11月27日,在对西班牙王国进行国事访问之际,国家主席习近平在西班牙《阿贝赛报》发表题为《阔步迈进新时代,携手共创新辉煌》的署名文章。文章如下: | A signed article by Chinese President Xi Jinping titled "Joining Hands for New Splendor in the New Era" was published Tuesday on Spanish newspaper ABC ahead of his state visit to the European country. The full text of the article is as follows: | |
阔步迈进新时代,携手共创新辉煌 中华人民共和国主席 习近平 | Joining Hands for New Splendor in the New Era Xi Jinping President of the People's Republic of China | |
很高兴应费利佩六世国王邀请,访问美丽富饶的西班牙王国,开启我这次出访欧洲、拉美并出席二十国集团领导人布宜诺斯艾利斯峰会的行程。 | I am delighted to visit Spain, a beautiful and richly-endowed Kingdom, at the kind invitation of King Felipe VI. This will be the first stop of my trip that takes me to Europe and Latin America for state visits and for the G20 Buenos Aires Summit. | |
地球是人类共同的家园。当前,国际形势正在经历深刻复杂变化。世界多极化、经济全球化、社会信息化、文化多样化深入发展,人类社会已经成为你中有我、我中有你的命运共同体。同时,我们也面临前所未有的挑战,特别是保护主义、单边主义不断抬头。我这次出访的一个主要任务就是同往访国家以及世界主要经济体领导人一起探讨加强国际社会团结,完善全球治理,发展伙伴关系,深化友好合作,促进世界和平稳定和发展繁荣。 | The Earth is the planet we all call home. Right now, the international situation is going through profound and complex changes. Multipolarity, economic globalization, widespread application of ICT (information and communications technology), and cultural diversity have turned human society into a community with a shared future where our interests are closely intertwined. At the same time, we are confronted with challenges as never before, particularly rising protectionism and unilateralism. A major task of my trip this time is to engage with leaders of host countries and major economies in discussions on ways to enhance unity among the international community, improve global governance, develop partnerships, and deepen friendship and cooperation for peace, stability, development and prosperity of the world. | |
西班牙是欧洲文明古国,这里人杰地灵、文化灿烂,曾在人类社会发展史上产生重要影响。中国和西班牙虽然地理位置相距遥远,但早在2000多年前,古老的陆上丝绸之路就将古都长安同西班牙的塔拉戈纳联系在一起。中国的丝绸和茶叶在驼铃声中穿越亚欧大陆来到西班牙。明代,西班牙人庞迪我将西方天文、历法引入中国,高母羡将儒家著作《明心宝鉴》译成西班牙语。塞万提斯在作品中多次提及中国,其不朽名著《堂吉诃德》在中国广为流传。历史表明,尽管相距遥远,但中西文明交相辉映、相互吸引,坚持走交流互鉴、共同发展的道路。 | Spain is an ancient civilization in Europe. It has nurtured a splendid culture and many great minds, and has had a significant impact on the development of human history. On the map of the world, China and Spain may seem far away. Yet, more than 2,000 years ago, the ancient Silk Road linked up the ancient Chinese capital of Chang'an with the Spanish city of Tarraco, today's Tarragona. By the convoys of camels, Chinese silk and tea were carried to Spain all across the Eurasian continent. In the time of China's Ming Dynasty about 600 years ago, Diego de Pantoja introduced Western astronomy and calendar to China, and Juan Cobo translated a Chinese classic Beng Sim Po Cam into Spanish as Espejo rico del claro corazon. Miguel de Cervantes made repeated mentioning of China in his writings, and The Ingenious Nobleman Sir Don Quixote of La Mancha is a popular masterpiece among Chinese readers. History shows that despite the great distance, our splendid cultures have brought our people together, with mutual learning, mutual enrichment and common progress defining the exchanges between the two nations. | |
1973年,中华人民共和国同西班牙王国建立了外交关系。45年来,历经国际风云变幻考验,中西双方始终相互尊重、平等相待、互利合作,推动双边关系健康稳定发展。 | The People's Republic of China and the Kingdom of Spain established diplomatic relations in 1973. Over the past 45 years, withstanding changes in the international landscape, the two countries have always respected each other as equals, and have engaged in mutually beneficial cooperation and steadily promoted sound growth of bilateral ties. | |
——这是互信不断加深的45年。45年间,两国保持高层交往势头,在涉及主权和领土完整的重大问题上始终相互理解、相互支持,为双边关系发展奠定了坚实政治基础。在上世纪八九十年代中国改革开放起步初期,西班牙政府向中方伸出友谊之手,提供的帮助对中国发展工业技术、改善设施条件发挥了积极作用。国际金融危机和欧洲主权债务危机发生后,中西双方同舟共济、互利合作、共克时艰。 | -- The past 45 years has seen deepening mutual trust. Over the past 45 years, the two countries have kept the momentum of high-level exchanges and rendered each other mutual understanding and support on major issues concerning sovereignty and territorial integrity, thus laying a solid political foundation for the growth of bilateral ties. In the early years of China's reform and opening-up from the 1980s through the 1990s, the Spanish government helped China with industrial and manufacturing upgrading, something we treasure as a token of great friendship. After the outbreak of the global financial crisis and the European sovereign debt crisis, China worked together with Spain like passengers in a same boat to overcome difficulties through mutually beneficial cooperation. | |
——这是合作不断密切的45年。45年间,两国经贸合作平稳顺利发展,合作的广度和深度前所未有。1979年中西双边贸易额首次达到1亿美元,2017年突破300亿美元大关。西班牙已经成为中国在欧洲不可或缺的经贸合作伙伴,中国也是西班牙在欧盟外第一大贸易伙伴。连接义乌和马德里的中欧班列为两国货物运输提供更多选择,成为共建“一带一路”的早期收获。双方在能源、电信、金融、环保以及科技创新等领域合作也不断推陈出新,为两国务实合作提供后续动力。 | -- The past 45 years has seen ever-closer cooperation. Over the past 45 years, trade and business ties between China and Spain have enjoyed steady growth and bilateral cooperation has never been broader or deeper as today. Two-way trade, which was only 100 million U.S. dollars in 1979, exceeded 30 billion U.S. dollars in 2017. Spain is now an indispensable trading partner of China in Europe, and China is Spain's largest trading partner outside the EU. The China Railway Express container trains that connect China's Yiwu with Madrid offer more options for cargo transportation between the two countries, representing an early harvest of our cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative. In such areas as energy, telecommunications, finance, environmental protection, and scientific and technological innovation, our two countries continue to make fresh progress, providing new drivers for our practical cooperation. | |
——这是文化不断交融的45年。中文和西班牙语是世界两大重要语言。45年间,两国在语言文化等领域合作蓬勃发展。费利佩国王担任王储期间,曾大力推动塞万提斯学院落户北京。今年,西班牙语正式列入中国普通高中课程标准。越来越多的西班牙青年在马德里中国文化中心、孔子学院学习汉语,体验中华文化。雷林科等当代西班牙汉学家笔耕不辍,中国大量西班牙语工作者将西班牙语言文化之美传递到中国。 | -- The past 45 years has seen robust cultural exchanges. Both Chinese and Spanish are major languages in the world. Over the past 45 years, our two countries have enjoyed robust exchanges and cooperation in language and culture. King Felipe VI, as the Prince of Asturias, played an instrumental role in the launch of the Instituto Cervantes in Beijing. This year, Spanish is officially included in China's high school curriculum. Now, more and more young Spanish are learning Chinese and exploring Chinese culture with the help of the Chinese Cultural Center in Madrid and the Confucius Institutes in Spain. Contemporary Spanish sinologists like Alicia Relinque and Chinese hispanists are working tirelessly to bring to our people the beauty of each other's languages and cultures. | |
今年是中国改革开放40周年,也是西班牙进行宪法改革40周年。中西在新时代加强合作,同解时代命题,共谋发展大计,是历史赋予我们的新责任。我愿通过这次访问,同贵国领导人和各界人士广泛接触,共同传承中西友谊,深化互利合作,为中西关系开启一个更加美好和辉煌的未来。 | This year marks the 40th anniversary of China's reform and opening-up and the 40th anniversary of Spain's Constitution of 1978. In the new era, China and Spain have a new historic responsibility to join hands and work together to answer the call of our times and pursue common development. It is my hope that, through this visit, I will engage extensively with Spanish leaders and people from across the sectors to carry forward our traditional friendship and deepen mutually beneficial cooperation for an even more brilliant future of China-Spain relations. | |
第一,我们要提升两国全面战略伙伴关系水平,夯实双边关系政治基础。中方始终从战略高度和长远角度看待同西班牙关系,愿同西方保持高层互访势头,加强两国政府、议会、政党、地方等交往,始终相互理解、相互支持彼此核心利益和重大关切,牢牢把握中西关系正确方向。 | First, let us enhance the China-Spain comprehensive strategic partnership and strengthen the political foundation for bilateral ties. China views its relations with Spain from a strategic and long-term perspective. China will work with Spain to keep up the momentum of high-level visits, increase exchanges between governments, legislatures, political parties and at sub-national levels, and continue to provide mutual understanding and support on issues of each other's core interests and major concerns. By so doing, we will bring forward our bilateral relations along the right direction. | |
第二,我们要加强两国发展理念交流和战略对接,做好双边关系发展顶层设计。中方始终视西班牙为在发展道路上携手前行的好伙伴,愿充分发挥两国经济互补优势,用好各类合作机制,加强共建“一带一路”倡议同西班牙“亚洲发展战略”、地中海走廊建设对接,并积极拓展第三方市场合作,在更大范围内实现互利共赢。 | Second, let us build greater synergy between our development visions and strategies and make proper top-level planning for the growth of our relations. China sees in Spain a good partner along the course of development, and China hopes to bring out the best the two economies could offer each other and make good use of existing cooperation mechanisms. We need to synergize the Belt and Road Initiative and Spain's "Strategic Vision for Spain in Asia" and the "Mediterranean Corridor", and actively explore cooperation in third markets for win-win cooperation in broader areas. | |
第三,我们要深化两国务实合作,拉紧双边关系利益纽带。中国将继续全面深化改革,扩大对外开放,落实创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享五大发展理念。希望双方继续秉持开放包容态度,拓宽双向投资,密切贸易往来。我们将每年举办中国国际进口博览会,愿同西班牙在内的各国分享中国市场的机遇和潜力。双方要充分发挥各自优势,加强先进制造业、信息产业、绿色经济等领域交流合作,优化合作平台,创新合作模式,打造双边合作新的增长点。 | Third, let us deepen practical cooperation and expand shared interests. China will continue to deepen reform across the board, open wider to the world and pursue innovative, coordinated, green, open and shared development. China hopes that our two sides will remain committed to an open and inclusive approach to cooperation and further expand two-way investment and trade. Through the annual China International Import Expo, a platform will be provided for Spain and other countries to share the opportunities and potential of the Chinese market. Our two sides may fully leverage our respective strengths for closer cooperation and exchanges in advanced manufacturing, information industry and green economy. And we need to make even greater efforts to improve platforms, explore new models and nurture new growth areas for cooperation. | |
第四,我们要扩大两国人文交流,厚植双边关系民意基础。民心相通是中西关系长远发展的根本保障。双方要不断拓展文化、教育、旅游、体育、青年等各领域交流合作,扩大两国航空联系,为双向人员往来提供更多便利措施。中西都是文化遗产大国,双方可以深化文化遗产保护领域合作。中方也愿加强同西班牙在大熊猫饲养、繁育等方面合作,让大熊猫成为两国友谊世代传承的使者。 | Fourth, we need to expand cultural and people-to-people exchanges and build stronger public support for bilateral relations. Mutual understanding between the peoples holds the key to long-term development of bilateral relations. We need to broaden exchanges and cooperation in culture, education, tourism, sports and among the youth, and increase air links to facilitate visits between our peoples. Both renowned for rich cultural heritages, China and Spain could well deepen cooperation in the protection and preservation of cultural heritages. China will also step up cooperation with Spain in the rearing and breeding of giant pandas, so that these lovely "envoys" will continue to pass on the friendship between our two countries to future generations. | |
第五,我们要密切两国国际合作,维护世界和平、稳定、繁荣。中方愿同西方密切在联合国、世界贸易组织、二十国集团等国际多边组织内的对话和沟通,在联合国安理会改革、全球治理、气候变化等重大国际和地区问题上加强配合和协调,共同维护多边主义和自由贸易,做国际秩序的推动者和捍卫者。 | Fifth, let us strengthen cooperation in international affairs and uphold peace, stability and prosperity in the world. China will enhance dialogue and communication with Spain in international and multilateral organizations such as the United Nations, the World Trade Organization and the G20. The two sides may also strengthen collaboration and coordination on major regional and international issues such as UN Security Council reform, global governance and climate change, and work together to uphold multilateralism and free trade, and jointly contribute to improving and safeguarding the international order. | |
今年是中欧建立全面战略伙伴关系15周年。中国一贯坚定支持欧洲一体化,乐见一个团结、稳定、开放、繁荣的欧洲。当前形势下,继续深化中欧全面战略伙伴关系,符合双方共同利益。西班牙是欧盟重要国家,也是中方在欧盟内的好朋友和好伙伴。我们希望并相信西班牙将继续在欧盟内发挥积极作用,推动中欧关系健康稳定发展。 | This year also marks the 15th anniversary of the China-EU comprehensive strategic partnership. China is a staunch supporter of European integration, and China is happy to see a united, stable, open and prosperous Europe. Under the current circumstances, it is in the common interests of both sides to deepen the comprehensive strategic partnership between China and the EU. Spain is an important member of the EU; it is also China's good friend and good partner in the EU. We hope and believe that Spain will continue to play a positive role in the EU for the sound and steady growth of China-EU relations. | |
西班牙思想家加塞特说,“志向远大方能进步,目光长远才能前行”。中方期待着同西班牙一道努力,共享机遇,共迎挑战,携手谱写中西关系新篇章,开创属于两国人民的美好未来。 | The Spanish philosopher Jose Ortega Gasset once observed, one can only make progress when he thinks big, and move forward when he looks far. China looks forward to working with Spain to share opportunities and jointly meet challenges. Together, we can write a new chapter in China-Spain relations and usher in an even brighter future for our peoples. | |
(来源:新华网) | (Source: Xinhua) |
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