
Comment(s)打印 E-mail 新华网 2019-04-23

Dominican Bookstore: 'Bookstore made in Heaven'

这是4月16日拍摄的荷兰马斯特里赫特多米尼加书店。多米尼加书店位于荷兰马斯特里赫特市中心,前身是拥有近800年历史的多米尼加教堂,由荷兰建筑师重新设计改造完成。整个书店将现代元素与哥特式建筑风格相结合,不仅保持了多米尼加教堂的历史古貌,也给现代人带来一个恬静的读书场所,被游客称为“天堂书店”。[新华社 张铖 摄]

Photo taken on April 16, 2019 shows the interior of the Dominican Bookstore in Maastricht, the Netherlands. The bookstore was built inside the Dominican Church, a former Gothic church with a history of about 800 years. It maintains the church's architectural structure and design while inviting the contemporary element of modern bookstore. Known as "Bookstore made in Heaven", Dominican Bookstore attracted lots of visitors from all over the world. (Xinhua/Zhang Cheng)

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