同舟共济,继往开来,携手构建新时代中非命运共同体 ——在中非合作论坛第八届部长级会议开幕式上的主旨演讲 (2021年11月29日) 中华人民共和国主席 习近平 | Uphold the Tradition of Always Standing Together And Jointly Build a China-Africa Community With a Shared Future in the New Era Keynote Speech by H.E. Xi Jinping President of the People's Republic of China At the Opening Ceremony of the Eighth Ministerial Conference of The Forum on China-Africa Cooperation 29 November 2021 | |
尊敬的萨勒总统, 尊敬的各位同事、各位嘉宾、各位朋友: | Your Excellency President Macky Sall, Distinguished Colleagues, Dear Guests and Friends, | |
很高兴出席中非合作论坛第八届部长级会议开幕式。首先,我谨对萨勒总统和塞内加尔政府为本次会议所作的精心准备,表示诚挚的感谢!对各位同事和嘉宾出席会议,表示热烈的欢迎! | It is such a pleasure to attend the opening ceremony of the Eighth Ministerial Conference of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC). Let me first express sincere appreciation to President Sall and the government of Senegal for their excellent organization, and extend a warm welcome to the colleagues and guests attending the Conference. | |
今年是中非开启外交关系65周年。65年来,中非双方在反帝反殖的斗争中结下了牢不可破的兄弟情谊,在发展振兴的征程上走出了特色鲜明的合作之路,在纷繁复杂的变局中谱写了守望相助的精彩篇章,为构建新型国际关系树立了光辉典范。 | This year marks the 65th anniversary of the start of diplomatic relations between China and African countries. Over the past 65 years, China and Africa have forged unbreakable fraternity in our struggle against imperialism and colonialism, and embarked on a distinct path of cooperation in our journey toward development and revitalization. Together, we have written a splendid chapter of mutual assistance amidst complex changes, and set a shining example for building a new type of international relations. | |
各位朋友! | Dear Friends, | |
中非关系为什么好?中非友谊为什么深?关键在于中非双方缔造了历久弥坚的中非友好合作精神,那就是“真诚友好、平等相待,互利共赢、共同发展,主持公道、捍卫正义,顺应时势、开放包容”。这是中非双方数十年来休戚与共、并肩奋斗的真实写照,是中非友好关系继往开来的力量源泉。 | Why do China and Africa have such a close relationship and so deep a bond of friendship? The key lies in an everlasting spirit of China-Africa friendship and cooperation forged between the two sides, which features sincere friendship and equality, win-win for mutual benefit and common development, fairness and justice, and progress with the times and openness and inclusiveness. This truly captures the relations of China and Africa working together in good and hard times over the past decades, and provides a source of strength for the continuous growth of China-Africa friendly relations. | |
今年是中国恢复在联合国合法席位50周年。在此,我谨向当年支持中国的广大非洲朋友表示衷心的感谢!我愿郑重重申,中国永远不会忘记非洲国家的深情厚谊,将继续秉持真实亲诚理念和正确义利观,同非洲朋友一道,让中非友好合作精神代代相传、发扬光大。 | This year marks the 50th anniversary of the restoration of China's lawful seat in the United Nations. Here, let me express sincere appreciation to the many African friends who supported China back then. Let me also make it solemnly clear that China will never forget the profound friendship of African countries and will remain guided by the principle of sincerity, real results, amity and good faith and the principle of pursuing the greater good and shared interests. China will work together with African friends to promote and carry forward the spirit of China-Africa friendship and cooperation from generation to generation. | |
各位朋友! | Dear Friends, | |
我在2018年中非合作论坛北京峰会上提出构建更加紧密的中非命运共同体,得到非方领导人一致赞同。3年多来,中非双方并肩携手,全力推进落实“八大行动”等峰会成果,完成了一大批重点合作项目,中非贸易额和中国对非洲的投资额稳步攀升,几乎所有论坛非方成员都加入了共建“一带一路”合作大家庭,为中非全面战略合作伙伴关系注入了强劲动力。 | At the 2018 FOCAC Beijing Summit, I proposed that we build an even stronger China-Africa community with a shared future. The proposal was unanimously endorsed by African leaders. Over the past three years and more, China and Africa have worked together to fully implement the eight major initiatives and other outcomes of the Beijing Summit, and completed a large number of priority cooperation projects. China-Africa trade and China's investment in Africa have been on a steady rise. Almost all African members of FOCAC have joined the big family of Belt and Road cooperation. All these have injected strong impetus into the China-Africa comprehensive strategic and cooperative partnership. | |
千里之行,始于足下。站在构建新时代中非命运共同体的历史起点上,我愿提出4点主张。 | A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step. As we stand at the historic starting point of building a China-Africa community with a shared future in the new era, I wish to make the following four proposals: | |
第一,坚持团结抗疫。我们要坚持人民至上、生命至上,弘扬科学精神,支持疫苗知识产权豁免,切实保障疫苗在非洲的可及性和可负担性,弥合“免疫鸿沟”。 | First, fighting COVID-19 with solidarity. We need to put people and their lives first, be guided by science, support waiving intellectual property rights on COVID-19 vaccines, and truly ensure the accessibility and affordability of vaccines in Africa to bridge the immunization gap. | |
第二,深化务实合作。我们要开创中非合作新局面,扩大贸易和投资规模,共享减贫脱贫经验,加强数字经济合作,促进非洲青年创业和中小企业发展。我在今年联合国大会上提出的全球发展倡议,同非盟《2063年议程》和联合国2030年可持续发展议程高度契合,欢迎非洲国家积极支持和参与。 | Second, deepening practical cooperation. We need to open up new prospects for China-Africa cooperation, expand trade and investment, share experience on poverty reduction, strengthen cooperation on digital economy, and promote entrepreneurship by young Africans and the development of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). At the UN General Assembly this year, I put forward the Global Development Initiative, which dovetails with the African Union's Agenda 2063 and the UN's 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. We welcome the active support and participation by African countries. | |
第三,推进绿色发展。面对气候变化这一全人类重大挑战,我们要倡导绿色低碳理念,积极发展太阳能、风能等可再生能源,推动应对气候变化《巴黎协定》有效实施,不断增强可持续发展能力。 | Third, promoting green development. In the face of climate change, which is a major challenge to all humanity, we need to advocate green and low-carbon development, actively promote solar, wind and other sources of renewable energy, work for effective implementation of the Paris Agreement on climate change and keep strengthening our capacity for sustainable development. | |
第四,维护公平正义。世界需要真正的多边主义。和平、发展、公平、正义、民主、自由是全人类的共同价值,是中非双方孜孜以求的共同目标。我们都主张走符合自身国情的发展道路,都致力于维护发展中国家权益,都反对干涉内政、种族歧视、单边制裁。我们要理直气壮坚持发展中国家的正义主张,把我们的共同诉求和共同利益转化为共同行动。 | Fourth, upholding equity and justice. The world needs true multilateralism. Peace, development, equity, justice, democracy and freedom are common values of humanity and represent the abiding aspirations of both China and Africa. We both advocate a development path suited to our national conditions and are both committed to upholding the rights and interests of developing countries. We both oppose intervention in domestic affairs, racial discrimination and unilateral sanctions. We need to unequivocally stand for the just propositions of developing countries and translate our common aspirations and interests into joint actions. | |
各位朋友! | Dear Friends, | |
本次会议前,中非双方共同制订了《中非合作2035年愿景》。作为愿景首个三年规划,中国将同非洲国家密切配合,共同实施“九项工程”。 | In the run-up to this Conference, our two sides have jointly prepared the China-Africa Cooperation Vision 2035. Under the first three-year plan of the Vision, China will work closely with African countries to implement the following nine programs: | |
一是卫生健康工程。为实现非盟确定的2022年60%非洲人口接种新冠疫苗的目标,我宣布,中国将再向非方提供10亿剂疫苗,其中6亿剂为无偿援助,4亿剂以中方企业与有关非洲国家联合生产等方式提供。中国还将为非洲国家援助实施10个医疗卫生项目,向非洲派遣1500名医疗队员和公共卫生专家。 | First, the medical and health program. To help the AU achieve its goal of vaccinating 60 percent of the African population by 2022, I announce that China will provide another one billion doses of vaccines to Africa, including 600 million doses as donation and 400 million doses to be provided through such means as joint production by Chinese companies and relevant African countries. In addition, China will undertake 10 medical and health projects for African countries, and send 1,500 medical personnel and public health experts to Africa. | |
二是减贫惠农工程。中国将为非洲援助实施10个减贫和农业项目,向非洲派遣500名农业专家,在华设立一批中非现代农业技术交流示范和培训联合中心,鼓励中国机构和企业在非洲建设中非农业发展与减贫示范村,支持在非中国企业社会责任联盟发起“百企千村”活动。 | Second, the poverty reduction and agricultural development program. China will undertake 10 poverty reduction and agricultural projects for Africa, and send 500 agricultural experts to Africa. China will set up a number of China-Africa joint centers for modern agrotechnology exchange, demonstration and training in China, encourage Chinese institutions and companies to build in Africa demonstration villages for China-Africa cooperation on agricultural development and poverty reduction, and support the Alliance of Chinese Companies in Africa for Corporate Social Responsibilities in launching the initiative of "100 Companies in 1,000 Villages". | |
三是贸易促进工程。中国将为非洲农产品输华建立“绿色通道”,加快推动检疫准入程序,进一步扩大同中国建交的最不发达国家输华零关税待遇的产品范围,力争未来3年从非洲进口总额达到3000亿美元。中国将提供100亿美元贸易融资额度,用于支持非洲出口,在华建设中非经贸深度合作先行区和“一带一路”中非合作产业园。中国将为非洲援助实施10个设施联通项目,同非洲大陆自由贸易区秘书处成立中非经济合作专家组,继续支持非洲大陆自由贸易区建设。 | Third, the trade promotion program. China will open "green lanes" for African agricultural exports to China, speed up the inspection and quarantine procedures, and further increase the scope of products enjoying zero-tariff treatment for the least developed countries (LDCs) having diplomatic relations with China, in a bid to reach 300 billion US dollars in total imports from Africa in the next three years. China will provide 10 billion US dollars of trade finance to support African export, and build in China a pioneering zone for in-depth China-Africa trade and economic cooperation and a China-Africa industrial park for Belt and Road cooperation. China will undertake 10 connectivity projects for Africa, form an expert group on economic cooperation with the secretariat of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), and give continued support to the development of the AfCFTA. | |
四是投资驱动工程。中国未来3年将推动企业对非洲投资总额不少于100亿美元,设立“中非民间投资促进平台”。中国将为非洲援助实施10个工业化和就业促进项目,向非洲金融机构提供100亿美元授信额度,重点扶持非洲中小企业发展,设立中非跨境人民币中心。中国将免除非洲最不发达国家截至2021年年底到期未还的政府间无息贷款债务。中国愿从国际货币基金组织增发的特别提款权中拿出100亿美元,转借给非洲国家。 | Fourth, the investment promotion program. China will encourage its businesses to invest no less than 10 billion US dollars in Africa in the next three years, and will establish a platform for China-Africa private investment promotion. China will undertake 10 industrialization and employment promotion projects for Africa, provide credit facilities of 10 billion US dollars to African financial institutions, support the development of African SMEs on a priority basis, and establish a China-Africa cross-border RMB center. China will exempt African LDCs from debt incurred in the form of interest-free Chinese government loans due by the end of 2021. China is ready to channel to African countries 10 billion US dollars from its share of the IMF's new allocation of Special Drawing Rights. | |
五是数字创新工程。中国将为非洲援助实施10个数字经济项目,建设中非卫星遥感应用合作中心,支持建设中非联合实验室、伙伴研究所、科技创新合作基地。中国将同非洲国家携手拓展“丝路电商”合作,举办非洲好物网购节和旅游电商推广活动,实施非洲“百店千品上平台”行动。 | Fifth, the digital innovation program. China will undertake 10 digital economy projects for Africa, set up centers for China-Africa cooperation on satellite remote-sensing application, and support the development of China-Africa joint laboratories, partner institutes, and scientific and technological innovation cooperation bases. China will work with African countries to expand Silk Road e-commerce cooperation, hold online shopping festivals featuring quality African products and tourism e-commerce promotion activities, and launch a campaign to market 100 African stores and 1,000 African products on e-commerce platforms. | |
六是绿色发展工程。中国将为非洲援助实施10个绿色环保和应对气候变化项目,支持“非洲绿色长城”建设,在非洲建设低碳示范区和适应气候变化示范区。 | Sixth, the green development program. China will undertake 10 green development, environmental protection and climate action projects for Africa, support the development of the "Great Green Wall", and build in Africa centers of excellence on low-carbon development and climate change adaptation. | |
七是能力建设工程。中国将为非洲援助新建或升级10所学校,邀请1万名非洲高端人才参加研修研讨活动。实施“未来非洲-中非职业教育合作计划”,开展“非洲留学生就业直通车”活动。中国将继续同非洲国家合作设立“鲁班工坊”,鼓励在非中国企业为当地提供不少于80万个就业岗位。 | Seventh, the capacity building program. China will help build or upgrade 10 schools in Africa, and invite 10,000 high-level African professionals to seminars and workshops. We will implement "Future of Africa — a project for China-Africa cooperation on vocational education", and start an employment "through train" scheme for African students in China. China will continue to work with African countries to set up "Luban Workshops", and encourage Chinese companies in Africa to create at least 800,000 local jobs. | |
八是人文交流工程。中国愿支持所有非洲建交国成为中国公民组团出境旅游目的地国。在华举办非洲电影节,在非洲举办中国电影节。举办中非青年服务论坛和中非妇女论坛。 | Eighth, the cultural and people-to-people exchange program. China will support making all African countries having diplomatic ties with China approved destinations for Chinese tourist groups. We will hold African film festivals in China and Chinese film festivals in Africa, as well as a China-Africa youth services forum, and a China-Africa women's forum. | |
九是和平安全工程。中国将为非洲援助实施10个和平安全领域项目,继续落实对非盟军事援助,支持非洲国家自主维护地区安全和反恐努力,开展中非维和部队联合训练、现场培训、轻小武器管控合作。 | Ninth, the peace and security program. China will undertake 10 peace and security projects for Africa, continue to deliver military assistance to the AU, support African countries' efforts to independently maintain regional security and fight terrorism, and conduct joint exercises and on-site training between Chinese and African peacekeeping troops and cooperation on small arms and light weapons control. | |
各位朋友! | Dear Friends, | |
塞内加尔开国总统桑戈尔曾经写道,“让我们向新生的世界报到吧。”我相信,在中非双方共同努力下,这次中非合作论坛会议一定能够取得圆满成功,凝聚起中非27亿人民的磅礴力量,推动构建高水平中非命运共同体。 | Senegal's first President Léopold Sédar Senghor once wrote, "Let us answer 'present' at the rebirth of the world." I am convinced that the concerted efforts of China and Africa will make this FOCAC Conference a full success, one that shall pool the mighty strength of the 2.7 billion Chinese and Africans and guide us toward a high-level China-Africa community with a shared future. | |
谢谢大家。 | Thank you. | |
(来源:新华网) | (Source: Xinhua) |
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