new circumstances, and applaud the fruitful China-Africa economic and trade cooperation, particularly the remarkable results of cooperation in such areas as trade, investment, financing and infrastructure. We believe that economic and trade cooperation remains the anchor and the propeller for China-Africa relations. China will continue to, in keeping with the principle of mutual benefit and win-win cooperation, help enhance Africa's production capacity in the secondary and tertiary industries, and promote the transformation and upgrading of China-Africa economic and trade cooperation focusing on improving Africa's internally driven growth that reduces reliance on export of raw materials. China will, as always, offer assistance and support to Africa's development with no political strings attached. Africa reaffirms its commitment to sustainable, diversified and coordinated socio-economic development to ensure mutually beneficial outcomes.

12. 我们呼吁国际社会同舟共济,以贸易和投资促进发展,推动经济全球化朝着更加开放、包容、普惠、平衡、共赢的方向发展。面对当前严峻形势,坚定主张多边主义,反对一切形式的单边主义和保护主义,支持以世界贸易组织为核心、以规则为基础、透明、非歧视、开放、包容的多边贸易体制,推动建设开放、包容的世界经济。推动世贸组织争端解决机制正常运转,继续落实以往部长级会议成果,决心加强在“77国集团加中国”等机制内的合作,用实际行动共同维护多边贸易体制,支持全球发展。

12. We call on the international community to join efforts in promoting trade and investment for development and making economic globalization more open, inclusive, balanced and beneficial to all. Faced with the current severe situation, we firmly uphold multilateralism and oppose all forms of unilateralism and protectionism, support a WTO-centered, rules-based multilateral trading regime that is transparent, non-discriminatory, open and inclusive, and support the efforts for an open and inclusive world economy. We will work for the normal operation of the WTO dispute settlement mechanism and continue to implement the outcomes of previous ministerial meetings. We resolve to enhance cooperation within such mechanisms as the G77+China, and take concrete actions to uphold the multilateral trading regime and support development across the world.

13.1 非方领导人欢迎中国国家主席习近平在博鳌亚洲论坛2018年年会开幕式上宣布了中国进一步扩大开放的一系列新的重大措施,赞赏中方在能力建设等方面作出的具体、有针对性的努力,认为上述措施和努力将惠及包括非方在内的世界各国,认为中国发展为开放型世界经济发展提供了重要机遇和动力。非方领导人欢迎中方2018年11月在上海举办首届中国国际进口博览会,并愿积极参加。

13.1 The African leaders welcome the major measures for further opening-up announced by H.E. President Xi Jinping at the opening ceremony of the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2018, and commend the concrete and targeted efforts made by China in such areas as capacity building. They believe that such measures and efforts will benefit African countries and beyond, and that China's development has brought important opportunities and impetus to an open world economy. The African leaders welcome the first China International Import Expo to be held in Shanghai in November, 2018 and would like to take an active part in it. 

13.2 中方赞赏2018年3月在卢旺达首都基加利举行的非洲自贸区建设特别首脑会议取得的重要成果,欢迎非洲启动单一航空运输市场建设,欢迎支持人员和货物自由流动的决定,支持非洲自贸区和单一航空运输市场建设尽早取得成果。中方致力于同非方加强贸易、投资便利化等领域合作,加强政策分享、信息交流和能力建设。中方支持非洲国家加强互联互通建设,支持非洲基础设施发展与工业化,愿鼓励双方企业根据市场规律,积极探讨多种形式的互利合作模式。

13.2 China commends the important outcomes of the African Union Extraordinary Summit, held in Kigali, Rwanda in March 2018, on the African Continental Free Trade Area, and welcomes the launching of the Single African Air Transport Market and the decisions supporting the free movement of people and goods. China supports early progress in developing African Continental Free Trade Area and the Single African Air Transport Market. China will strengthen cooperation with Africa in trade and investment facilitation, and step up related policy communication, information sharing and capacity building. China supports African countries in enhancing connectivity, infrastructure development and industrialization. China encourages companies from both sides to explore more ways of mutually beneficial cooperation based on the law of the market.

13.3 非方赞赏中方支持非洲铁路建设,尤其是支持非盟《2063年议程》有关目标。非方欢迎中方成为非洲铁路发展的战略伙伴,欢迎中方加大对非洲旅游业投资,扩大中非航空合作。

13.3 Africa appreciates the support that China has rendered to its railway development, particularly the related goals set forth by the AU Agenda 2063, and welcomes China as a strategic partner in its railway development. Africa welcomes more investment from China in its tourism industry and looks to further expand China-Africa aviation cooperation. 

14. 我们欢迎《二十国集团支持非洲和最不发达国家工业化倡议》,敦促发达国家按时足额兑现对发展中国家特别是非洲国家的官方发展援助承诺,提供资金、技术和能力建设等更多支持,确保联合国2030年可持续发展议程得到全面落实。

14. We welcome the G20 Initiative on Supporting Industrialization in Africa and Least Developed Countries and urge developed countries to honor their official development assistance commitments to developing countries, especially those in Africa, on time and in full, and to provide more support in terms of funding, technology and capacity building for the full implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

15. 我们呼吁各国尊重文明多样性。强调人文交流合作对中非人民增进了解、友谊与合作具有重要意义,鼓励深化在文化、教育、科技、体育、卫生、旅游、媒体机构、地方政府等领域交流、互鉴与合作,持续巩固中非关系的民意社会基础。

15. We call on all countries to respect the diversity of civilizations and stress that people-to-people and cultural exchanges are of great significance for increasing mutual understanding, friendship and cooperation between the Chinese and African peoples. We encourage further exchanges, mutual learning, and cooperation in culture, education, science, technology, sports, health, tourism, media and at sub-national levels, to further consolidate the public support for China-Africa relations. 

16.1 我们强调秉持共同、综合、合作、可持续的安全观,坚持以对话解决争端、以协商化解分歧,统筹应对传统和非传统安全威胁,反对任何形式、任何方式、发生在任何地点及任何原因导致的恐怖主义。

16.1 We underscore the importance of advocating common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security. We commit ourselves to addressing disputes and differences through dialogue and consultation, making coordinated efforts to deal with both traditional and non-traditional security threats and opposing terrorism in whatever form, for whatever cause, and wherever it occurs.

16.2 中方坚定支持非洲国家和非盟等地区组织以非洲方式自主解决非洲问题的努力,支持非洲常备军、危机应对快速反应部队建设,支持有关地区国家采取积极措施应对恐怖主义威胁。中方支持联合国为非洲自主和平行动提供可预见、可持续的资金支持,支持非方实现2020年建成“消弭枪声的非洲”。中方愿根据非方需要,继续建设性参与非洲热点问题斡旋和调解。我们一致欢迎中非加强在联合国安理会层面相关事务中的沟通协调,通过中国与安理会非洲非常任理事国会晤、磋商等机制,密切在涉非和平安全事务中的协作,维护共同利益。欢迎中方同非盟和平安全理事会在会议、磋商等机制下加强合作,维护共同利益。

16.2 China firmly supports African countries and regional organizations such as the AU in their efforts to independently resolve African problems in the African way. China supports the building of the African Standby Force and the African Capacity for the Immediate Response to Crisis, and other active measures by regional countries in countering terrorist threats. China supports predictable and sustainable UN funding for Africa's independent peace operations and the initiative to "Silence the Guns in Africa by Year 2020". In light of the need of Africa, China will continue to play a constructive role in providing good offices and mediation of African hotspot issues. We welcome closer communication and coordination between China and Africa in the UN Security Council. We will enhance coordination and cooperation on affairs related to African peace and security to uphold our common interests through the meetings and consultations between China and Africa's non-permanent members of the Security Council. We welcome closer cooperation between China and the African Union Peace and Security Council (AUPSC) through meetings and consultations, as it serves our common interests.

16.3 我们注意到当前非洲难移民问题突出,非盟、非洲各次区域组织和非洲各国在非盟《2063年议程》及相关框架内致力于推动解决此问题。中非将探讨加强在人道主义响应、早期预警、应对气候变化、干旱和沙漠化、灾害管理与应对等领域的合作。

16.3 We note the serious challenges of displacement and migration in Africa, and the efforts by the African Union, sub-regional organizations and African countries in addressing the issues within the framework of Agenda 2063 and through other related channels. China and Africa will discuss ways to strengthen cooperation in such areas as humanitarian response, early warning, climate change, drought and desertification and disaster management and response.

17. 我们强调维护联合国宪章的宗旨和原则,支持联合国在国际事务中发挥积极作用。主张相互尊重、平等协商,坚决摒弃冷战思维和强权政治,走对话而不对抗、结伴而不结盟的国与国交往新路。秉持共商共建共享的全球治理观,主张多边主义,倡导国际关系民主化,坚持国家不分大小、强弱、贫富一律平等,反对干涉别国内政,反对在国际事务中滥用武力或以武力相威胁。重申继续在联合国等场合深化彼此理解支持,加强相互协调配合。

17. We emphasize the importance of upholding the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and supporting the active role of the UN in international affairs. We advocate mutual respect and equal consultation, firmly reject Cold-War mentality and power politics, and embrace the new approach to state-to-state relations that favors dialogue over confrontation, partnership over alliance. We follow the principle of achieving shared benefits through consultation and collaboration in global governance, advocate multilateralism and democracy in international relations, and believe that all countries are equal, irrespective of their size, strength or wealth. We oppose interference in others' internal affairs and arbitrary use or threat of force in international affairs, and reaffirm the need to deepen mutual understanding and enhance coordination and collaboration with each other at the UN and other fora. 

18. 我们主张应对包括安理会在内的联合国进行必要改革,以更好地履行联合国宪章赋予的职责,提高联合国应对全球威胁和挑战、加强全球治理的能力。强调应纠正非洲国家遭受的历史不公,优先增加非洲国家在联合国安理会和其他机构的代表性,共同推动国际治理体系变革朝着有利于发展中国家共同利益的方向发展。中国愿与安理会非洲非常任理事国加强沟通协调,共同维护中非以及发展中国家利益。我们也主张应对包括布雷顿森林体系机构在内的国际金融机构进行改革。

18. We call for necessary reforms of the UN including its Security Council to better fulfill their responsibilities prescribed in the UN Charter and enhance the UN's capacity to deal with global threats and challenges and strengthen global governance. We emphasize that the historical injustice endured by African countries should be corrected, that priority should be given to increasing the representation of African countries at the UN Security Council and other agencies, and that concerted efforts should be made to steer the reform of the international governance system toward better serving the common interests of developing countries. China will enhance communication and coordination with Africa's non-permanent members of the Security Council to jointly uphold the common interests of the two sides and developing countries as a whole. We also call for reforms of international financial institutions including the Bretton Woods institutions.

19.1 我们呼吁在2018年《联合国气候变化框架公约》第24次缔约方大会上达成《巴黎协定》实施细则。我们根据第22次缔约方大会上通过的《关于气候和可持续发展的马拉喀什行动宣言》,重申将坚定不移地共同应对气候变化问题。我们决定将坚持环境友好,合作应对气候变化,保护海洋生物多样性,加强海洋科学研究,发展蓝色经济,构筑绿色发展的全球生态体系,保护好人类赖以生存的家园,为小岛屿国家发展创造更好条件。呼吁发达国家尽快落实承诺,在资金、技术转让、加强能力建设方面支持非洲国家应对气候变化和保护环境。

19.1 We call for the conclusion of the work program under the Paris Agreement by the 24th Session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 24) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), and reaffirm our unwavering commitment to jointly tackling climate change in accordance with the Marrakech Action Proclamation for Our Climate and Sustainable Development adopted at COP22 of the UNFCCC. We are determined to take environment-friendly approaches, work together to respond to climate change, protect marine biodiversity, strengthen marine research, develop blue economy, and foster a global ecosystem for green development to protect our common home for human survival and create an environment conducive to the development of small island countries. We call on developed countries to honor their commitments at an early date and to support African countries with funding, technology transfer and capacity building to deal with climate change and protect the environment.

19.2 中方赞赏非方在野生动植物保护方面作出的努力,注意到非方面临的挑战,致力于同非方合作打击野生动植物非法贸易,并提供必要支持。

19.2 China speaks highly of Africa's efforts in protecting wildlife, takes note of the challenges confronting Africa, and will work with Africa to fight illegal trade in wildlife and provide necessary support in this field.

20. 我们祝贺南非共和国成功主办金砖国家领导人第十次会晤,并延续由“金砖+”合作倡议和金砖领导人与非洲外围对话组成的“金砖+”领导人对话会。各国领导人积极评价会晤通过的成果文件和相关举措,认为会晤成果丰硕,有助于为金砖合作第二个“金色十年”奠定坚实基础,使各国加强合作,共同从第四次工业革命中广泛受益。

20. We congratulate South Africa on successfully hosting the 10th BRICS Summit and the BRICS Outreach which is comprised of the BRICS Plus Initiative and the BRICS Leaders-Africa Outreach Dialogue Forum. The Leaders applaud the outcome documents and measures adopted at the BRICS Summit as being fruitful and laying a solid foundation for the second "Golden Decade" of BRICS Cooperation. The Summit will strengthen collaboration among countries concerned and help them benefit from the fourth industrial revolution.

21. 我们赞赏双方参加中非合作论坛第七届部长级会议的部长们的不懈努力和出色工作。根据本宣言精神,通过了《中非合作论坛-北京行动计划(2019-2021年)》,中非双方将通过密切合作,确保行动计划获得及时全面落实。

21. We commend the Ministers participating in the seventh FOCAC Ministerial Conference for their dedicated efforts and outstanding work in formulating the Beijing Action Plan (2019-2021) of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation in the spirit of this Declaration. With the Action Plan adopted, both sides will now work closely for its timely and full implementation.

22.1 我们感谢中华人民共和国主席习近平和南非共和国总统西里尔·拉马福萨共同主持2018年中非合作论坛北京峰会。

22.1 We express gratitude to H.E. President Xi Jinping of the People's Republic of China and H.E. President Cyril Ramaphosa of the Republic of South Africa for co-chairing the 2018 Beijing Summit of FOCAC.

22.2 我们感谢南非共和国在2012年至2018年担任论坛共同主席国期间对论坛发展和中非关系发展所作的贡献。

22.2 We express gratitude to South Africa for the contribution it has made to FOCAC's development and China-Africa relations during its co-chairmanship from 2012 to 2018.

23. 我们感谢中华人民共和国政府和人民在2018年中非合作论坛北京峰会期间给予各方的热情接待和便利。

23. We express gratitude to the government and people of the People's Republic of China for the warm hospitality and excellent facilitation during the 2018 Beijing Summit of FOCAC.

24. 我们欢迎塞内加尔共和国接任论坛共同主席国,决定中非合作论坛第八届部长级会议将于2021年在塞内加尔共和国召开。

24. We welcome the Republic of Senegal as the next co-chair of FOCAC. The Eighth FOCAC Ministerial Conference will be held in the Republic of Senegal in 2021.

(Source: fmprc.gov.cn)


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