在中缅建交70周年系列庆祝活动暨中缅文化旅游年启动仪式上的致辞 (2020年1月17日,内比都) 中华人民共和国主席 习近平 | Remarks by H.E. Xi Jinping President of the People's Republic of China At Launch Ceremony of Celebrations for 70th Anniversary of China-Myanmar Diplomatic Relations & China-Myanmar Year of Culture and Tourism Nay Pyi Taw, 17 January 2020 | |
尊敬的温敏总统, 尊敬的昂山素季国务资政, 女士们,先生们,朋友们: | Your Excellency President U Win Myint, Your Excellency State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, Ladies and Gentlemen, Friends, | |
敏格拉巴! | Mingalaba! (Nice to meet you!) | |
新年伊始,贵国刚刚庆祝了独立节,中国的春节即将到来,我在这吉祥如意的时刻访问贵国,特别是今晚同大家欢聚一堂,感到分外亲切。首先,我代表中国政府和中国人民,向缅甸社会各界和缅甸人民,致以诚挚的问候和节日的祝福。 | This is the start of the new year. Myanmar has just celebrated its Independence Day and China will soon have its Spring Festival. It warms my heart to visit Myanmar at such an auspicious time and join all of you in this delightful gathering tonight. On behalf of the Chinese government and people, let me first extend our best regards and new year greetings to people from across sectors in Myanmar. | |
刚才,温敏总统和昂山素季国务资政发表了热情洋溢的讲话。接下来,我们将共同启动中缅建交70周年庆祝活动和中缅文化旅游年。这是中缅友好交往光辉历程的重要历史印记,也是两国人民的华彩盛事,我很高兴同大家一起见证这个历史时刻。 | Just now, we have heard the warm and gracious remarks from President U Win Myint and State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi. In a moment, we will jointly launch celebrations for the 70th anniversary of China-Myanmar diplomatic relations and for the China-Myanmar Year of Culture and Tourism. This is an important landmark in the long history of our friendly exchanges, one that will be celebrated with great festivity by our two peoples. I am truly delighted to join you in witnessing this historic moment. | |
中缅山水相连,两国人民友好交往跨越千年,绵延不断。不论是秦汉时期南方丝绸之路上的互通有无,骠国王子出使盛唐交流歌舞艺术,还是上个世纪双方携手反抗殖民主义、帝国主义,都体现了双方心意相通、患难与共的深厚底蕴和宝贵传统。 | China and Myanmar are neighbors connected by shared mountains and rivers, and our people have enjoyed friendly ties for thousands of years. About 2,000 years ago during China's Qin and Han Dynasties, the two sides traded with each other along the southern Silk Road. At the heyday of the Tang Dynasty in the early 9th century, the Prince of Pyu led a dancing and music troupe to China and became an emissary of China-Myanmar friendship. In the last century, the two sides fought shoulder to shoulder against colonialism and imperialism. These examples reflect the profound friendship between us and testify to our great tradition of sharing weal and woe. | |
中缅文化都讲一个“缘”字。两国地缘相近、人缘相亲、文缘相通,胞波情谊历经千年始终如一,是双边关系发展的动力和源泉。双方要通过办好建交庆祝活动,增进文明互鉴,密切人文交流,多为两国老百姓办实事、办好事,为中缅友好事业培养更多参与者、受益者、支持者,筑牢两国友好社会基础。 | Both Chinese and Myanmar cultures cherish the belief in a "shared bond." Our two countries are geographically linked, our peoples are connected by kinship and our cultures enjoy a natural affinity. Our millennia-old, time-tested "Paukphaw" friendship is as strong as ever; it is the driving force and source of strength behind China-Myanmar relations. By celebrating 70 years of diplomatic ties, the two sides may increase mutual learning as civilizations, expand people-to-people exchanges, and deliver solid results and real benefits to our peoples. This will engage more people in China and Myanmar who will become stakeholders, beneficiaries and supporters of China-Myanmar friendship, thus cementing public support for our friendly ties. | |
文化和民风是一个国家的名片。我11年前曾访问过贵国,举世闻名的仰光大金塔、淳朴友好的当地民众、绚丽多彩的文化风俗,都给我留下深刻而美好的印象。再次到访内比都,这里依旧宁静祥和,生机盎然。相信随着中缅文化旅游年的启动,会有越来越多的中国民众来到缅甸,领略这里传承千年的美丽图卷。 | Culture and people make a country known to the world. My last visit to Myanmar was 11 years ago. The renowned Golden Pagoda in Yangon, the warmth and hospitality of the people, and the diverse cultures and customs all left me a fond memory. Coming back this time, I see that Nay Pyi Taw is as tranquil and serene, and is just as vibrant a city. With the launch of the China-Myanmar Year of Culture and Tourism, I am sure more and more Chinese will come to Myanmar and be amazed by the beauty of this millennia-old civilization. | |
女士们、先生们、朋友们! | Ladies and Gentlemen, Friends, | |
历史的车轮滚滚向前。新时代推进中缅关系,要继往开来、守正创新。我同温敏总统一致同意以这次访问为起点,共同构建中缅命运共同体。这一重要政治共识,深刻诠释了中缅两国唇齿相依、休戚与共的特殊关系,生动体现了两国人民患难与共、守望相助的兄弟情谊,全面擘画了双边关系未来发展的崭新蓝图。 | History moves on and takes us forward. To advance China-Myanmar relations in the new era, we need to build on past achievements, stay true to our shared ideals and blaze a new trail together. President U Win Myint and I have agreed that my visit shall mark the start of our joint endeavor to build a China-Myanmar community with a shared future. This important political consensus speaks volumes about the special bond between China and Myanmar, a bond as close as between lips and teeth. It gives vivid expression to the fraternal friendship between our peoples who have supported each other through thick and thin, and draws up a new and overarching blueprint for future growth of bilateral ties. | |
2020年对中缅两国和双边关系而言,都是有重要意义的一年。中国将决胜全面建成小康社会、决战脱贫攻坚。缅甸将举行新一届大选,国家发展建设进入新的时期。中缅关系已进入新时代,双方要以构建中缅命运共同体为遵循,以两国人民根本利益为重,夯实政治互信,扩大务实合作,密切人文交流,使两国人民永做好邻居、好朋友、好胞波、好伙伴。 | The year 2020 is of great significance for China, for Myanmar and for our relations. This year, China will become a moderately prosperous society in all respects and win victory over the battle against poverty; Myanmar will hold a general election and enter a new phase of national development. This year also marks the beginning of a new era for China-Myanmar relations. Guided by the shared vision of a China-Myanmar community with a shared future and by the fundamental interests of our peoples, we must pursue stronger political trust, broader practical cooperation and closer cultural exchanges, so that the two peoples will forever be good neighbors, good friends, good Paukphaw and good partners. | |
刚才,我参观了庆祝中缅建交70周年图片展,其中有一张周恩来总理1954年6月28日至29日访问缅甸的照片,那时候,中国和印度、缅甸分别发表联合声明,共同倡导和平共处五项原则。这是国际关系史上的重大创举。 | A few moments ago, I watched a photo exhibition marking the 70th anniversary of China-Myanmar diplomatic relations. I was particularly struck by a photo of Premier Zhou Enlai visiting Myanmar from June 28 to 29 in 1954. In that visit to Myanmar and India, China and the two countries issued joint statements to initiate the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence. These Five Principles have made a major contribution to the history of international relations. | |
当今世界正在经历百年未有之大变局,国际社会日益成为你中有我、我中有你的命运共同体,但国际关系中不公正不平等现象仍很突出,维护世界和平、促进共同发展,依然任重道远。新形势下,和平共处五项原则不仅没有过时,反而历久弥新。中方愿同缅方一道,做弘扬和践行和平共处五项原则的表率,树立国家间交往的典范,推动国际社会携手构建人类命运共同体。 | The world today is undergoing deep changes not seen in a century. Countries are closely linked and are increasingly becoming a community with a shared future. Yet, the lack of equality and justice is still prominent in international relations. To safeguard world peace and promote common development remains a challenging goal. Under new circumstances, the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence are more relevant than ever before. China and Myanmar, working together, can set an example for advocating and applying the Five Principles and be role models in the handling of state-to-state relations. Together, we can encourage all to join the efforts for building a community with a shared future for mankind. | |
女士们、先生们、朋友们! | Ladies and Gentlemen, Friends, | |
上个世纪60年代,中国的陈毅元帅曾赋诗道:“胞波感情重,江水溯源长。”我相信,在双方共同努力下,中缅友好交往和合作发展的历史潮流,一定会像同宗同源的中国澜沧江和缅甸伊洛瓦底江一样,跨过崇山峻岭,越过激流险滩,始终奔腾向前。 | In the 1960s, Marshal Chen Yi, once China's foreign minister, wrote that "deep are the feelings of Paukphaw, just as long is the flow of our rivers." I am convinced that with joint efforts, the tide of China-Myanmar friendship and cooperation for common development will surge forward, like the Lancang and the Irrawaddy, coming from the same origin and rushing past mountains and shoals, in unstoppable flows. | |
最后,我衷心祝愿, | Let me conclude with a wish from the bottom of my heart -- | |
中缅友好万古长青! | Long live China-Myanmar friendship! | |
注:敏格拉巴,缅文读音,意为“你好” | ||
(来源:新华网) | (Source: Xinhua) |
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