各位代表: | Fellow Deputies, | |
现在,我代表国务院,向大会报告过去五年政府工作,对今年工作提出建议,请予审议,并请全国政协委员提出意见。 | On behalf of the State Council, I will now report to you on the government's work of the past five years and lay out what we propose for this year's work for your deliberation and approval. I also invite comments from the members of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC). | |
一、过去五年工作回顾 | I will begin with a review of our work over the past five years. | |
第十二届全国人民代表大会第一次会议以来的五年,是我国发展进程中极不平凡的五年。面对极其错综复杂的国内外形势,以习近平同志为核心的党中央团结带领全国各族人民砥砺前行,统筹推进“五位一体”总体布局,协调推进“四个全面”战略布局,改革开放和社会主义现代化建设全面开创新局面。党的十九大确立了习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的历史地位,制定了决胜全面建成小康社会、夺取新时代中国特色社会主义伟大胜利的宏伟蓝图和行动纲领,具有重大现实意义和深远历史意义。各地区各部门不断增强政治意识、大局意识、核心意识、看齐意识,深入贯彻落实新发展理念,“十二五”规划胜利完成,“十三五”规划顺利实施,经济社会发展取得历史性成就、发生历史性变革。 | The five years since the first session of the 12th National People's Congress (NPC) have been a truly remarkable five years in the course of our country's development. Facing an extremely complex environment both at home and abroad, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, has rallied and led the Chinese people of all ethnic groups to forge ahead. We have moved forward in a coordinated manner with the five-sphere integrated plan and the four-pronged comprehensive strategy, and made new advances on all fronts of reform, opening up, and socialist modernization. At its 19th National Congress, the Party established the position in history of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and mapped out an inspiring blueprint and a program of action for securing a decisive victory in building a moderately prosperous society in all respects and for striving for the success of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era. This is of great immediate significance and far-reaching historical significance. All regions and all government departments have strengthened their consciousness of the need to maintain political integrity, think in big-picture terms, follow the leadership core, and keep in alignment. The new development philosophy has been thoroughly acted upon, the 12th Five-Year Plan has been successfully completed, and implementation of the 13th Five-Year Plan has seen smooth progress. In economic and social development we have made historic achievements and seen historic change. | |
五年来,经济实力跃上新台阶。国内生产总值从54万亿元增加到82.7万亿元,年均增长7.1%,占世界经济比重从11.4%提高到15%左右,对世界经济增长贡献率超过30%。财政收入从11.7万亿元增加到17.3万亿元。居民消费价格年均上涨1.9%,保持较低水平。城镇新增就业6600万人以上,13亿多人口的大国实现了比较充分就业。 | Over the past five years, economic strength has reached a new high. China's gross domestic product (GDP) has risen from 54 trillion to 82.7 trillion yuan, registering average annual growth of 7.1 percent; and its share in the global economy has grown to roughly 15 percent, up from 11.4 percent. China's contribution to global growth has exceeded 30 percent. Government revenue has increased from 11.7 trillion to 17.3 trillion yuan. Consumer prices have risen at an average annual rate of 1.9 percent, maintaining a relatively low level of growth. More than 66 million new urban jobs have been added, and our country, with its population of over 1.3 billion, has achieved relatively full employment. | |
五年来,经济结构出现重大变革。消费贡献率由54.9%提高到58.8%,服务业比重从45.3%上升到51.6%,成为经济增长主动力。高技术制造业年均增长11.7%。粮食生产能力达到1.2万亿斤。城镇化率从52.6%提高到58.5%,8000多万农业转移人口成为城镇居民。 | Over the past five years, the structure of the Chinese economy has seen a major transformation. With the share of the service sector rising from 45.3 to 51.6 percent of the economy, consumption's contribution to growth has increased from 54.9 to 58.8 percent, becoming the main driver of growth. High-tech manufacturing has achieved an average annual increase of 11.7 percent, and the annual grain yield has reached 600 million metric tons. China's urbanization rate has risen from 52.6 to 58.5 percent, and more than 80 million people who have relocated from rural to urban areas have gained permanent urban residency. | |
五年来,创新驱动发展成果丰硕。全社会研发投入年均增长11%,规模跃居世界第二位。科技进步贡献率由52.2%提高到57.5%。载人航天、深海探测、量子通信、大飞机等重大创新成果不断涌现。高铁网络、电子商务、移动支付、共享经济等引领世界潮流。“互联网+”广泛融入各行各业。大众创业、万众创新蓬勃发展,日均新设企业由5千多户增加到1万6千多户。快速崛起的新动能,正在重塑经济增长格局、深刻改变生产生活方式,成为中国创新发展的新标志。 | Over the past five years, innovation-driven development has yielded fruitful outcomes. China's investment in research and development (R&D) has grown at an average annual rate of 11 percent, ranking second in the world in scale. The contribution of technological advances to economic growth has risen from 52.2 to 57.5 percent. In manned spaceflight, deep-water exploration, quantum communications, large aircraft development, and more, China has seen a stream of major outcomes of innovation. In high-speed rail, e-commerce, mobile payments, and the sharing economy, China is leading the world. The Internet Plus model has permeated many different fields and industries. Business startups and innovation are thriving all over the country, and the average number of new businesses opened daily has risen from over 5,000 to more than 16,000. Rapidly emerging new growth drivers are reshaping China's growth model, are profoundly changing the way we live and work, and have become a new hallmark of China's innovation-driven development. | |
五年来,改革开放迈出重大步伐。改革全面发力、多点突破、纵深推进,重要领域和关键环节改革取得突破性进展,主要领域改革主体框架基本确立。简政放权、放管结合、优化服务等改革推动政府职能发生深刻转变,市场活力和社会创造力明显增强。“一带一路”建设成效显著,对外贸易和利用外资结构优化、规模稳居世界前列。 | Over the past five years, significant headway has been made in reform and opening up. In reform, we have made strong moves across the board, secured major advances in many areas, and driven deeper in pursuing progress, making breakthroughs in reforms in important fields and at key links and seeing that in the main areas the general frameworks for reform are basically established. Reforms to streamline administration and delegate powers, improve regulation, and optimize services, have driven profound shifts in the functions of government, and significantly strengthened market dynamism and public creativity. Notable achievements have been made in the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). The composition of both Chinese foreign trade and foreign investment in China has been improved, with volumes ranking among the largest in the world. | |
五年来,人民生活持续改善。脱贫攻坚取得决定性进展,贫困人口减少6800多万,易地扶贫搬迁830万人,贫困发生率由10.2%下降到3.1%。居民收入年均增长7.4%、超过经济增速,形成世界上人口最多的中等收入群体。出境旅游人次由8300万增加到1亿3千多万。教育事业全面发展。社会养老保险覆盖9亿多人,基本医疗保险覆盖13.5亿人,织就了世界上最大的社会保障网。人均预期寿命达到76.7岁。棚户区住房改造2600多万套,农村危房改造1700多万户,上亿人喜迁新居。 | Over the past five years, living standards have been constantly improving. We have made decisive progress in the fight against poverty: More than 68 million people have been lifted out of poverty, including a total of 8.3 million relocated from inhospitable areas, and the poverty headcount ratio has dropped from 10.2 to 3.1 percent. Personal income has increased by an annual average of 7.4 percent, outpacing economic growth and creating the world's largest middle-income group. Tourist departures have grown from 83 million to over 130 million. Education has seen all-around development. Social old-age pension schemes now cover more than 900 million people, and basic health insurance plans cover 1.35 billion people, forming the largest social safety net in the world. On average, life expectancy has reached 76.7 years. Over 26 million housing units have been rebuilt in rundown urban areas and more than 17 million dilapidated houses have been renovated in rural areas, with the result that more than one hundred million Chinese have moved into new homes. | |
五年来,生态环境状况逐步好转。制定实施大气、水、土壤污染防治三个“十条”并取得扎实成效。单位国内生产总值能耗、水耗均下降20%以上,主要污染物排放量持续下降,重点城市重污染天数减少一半,森林面积增加1.63亿亩,沙化土地面积年均缩减近2000平方公里,绿色发展呈现可喜局面。 | Over the past five years, the environment has seen gradual improvement. To address air, water, and soil pollution, we have designed and enforced a ten-point list of measures for each and achieved solid progress. Both energy and water consumption per unit of GDP have fallen more than 20 percent, the release of major pollutants has been consistently declining, and the number of days of heavy air pollution in key cities has fallen 50 percent. Forest coverage has increased by 10.87 million hectares, and the area of desertified land has been reduced by close to 2,000 square kilometers on average each year. Encouraging progress has been made in green development. | |
刚刚过去的2017年,经济社会发展主要目标任务全面完成并好于预期。国内生产总值增长6.9%,居民收入增长7.3%,增速均比上年有所加快;城镇新增就业1351万人,失业率为多年来最低;工业增速回升,企业利润增长21%;财政收入增长7.4%,扭转了增速放缓态势;进出口增长14.2%,实际使用外资1363亿美元、创历史新高。经济发展呈现出增长与质量、结构、效益相得益彰的良好局面。这是五年来一系列重大政策效应累积,各方面不懈努力、久久为功的结果。 | In the year just passed, all main targets and tasks for economic and social development were accomplished and performance exceeded expectations. GDP grew 6.9 percent and personal income rose 7.3 percent, both beating the previous year's growth rates. Around 13.51 million new urban jobs were created, and the jobless rate was at its lowest level in years. Industrial growth began to rebound, and corporate profits increased 21 percent. Government revenue grew 7.4 percent, reversing the slowdown in growth. The total import and export value rose 14.2 percent. Inward foreign investment reached 136.3 billion U.S. dollars, hitting a new all-time high. The state of play in the economy was good, with growth and quality, structural improvement, and performance each reinforcing the other. This is the result of the cumulative effect of a raft of major policies over the past five years and of consistent efforts in all areas of endeavor. | |
过去五年取得的全方位、开创性成就,发生的深层次、根本性变革,再次令世界瞩目,全国各族人民倍感振奋和自豪。 | The past five years have seen groundbreaking achievements on every front and profound and fundamental changes, attracting global attention and bringing all of us in China pride and inspiration. | |
五年来,我们认真贯彻以习近平同志为核心的党中央决策部署,主要做了以下工作。 | Over the past five years, we have worked with dedication to implement the decisions and plans made by the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core. The following are the highlights of that work: | |
(一)坚持稳中求进工作总基调,着力创新和完善宏观调控,经济运行保持在合理区间、实现稳中向好。这些年,世界经济复苏乏力,国际金融市场跌宕起伏,保护主义明显抬头。我国经济发展中结构性问题和深层次矛盾凸显,经济下行压力持续加大,遇到不少两难多难抉择。面对这种局面,我们保持战略定力,坚持不搞“大水漫灌”式强刺激,而是适应把握引领经济发展新常态,统筹稳增长、促改革、调结构、惠民生、防风险,不断创新和完善宏观调控,确立区间调控的思路和方式,加强定向调控、相机调控、精准调控。明确强调只要经济运行在合理区间,就业增加、收入增长、环境改善,就集中精力促改革、调结构、添动力。采取既利当前更惠长远的举措,着力推进供给侧结构性改革,适度扩大总需求,推动实现更高层次的供需动态平衡。经过艰辛努力,我们顶住了经济下行压力、避免了“硬着陆”,保持了经济中高速增长,促进了结构优化,经济长期向好的基本面不断巩固和发展。 | First, with a commitment to the general principle of pursuing progress while ensuring stability, we have focused on developing new and better approaches to macro regulation, kept major indicators within an appropriate range, and achieved stable, positive economic performance. The past few years have witnessed anemic world economic recovery, volatility in global financial markets, and a sharp rise in protectionism. In China, structural issues and underlying problems have become more acute, downward pressure on the economy has continued to mount, and we have met with no small number of dilemmas. In facing this new environment, we have maintained strategic focus and refrained from resorting to a deluge of strong stimulus policies. Instead, we have adapted to, addressed, and steered the new normal in economic development, and taken coordinated steps to ensure steady growth, advance reform, make structural adjustments, improve living standards, and guard against risk. We have made fresh innovations in and refined macro regulation, developed the idea of and ways to achieve range-based regulation, and enhanced targeted, well-timed, and precision regulation. We have been clear that as long as the major economic indicators are within an acceptable range, with employment growing, incomes increasing, and the environment improving, then our energies should be focused on advancing reform, making structural adjustments, and adding growth drivers. We have adopted measures that are good for the near term and even better for the long term, made strong moves to advance supply-side structural reform, appropriately expanded aggregate demand, and worked for a dynamic equilibrium of supply and demand at a higher level. With grit and determination, we have overcome downward pressure on the economy, avoided a "hard landing," maintained a medium-high growth rate, and promoted structural upgrading. The economic fundamentals that will sustain long-term growth have been cemented and enhanced. | |
坚持实施积极的财政政策和稳健的货币政策。在财政收支矛盾较大情况下,着眼“放水养鱼”、增强后劲,我国率先大幅减税降费。分步骤全面推开营改增,结束了66年的营业税征收历史,累计减税超过2万亿元,加上采取小微企业税收优惠、清理各种收费等措施,共减轻市场主体负担3万多亿元。加强地方政府债务管理,实施地方政府存量债务置换,降低利息负担1.2万亿元。调整财政支出结构,盘活沉淀资金,保障基本民生和重点项目。财政赤字率一直控制在3%以内。货币政策保持稳健中性,广义货币M2增速呈下降趋势,信贷和社会融资规模适度增长。采取定向降准、专项再贷款等差别化政策,加强对重点领域和薄弱环节支持,小微企业贷款增速高于各项贷款平均增速。改革完善汇率市场化形成机制,保持人民币汇率基本稳定,外汇储备转降为升。妥善应对“钱荒”等金融市场异常波动,规范金融市场秩序,防范化解重点领域风险,守住了不发生系统性风险的底线,维护了国家经济金融安全。 | We have continued to follow a proactive fiscal policy and a prudent monetary policy. Despite a fairly big imbalance between government revenue and expenditure, China has led the way in slashing taxes and fees with the aim of using accommodative measures to strengthen the basis for sustained growth. Step by step, we have extended the replacement of business tax with value added tax (VAT) to all sectors across the country, calling time on the 66-year history of business tax. The result so far has been a tax cut of more than 2 trillion yuan. We have also adopted measures like preferential tax policies for small low-profit businesses and an overhaul of different types of fees. All in all, our market entities have seen savings of more than 3 trillion yuan. We have strengthened management over local government debt, and issued local government bonds to replace outstanding debt, cutting interest liability by 1.2 trillion yuan. We have adjusted the structure of government expenditure, put idle funds to work, and ensured the spending for undertaking major projects and meeting basic public needs. The deficit-to-GDP ratio has been kept within 3 percent. Monetary policy has remained prudent and neutral. The M2 money supply growth rate has been trending downward, while credit and aggregate financing have seen moderate growth. Differentiated policies, such as targeted reserve requirement ratio cuts and targeted re-lending, have been adopted to strengthen support for key fields and weak links. The growth of loans to small and micro businesses has outstripped the average growth in lending. We have reformed and improved the market-based exchange rate mechanism and kept the RMB exchange rate basically stable; and foreign exchange reserves are now rising not falling. We have responded appropriately to abnormal market fluctuations such as the cash crunch, brought better order to the financial markets, prevented and defused risks in key sectors, forestalled systemic risk, and thus safeguarded China's economic and financial security. | |
(二)坚持以供给侧结构性改革为主线,着力培育壮大新动能,经济结构加快优化升级。紧紧依靠改革破解经济发展和结构失衡难题,大力发展新兴产业,改造提升传统产业,提高供给体系质量和效率。 | Second, with a commitment to treating supply-side structural reform as our main task, we have focused on fostering new growth drivers and sped up economic structural upgrading. We have persevered in relying on reform to overcome economic difficulties and address structural imbalances, made a big push to foster emerging industries, overhauled and strengthened traditional industries, and improved the quality and performance of the supply system. | |
扎实推进“三去一降一补”。五年来,在淘汰水泥、平板玻璃等落后产能基础上,以钢铁、煤炭等行业为重点加大去产能力度,中央财政安排1000亿元专项奖补资金予以支持,用于分流职工安置。退出钢铁产能1.7亿吨以上、煤炭产能8亿吨,安置分流职工110多万人。因城施策分类指导,三四线城市商品住宅去库存取得明显成效,热点城市房价涨势得到控制。积极稳妥去杠杆,控制债务规模,增加股权融资,工业企业资产负债率连续下降,宏观杠杆率涨幅明显收窄、总体趋于稳定。多措并举降成本,压减政府性基金项目30%,削减中央政府层面设立的涉企收费项目60%以上,阶段性降低“五险一金”缴费比例,推动降低用能、物流、电信等成本。突出重点加大补短板力度。 | Solid work has moved us forward in the five priority tasks of cutting overcapacity, reducing excess inventory, deleveraging, lowering costs, and strengthening areas of weakness. Over the past five years, building on work to cut backward production capacity in the cement, plate glass, and other industries, we have intensified efforts to cut overcapacity, prioritizing industries such as steel and coal; and a 100-billion-yuan fund for rewards and subsidies has been put in place by the central government to support efforts to assist affected employees. We have cut steel production capacity by more than 170 million metric tons and coal production capacity by 800 million metric tons, and over 1.1 million affected employees have been assisted. Thanks to city-specific policies and category-specific guidance, clear progress has been made in reducing commercial residential housing inventory in third- and fourth-tier cities, and the growth of housing prices in the most popular cities has been brought under control. We have taken active and prudent steps to deleverage, control the scale of debts, and expand equity finance. The debt-to-asset ratio of industrial enterprises has been consistently declining. Macro leverage ratio is increasing by much smaller margins and is generally stable. We have used a combination of measures to bring down costs: 30 percent of government-managed funds and fees have been cut; over 60 percent of the fees and charges levied on businesses by the central government have been abolished; the ratio of enterprise contributions to old-age pension, medical insurance, unemployment insurance, and maternity insurance, workers' compensation, and housing provident fund schemes has been reduced for the time being, and work has been done to lower energy, logistics, and telecommunications costs. And, with a focus on key issues, we have stepped up efforts to strengthen areas of weakness. | |
加快新旧发展动能接续转换。深入开展“互联网+”行动,实行包容审慎监管,推动大数据、云计算、物联网广泛应用,新兴产业蓬勃发展,传统产业深刻重塑。实施“中国制造2025”,推进工业强基、智能制造、绿色制造等重大工程,先进制造业加快发展。出台现代服务业改革发展举措,服务新业态新模式异军突起,促进了各行业融合升级。深化农业供给侧结构性改革,新型经营主体大批涌现,种植业适度规模经营比重从30%提升到40%以上。采取措施增加中低收入者收入,推动传统消费提档升级、新兴消费快速兴起,网上零售额年均增长30%以上,社会消费品零售总额年均增长11.3%。优化投资结构,鼓励民间投资,发挥政府投资撬动作用,引导更多资金投向强基础、增后劲、惠民生领域。高速铁路运营里程从9000多公里增加到2万5千公里、占世界三分之二,高速公路里程从9.6万公里增加到13.6万公里,新建改建农村公路127万公里,新建民航机场46个,开工重大水利工程122项,完成新一轮农村电网改造,建成全球最大的移动宽带网。五年来,发展新动能迅速壮大,经济增长实现由主要依靠投资、出口拉动转向依靠消费、投资、出口协同拉动,由主要依靠第二产业带动转向依靠三次产业共同带动。这是我们多年想实现而没有实现的重大结构性变革。 | We have sped up the replacement of old growth drivers. We have taken extensive action under the Internet Plus Initiative, exercised accommodative and prudential regulation, and promoted the extensive application of big data, cloud computing, and the Internet of Things; emerging industries have achieved vigorous growth, and traditional industries have undergone a thorough remodeling. Implementation of the Made in China 2025 initiative has brought progress in major projects like the building of robust industrial foundations, smart manufacturing, and green manufacturing, and has accelerated the development of advanced manufacturing. We unveiled reform and development measures to foster modern services; and this has led to a marked rise in new forms of business in the service sector and new service models as well as the integration and upgrading of multiple sectors. Deepened supply-side structural reform in agriculture has brought the emergence of a large number of new types of agribusiness. The share of appropriately scaled-up farming has increased from 30 to over 40 percent. We have taken measures to increase the incomes of those in low- and middle-income brackets, and helped to see an upgrading of traditional forms of consumption, and a boom in new forms of consumption. Online retail sales have been growing at an average annual rate of over 30 percent, and total retail sales of consumer goods have enjoyed an average annual increase of 11.3 percent. We have improved the composition of investment, encouraged private investment, used government investment to play a catalytic role, and guided more funding toward areas that strengthen the economic foundation, enhance sustainability, and improve people's lives. China's in-operation high-speed railways have grown from over 9,000 to 25,000 kilometers, accounting for two thirds of the world's total. Our expressways have grown from 96,000 to 136,000 kilometers. We have built or upgraded 1.27 million kilometers of rural roads, built 46 new civilian airports, and begun work on 122 major water conservancy projects. We have completed the latest round of rural power grid upgrading, and put in place the largest mobile broadband network in the world. Over the past five years, new growth drivers have rapidly grown in strength. Economic growth, in the past mainly driven by investment and exports, is now being fueled by consumption, investment, and exports. In the past dependent mainly on secondary industry, growth is now powered by a combination of the primary, secondary, and tertiary industries. This is a major structural transformation that for years our sights had been set on but we were never able to achieve. | |
推进供给侧结构性改革,必须破除要素市场化配置障碍,降低制度性交易成本。针对长期存在的重审批、轻监管、弱服务问题,我们持续深化“放管服”改革,加快转变政府职能,减少微观管理、直接干预,注重加强宏观调控、市场监管和公共服务。五年来,国务院部门行政审批事项削减44%,非行政许可审批彻底终结,中央政府层面核准的企业投资项目减少90%,行政审批中介服务事项压减74%,职业资格许可和认定大幅减少。中央政府定价项目缩减80%,地方政府定价项目缩减50%以上。全面改革工商登记、注册资本等商事制度,企业开办时间缩短三分之一以上。创新和加强事中事后监管,实行“双随机、一公开”,随机抽取检查人员和检查对象、及时公开查处结果,提高了监管效能和公正性。推行“互联网+政务服务”,实施一站式服务等举措。营商环境持续改善,市场活力明显增强,群众办事更加便利。 | Advancing supply-side structural reform demands removing barriers to the market-based allocation of the factors of production and reducing government-imposed transaction costs. To address the longstanding issues of excessive emphasis on approval procedures, insufficient attention to regulatory processes, and a failure to provide strong services, we have been consistently deepening reforms to streamline administration, delegate powers, improve regulation, and strengthen services. We have sped up efforts to transform government functions, reduced micromanagement and direct intervention, and done more to improve macro regulation, market regulation, and public services. Over the past five years, the number of items subject to approval by State Council offices and departments has been slashed by 44 percent, the practice of non-administrative approval has been completely put to a stop, the number of business investment items subject to central government approval has been cut by 90 percent, intermediary services needed for obtaining government approval have been cut by 74 percent, and the requirements for professional qualification approval and accreditation have been significantly reduced. The number of items for which central government sets the prices has been cut back by 80 percent, and local government-priced items have been cut down by over 50 percent. Comprehensive reforms have swept the business system, including business registration and registered capital, reducing the time it takes to start a business by over a third. We have developed new and better ways of conducting compliance oversight, and introduced a new model of oversight combining randomly selected inspectors who inspect randomly selected entities and the prompt release of results. These efforts have made regulation more effective and impartial. We have rolled out the Internet Plus Government Services model and adopted measures such as the one-stop service model. Thanks to the above reforms, the business environment has consistently improved, the market is more energized, and people can access government services more easily. | |
(三)坚持创新引领发展,着力激发社会创造力,整体创新能力和效率显著提高。实施创新驱动发展战略,优化创新生态,形成多主体协同、全方位推进的创新局面。扩大科研机构和高校科研自主权,改进科研项目和经费管理,深化科技成果权益管理改革。推进全面创新改革试验,支持北京、上海建设科技创新中心,新设14个国家自主创新示范区,带动形成一批区域创新高地。以企业为主体加强技术创新体系建设,涌现一批具有国际竞争力的创新型企业和新型研发机构。深入开展大众创业、万众创新,实施普惠性支持政策,完善孵化体系。各类市场主体达到9800多万户,五年增加70%以上。国内有效发明专利拥有量增加两倍,技术交易额翻了一番。我国科技创新由跟跑为主转向更多领域并跑、领跑,成为全球瞩目的创新创业热土。 | Third, with a commitment to innovation-driven development, and a focus on unlocking public creativity, we have achieved a remarkable overall improvement in innovation capacity and efficiency. We have put into action the innovation-driven development strategy and worked to build a better ecosystem for innovation, giving shape to innovation involving multiple actors making across-the-board advances. Research institutes and universities now have greater say over their research; research projects and funding are better managed, and the way that rights and interests relating to scientific and technological advances are managed has undergone reform. We have moved forward with piloting comprehensive innovation reform, supported Beijing and Shanghai in building themselves into centers for scientific and technological innovation, and set up 14 new national innovation demonstration zones, thus creating a number of regional innovation hubs. We have boosted the development of a system for technological innovation in which enterprises are the main actors. China has seen the emergence of a number of world-class innovative enterprises and new kinds of R&D institutions. We have launched and taken bold moves in the nationwide business startup and innovation initiative, adopted supportive policies designed to benefit all entrepreneurs and innovators, and improved incubation systems. China's market entities, all types included, now total over 98 million, an increase of more than 70 percent over the past five years. The number of in-force Chinese invention patents issued in China has tripled, and the volume of technology transactions has doubled. In the global race of scientific and technological innovation, China has shifted place, from following others to keeping pace and even leading the pack in more and more areas. Our country has become a globally recognized fertile ground for innovation and business ventures. | |
(四)坚持全面深化改革,着力破除体制机制弊端,发展动力不断增强。国资国企改革扎实推进,公司制改革基本完成,兼并重组、压减层级、提质增效取得积极进展。国有企业效益明显好转,去年利润增长23.5%。深化能源、铁路、盐业等领域改革。放宽非公有制经济市场准入。建立不动产统一登记制度。完善产权保护制度。财税改革取得重大进展,全面推行财政预决算公开,构建以共享税为主的中央和地方收入分配格局,启动中央与地方财政事权和支出责任划分改革,中央对地方一般性转移支付规模大幅增加、专项转移支付项目减少三分之二。基本放开利率管制,建立存款保险制度,推动大中型商业银行设立普惠金融事业部,深化政策性、开发性金融机构改革,强化金融监管协调机制。稳步推进教育综合改革,完善城乡义务教育均衡发展促进机制,改革考试招生制度。建立统一的城乡居民基本养老、医疗保险制度,实现机关事业单位和企业养老保险制度并轨。出台划转部分国有资本充实社保基金方案。实施医疗、医保、医药联动改革,全面推开公立医院综合改革,取消长期实行的药品加成政策,药品医疗器械审批制度改革取得突破。推进农村承包地“三权”分置改革、确权面积超过80%,改革重要农产品收储制度。完善主体功能区制度,建立生态文明绩效考评和责任追究制度,推行河长制、湖长制,开展省级以下环保机构垂直管理制度改革试点。各领域改革的深化,推动了经济社会持续健康发展。 | Fourth, with a commitment to deepening reform across the board, we have taken major steps to remove institutional barriers, thus steadily boosting the driving forces powering development. Solid progress has been made in state capital and state-owned enterprise (SOE) reform; the reform to convert SOEs into standard companies has now basically been completed; and efforts to merge and restructure, reduce the organizational levels in, and improve the quality and efficiency of, SOEs have made good progress. The performance of SOEs has been much improved, with profits last year growing by 23.5 percent. We have deepened reform in sectors like energy, rail, and the salt industry. Market access to the non-public sector has been expanded. An integrated registration system for immovable property has been put in place, and the property rights protection system has been improved. Fiscal and tax reforms have made major progress. We have introduced the requirement nationwide for government budgets and final accounts to be released to the public, developed a system based mainly on tax sharing for dividing revenue between central and local government, launched the reform to define the respective financial powers and expenditure responsibilities of central and local government, and significantly scaled up general transfer payments from central to local government, while also cutting by two thirds the number of items for which special purpose transfer payments are made. We have largely lifted controls on interest rates, established a deposit insurance system, encouraged large and medium commercial banks to set up inclusive finance divisions, deepened the reform of policy-backed and development financial institutions, and strengthened the mechanisms for coordinating financial regulation. We have made steady progress in the comprehensive reform of education, improved the mechanisms for promoting more balanced development of urban and rural compulsory education, and reformed the examination and enrollment systems. We have established unified basic pension and health insurance schemes for rural and non-working urban residents, and brought government office and public institution pension schemes into line with enterprise schemes. We have unveiled a plan for the appropriation of a portion of state capital to replenish social security funds. We have carried out coordinated medical service, medical insurance, and pharmaceutical reforms. We have introduced comprehensive reform in all public hospitals, rescinded the longstanding policy of allowing hospitals to profit from higher priced medicine, and made breakthroughs in the reform of approval systems for medicine and medical devices. We have pursued reform to separate rural land ownership rights, contract rights, and use rights, and already seen over 80 percent of contracted rural land covered by this reform. We have reformed the system for purchasing and stockpiling important agricultural products. We have improved the functional zoning system, established performance evaluation and accountability systems for ecological conservation, and instituted the river chief and lake chief systems. We have piloted a system placing government environmental offices below the provincial level directly under the supervision of provincial-level environmental offices. The deepening of reform in each and every field has given a boost to sustained, healthy economic and social development. | |
(五)坚持对外开放的基本国策,着力实现合作共赢,开放型经济水平显著提升。倡导和推动共建“一带一路”,发起创办亚投行,设立丝路基金,一批重大互联互通、经贸合作项目落地。在上海等省市设立11个自贸试验区,一批改革试点成果向全国推广。改革出口退税负担机制、退税增量全部由中央财政负担,设立13个跨境电商综合试验区,国际贸易“单一窗口”覆盖全国,货物通关时间平均缩短一半以上,进出口实现回稳向好。外商投资由审批制转向负面清单管理,限制性措施削减三分之二。外商投资结构优化,高技术产业占比提高一倍。加大引智力度,来华工作的外国专家增加40%。引导对外投资健康发展。推进国际产能合作,高铁、核电等装备走向世界。新签和升级8个自由贸易协定。沪港通、深港通、债券通相继启动,人民币加入国际货币基金组织特别提款权货币篮子,人民币国际化迈出重要步伐。中国开放的扩大,有力促进了自身发展,给世界带来重大机遇。 | Fifth, with a commitment to China's fundamental policy of opening up, we have focused on promoting win-win cooperation, and significantly improved the performance of our country's open economy. We have launched and worked with other countries in the Belt and Road Initiative. We initiated the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, set up the Silk Road Fund, and launched a number of major connectivity and economic and trade cooperation initiatives. Pilot free trade zones have been established in Shanghai and 10 other provinces and cities. A number of successful outcomes from pilot reforms are now being applied nationwide. We have reformed the cost-sharing mechanism for export tax rebates, and the central government now pays the full sum of increases in export tax rebates. We have set up 13 comprehensive experimental zones for cross-border e-commerce. Single-window document processing for international trade has been applied nationwide, cutting the average time for customs clearance by over half. Imports and exports have rebounded and steadily grown. For foreign investment, we have replaced the approval system with a negative list model, and have cut restrictions by two thirds. The composition of foreign investment has improved, with investment in high-tech industries doubling. We have intensified efforts to attract talent, and the number of foreign experts working in China has grown by 40 percent. We have guided the healthy development of outbound investment. We have moved forward with international cooperation on production capacity; high-speed rail, nuclear power, and other types of Chinese equipment have entered international markets. We have signed or upgraded eight free trade agreements. We have launched the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect, the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect, and the Bond Connect. The RMB was included in the IMF's Special Drawing Rights basket, representing a major step forward in its internationalization. China has opened its doors wider to the world. This opening has played a powerful role in our own development, and it presents important opportunities for the rest of the world. | |
(六)坚持实施区域协调发展和新型城镇化战略,着力推动平衡发展,新的增长极增长带加快成长。积极推进京津冀协同发展、长江经济带发展,编制实施相关规划,建设一批重点项目。出台一系列促进西部开发、东北振兴、中部崛起、东部率先发展的改革创新举措。加大对革命老区、民族地区、边疆地区、贫困地区扶持力度,加强援藏援疆援青工作。海洋保护和开发有序推进。实施重点城市群规划,促进大中小城市和小城镇协调发展。绝大多数城市放宽落户限制,居住证制度全面实施,城镇基本公共服务向常住人口覆盖。城乡区域发展协调性显著增强。 | Sixth, with a commitment to implementing the coordinated regional development and new urbanization strategies, we have promoted more balanced development, and seen new growth poles and belts developing faster. We have actively pursued the coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei, and the development of the Yangtze Economic Belt, drawn up and implemented related plans, and undertaken a number of key projects. We have unveiled a whole series of reforms and innovative measures to see the western region develop, northeast China revitalized, the central region rise, and the eastern region spearhead development. We have stepped up support for old revolutionary base areas, areas with large ethnic minority populations, border areas, and poor areas, and strengthened work to support Tibet, Xinjiang, and Qinghai. We have steadily moved forward with protecting and developing maritime resources. We have implemented plans for developing major city clusters, and pursued more balanced development of small, medium, and large cities, and small towns. The vast majority of cities in China have eased restrictions on permanent residency. A residence card system has been put into effect nationwide, and basic urban public services now cover all permanent residents. Development between urban and rural areas and between regions has become better coordinated. | |
(七)坚持以人民为中心的发展思想,着力保障和改善民生,人民群众获得感不断增强。在财力紧张情况下,持续加大民生投入。全面推进精准扶贫、精准脱贫,健全中央统筹、省负总责、市县抓落实的工作机制,中央财政五年投入专项扶贫资金2800多亿元。实施积极的就业政策,重点群体就业得到较好保障。坚持教育优先发展,财政性教育经费占国内生产总值比例持续超过4%。改善农村义务教育薄弱学校办学条件,提高乡村教师待遇,营养改善计划惠及3600多万农村学生。启动世界一流大学和一流学科建设。重点高校专项招收农村和贫困地区学生人数由1万人增加到10万人。加大对各类学校家庭困难学生资助力度,4.3亿人次受益。劳动年龄人口平均受教育年限提高到10.5年。居民基本医保人均财政补助标准由240元提高到450元,大病保险制度基本建立、已有1700多万人次受益,异地就医住院费用实现直接结算,分级诊疗和医联体建设加快推进。持续合理提高退休人员基本养老金。提高低保、优抚等标准,完善社会救助制度,近6000万低保人员和特困群众基本生活得到保障。建立困难和重度残疾人“两项补贴”制度,惠及2100多万人。实施全面两孩政策。强化基层公共文化服务,加快发展文化事业,文化产业年均增长13%以上。全民健身广泛开展,体育健儿勇创佳绩。 | Seventh, with a commitment to a people-centered development philosophy, we have endeavored to ensure and improve living standards, and the people are increasingly feeling the benefit. Despite fiscal constraints, we have consistently increased spending on improving people's living standards. We have made comprehensive moves in targeted poverty reduction and alleviation, and built a robust working mechanism with central government responsible for overall planning, provincial-level governments assuming overall responsibility, and city and county governments responsible for program implementation. Over the past five years, the central government has appropriated over 280 billion yuan to fund poverty reduction. We have implemented a proactive employment policy and ensured that key target groups have better access to employment. We have been committed to prioritizing the development of education; and government spending on education has remained above four percent of GDP. In rural areas, we have improved conditions in badly built and poorly operated schools providing compulsory education, and increased the pay packages of teachers, and our Better Nutrition Plan has benefited more than 36 million students. We have launched an initiative to build world-class universities and world-class disciplines. The number of students from rural and poor areas enrolled in key universities through special programs has grown from 10,000 to 100,000. We have increased financial aid to students from families in financial difficulty studying in all types of schools, giving out 430 million grants in total. The average length of schooling of the working-age population has been raised to 10.5 years. Government subsidies for basic medical insurance schemes have been increased from 240 to 450 yuan per person; the serious disease insurance system is basically in place, and has already benefited more than 17 million people; the costs of hospitalization can now be settled where incurred; and the development of tiered medical diagnosis and treatment and healthcare consortiums has picked up pace. We have consistently made appropriate increases to basic old-age pensions for retirees. We have raised subsistence allowances, benefits for entitled groups, and other allowances, and improved the social assistance system, ensuring the livelihoods of close to 60 million people on subsistence allowances or living in extreme poverty. We have put in place a system to provide living allowances for people with disabilities in financial difficulty and nursing care subsidies for people with serious disabilities, a system that has benefited over 21 million people. All couples can now have two children. We have strengthened public cultural services at the community level, moved faster to develop cultural programs, and seen the cultural industry grow at an average annual rate of over 13 percent. We have carried out Fitness-for-All programs, which are now in full swing; and Chinese athletes have excelled in competition. | |
(八)坚持人与自然和谐发展,着力治理环境污染,生态文明建设取得明显成效。树立绿水青山就是金山银山理念,以前所未有的决心和力度加强生态环境保护。重拳整治大气污染,重点地区细颗粒物(PM2.5)平均浓度下降30%以上。加强散煤治理,推进重点行业节能减排,71%的煤电机组实现超低排放。优化能源结构,煤炭消费比重下降8.1个百分点,清洁能源消费比重提高6.3个百分点。提高燃油品质,淘汰黄标车和老旧车2000多万辆。加强重点流域海域水污染防治,化肥农药使用量实现零增长。推进重大生态保护和修复工程,扩大退耕还林还草还湿,加强荒漠化、石漠化、水土流失综合治理。开展中央环保督察,严肃查处违法案件,强化追责问责。积极推动《巴黎协定》签署生效,我国在应对全球气候变化中发挥了重要作用。 | Eighth, with a commitment to achieving harmony between human and nature, we have taken major steps to address pollution, and achieved notable progress in ecological conservation. We have established the notion that lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets and acted with resolve and intensity as never before to strengthen environmental protection. We have struck out hard against air pollution, thus achieving a drop of over 30 percent in the average density of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in key areas. We have done more to reduce the use of low quality coal, pushed for progress in energy conservation and emission reductions in key industries, and seen 71 percent of coal-fired power plants achieving ultra-low emissions. We have improved the energy mix, cutting the share of coal consumption by 8.1 percentage points and increasing the share of clean energy consumption by 6.3 percentage points. We have improved fuel quality, and taken over 20 million high-emission and old vehicles off the roads. We have strengthened prevention and control measures against water pollution in key drainage basins and sea areas, and achieved zero growth in chemical fertilizer and pesticide use. We have pursued major ecological conservation and restoration projects, expanded the coverage of initiatives to turn marginal farmland into forest, grassland, and wetlands, and intensified comprehensive efforts to curb desertification, rock desertification, and soil erosion. We have launched central government inspections on environmental protection, investigated and prosecuted cases involving legal violations, and strengthened accountability. We worked toward and saw that the Paris Agreement was put into force; China has played an important role in responding to global climate change. | |
(九)坚持依法全面履行政府职能,着力加强和创新社会治理,社会保持和谐稳定。提请全国人大常委会制定修订法律95部,制定修订行政法规195部,修改废止一大批部门规章。省、市、县政府部门制定公布权责清单。开展国务院大督查和专项督查,对积极作为、成效突出的给予表彰和政策激励,对不作为的严肃问责。创新城乡基层治理。完善信访工作制度。扩大法律援助范围。促进安全生产领域改革发展,事故总量和重特大事故数量持续下降。改革完善食品药品监管,强化风险全程管控。加强地震、特大洪灾等防灾减灾救灾工作,健全分级负责、相互协同的应急机制,最大程度降低了灾害损失。加强国家安全。健全社会治安防控体系,依法打击各类违法犯罪,有力维护了公共安全。 | Ninth, with a commitment to fully performing government functions in accordance with law, we have focused on enhancing and making innovations in social governance, and ensured social harmony and stability. We have submitted proposals to the NPC Standing Committee on formulating or revising 95 laws, formulated or revised 195 sets of administrative regulations, and revised or rescinded a large number of government department regulations. Lists of powers and obligations have been formulated and released by provincial, city, and county government departments. We have introduced State Council accountability inspections and special inspections, and commended and created policy incentives for those working proactively and doing an outstanding job, while holding strictly to account those failing to fulfill their duties. We have been making innovations in urban and rural primary level governance. The system for handling public complaints has been improved. The coverage of legal aid has been expanded. We have promoted reform and improvements in workplace safety, and seen a continued drop in both the total number of accidents and the number of serious and major accidents. We have reformed and improved food and drug regulation and strengthened risk control over all related processes. We have strengthened work on preventing, reducing, and providing relief for disasters, including earthquakes and serious flooding, and built stronger emergency response mechanisms employing a division of responsibilities between levels and close coordination. With this we have minimized the damage and loss inflicted by disasters to the greatest possible extent. China's national security is better safeguarded. We have improved the crime prevention and control system, worked in accordance with law to hit back against all types of crime and illegal behavior, and effectively safeguarded public security. | |
贯彻落实党中央全面从严治党部署,加强党风廉政建设和反腐败斗争。深入开展党的群众路线教育实践活动、“三严三实”专题教育、“两学一做”学习教育,认真落实党中央八项规定精神,持之以恒纠正“四风”,严格执行国务院“约法三章”。严控新建政府性楼堂馆所和财政供养人员总量,“三公”经费大幅压减。加强行政监察和审计监督。坚决查处和纠正违法违规行为,严厉惩处腐败分子,反腐败斗争压倒性态势已经形成并巩固发展。 | We have implemented the Party Central Committee's decisions on exercising full and strict Party self-governance and done more to improve Party conduct, build a clean government, and fight corruption. We have taken extensive action in raising awareness of and putting into practice the Party's mass line, in the Three Stricts and Three Earnests campaign, and in the drive to see that Party members develop a good understanding of the Party Constitution, Party regulations, and General Secretary Xi Jinping's major policy addresses and live up to Party standards. We have worked hard to ensure compliance with the Central Committee's eight-point decision on improving conduct and staying engaged with the people and worked nonstop to address the practice of formalities for formalities' sake, bureaucratism, hedonism, and extravagance. We have strictly enforced the three-point State Council decision on curbing government spending. We have enforced strict controls over the construction of new government buildings and over the total number of people on the government payroll; and spending on official overseas visits, official vehicles, and official hospitality has been significantly reduced. We have strengthened government supervision and auditing-based oversight. We have taken strong steps to investigate, prosecute, and address violations of laws and regulations and severely punished those who have committed corruption. This anti-corruption campaign has built into a crushing tide, and is being consolidated and developed. | |
各位代表! | Fellow Deputies, | |
过去五年,民族、宗教、侨务等工作创新推进。支持民族地区加快发展,民族团结进步事业取得长足进展。积极引导宗教与社会主义社会相适应。海外侨胞和归侨侨眷在国家现代化建设中作出了独特贡献。 | Over the past five years, we have made new improvements in work related to ethnic groups, religion, and overseas Chinese nationals. We have supported faster development in areas with large ethnic minority populations, and have seen efforts to promote ethnic unity and progress truly paying off. We have actively guided religions in adapting to socialist society. Overseas Chinese nationals, Chinese nationals who have returned from overseas, and the relatives of overseas Chinese nationals who reside in China have made their own unique contributions to the country's modernization. | |
过去五年,在党中央、中央军委领导下,强军兴军开创新局面。制定新形势下军事战略方针,召开古田全军政治工作会议,深入推进政治建军、改革强军、科技兴军、依法治军,人民军队实现政治生态重塑、组织形态重塑、力量体系重塑、作风形象重塑。有效遂行海上维权、反恐维稳、抢险救灾、国际维和、亚丁湾护航、人道主义救援等重大任务。各方配合基本完成裁减军队员额30万任务。军事装备现代化水平显著提升,军民融合深度发展。军政军民紧密团结。人民军队面貌焕然一新,在中国特色强军之路上迈出坚实步伐。 | Over the past five years, under the leadership of the Party Central Committee and the Central Military Commission, we have embarked on a new stage in strengthening and energizing the armed forces. We have developed a military strategy for new conditions; convened the Gutian military political work meeting; and taken extensive steps to see that the armed forces are built on political loyalty, strengthened through reform and technology, and run in accordance with law. As a result, our people's armed forces have achieved a remodeling of their political ecosystem, of the way they are organized, of the structure of their forces, and of their conduct and image. We have undertaken major missions involving the protection of maritime rights, countering terrorism and maintaining stability, disaster rescue and relief, international peacekeeping, escort services in the Gulf of Aden, and humanitarian rescue. With the cooperation of all involved, we have basically completed the task of reducing military personnel by 300,000. Military equipment has been significantly modernized and military-civilian integration has been deepened. We have seen closer unity between the military and government and between the military and the people. The people's armed forces, full of new drive, have taken solid strides toward building themselves into a powerful military with Chinese characteristics. | |
过去五年,港澳台工作取得新进展。“一国两制”实践不断丰富和发展,宪法和基本法权威在港澳进一步彰显,内地与港澳交流合作深入推进,港珠澳大桥全线贯通,香港、澳门保持繁荣稳定。坚持一个中国原则和“九二共识”,加强两岸经济文化交流合作,实现两岸领导人历史性会晤。坚决反对和遏制“台独”分裂势力,有力维护了台海和平稳定。 | Over the past five years, fresh progress has been made in work related to Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan. The practice of "one country, two systems" has been consistently enriched and developed; the authority of China's Constitution and the basic laws has become more evident in Hong Kong and Macao. Exchanges and cooperation between the mainland and Hong Kong and Macao have been steadily enhanced; the construction of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge has been completed, and Hong Kong and Macao have thrived and remained stable. We have upheld the one-China principle and the 1992 Consensus, strengthened cross-Strait economic and cultural exchanges and cooperation, and held a historic meeting between the leaders of the two sides. We have resolutely opposed and deterred separatist forces advocating Taiwan independence, firmly safeguarding peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait. | |
过去五年,中国特色大国外交全面推进。成功举办首届“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛、亚太经济合作组织领导人非正式会议、二十国集团领导人杭州峰会、金砖国家领导人厦门会晤等重大主场外交。习近平主席等国家领导人出访多国,出席联合国系列峰会、气候变化大会、世界经济论坛、东亚合作领导人系列会议等重大活动,全方位外交布局深入展开。倡导构建人类命运共同体,为全球治理体系变革贡献更多中国智慧。经济外交、人文交流卓有成效。坚定维护国家主权和海洋权益。中国作为负责任大国,在解决国际和地区热点问题上发挥了重要建设性作用,为世界和平与发展作出新的重大贡献。 | Over the past five years, we have pursued distinctively Chinese major country diplomacy on all fronts. We successfully hosted the first Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation, the 22nd APEC Economic Leaders Meeting, the G20 Hangzhou Summit, the BRICS Xiamen Summit, and other major diplomatic events in China. President Xi Jinping and other Chinese leaders have visited many countries and attended major events including the United Nations summits, the Climate Change Conferences, World Economic Forum meetings, and the East Asian Leaders Meetings on Cooperation. China's diplomatic agenda has been further advanced on every front. China has called for building a community with a shared future for humanity and has contributed more Chinese ideas to the reform of the global governance system. Notable achievements have been made in our country's economic diplomacy and people-to-people and cultural exchanges. We have been resolute in upholding China's sovereignty and maritime rights and interests. As a responsible major country, China has played a constructive role in addressing international and regional hotspot issues, thus making significant new contributions to global peace and development. | |
各位代表! | Fellow Deputies, | |
回顾过去五年,诸多矛盾交织叠加,各种风险挑战接踵而至,国内外很多情况是改革开放以来没有碰到过的,我国改革发展成就实属来之不易。这是以习近平同志为核心的党中央坚强领导的结果,是习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想科学指引的结果,是全党全军全国各族人民团结奋斗的结果。我代表国务院,向全国各族人民,向各民主党派、各人民团体和各界人士,表示诚挚感谢!向香港特别行政区同胞、澳门特别行政区同胞、台湾同胞和海外侨胞,表示诚挚感谢!向关心和支持中国现代化建设的各国政府、国际组织和各国朋友,表示诚挚感谢! | Looking back on the past five years, we have encountered a great many interwoven problems and a stream of risks and challenges. Both at home and abroad, there have been many new developments, developments that we have not faced since reform and opening up began. The achievements we have made in China's reform and development have certainly not come easily. We owe them to the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, to the sound guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and to the concerted efforts of the Party, the military, and the people of all our nation's ethnic groups. On behalf of the State Council, I wish to express sincere thanks to the people of all our ethnic groups, and to all other political parties, people's organizations, and public figures from all sectors of society. I express our sincere appreciation to our fellow countrymen and women in the Hong Kong and Macao special administrative regions, in Taiwan, and overseas. I also wish to express our sincere thanks to the governments of other countries, international organizations, and friends from all over the world who have shown understanding and support for China in its endeavor to modernize. | |
安不忘危,兴不忘忧。我们清醒认识到,我国仍处于并将长期处于社会主义初级阶段,仍是世界最大发展中国家,发展不平衡不充分的一些突出问题尚未解决。经济增长内生动力还不够足,创新能力还不够强,发展质量和效益不够高,一些企业特别是中小企业经营困难,民间投资增势疲弱,部分地区经济下行压力较大,金融等领域风险隐患不容忽视。脱贫攻坚任务艰巨,农业农村基础仍然薄弱,城乡区域发展和收入分配差距依然较大。重特大安全生产事故时有发生。在空气质量、环境卫生、食品药品安全和住房、教育、医疗、就业、养老等方面,群众还有不少不满意的地方。政府职能转变还不到位。政府工作存在不足,有些改革举措和政策落实不力,一些干部服务意识和法治意识不强、工作作风不实、担当精神不够,形式主义、官僚主义不同程度存在。群众和企业对办事难、乱收费意见较多。一些领域不正之风和腐败问题仍然多发。我们一定要以对国家和人民高度负责的精神,以不畏艰难的勇气、坚忍不拔的意志,尽心竭力做好工作,使人民政府不负人民重托! | As the Chinese saying goes, when all is calm forget not danger; when all is well be awake to woes. We are keenly aware that China is still in the primary stage of socialism and will remain so for a long time to come, that it remains the largest developing country in the world, and that it faces a number of acute problems caused by unbalanced and inadequate development that so far remain unsolved. The internal forces powering economic growth are not yet sufficient, China's ability to innovate needs to be stronger, and the quality and performance of development need to be improved. Some enterprises, particularly small and medium ones, are finding it tough going. Growth in private investment is weak; some regions still face considerable downward economic pressure, and risks and potential dangers in the financial and other sectors are not to be ignored. Poverty alleviation remains a formidable task; the foundations of agriculture and rural infrastructure remain weak, and the disparities in development between rural and urban areas, between regions, and in income distribution remain substantial. Serious and major workplace accidents happen all too often. People still have a lot of complaints about air quality, environmental sanitation, food and drug safety, housing, education, healthcare, employment, and elderly care. The transformation of government functions is not yet where it should be. In the work of government there are areas where we fall short. Some reform measures and policies have not been fully implemented. Some officials are weak on awareness that they are there to serve and must uphold the rule of law, and some lack commitment to their work and willingness to bear the weight of responsibility. Bureaucratism and the practice of formalities for formalities' sake exist to varying degrees. There are many complaints from the people and the business sector about the difficulty of accessing government services and the excessive array of charges. In some sectors misconduct and corruption are still a common problem. With a deep sense of responsibility to our country and people, with courage in the face of adversity, and with determination that won't be broken, we must give our work all we've got, to make sure that the people's government does not let the people down. | |
二、2018年经济社会发展总体要求和政策取向 | I now wish to address the overall requirements and policy direction for economic and social development in 2018. | |
今年是全面贯彻党的十九大精神的开局之年,是改革开放40周年,是决胜全面建成小康社会、实施“十三五”规划承上启下的关键一年。做好政府工作,要在以习近平同志为核心的党中央坚强领导下,以马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想、科学发展观、习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,全面深入贯彻党的十九大和十九届二中、三中全会精神,贯彻党的基本理论、基本路线、基本方略,坚持和加强党的全面领导,坚持稳中求进工作总基调,坚持新发展理念,紧扣我国社会主要矛盾变化,按照高质量发展的要求,统筹推进“五位一体”总体布局和协调推进“四个全面”战略布局,坚持以供给侧结构性改革为主线,统筹推进稳增长、促改革、调结构、惠民生、防风险各项工作,大力推进改革开放,创新和完善宏观调控,推动质量变革、效率变革、动力变革,特别在打好防范化解重大风险、精准脱贫、污染防治的攻坚战方面取得扎实进展,引导和稳定预期,加强和改善民生,促进经济社会持续健康发展。 | This year will kick off our efforts to put all the guiding principles from the Party's 19th National Congress into action. It is the 40th anniversary of reform and opening up, and it is a crucial year for securing a decisive victory in building a moderately prosperous society in all respects and for continuing to implement the 13th Five-Year Plan. To accomplish the government's work for the year, we must, under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, do the following: - follow the guidance of Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, the Theory of Three Represents, the Scientific Outlook on Development, and Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era; - implement fully all the guiding principles from the Party's 19th National Congress and the second and third plenary sessions of the 19th Party Central Committee; - act on the Party's basic theory, line, and policy; - adhere to and strengthen Party leadership in all of our work; - remain committed to the general principle of pursuing progress while ensuring stability and to the new development philosophy; - respond to the change in the principal contradiction in Chinese society; - heed the requirement that development must be high quality; - coordinate efforts to pursue the five-sphere integrated plan and the four-pronged comprehensive strategy; - continue to regard supply-side structural reform as our main task; - coordinate all work to maintain stable growth, promote reform, make structural adjustments, improve living standards, and guard against risk; - work hard to reform and open up further; - explore new ideas on and improve macro regulation; - promote a change in quality, change in efficiency, and change in growth drivers; - work particularly for solid progress in forestalling and defusing major risks, in targeted poverty alleviation, and in addressing pollution; - guide and stabilize expectations, improve living standards, and promote sustained, healthy economic and social development. | |
综合分析国内外形势,我国发展面临的机遇和挑战并存。世界经济有望继续复苏,但不稳定不确定因素很多,主要经济体政策调整及其外溢效应带来变数,保护主义加剧,地缘政治风险上升。我国经济正处在转变发展方式、优化经济结构、转换增长动力的攻关期,还有很多坡要爬、坎要过,需要应对可以预料和难以预料的风险挑战。实践表明,中国的发展成就从来都是在攻坚克难中取得的。当前我国物质技术基础更加雄厚,产业体系完备、市场规模巨大、人力资源丰富、创业创新活跃,综合优势明显,有能力有条件实现更高质量、更有效率、更加公平、更可持续的发展。 | A comprehensive analysis of how things stand at home and abroad tells us that China, in its development, faces both opportunities and challenges. We can expect continued recovery of the global economy, but there are also many factors that bring instability and uncertainty. The policy changes of the major economies and their spillover effects create uncertainty; protectionism is mounting, and geopolitical risks are on the ascent. China's economy is now in a pivotal period in the transformation of its growth model, its structural improvement, and its shift to new growth drivers. There are still many hills to climb and gorges to cross; we will have to face risks and challenges, some foreseeable and others not. In fact it's always been the case that China's achievements in development have been made while overcoming difficulties. Today, China's material and technological foundations are much stronger; its industrial system is complete, its market is vast, its human resources are abundant, and its entrepreneurs and innovators are dynamic. We enjoy composite advantages, and all this means that we have the ability and the conditions to achieve higher quality, more efficient, fairer, and more sustainable development. | |
今年发展主要预期目标是:国内生产总值增长6.5%左右;居民消费价格涨幅3%左右;城镇新增就业1100万人以上,城镇调查失业率5.5%以内,城镇登记失业率4.5%以内;居民收入增长和经济增长基本同步;进出口稳中向好,国际收支基本平衡;单位国内生产总值能耗下降3%以上,主要污染物排放量继续下降;供给侧结构性改革取得实质性进展,宏观杠杆率保持基本稳定,各类风险有序有效防控。 | Based on the above considerations, we have set the following projected targets for development this year: - GDP growth of around 6.5 percent - CPI increase of around 3 percent - Over 11 million new urban jobs, the surveyed urban unemployment rate within 5.5 percent, and the registered urban jobless rate within 4.5 percent - Basic parity in personal income growth and economic growth - A steady rise in import and export volumes, and a basic equilibrium in the balance of payments - A drop of at least 3 percent in energy consumption per unit of GDP, and continued reductions in the release of major pollutants - Substantive progress in supply-side structural reform, basically stable macro leverage, and systematic and effective prevention and control of risk | |
上述主要预期目标,考虑了决胜全面建成小康社会需要,符合我国经济已由高速增长阶段转向高质量发展阶段实际。从经济基本面和就业吸纳能力看,6.5%左右的增速可以实现比较充分的就业。城镇调查失业率涵盖农民工等城镇常住人口,今年首次把这一指标作为预期目标,以更全面反映就业状况,更好体现共享发展要求。 | The above targets take into consideration the need to secure a decisive victory in building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, and are fitting given the fact that China's economy is transitioning from a phase of rapid growth to a stage of high-quality development. Given our economic fundamentals and capacity for job creation, GDP growth of around 6.5 percent will enable us to achieve relatively full employment. The surveyed urban unemployment rate covers rural migrant workers and other permanent urban residents. This year, for the first time we are using this indicator as a projected target; this is intended to give a fuller picture of employment and to better reflect the requirement that development is to be shared by everyone. | |
今年要继续创新和完善宏观调控,把握好宏观调控的度,保持宏观政策连续性稳定性,加强财政、货币、产业、区域等政策协调配合。 | This year, we will continue to develop new ways of improving macro regulation and ensure that the degree of macro regulation is right. We will maintain the continuity and consistency of macro policies, and better coordinate fiscal, monetary, industrial, regional, and other policies. | |
积极的财政政策取向不变,要聚力增效。今年赤字率拟按2.6%安排,比去年预算低0.4个百分点;财政赤字2.38万亿元,其中中央财政赤字1.55万亿元,地方财政赤字8300亿元。调低赤字率,主要是我国经济稳中向好、财政增收有基础,也为宏观调控留下更多政策空间。今年全国财政支出21万亿元,支出规模进一步加大。中央对地方一般性转移支付增长10.9%,增强地方特别是中西部地区财力。优化财政支出结构,提高财政支出的公共性、普惠性,加大对三大攻坚战的支持,更多向创新驱动、“三农”、民生等领域倾斜。当前财政状况出现好转,各级政府仍要坚持过紧日子,执守简朴、力戒浮华,严控一般性支出,把宝贵的资金更多用于为发展增添后劲、为民生雪中送炭。 | The proactive direction of our fiscal policy will remain unchanged, and we will concentrate efforts to increase efficiency. This year's deficit as a percentage of GDP is projected at 2.6 percent, 0.4 percentage point lower than last year. The government deficit is projected at 2.38 trillion yuan, with a central government deficit of 1.55 trillion yuan and local government deficit of 0.83 trillion yuan. The reduction in the deficit-to-GDP ratio is mainly due to China's economic growth being steady and the foundation being there for an increase in revenue; it also keeps policy options open for macro regulation. Government expenditure is budgeted at 21 trillion yuan, representing a further increase in the scale of spending. The central government will increase general transfer payments to local governments by 10.9 percent, to strengthen local finances, especially in the central and western regions. We will improve the composition of government spending, making spending more oriented toward the public good and universal benefit, increasing support for the three critical battles against potential risk, poverty, and pollution, and weighting spending toward innovation-driven development, agriculture, rural areas, and rural residents, and the improvement of living standards. Although government finances are improving, government at all levels must keep its belt tightened, keep things as simple as possible, abstain from all excess, and strictly control general expenditures, so that these precious funds are used to add growth drivers for sustaining development and to meet people's most urgent needs. | |
稳健的货币政策保持中性,要松紧适度。管好货币供给总闸门,保持广义货币M2、信贷和社会融资规模合理增长,维护流动性合理稳定,提高直接融资特别是股权融资比重。疏通货币政策传导渠道,用好差别化准备金、差异化信贷等政策,引导资金更多投向小微企业、“三农”和贫困地区,更好服务实体经济。 | Our prudent monetary policy will remain neutral, with easing or tightening only as appropriate. We need to make sure that the valve of aggregate monetary supply is well controlled, maintain moderate growth in M2 money supply, credit, and aggregate financing, ensure a reasonable, stable level of liquidity, and increase the proportion of direct finance, particularly equity finance. We will improve the transmission mechanism of monetary policy, make better use of differentiated reserve ratio and credit policies, and encourage more funds to flow toward small and micro businesses, agriculture, rural areas, and rural residents, and poor areas, and to better serve the real economy. | |
做好今年工作,要认真贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义经济思想,坚持稳中求进工作总基调,把稳和进作为一个整体来把握,注重以下几点。一是大力推动高质量发展。发展是解决我国一切问题的基础和关键。要着力解决发展不平衡不充分问题,围绕建设现代化经济体系,坚持质量第一、效益优先,促进经济结构优化升级。要尊重经济规律,远近结合,确保经济运行在合理区间,实现经济平稳增长和质量效益提高互促共进。二是加大改革开放力度。改革开放是决定当代中国命运的关键一招,也是实现“两个一百年”奋斗目标的关键一招。在新的历史起点上,思想要再解放,改革要再深化,开放要再扩大。充分发挥人民首创精神,鼓励各地从实际出发,敢闯敢试,敢于碰硬,把改革开放不断向前推进。三是抓好决胜全面建成小康社会三大攻坚战。要分别提出工作思路和具体举措,排出时间表、路线图、优先序,确保风险隐患得到有效控制,确保脱贫攻坚任务全面完成,确保生态环境质量总体改善。我们所做的一切工作,都是为了人民。要坚持以人民为中心的发展思想,从我国基本国情出发,尽力而为、量力而行,把群众最关切最烦心的事一件一件解决好,促进社会公平正义和人的全面发展,使人民生活随着国家发展一年比一年更好。 | For government to deliver this year, we must act on Xi Jinping's economic thinking for new-era socialism with Chinese characteristics, continue following the general principle of pursuing progress while ensuring stability, and regard stability and progress as being indivisible. Specifically, we will do the following: First, we will strongly promote high-quality development. Development is the underpinning and the key for solving all our country's problems. We will devote attention to addressing unbalanced and insufficient development. Centering on developing a modernized economy, we will put quality first and give priority to performance, and promote economic structural improvement and upgrading. We must respect objective economic laws, consider both long- and near-term needs, ensure the economy performs within a reasonable range, and achieve a situation in which steady economic growth and improvement in quality and performance reinforce each other. Second, we will be bolder in reform and opening up. Reform and opening was a game-changing move in making China what it is today; it now remains a game-changing move for us to achieve China's two centenary goals. Standing at a new historic starting point, we must go further in freeing our minds, in deepening reform, and in opening up. We need to give full play to the pioneering drive of the people, and encourage all localities, based on their own conditions, to dare to explore, dare to try things out, and dare to confront the toughest of issues, to keep reform and opening up constantly moving forward. Third, we will ensure success in the three critical battles against potential risk, poverty, and pollution, battles that are important for decisively bringing to completion the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects. We need to adopt targeted approaches and specific measures, draw up timetables and roadmaps, and set well-defined priorities. We will make sure risks and potential dangers are effectively controlled, make sure poverty alleviation is fully accomplished, and make sure there is an overall improvement in the quality of the environment. All of our work is work for the people. We will stay true to the vision of people-centered development, start by considering China's own situation, and do everything within our capacity to resolve each and every one of the issues that most affect and worry our people, promote social fairness and justice and well-rounded human development, and see that the people's lives, along with our country's development, keep getting better year after year. | |
三、对2018年政府工作的建议 | Fellow Deputies, Let me turn to what we propose for the work of government in 2018. | |
今年经济社会发展任务十分繁重。要紧紧抓住大有可为的历史机遇期,统筹兼顾、突出重点,扎实做好各项工作。 | The tasks of economic and social development this year are formidable. We should make the most of this period of historic opportunity—a period for making things happen. We should take coordinated action that covers all sectors and focus on clear priorities, to deliver a solid performance in all areas of work. | |
(一)深入推进供给侧结构性改革。坚持把发展经济着力点放在实体经济上,继续抓好“三去一降一补”,大力简政减税减费,不断优化营商环境,进一步激发市场主体活力,提升经济发展质量。 | 1. Stepping up supply-side structural reform In economic development we need to focus on the real economy. We should continue to cut overcapacity, reduce excess inventory, deleverage, lower costs, and strengthen areas of weakness. We should take big steps to streamline administration and cut taxes and fees, keep improving the business environment, and further energize market entities, to increase the quality of economic growth. | |
发展壮大新动能。做大做强新兴产业集群,实施大数据发展行动,加强新一代人工智能研发应用,在医疗、养老、教育、文化、体育等多领域推进“互联网+”。加快发展现代服务业。发展智能产业,拓展智能生活,建设智慧社会。运用新技术、新业态、新模式,大力改造提升传统产业。加强新兴产业统计。加大网络提速降费力度,实现高速宽带城乡全覆盖,扩大公共场所免费上网范围,明显降低家庭宽带、企业宽带和专线使用费,取消流量“漫游”费,移动网络流量资费年内至少降低30%,让群众和企业切实受益,为数字中国、网络强国建设加油助力。 | We should develop powerful new growth drivers. We should create big, strong industrial clusters in emerging industries, implement the big data development action plan, step up next-generation artificial intelligence R&D and application, and do more to promote the Internet Plus model in many fields like medical care, elderly care, education, culture, and sports. We should move faster to develop modern services. We should develop intelligent industries, expand intelligent living, and build a smart society. We should use new technologies, new forms of business, and new models to transform and upgrade traditional industries. Statistics on emerging industries should be strengthened. We should do more to speed up broadband and bring down internet rates, achieve high-speed broadband access in both urban and rural areas, and make free internet access available in more public places. We should significantly lower the rates of home broadband, and corporate broadband and dedicated internet access services; domestic data roaming charges should be abolished, and rates for mobile internet services should be cut by at least 30 percent. These steps would bring tangible benefits to people and businesses, and boost the development of a Digital China and a leader in cyberspace. | |
加快制造强国建设。推动集成电路、第五代移动通信、飞机发动机、新能源汽车、新材料等产业发展,实施重大短板装备专项工程,推进智能制造,发展工业互联网平台,创建“中国制造2025”示范区。大幅压减工业生产许可证,强化产品质量监管。全面开展质量提升行动,推进与国际先进水平对标达标,弘扬劳模精神和工匠精神,建设知识型、技能型、创新型劳动者大军,来一场中国制造的品质革命。 | We should speed up work to build China into a leader in manufacturing. We should promote the development of integrated circuits, 5G mobile communications, aircraft engines, new-energy vehicles, and new materials. We should launch an initiative to shore up weaknesses in major equipment manufacturing, advance smart manufacturing, develop industrial internet platforms, and create Made in China 2025 demonstration zones. We should significantly scale back industrial production licensing, and strengthen product quality oversight. We should take action in all sectors to improve quality, and work toward meeting the highest international standards. We should encourage the model worker work ethic and the spirit of quality workmanship, build an educated, skilled, and innovative workforce, and ignite a quality revolution in Chinese manufacturing. | |
继续破除无效供给。坚持用市场化法治化手段,严格执行环保、质量、安全等法规标准,化解过剩产能、淘汰落后产能。今年再压减钢铁产能3000万吨左右,退出煤炭产能1.5亿吨左右,淘汰关停不达标的30万千瓦以下煤电机组。加大“僵尸企业”破产清算和重整力度,做好职工安置和债务处置。减少无效供给要抓出新成效。 | We should continue cutting ineffective supply. With a commitment to using approaches consistent with market principles and the rule of law, we need to strictly enforce environmental protection, quality, and safety laws, regulations, and standards, and ease overcapacity and close down outdated production facilities. This year, steel production capacity should be further cut by around 30 million metric tons and coal production capacity should be cut by about 150 million metric tons. Coal-fired power generating units with a capacity of less than 300,000 kilowatts that fail to meet standards should be closed. We should step up work on "zombie enterprise" bankruptcy liquidations and reorganization, ensuring that affected employees are given assistance and debts are dealt with. In cutting ineffective supply, we need to knuckle down to produce new results. | |
深化“放管服”改革。全面实施全国统一的市场准入负面清单制度。在全国推开“证照分离”改革,重点是照后减证,各类证能减尽减、能合则合,进一步压缩企业开办时间。大幅缩短商标注册周期。工程建设项目审批时间再压减一半。推进企业投资项目承诺制改革试点。全面实施“双随机、一公开”监管,决不允许假冒伪劣滋生蔓延,决不允许执法者吃拿卡要。深入推进“互联网+政务服务”,使更多事项在网上办理,必须到现场办的也要力争做到“只进一扇门”、“最多跑一次”。加强政务服务标准化建设。大力推进综合执法机构机制改革,着力解决多头多层重复执法问题。加快政府信息系统互联互通,打通信息孤岛。清理群众和企业办事的各类证明,没有法律法规依据的一律取消。优化营商环境就是解放生产力、提高竞争力,要破障碍、去烦苛、筑坦途,为市场主体添活力,为人民群众增便利。 | We should deepen the reforms designed to delegate powers, improve regulation, and strengthen services. We should put fully into effect a nationally unified market access negative list system. The reform separating permits and certificates from business licenses should be rolled out nationwide. With the main thrust of this reform being to cut back on the permits and certificates now required once a business license is issued, all that can be cut should be cut, and all that can be merged should be merged. This would further trim a chunk off the time it takes to complete all the procedures required for starting a business. The turnaround time for registering a trademark should be significantly shortened, and the time it takes for a construction project to get government approval should again be halved. Trial reforms should be advanced to introduce a business-invested project commitment system. An oversight model using randomly selected inspectors to inspect randomly selected entities and requiring the prompt release of results should be implemented across the board. There should be zero tolerance for counterfeit and substandard products and corruption in law enforcement. We should make progress with the Internet Plus Government Services model, enabling more matters to be processed online, and doing our best to see that things requiring presence in person get done in one place and without the need for a second trip. We should step up efforts to standardize government services. We should work hard to advance the comprehensive institutional reform of law enforcement bodies, focusing on resolving the problem of layers of duplication in law enforcement. We should work faster to develop government information system connectivity and connect up information islands. We should review all types of certificates required of individuals and businesses when accessing government services, and put a stop to anything being required that does not have a basis in law or regulations. Creating a better business environment would unlock productivity and increase competitiveness. We need to remove barriers, cut red tape, and build even pathways, to energize market entities and bring greater convenience to the people. | |
进一步减轻企业税负。改革完善增值税制度,按照三档并两档方向调整税率水平,重点降低制造业、交通运输等行业税率,提高小规模纳税人年销售额标准。大幅扩展享受减半征收所得税优惠政策的小微企业范围。大幅提高企业新购入仪器设备税前扣除上限。实施企业境外所得综合抵免政策。扩大物流企业仓储用地税收优惠范围。继续实施企业重组土地增值税、契税等到期优惠政策。全年再为企业和个人减税8000多亿元,促进实体经济转型升级,着力激发市场活力和社会创造力。 | We should further lighten the tax burden on businesses. The VAT system should be reformed and improved: We should turn the three tax brackets into two and adjust rates, prioritize lowering rates in manufacturing and transportation, and raise the annual sales threshold for small-scale taxpayers. Far greater numbers of small low-profit businesses should have their income tax halved, and the ceilings on deductible business purchases of instruments and equipment should be significantly raised. A policy of uniform corporate income tax exemption on the overseas earnings of Chinese businesses should be put into implementation. More logistics companies should be able to enjoy preferential tax treatment on their use of land for storage facilities. Some expiring preferential policies should be extended, such as those on VAT and deed transfer tax on land transactions in enterprise reorganizations. These measures would, over the year, reduce taxes on businesses and individuals by more than 800 billion yuan, promote the transformation and upgrading of the real economy, and do much to unleash market vitality and public creativity. | |
大幅降低企业非税负担。进一步清理规范行政事业性收费,调低部分政府性基金征收标准。继续阶段性降低企业“五险一金”缴费比例。降低电网环节收费和输配电价格,一般工商业电价平均降低10%。深化收费公路制度改革,降低过路过桥费用。加大中介服务收费清理整顿力度。全年要为市场主体减轻非税负担3000多亿元,不合理的坚决取消,过高的坚决降下来,让企业轻装上阵、聚力发展。 | We should slash non-tax burdens on businesses. We should further review and standardize government administrative fees, and lower required payments to some government-managed funds. We should continue the time-limited policy of lowering the share borne by businesses for contributions to old-age pension, medical insurance, unemployment insurance, workers' compensation, maternity insurance, and housing provident fund schemes. Power grid charges and electricity transmission and distribution prices should be lowered, and the price of electricity for general industrial and commercial businesses should be cut by an average of 10 percent. We should deepen reform of the system of highway tolls and reduce tolls on highways and bridges. Charges for intermediary services should be thoroughly overhauled. This year, to lighten the non-tax burden on market entities by over 300 billion yuan, all unjustified fees need to be abolished and all excessive fees need to be cut, leaving enterprises with a much lighter load and free to focus their resources on their development. | |
(二)加快建设创新型国家。把握世界新一轮科技革命和产业变革大势,深入实施创新驱动发展战略,不断增强经济创新力和竞争力。 | 2. Moving faster to make China a country of innovators The latest global revolution in science and technology and industrial transformation are trends we must make the most of. We should do more in implementing the innovation-driven development strategy, and keep on making the Chinese economy more innovative and competitive. | |
加强国家创新体系建设。强化基础研究、应用基础研究和原始创新,启动一批科技创新重大项目,高标准建设国家实验室。鼓励企业牵头实施重大科技项目,支持科研院所、高校与企业融通创新,加快创新成果转化应用。国家科技投入要向民生领域倾斜,加强雾霾治理研究,推进癌症等重大疾病防治攻关,使科技更好造福人民。 | We should improve national innovation systems. We should strengthen basic research, application-oriented basic research, and original innovation, launch a number of major science and technology innovation programs, and build top-quality national laboratories. We should encourage enterprises to head up major science and technology programs, support collaborative innovation by research institutes, universities, and enterprises, and speed up the commercialization and application of innovations. State investments in science and technology should be weighted toward fields related to improving living standards; smog prevention and control research should be strengthened, and more should be done toward making breakthroughs in the prevention and treatment of cancers and other serious diseases, to make science and technology do more to benefit the people. | |
落实和完善创新激励政策。改革科技管理制度,科研项目绩效评价要加快从重过程向重结果转变。赋予创新团队和领军人才更大的人财物支配权和技术路线决策权。对承担重大科技攻关任务的科研人员,采取灵活的薪酬制度和奖励措施。探索赋予科研人员科技成果所有权或长期使用权。有悖于激励创新的陈规旧章,要抓紧修改废止;有碍于释放创新活力的繁文缛节,要下决心砍掉。 | We should act on and improve policies that stimulate innovation. We should reform the science and technology management system, and speed up the shift in research project performance assessment from emphasis on processes to emphasis on outcomes. We should empower innovation teams and leaders by seeing that they have more human, financial, and material resources at their disposal and more power to make decisions related to technology roadmaps. For researchers working on major scientific and technological breakthroughs we should adopt flexible remuneration systems and reward schemes. We should explore ways to grant researchers ownership or permanent use rights over their scientific and technological outputs. All outdated rules and regulations that sap the inspiration for innovation need to be modified or abolished without delay, and all red tape that strangles efforts to unlock innovation need to be torn clean away. | |
促进大众创业、万众创新上水平。我国拥有世界上规模最大的人力人才资源,这是创新发展的最大“富矿”。要提供全方位创新创业服务,推进“双创”示范基地建设,鼓励大企业、高校和科研院所等开放创新资源,发展平台经济、共享经济,形成线上线下结合、产学研用协同、大中小企业融合的创新创业格局,打造“双创”升级版。设立国家融资担保基金,支持优质创新型企业上市融资,将创业投资、天使投资税收优惠政策试点范围扩大到全国。深化人才发展体制改革,推动人力资源自由有序流动,支持企业提高技术工人待遇,加大高技能人才激励,鼓励海外留学人员回国创新创业,拓宽外国人才来华绿色通道。集众智汇众力,一定能跑出中国创新“加速度”。 | We need to take the nationwide business startup and innovation initiative to the next level. China is home to the biggest pool of human resources and talent in the world. In this we have the greatest gold mine there is for innovation and development. We should provide services that tick every box for inventors, innovators, and entrepreneurs, and establish more business startup and innovation demonstration centers. We should encourage large enterprises, universities, research institutes, and other organizations to enable access to the resources necessary for innovation, boost the platform economy and the sharing economy, and create an innovation and entrepreneurship landscape of combinations of online and offline activities, collaboration between enterprises, universities, research institutes, and end-users, and partnering between businesses of all sizes. With these efforts, we would create an upgraded edition of the national initiative to promote business startups and innovation. We should establish a state financing guaranty fund, support leading innovative enterprises in going public, and extend nationwide the pilot preferential tax policies for venture capital investment and angel investment. We should deepen the reform of institutions for talent development, promote free, orderly flows of human resources, support enterprises in increasing pay packages for technical workers, and strengthen the incentives for highly skilled personnel. We should encourage overseas Chinese students to return to China after completing their studies to pursue business and other innovative ventures; we should create a fast track to attract more foreign talent to China. If myriad intellects are brought together and all energies are pooled, we can be sure to see China break into a sprint in innovation. | |
(三)深化基础性关键领域改革。以改革开放40周年为重要契机,推动改革取得新突破,不断解放和发展社会生产力。 | 3. Deepening reforms in fundamental and key areas We should, drawing on the important momentum generated by the 40th anniversary of reform and opening up, endeavor to make new breakthroughs in reform, and continue to unleash and develop productive forces. | |
推进国资国企改革。制定出资人监管权责清单。深化国有资本投资、运营公司等改革试点,赋予更多自主权。继续推进国有企业优化重组和央企股份制改革,加快形成有效制衡的法人治理结构和灵活高效的市场化经营机制,持续瘦身健体,提升主业核心竞争力,推动国有资本做强做优做大。积极稳妥推进混合所有制改革。落实向全国人大常委会报告国有资产管理情况的制度。国有企业要通过改革创新,走在高质量发展前列。 | We should advance the reform of state capital and SOEs. Lists of investor rights and obligations regarding oversight and regulation should be drawn up. We should deepen trial reforms in state capital investment and management companies, and grant them more decision-making power. We should continue moving forward with the improvement and restructuring of SOEs and the joint-stock reform of central government enterprises, and move faster to give shape to corporate governance structures with effective checks and balances and flexible and efficient market-based operating mechanisms. We should work consistently to make SOEs into leaner, better performers, increase the core competitiveness of their main business, and strengthen, expand, and increase returns on state capital. Reforms introducing mixed ownership in SOEs should be moved forward actively and prudently. The system for State Council reporting to the NPC Standing Committee on the management of state-owned assets should be implemented. Our SOEs should, through reform and innovation, become front-runners in pursuing high-quality development. | |
支持民营企业发展。坚持“两个毫不动摇”,坚持权利平等、机会平等、规则平等,全面落实支持非公有制经济发展的政策措施,认真解决民营企业反映的突出问题,坚决破除各种隐性壁垒。构建亲清新型政商关系,健全企业家参与涉企政策制定机制。激发和保护企业家精神,壮大企业家队伍,增强企业家信心,让民营企业在市场经济浪潮中尽显身手。 | We should support the development of private enterprises. There should be no irresolution about consolidating and developing the public sector and no irresolution about encouraging, supporting, and guiding non-public sector development; we should uphold the principle of equal rights, equal opportunities, and fair rules. We should implement fully all policies and measures in support of non-public sector development, earnestly address salient problems that concern private companies, and take firm action to remove hidden barriers. We should build a new type of cordial and clean relationship between government and business, and improve mechanisms for entrepreneurs to participate in enterprise-related policy formulation. We should inspire and protect entrepreneurship, expand the ranks of entrepreneurs, boost entrepreneur confidence, and enable private enterprises to reach their maximum potential in the market economy. | |
完善产权制度和要素市场化配置机制。产权制度是社会主义市场经济的基石。要以保护产权、维护契约、统一市场、平等交换、公平竞争为基本导向,完善相关法律法规。对各种侵权行为要依法严肃处理,对产权纠纷申诉案件要依法甄别纠正。强化知识产权保护,实行侵权惩罚性赔偿制度。加快技术、土地等要素价格市场化改革,深化资源类产品和公共服务价格改革,打破行政垄断,防止市场垄断。要用有力的产权保护、顺畅的要素流动,让市场活力和社会创造力竞相迸发。 | We should improve property rights systems and mechanisms for the market-based allocation of the factors of production. The property rights system is the cornerstone of the socialist market economy. We should improve the relevant laws and regulations to see that property rights are protected, contracts are honored, the market is unified, exchanges are equal, and competition is fair. All types of infringements on property rights need to be strictly dealt with in accordance with law, and all cases involving property rights dispute complaints need to be reviewed and settled in accordance with law. We should strengthen the protection of intellectual property, and enforce a punitive compensation system for intellectual property rights infringements. We should speed up reforms making the pricing of factors of production like technology and land increasingly market-based, deepen reform of the pricing mechanisms for resource products and public services, break government monopolies, and protect against market monopolies. We need to see that strong protection of property rights and fluid flows of the factors of production enable a great increase in market dynamism and public creativity. | |
深化财税体制改革。推进中央与地方财政事权和支出责任划分改革,抓紧制定收入划分改革方案,完善转移支付制度。健全地方税体系,稳妥推进房地产税立法。改革个人所得税。全面实施绩效管理,使财政资金花得其所、用得安全。 | We should continue structural fiscal and tax reforms. We should advance reforms to clearly define the respective fiscal powers and expenditure responsibilities of central and local government, move quickly on formulating a plan for reforming the division of revenue, and improve the transfer payments system. We should improve local tax systems, and prudently advance legislation on real estate tax. Personal income tax should be reformed. We should implement performance-based management across the board, ensuring the proper and secure use of fiscal budgets. | |
加快金融体制改革。改革完善金融服务体系,支持金融机构扩展普惠金融业务,规范发展地方性中小金融机构,着力解决小微企业融资难、融资贵问题。深化多层次资本市场改革,推动债券、期货市场发展。拓展保险市场的风险保障功能。改革金融监管体制。深化利率汇率市场化改革,保持人民币汇率在合理均衡水平上的基本稳定。 | We should speed up reforms in the financial sector. We should reform and improve the financial service system, support financial institutions in expanding their business in inclusive finance, promote the well-regulated development of small and medium local financial institutions, and focus on solving the problem of small and micro enterprises finding it tough and expensive to access financing. We should deepen the reform to develop a multi-tiered capital market, and promote the development of the bonds and futures markets. The insurance market's role in protecting against risk should be expanded. The system for financial regulation should be reformed. We should deepen reforms to make the interest rate and exchange rate more market-based, and see that the RMB exchange rate remains generally stable at an adaptive and equilibrium level. | |
推进社会体制改革。深化养老保险制度改革,建立企业职工基本养老保险基金中央调剂制度。深化公立医院综合改革,协调推进医疗价格、人事薪酬、药品流通、医保支付改革,提高医疗卫生服务质量,下大力气解决群众看病就医难题。深入推进教育、文化、体育等改革,充分释放社会领域巨大发展潜力。 | We should advance institutional social reforms. We should deepen reform of the old-age pension system, and establish a central system for enterprise employees' basic old-age pension funds to be used inter-provincially. We should deepen comprehensive public hospital reform and make coordinated moves to reform healthcare pricing, staffing and remuneration, medicine distribution, and health insurance payment models. We should improve the quality of healthcare services and work hard to resolve the difficulties people face in accessing medical care. We should continue reforms in education, culture, and sports, fully unlocking society's vast potential for development. | |
健全生态文明体制。改革完善生态环境管理制度,加强自然生态空间用途管制,推行生态环境损害赔偿制度,完善生态补偿机制,以更加有效的制度保护生态环境。 | We need to build a more robust system for developing an ecological civilization. We should reform and improve the system for ecological and environmental regulation, strengthen regulation over the use of natural ecological spaces, roll out a system of compensation for ecological and environmental damage, and improve the compensation mechanisms for ecological conservation, using more effective institutions to achieve ecological and environmental protection. | |
(四)坚决打好三大攻坚战。要围绕完成年度攻坚任务,明确各方责任,强化政策保障,把各项工作做实做好。 | 4. Fighting three critical battles To fulfill our key annual tasks, we need to make everyone involved clear about their responsibilities, strengthen policy implementation, and ensure that every element of work is done to good, solid effect. | |
推动重大风险防范化解取得明显进展。当前我国经济金融风险总体可控,要标本兼治,有效消除风险隐患。严厉打击非法集资、金融诈骗等违法犯罪活动。加快市场化法治化债转股和企业兼并重组。加强金融机构风险内控。强化金融监管统筹协调,健全对影子银行、互联网金融、金融控股公司等监管,进一步完善金融监管、提升监管效能。防范化解地方政府债务风险。严禁各类违法违规举债、担保等行为。省级政府对本辖区债务负总责,省级以下各级地方政府各负其责,积极稳妥处置存量债务。健全规范的地方政府举债融资机制。今年安排地方专项债券1.35万亿元,比去年增加5500亿元,优先支持在建项目平稳建设,合理扩大专项债券使用范围。我国经济基本面好,政策工具多,完全能够守住不发生系统性风险的底线。 | First, we should strive for notable progress in forestalling and defusing major risks. At present, China's economic and financial risks are on the whole manageable. What we need to do is to tackle both symptoms and root causes and take effective measures to defuse potential risks. Tough measures should be taken against unlawful and criminal activities like illegal fundraising and financial fraud. Debt-to-equity swaps and business acquisitions and reorganizations, conducted in a way consistent with market principles and the rule of law, should be accelerated. We need to see that internal risk controls are tightened in financial institutions. We should strengthen coordination in financial regulation, improve regulation over shadow banking, internet finance, and financial holding companies, and further improve financial regulation to make it more effective. We should forestall and defuse local government debt risk. All forms of borrowing and debt underwriting that violate the law and regulations must be strictly prohibited. Provincial-level governments should assume overall responsibility for debts incurred by local governments within their jurisdictions; every level of government below the provincial level should live up to their own responsibilities, and all must take active, prudent steps to deal with outstanding debt. We should improve the standard mechanisms for local governments to secure financing. This year, local government special bonds issued are expected to total 1.35 trillion yuan, an increase of 550 billion yuan year on year, to be used as a matter of priority for financing the smooth implementation of ongoing projects; and the scope of the use of special bonds should be appropriately expanded. The fundamentals of the Chinese economy remain sound, and we have many policy tools at our disposal. We are fully capable of forestalling systemic risks. | |
加大精准脱贫力度。今年再减少农村贫困人口1000万以上,完成易地扶贫搬迁280万人。深入推进产业、教育、健康、生态和文化等扶贫,补齐基础设施和公共服务短板,加强东西部扶贫协作和对口支援,注重扶贫同扶志、扶智相结合,激发脱贫内生动力。强化对深度贫困地区支持,中央财政新增扶贫投入及有关转移支付向深度贫困地区倾斜。对老年人、残疾人、重病患者等特定贫困人口,因户因人落实保障措施。攻坚期内脱贫不脱政策,新产生的贫困人口和返贫人口要及时纳入帮扶。加强扶贫资金整合和绩效管理。开展扶贫领域腐败和作风问题专项治理,改进考核监督方式。坚持现行脱贫标准,确保进度和质量,让脱贫得到群众认可、经得起历史检验。 | Second, we should step up targeted poverty alleviation. This year, the poor rural population should be further reduced by over 10 million, including 2.8 million people to be relocated from inhospitable areas. More should be done to alleviate poverty through the development of local industries, education, healthcare, and culture, and through the development and conservation of local ecological resources. We should shore up weak links in infrastructure and public services, strengthen collaboration on poverty alleviation and paired assistance between the eastern and western regions, and focus particular attention on building people's confidence in their ability to lift themselves out of poverty and on helping them access the education they need to do so. With all these efforts, we would create self-generated impetus for poverty reduction. We should do more to support areas affected by extreme poverty, and the central budget's newly enlarged poverty reduction funds and related transfer payments should be weighted toward these areas. We should tailor measures to individuals and individual households to ensure that targeted poor populations, including elderly people, people with disabilities, and people with serious diseases, receive the assistance they need. Poverty relief policies should remain unchanged for those already lifted out of poverty while the battle goes on, and the newly poor and those who slip back into poverty should receive prompt support. Poverty alleviation funds should be better integrated and performance-based management should be strengthened. We need to take targeted measures against corruption and misconduct in poverty alleviation, and improve the methods used in evaluation and oversight. We should continue to apply the current poverty alleviation standards and ensure that poverty reduction progresses as planned and meets all standards, so that poverty alleviation work wins the approval of the people and stands the test of time. | |
推进污染防治取得更大成效。巩固蓝天保卫战成果,今年二氧化硫、氮氧化物排放量要下降3%,重点地区细颗粒物(PM2.5)浓度继续下降。推动钢铁等行业超低排放改造。提高污染排放标准,实行限期达标。大力发展清洁能源。开展柴油货车、船舶超标排放专项治理,继续淘汰老旧车。深入推进水、土壤污染防治,今年化学需氧量、氨氮排放量要下降2%。实施重点流域和海域综合治理,全面整治黑臭水体。加大污水处理设施建设力度,完善收费政策。加强固体废弃物和垃圾分类处置,严禁“洋垃圾”入境。加强生态系统保护和修复,全面划定并严守生态保护红线,完成造林1亿亩以上,耕地轮作休耕试点面积增加到3000万亩,加强地下水保护和修复,扩大湿地保护和恢复范围,深化国家公园体制改革试点。严控填海造地。严格环境执法和问责。我们要携手行动,建设天蓝、地绿、水清的美丽中国。 | Third, we should work to make greater progress in addressing pollution. Gains made in the fight to defend the blue of our skies should be consolidated. This year, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide emissions should be cut by 3 percent and a continuous decline in PM2.5 density should be achieved in key areas. We should encourage upgrading in the steel and other industries to achieve ultra-low emissions. We should raise standards on the emission of pollutants, and set deadlines for meeting required discharge standards. We should make a big push to develop clean energy. A special program is needed to reduce exhaust emissions by diesel trucks and ships that exceed standards, and work should continue on removing old and high-emission vehicles from roads. We should continue efforts to prevent and control water and soil pollution. This year, chemical oxygen demand and ammonia nitrogen emissions should be cut by 2 percent. Water environments in key river basins and sea areas should be improved through comprehensive measures, and thorough action should be taken to clean up black, malodorous water bodies. We should strengthen the development of sewage treatment facilities, and improve policy on charges for their services. We should strengthen sorting in solid waste and garbage disposal. We should completely prohibit garbage from being brought into China. Efforts should be redoubled to protect and restore ecosystems, and redlines for ecological conservation should be set and observed strictly across the country. This year, more than 6.67 million hectares of land should be afforested, and crop rotation and fallow land trials should be increased to cover 2 million hectares of farmland. Groundwater should be better protected and restored; wetland protection and restoration should be expanded, and pilot reforms for the national parks system should continue. We need to impose strict controls over coastal area reclamation. Environmental laws and regulations must be strictly enforced, and those guilty must be held strictly to account. We all need to join hands and take action to build a Beautiful China where the skies are blue, the lands are green, and the waters are clear. | |
(五)大力实施乡村振兴战略。科学制定规划,健全城乡融合发展体制机制,依靠改革创新壮大乡村发展新动能。 | 5. Making strong moves in the rural revitalization strategy Plans should be well designed and the institutions and mechanisms needed to achieve integrated urban-rural development should be improved. We should rely on reform and innovation to build powerful new growth drivers for rural development. | |
推进农业供给侧结构性改革。促进农林牧渔业和种业创新发展,加快建设现代农业产业园和特色农产品优势区。坚持提质导向,稳定和优化粮食生产。加快消化粮食库存。发展农产品加工业。新增高标准农田8000万亩以上、高效节水灌溉面积2000万亩。培育新型经营主体,提高农业科技水平,推进农业机械化全程全面发展,加强面向小农户的社会化服务。鼓励支持返乡农民工、大中专毕业生、科技人员、退役军人和工商企业等从事现代农业建设、发展农村新业态新模式。深入推进“互联网+农业”,多渠道增加农民收入,促进农村一二三产业融合发展。 | We should advance supply-side structural reform in agriculture. We should promote innovative development in the farming, forestry, livestock, fishing, and seed industries, and speed up work on developing modern agriculture industrial parks and areas producing local specialty agricultural products. With a focus on improving quality, we should ensure stable and optimized grain output. We should act faster to reduce excess food stockpiles. We should develop the agricultural products processing industry. The area of high-standard cropland should be increased by at least 5.33 million hectares, and the coverage of efficient water-saving irrigation should be expanded by 1.33 million hectares. We should cultivate new types of agribusiness, improve agricultural technology, encourage whole-process, all-around development in mechanizing agriculture, and improve commercial services catering to small agricultural households. We should encourage and support returnee rural migrant workers, secondary and tertiary specialized school graduates, scientists and technicians, demobilized military personnel, and industrial and commercial businesses to get involved in developing modern agriculture and new forms and models of business in rural areas. We should make further headway with the Internet Plus Agriculture model, use multiple channels to increase rural incomes, and encourage the primary, secondary, and tertiary industries to develop in an integrated way in rural areas. | |
全面深化农村改革。落实第二轮土地承包到期后再延长30年的政策。探索宅基地所有权、资格权、使用权分置改革。改进耕地占补平衡管理办法,建立新增耕地指标、城乡建设用地增减挂钩节余指标跨省域调剂机制,所得收益全部用于脱贫攻坚和支持乡村振兴。深化粮食收储、集体产权、集体林权、国有林区林场、农垦、供销社等改革,使农业农村充满生机活力。 | We should deepen all rural reforms. We should implement the policy extending second-round rural land contracts by another 30 years upon expiration. We should experiment with separating the ownership rights, qualification rights, and use rights for rural land designated for housing. We should improve the measures on offsetting cultivated land used for other purposes, and establish a mechanism that allows the surplus quotas produced by linking newly-added cropland quotas with the amount of land used for construction to be adjusted inter-provincially. All profit therefrom should be used to fight poverty and support rural revitalization. We should deepen reforms related to grain purchasing and storage, collective property rights, collective forest tenure, state forestry areas and farms, state farms, and supply and marketing cooperatives, and see that agriculture and rural areas are full of life and dynamism. | |
推动农村各项事业全面发展。完善农村医疗、教育、文化等公共服务。改善供水、供电、信息等基础设施,新建改建农村公路20万公里。稳步开展农村人居环境整治三年行动,推进“厕所革命”和垃圾收集处理。促进农村移风易俗。健全自治、法治、德治相结合的乡村治理体系。大力培育乡村振兴人才。我们要坚持走中国特色社会主义乡村振兴道路,加快实现农业农村现代化。 | We should promote the full development of all programs in rural areas. We should improve healthcare, education, cultural, and other public services in rural areas. We should improve the infrastructure for supplying water and power, for information, and so on, and build or upgrade 200,000 kilometers of rural roads. Steady steps should be taken as part of a three-year campaign to improve rural living environments, and progress should be made in the Toilet Revolution and in garbage collection and disposal. We should encourage a shift away from outdated social practices. The rural governance model, based on self-governance, rule of law, and rule of virtue, should be improved. Strong efforts should be made to train personnel serving rural revitalization. We should continue to pursue a Chinese path to socialist rural revitalization, and work faster to achieve agricultural and rural modernization. | |
(六)扎实推进区域协调发展战略。完善区域发展政策,推进基本公共服务均等化,逐步缩小城乡区域发展差距,把各地比较优势和潜力充分发挥出来。 | 6. Making solid progress in the coordinated regional development strategy Regional development policies should be refined, progress should be made in equalizing access to basic public services, the gap in urban-rural and regional development should gradually be narrowed, and the comparative advantages and potential of each region should be fully leveraged. | |
塑造区域发展新格局。加强对革命老区、民族地区、边疆地区、贫困地区改革发展的支持。以疏解北京非首都功能为重点推进京津冀协同发展,高起点规划、高标准建设雄安新区。以生态优先、绿色发展为引领推进长江经济带发展。出台实施粤港澳大湾区发展规划纲要,全面推进内地同香港、澳门互利合作。制定西部大开发新的指导意见,落实东北等老工业基地振兴举措,继续推动中部地区崛起,支持东部地区率先发展。加强对资源型地区经济转型发展的支持。壮大海洋经济,坚决维护国家海洋权益。 | We should create a new landscape in regional development. We should step up support for reform and development in old revolutionary base areas, areas with large ethnic minority populations, border areas, and poor areas. We should promote the coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, with the focus on relieving Beijing of functions nonessential to its role as the capital, and develop the Xiongan New Area in line with forward-looking plans and high standards. We should move forward with developing the Yangtze Economic Belt, giving primary consideration to protecting ecosystems and pursuing green development. We should unveil and implement the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area development plan, and promote in all areas mutually beneficial cooperation between the mainland, Hong Kong, and Macao. We should draw up new guidelines for large-scale development in the western region, implement policies for revitalizing northeast China and other old industrial bases, continue to promote the rise of the central region, and support the eastern region in spearheading development. We should give stronger support to economic transformation and development in resource-depleted areas. We need to strengthen the maritime economy, and resolutely safeguard China's maritime rights and interests. | |
提高新型城镇化质量。今年再进城落户1300万人,加快农业转移人口市民化。完善城镇规划,优先发展公共交通,健全菜市场、停车场等便民服务设施,加快无障碍设施建设。有序推进“城中村”、老旧小区改造,完善配套设施,鼓励有条件的加装电梯。加强排涝管网、地下综合管廊、海绵城市等建设。新型城镇化的核心在人,要加强精细化服务、人性化管理,使人人都有公平发展机会,让居民生活得方便、舒心。 | We should pursue better-quality new urbanization. This year, another 13 million people should be registered as permanent urban residents, and we should speed up work on granting permanent urban residency to people originally from rural areas. We need to improve urban planning. We should prioritize the development of public transportation, improve local amenities like food markets and parking facilities, and work faster to build accessible facilities. We should take planned steps to rebuild villages in cities and old residential areas, improve supporting utilities, and encourage the installation of elevators in old residential buildings where conditions permit. We should step up work to improve drainage pipeline networks and underground utility tunnels and to build sponge cities. Satisfying the needs of the people is what new urbanization is all about. We need to provide services that are attentive to detail and exercise management that puts people first. Our goal is to see that every person has equal opportunity for development and to make everyday life more convenient and comfortable. | |
(七)积极扩大消费和促进有效投资。顺应居民需求新变化扩大消费,着眼调结构增加投资,形成供给结构优化和总需求适度扩大的良性循环。 | 7. Actively increasing consumption and promoting effective investment We need to boost consumption in response to the new changes in consumer demand, focus on making structural adjustments in increasing investment, and create a positive cycle of supply structure upgrading and appropriate expansion of aggregate demand. | |
增强消费对经济发展的基础性作用。推进消费升级,发展消费新业态新模式。将新能源汽车车辆购置税优惠政策再延长三年,全面取消二手车限迁政策。支持社会力量增加医疗、养老、教育、文化、体育等服务供给。创建全域旅游示范区,降低重点国有景区门票价格。推动网购、快递健康发展。对各类侵害消费者权益的行为,要依法惩处、决不姑息。 | We should strengthen the fundamental role of consumption in driving economic growth. We should promote consumption upgrading and develop new forms and models of consumption. We should extend preferential policies on purchase tax on new-energy vehicles by another three years, and rescind all local policies that restrict sales of non-local second-hand vehicles. We should support private actors in providing more services in healthcare, elderly care, education, culture, and sports. We should create integrated tourism demonstration zones, and lower ticket prices at key state tourist sites. We should promote the healthy development of online shopping and express delivery services. All types of behavior that infringe on consumers' rights and interests need to be punished in accordance with law without leniency. | |
发挥投资对优化供给结构的关键性作用。今年要完成铁路投资7320亿元、公路水运投资1.8万亿元左右,水利在建投资规模达到1万亿元。重大基础设施建设继续向中西部地区倾斜。实施新一轮重大技术改造升级工程。中央预算内投资安排5376亿元,比去年增加300亿元。落实鼓励民间投资政策措施,在铁路、民航、油气、电信等领域推出一批有吸引力的项目,务必使民间资本进得来、能发展。 | We should enable investment to play the pivotal role in improving the supply structure. This year we need to see 732 billion yuan invested in railway construction and around 1.8 trillion yuan invested in highway and waterway projects; the scale of investment in ongoing water conservancy projects should reach 1 trillion yuan. The central and western regions should continue to be the priority for major infrastructure construction. We should carry out a new round of major technology transformation and upgrading projects. Roughly 537.6 billion yuan of investment should be included in the central government budget, an increase of 30 billion yuan over last year. We should implement policies and measures designed to encourage private investment, introduce a number of attractive projects in sectors like rail, civil aviation, oil and natural gas, and telecommunications, and make sure that private investment can gain entry and is able to develop. | |
(八)推动形成全面开放新格局。进一步拓展开放范围和层次,完善开放结构布局和体制机制,以高水平开放推动高质量发展。 | 8. Creating a new landscape in comprehensive opening up China should further expand the scope and raise the quality of its opening up; the structure, layout, institutions, and mechanisms for opening up should be improved, and we should use high-standard opening up to generate high-quality development. | |
推进“一带一路”国际合作。坚持共商共建共享,落实“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛成果。推动国际大通道建设,深化沿线大通关合作。扩大国际产能合作,带动中国制造和中国服务走出去。优化对外投资结构。加大西部、内陆和沿边开放力度,提高边境跨境经济合作区发展水平,拓展开放合作新空间。 | We should advance international cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative. We are committed to achieving shared growth through discussion and collaboration, and must act on the outcomes of the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation. We should work toward building major international corridors and deepen cooperation on streamlining customs clearance along the routes of the Belt and Road Initiative. We should expand industrial capacity cooperation with other countries, and with this enable Chinese manufacturing and Chinese services to go global. We should improve the composition of outbound investment. We should expand opening up in the western region, inland areas, and border areas and enhance development in border and cross-border economic cooperation areas, creating new opportunities for China's opening up and cooperation with other countries. | |
促进外商投资稳定增长。加强与国际通行经贸规则对接,建设国际一流营商环境。全面放开一般制造业,扩大电信、医疗、教育、养老、新能源汽车等领域开放。有序开放银行卡清算等市场,放开外资保险经纪公司经营范围限制,放宽或取消银行、证券、基金管理、期货、金融资产管理公司等外资股比限制,统一中外资银行市场准入标准。实施境外投资者境内利润再投资递延纳税。简化外资企业设立程序,商务备案与工商登记“一口办理”。全面复制推广自贸试验区经验,探索建设自由贸易港,打造改革开放新高地。 | We should promote a steady growth in foreign investment. We should strengthen alignment with international business rules, and foster a world-class business environment. The general manufacturing sector should be completely opened up, and access to sectors like telecommunications, medical services, education, elderly care, and new-energy vehicles should be expanded. We should phase in an opening up of bank card clearing and other markets; lift restrictions on the scope of operations of foreign-invested insurance agent companies, and ease or lift restrictions on the share of foreign-owned equity in companies in sectors including banking, securities, fund management, futures, and financial asset management. We should make market entry standards the same for both Chinese and foreign banks. Overseas investors should be granted tax deferral for the reinvestment of profit made in China. Procedures for setting up foreign-invested enterprises should be simplified, and business filing and business registration should be processed together in one go. We should apply practices developed in pilot free trade zones across the country, and explore opening free trade ports, working toward new heights in reform and opening up. | |
巩固外贸稳中向好势头。扩大出口信用保险覆盖面,整体通关时间再压缩三分之一。改革服务贸易发展机制。培育贸易新业态新模式。推动加工贸易向中西部梯度转移。积极扩大进口,办好首届中国国际进口博览会,下调汽车、部分日用消费品等进口关税。我们要以更大力度的市场开放,促进产业升级和贸易平衡发展,为消费者提供更多选择。 | We should consolidate the healthy trend toward stable growth in foreign trade. We should expand the coverage of export credit insurance, and shave another third off the total time taken for customs clearance. We should reform the mechanism for developing trade in services. We should foster new forms and models of trade. We should encourage processing trade to shift to the central and western regions. We should actively expand imports, will host the first China International Import Expo, and should lower import tariffs on automobiles, some everyday consumer goods, and so on. We should open our market wider to promote industry upgrading and more balanced development of trade, and to provide Chinese consumers with a broader range of choices. | |
促进贸易和投资自由化便利化。中国坚定不移推进经济全球化,维护自由贸易,愿同有关方推动多边贸易谈判进程,早日结束区域全面经济伙伴关系协定谈判,加快亚太自贸区和东亚经济共同体建设。中国主张通过平等协商解决贸易争端,反对贸易保护主义,坚决捍卫自身合法权益。 | We should promote trade and investment liberalization and facilitation. As China is committed to promoting economic globalization and protecting free trade, and is ready to work with all relevant parties to advance multilateral trade negotiations, we should work for the early conclusion of negotiations on the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, and should speed up efforts to build the Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific and the East Asia Economic Community. China must stand for the settlement of trade disputes through discussion as equals, must oppose trade protectionism, and must resolutely safeguard its lawful rights. | |
(九)提高保障和改善民生水平。要在发展基础上多办利民实事、多解民生难事,兜牢民生底线,不断提升人民群众的获得感、幸福感、安全感。 | 9. Doing more to ensure and improve people's wellbeing We should, in line with economic growth, do more to directly benefit the people, address the difficulties that affect their lives, and ensure that their basic living needs are met. Our aim is to help people feel more satisfied, happier, and more secure. | |
着力促进就业创业。加强全方位公共就业服务,大规模开展职业技能培训,运用“互联网+”发展新就业形态。今年高校毕业生820多万人,再创历史新高,要促进多渠道就业,支持以创业带动就业。扎实做好退役军人安置、管理和保障工作。加大对残疾人等就业困难人员援助力度。扩大农民工就业,全面治理拖欠工资问题。要健全劳动关系协商机制,消除性别和身份歧视,使更加公平、更加充分的就业成为我国发展的突出亮点。 | We should focus on boosting employment and business startups. We should strengthen the full set of public employment services, launch a large-scale vocational skills training initiative, and use the Internet Plus model to create new kinds of jobs. With over 8.2 million college students graduating this year, again reaching an all-time high, we need to expand the channels for employment and support job creation through business startups. Solid work needs to be done on job resettlement, management, and security provision for demobilized military personnel. We should give stronger support to people with disabilities and other groups having difficulty securing employment. We should create more jobs for rural migrant workers, and take comprehensive measures to address the problem of wage arrears. We should improve labor relations consultation mechanisms, put an end to gender and identity discrimination, and work to make fairer and fuller employment an outstanding highlight of our country's development. | |
稳步提高居民收入水平。继续提高退休人员基本养老金和城乡居民基础养老金。合理调整社会最低工资标准。完善机关事业单位工资和津补贴制度,向艰苦地区、特殊岗位倾斜。提高个人所得税起征点,增加子女教育、大病医疗等专项费用扣除,合理减负,鼓励人民群众通过劳动增加收入、迈向富裕。 | We should steadily increase people's incomes. We should continue raising basic pension payments for retirees and basic pension benefits for rural and non-working urban residents. Minimum wages should be appropriately adjusted. We should improve the wage and subsidy system for the employees of government offices and public institutions, and weight the system toward regions where conditions are harsh and toward special posts. We should raise the personal income tax threshold and create expense deductions for items like children's education and treatment for serious diseases, appropriately lightening burdens, and encouraging our people to increase their incomes and achieve prosperity through hard work. | |
发展公平而有质量的教育。推动城乡义务教育一体化发展,教育投入继续向困难地区和薄弱环节倾斜。切实降低农村学生辍学率,抓紧消除城镇“大班额”,着力解决中小学生课外负担重问题。儿童是民族的未来、家庭的希望。要多渠道增加学前教育资源供给,重视对幼儿教师的关心和培养,运用互联网等信息化手段对儿童托育中育儿过程加强监管,一定要让家长放心安心。大力发展职业教育,支持和规范社会力量举办职业教育。推进普及高中阶段教育。以经济社会发展需要为导向,优化高等教育结构,加快“双一流”建设,支持中西部建设有特色、高水平大学。继续实施农村和贫困地区专项招生计划。发展民族教育、特殊教育、继续教育和网络教育。加强师资队伍和师德师风建设。要加快推进教育现代化,办好人民满意的教育,让每个人都有平等机会通过教育改变自身命运、成就人生梦想。 | We should develop fair, high-quality education. We should promote the integrated development of urban and rural compulsory education, and continue to weight funding for education toward poor areas and weak links. We need to significantly reduce the rural drop-out rate, move faster to put an end to big class sizes in urban schools, and give attention to addressing the problem of heavy extracurricular burdens on primary and secondary school students. Children are the hope of their families and the future of our nation. We need to increase the supply of preschool educational resources through multiple channels, give serious attention to preschool teachers and their training, and use the internet and other IT-based approaches to strengthen oversight over the childcare process at preschools, making certain that parents can have peace of mind. We should work hard to develop vocational education and support and regulate the provision of vocational education by private actors. We should continue working to make senior secondary education universally available. With the needs of economic and social development as our compass, we need to improve the structure of higher education, act faster to develop world-class universities and world-class disciplines, and support the central and western regions in building universities with character and of high quality. We should continue the higher education admissions scheme with preferential provisions for students from rural and poor areas. We should develop ethnic minority education, special needs education, continuing education, and online education. We should improve the competence of our educators and strengthen teacher ethics. We need to work faster to modernize education, provide education that our people are satisfied with, and ensure that everyone has an equal opportunity to change their life and realize their dreams through education. | |
实施健康中国战略。提高基本医保和大病保险保障水平,居民基本医保人均财政补助标准再增加40元,一半用于大病保险。扩大跨省异地就医直接结算范围,把基层医院和外出农民工、外来就业创业人员等全部纳入。加大医护人员培养力度,加强全科医生、儿科医生队伍建设,推进分级诊疗和家庭医生签约服务。继续提高基本公共卫生服务经费人均财政补助标准。坚持预防为主,加强重大疾病防控。改善妇幼保健服务。支持中医药事业传承创新发展。鼓励中西医结合。创新食品药品监管方式,注重用互联网、大数据等提升监管效能,加快实现全程留痕、信息可追溯,让问题产品无处藏身、不法制售者难逃法网,让消费者买得放心、吃得安全。做好北京冬奥会、冬残奥会筹办工作,多渠道增加全民健身场所和设施。人民群众身心健康、向善向上,国家必将生机勃勃、走向繁荣富强。 | We should implement the Healthy China strategy. We should raise basic medical insurance and serious disease insurance benefits. Per capita government subsidies for basic health insurance for rural and non-working urban residents should be increased by 40 yuan, half of which should be used for the serious disease insurance scheme. We should expand the coverage of interprovincial on-the-spot settlement of medical bills through basic insurance accounts and make this applicable to community-level hospitals, and to rural migrant workers and other workers and business owners without local household registration. We should strengthen efforts to train medical workers, build up the ranks of general practitioners and pediatricians, and make progress in developing tiered diagnosis and treatment and contracted family doctor services. We should continue to increase per capita government subsidies for basic public health services. We should step up prevention and control of serious diseases, treating prevention as particularly important. Maternal and child healthcare should be improved. We should preserve traditional Chinese medicine and support its development through innovation. We should encourage the combination of Chinese and Western medicine. We should develop new ways of conducting food and drug oversight, and use the internet and big data to increase oversight effectiveness. We need to move faster to see that the entire process can be tracked and all information is traceable. We need to see that there is nowhere to hide for substandard products, that there is no escaping justice for those involved in their production and sale, and that consumers can consume confidently and eat safely. We need to make good preparations for the Beijing Winter Olympics and Paralympics. Multiple channels should be used to increase sports venues and facilities available for the general public. If our people are fit and healthy, are strengthening social morality, and are striving to succeed, our country is certain to thrive and progress toward prosperity. | |
更好解决群众住房问题。启动新的三年棚改攻坚计划,今年开工580万套。加大公租房保障力度,对低收入住房困难家庭要应保尽保,将符合条件的新就业无房职工、外来务工人员纳入保障范围。坚持房子是用来住的、不是用来炒的定位,落实地方主体责任,继续实行差别化调控,建立健全长效机制,促进房地产市场平稳健康发展。支持居民自住购房需求,培育住房租赁市场,发展共有产权住房。加快建立多主体供给、多渠道保障、租购并举的住房制度,让广大人民群众早日实现安居宜居。 | We should better address people's housing needs. A new three-year renovation plan should be launched to address housing in rundown urban areas, starting with construction this year on 5.8 million units. We should step up efforts to supply public-rental housing so that all eligible low-income families struggling with housing, including eligible non-homeowning first-time workers and migrant workers, are able to access public-rental housing under this scheme. We must be clear that houses are for living in, not for speculation. We should expect local governments to fulfill their primary responsibility in this respect, and need to continue exercising differentiated regulation and put in place robust permanent mechanisms to promote the steady and healthy development of real estate markets. We should support people in buying homes for personal use, and develop the housing rental market and shared ownership housing. We need to speed up the establishment of a housing system with multiple types of suppliers, multiple channels for housing support, and encouragement for both renting and buying, so that more people can soon have a place to call home. | |
强化民生兜底保障。稳步提高城乡低保、社会救助、抚恤优待等标准。积极应对人口老龄化,发展居家、社区和互助式养老,推进医养结合,提高养老院服务质量。关心帮助农村留守儿童。加强城乡困境儿童保障。做好伤残军人和军烈属优抚工作。加强残疾人康复服务。健全社会救助体系,支持公益慈善事业发展。倾情倾力做好托底工作,不因事难而推诿,不因善小而不为,要让每一个身处困境者都能得到社会的关爱和温暖。 | We should strengthen efforts to meet people's basic living needs. We should steadily raise urban and rural subsistence allowances, social assistance benefits, and benefits for entitled groups. We need to take proactive measures to tackle population aging, including developing at-home, community-based, and mutual-aid elderly care, promoting integrated medical and elderly care services, and improving the quality of services at senior care facilities. We should give assistance and support to children who remain in rural areas while their parents move to work in the cities. We should provide better security to both urban and rural children in difficult situations. Disabled veterans and the families of military personnel and martyrs need to be well taken care of. Rehabilitation services for people with disabilities should be improved. We should improve social assistance systems, and support the development of public interest activities and charity. We need to bring empathy and energy to our work to meet basic needs; there should be no reluctance to act because something is not easy, and no failure to act because the benefit seems small; we must ensure that care and compassion reach everyone in need. | |
打造共建共治共享社会治理格局。完善基层群众自治制度,加强社区治理。发挥好工会、共青团、妇联等群团组织作用。促进社会组织、专业社会工作、志愿服务健康发展。加强社会信用体系建设。完善公共法律服务体系,落实普法责任制。营造尊重妇女、关爱儿童、尊敬老人、爱护残疾人的良好风尚。完善社会矛盾纠纷多元化解机制。创新信访工作方式,依法及时解决群众合理诉求。严格落实安全生产责任,坚决遏制重特大事故。做好地震、气象、地质等工作,提高防灾减灾救灾能力。推进平安中国建设,严密防范和坚决打击暴力恐怖活动,依法开展扫黑除恶专项斗争,惩治盗抢骗黄赌毒等违法犯罪活动,整治电信网络诈骗、侵犯公民个人信息、网络传销等突出问题,维护国家安全和公共安全。 | We should develop a new model of social governance based on collaboration, co-governance, and common gains. We should improve the system of primary level self-governance and strengthen community governance. We should see that trade unions, Communist Youth League organizations, women's federations and other people's organizations are all playing their due roles. We should promote the healthy development of social organizations, specialized social work, and volunteer services. We need to strengthen work on building the social credit system. We should improve the public legal service system, and enforce a system of responsibility for popularizing legal knowledge. We need to foster a positive culture in which women are respected, children are cared for, the elderly are treated with respect, and people with disabilities are treated considerately. We should improve mechanisms for settling social tensions and disputes through multiple means. We need to develop new approaches to handling public complaints, and see that the justified demands of our people are addressed promptly in accordance with law. We need to see that workplace safety responsibilities are strictly executed to prevent the occurrence of serious and major accidents. We should carry out solid work in seismology, meteorology, and geology, and improve disaster prevention, mitigation, and rescue capacity. We need to continue the Peaceful China initiative, take strict preventive measures against violent and terrorist activities and see them firmly stamped out, and launch a campaign to crack down on organized crime and local mafia in accordance with law. We need to punish theft, robbery, fraud, pornography, gambling, drug-related crime, and other illegal and criminal behavior, address salient problems such as telecommunications and internet fraud, the abuse of personal information, and internet-based pyramid schemes, and safeguard national and public security. | |
为人民过上美好生活提供丰富精神食粮。要弘扬中华优秀传统文化,继承革命文化,发展社会主义先进文化,培育和践行社会主义核心价值观。加强思想道德建设和群众性精神文明创建。加快构建中国特色哲学社会科学,繁荣文艺创作,发展新闻出版、广播影视、档案等事业。加强文物保护利用和文化遗产保护传承。建好新型智库。加强互联网内容建设。深入实施文化惠民工程,培育新型文化业态,加快文化产业发展。倡导全民阅读,建设学习型社会。深化中外人文交流,增强中华文化影响力。我们要以中国特色社会主义文化的繁荣兴盛,凝聚起实现民族复兴的磅礴精神力量。 | We must provide rich cultural nourishment to help our people to live better lives. We should see that our fine traditional Chinese culture is alive and thriving, see our revolutionary culture is inherited and carried on, develop advanced socialist culture, and foster and practice core socialist values. We should strengthen efforts toward building intellectual and moral standards and hold more activities designed for the public to promote cultural and ethical advancement. We should speed up the development of philosophy and social sciences with Chinese characteristics, see that art and literature flourish, and develop the press, publishing, radio, film, television, and archiving. We need to ensure China's cultural relics are more effectively protected and put to better use, and cultural heritage is better preserved and passed on. We need to see that China's new-type think-tanks are well run. The provision of content on the internet should be improved. We should launch more cultural projects to benefit the people, work to foster new forms of cultural businesses, and accelerate the development of the cultural industry. We should foster a love of reading in all our people and build a learning society. China's cultural and people-to-people exchanges with other countries should be enhanced, and Chinese culture should have greater appeal. We need to see that a rich and thriving socialist culture with distinctive Chinese features acts as a powerful source of inspiration for the whole Chinese nation to achieve rejuvenation. | |
各位代表! | Fellow Deputies, | |
进入新时代,政府工作在新的一年要有新气象新作为。要牢固树立“四个意识”,坚定“四个自信”,坚决维护习近平总书记核心地位,坚决维护党中央权威和集中统一领导,落实全面从严治党要求,加强政府自身建设,深入推进政府职能转变,全面提升履职水平,为人民提供优质高效服务。 | Entering a new era, the government's work in the new year must bring new steps and make new advances. We must become deeply conscious of the need to maintain political integrity, think in big-picture terms, follow the leadership core, and keep in alignment. We must strengthen confidence in the path, theory, system, and culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics. We must resolutely uphold the core position of General Secretary Xi Jinping, resolutely uphold the authority of the Party Central Committee and its centralized, unified leadership, and act on the requirement for full and rigorous Party self-governance. We need to improve our government, intensify efforts to transform government functions, raise our ability in every respect to execute our duties, and deliver to the people high-quality and efficient services. | |
全面推进依宪施政、依法行政。严格遵守宪法法律,加快建设法治政府,把政府活动全面纳入法治轨道。坚持严格规范公正文明执法,有权不可任性,用权必受监督。各级政府要依法接受同级人大及其常委会的监督,自觉接受人民政协的民主监督,主动接受社会和舆论监督,认真听取人大代表、政协委员意见,听取民主党派、工商联、无党派人士和各人民团体意见。政府要信守承诺,决不能“新官不理旧账”。全面推进政务公开。推行政府法律顾问制度。坚持科学、民主、依法决策,凡涉及公众利益的重大事项,都要深入听取各方意见包括批评意见。人民政府的所有工作都要体现人民意愿,干得好不好要看实际效果、最终由人民来评判。 | All governance must be exercised in accordance with the Constitution and the law. We must strictly observe the Constitution and the law, and speed up work on building a government based on the rule of law, seeing that all government activities are consistent with the rule of law. We must work to ensure that the law is enforced in a strict, procedure-based, impartial, and civil manner. Power cannot be used as one pleases; the exercise of power must be supervised. We, at every level of government, must subject ourselves, as required by law, to the oversight of the people's congresses at that level and their standing committees; we must readily accept the democratic oversight of CPPCC committees, and we must actively accept public oversight and oversight through public opinion. We should earnestly solicit opinions from deputies to people's congresses and CPPCC committee members, and listen to the views of other political parties, federations of industry and commerce, public figures without party affiliation, and people's organizations. We in government must honor our commitments; new officials must not be allowed to disavow obligations undertaken by their predecessors. We should make government affairs more transparent across the board. We should promote the legal consultation system for government. Decisions need to be made in a sound and democratic way on the basis of law, and before making decisions on any major issue related to public interests, we should solicit input, including criticism, from all parties. Ours is a government of the people, and everything we do should reflect their will. Whether we've done a good job only the outcomes can tell and ultimately it is for the people to judge. | |
全面加强党风廉政建设。推进“两学一做”学习教育常态化制度化,认真开展“不忘初心、牢记使命”主题教育。坚决贯彻落实党中央八项规定及实施细则精神,驰而不息整治“四风”,特别是力戒形式主义、官僚主义。加强审计监督。巩固发展反腐败斗争压倒性态势,把权力关进制度的笼子,坚决惩治各类腐败行为。政府工作人员要廉洁修身,勤勉尽责,自觉接受法律监督、监察监督和人民的监督,干干净净为人民做事,决不辜负人民公仆的称号。 | All initiatives to improve Party conduct and ensure clean government should be strengthened. All Party members should gain a good command of the Party Constitution, Party regulations, and General Secretary Xi Jinping's major policy addresses, and meet Party standards; we should work to see this become a regular and institutionalized practice. And we need to keep reminding ourselves of our commitment to our original aspiration and have our mission always in mind. We must resolutely put into action the central Party leadership's eight-point decision on improving conduct and staying engaged with the people along with its detailed rules for implementation. We should work ceaselessly to address the practice of formalities for formalities' sake, bureaucratism, hedonism, and extravagance, with particular focus on seeing the first two stamped out. We should strengthen auditing-based oversight. We need to consolidate and build on the overwhelming momentum of the anti-corruption campaign, locking power in an institutional cage, and cracking down on all manifestations of corruption. All government employees must cultivate personal integrity, have a strong work ethic and sense of responsibility, and readily accept the oversight of the law, supervisory bodies, and the people; we must keep our hands clean and work hard for the people, and never fail to live up to the name of people's public servants. | |
全面提高政府效能。优化政府机构设置和职能配置,深化机构改革,形成职责明确、依法行政的政府治理体系,增强政府公信力和执行力。中国改革发展的一切成就,都是干出来的。对各级政府及其工作人员来说,为人民干事是天职、不干是失职。要完善激励约束、容错纠错机制,旗帜鲜明给积极干事者撑腰鼓劲,对庸政懒政者严肃问责。决不能表态多调门高、行动少落实差,决不允许占着位子不干事。广大干部要提高政治素质和工作本领,求真务实,干字当头,干出实打实的新业绩,干出群众的好口碑,干出千帆竞发、百舸争流的生动局面。 | All aspects of government performance should be improved. We need to improve the composition and responsibilities of the institutions of government, deepen institutional reform, form a system of governance by government with clearly defined duties and obligations and administration in line with law, and strengthen government credibility and executive capacity. Every last achievement in China's reform and development has been made by doing. To us—all levels of government and all government employees—getting things done for the people is our unquestionable duty; not doing is a dereliction of that duty. We need to improve incentive and constraint mechanisms and mechanisms to allow for and address errors, give unequivocal backing to the driven and the doers, and hold strictly to account the incompetent and the idle. Talking big and setting ambitious goals but taking little action to achieve them should not be tolerated; nor should sitting around in a government post and getting nothing done. We in government need to improve our political integrity and professional competence, be realistic and pragmatic, and make doing our top priority. Only by doing can we make solid new achievements, earn public endorsement, and contribute to a dynamic atmosphere in which everyone is motivated and driven to get things done. | |
各位代表! | Fellow Deputies, | |
中华民族是一个和睦相处、团结温暖的大家庭。我们要坚持和完善民族区域自治制度,全面贯彻党的民族政策。继续加强对民族地区、人口较少民族发展的支持。组织好广西壮族自治区、宁夏回族自治区成立60周年庆祝活动。加强各民族交往交流交融,让中华民族共同体的根基更加坚实、纽带更加牢固。 | The Chinese nation is a big family in which we live together in peace, unity, and amity. We need to uphold and improve the system of regional ethnic autonomy and fully implement the Party's policies on ethnic groups. We should continue to strengthen support for development in areas of mainly ethnic minorities and for the development of ethnic groups with smaller populations. It should be seen to that celebrations to mark the 60th anniversaries of the founding of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region are a great success. We should encourage more exchanges and interactions among our ethnic groups to strengthen the foundations and bonds of the Chinese national community. | |
我们要全面贯彻党的宗教工作基本方针,坚持我国宗教的中国化方向,促进宗教关系健康和谐,发挥宗教界人士和信教群众在促进经济社会发展中的积极作用。 | We must fully implement the Party's basic policy on religious affairs, uphold the principle that religions in China must be Chinese in orientation, promote harmony between religions, and encourage religious leaders and believers to actively involve themselves in promoting economic and social development. | |
我们要认真落实侨务政策,维护海外侨胞和归侨侨眷合法权益,为他们在国家现代化建设中发挥独特优势和重要作用创造更好条件,激励海内外中华儿女同心奋斗、共创辉煌。 | We need to fully implement policies related to overseas Chinese nationals, protect the legal rights and interests of overseas Chinese nationals, Chinese nationals who have returned from overseas, and relatives of overseas Chinese nationals residing in China. We should create better conditions for them to use their unique strengths and play their important roles in our country's modernization. We encourage all Chinese, both at home and overseas, to work together with one heart and achieve together great things. | |
各位代表! | Fellow Deputies, | |
面对国家安全环境的深刻变化,我们要以党在新时代的强军目标为引领,牢固确立习近平强军思想在国防和军队建设中的指导地位,坚定不移走中国特色强军之路,全面推进练兵备战工作,坚决有力维护国家主权、安全、发展利益。坚持党对军队绝对领导的根本原则和制度,全面深入贯彻军委主席负责制。继续推进国防和军队改革,建设强大稳固的现代边海空防。完善国防动员体系,加强全民国防教育。维护军人军属合法权益,让军人成为全社会尊崇的职业。深入实施军民融合发展战略,深化国防科技工业改革。各级政府要采取更有力的举措,支持国防和军队建设改革,深入开展拥军优属、拥政爱民活动,使军政军民团结始终坚如磐石、始终根深叶茂。 | Faced with profound changes in the national security environment, we must treat the Party's goal of building stronger armed forces for the new era as our guide, and firmly uphold the guiding position of Xi Jinping's thinking on strengthening the armed forces as we develop national defense and the armed forces. We must stick to the Chinese path in strengthening our armed forces, advance all aspects of military training and war preparedness, and firmly and resolvedly safeguard national sovereignty, security, and development interests. The fundamental principle and system of absolute leadership by the Party over the armed forces must be observed, and the system of the Chairman of the Central Military Commission assuming full responsibility for military affairs should be fully enforced. We need to continue to reform national defense and the armed forces, and build strong and solid modernized border, coastal, and air defense. We should improve our national defense mobilization system and strengthen public awareness about national defense. We should protect the legal rights and interests of service personnel and their families, and make military service an occupation that enjoys public respect. We should further implement the strategy for military-civilian integration and deepen reform of defense-related science, technology, and industry. We, at every level of government, must take more effective measures to support the development and reform of our national defense and armed forces and carry out extensive activities to encourage government and public support for the military and preferential treatment for families of service personnel and martyrs and to encourage the military to support the government and love the people, so that the unity between the military and government and between the military and the people is always strong as stone, and deeply rooted as an evergreen. | |
各位代表! | Fellow Deputies, | |
我们要继续全面准确贯彻“一国两制”方针,严格依照宪法和基本法办事。全力支持香港、澳门特别行政区政府和行政长官依法施政,大力发展经济、持续改善民生、有序推进民主、促进社会和谐。支持香港、澳门融入国家发展大局,深化内地与港澳地区交流合作。我们坚信,香港、澳门一定能与祖国内地同发展、共繁荣。 | We must continue to implement, both to the letter and in spirit, the principle of "one country, two systems," and act in strict compliance with China's Constitution and the basic laws of the Hong Kong and Macao special administrative regions. The governments and chief executives of the two regions have our full support in exercising law-based governance and in their efforts to achieve strong economic growth, improve living standards, progressively advance democracy, and promote social harmony. We should support Hong Kong and Macao in integrating their own development into overall national development, and should boost exchanges and cooperation between the mainland and the two regions. We have every confidence that Hong Kong and Macao will develop and thrive together with the mainland. | |
我们要继续贯彻对台工作大政方针,坚持一个中国原则,在“九二共识”基础上推动两岸关系和平发展,推进祖国和平统一进程。坚决维护国家主权和领土完整,绝不容忍任何“台独”分裂图谋和行径。扩大两岸经济文化交流合作,逐步为台湾同胞在大陆学习、创业、就业、生活提供与大陆同胞同等待遇。两岸同根,骨肉相亲。两岸同胞顺应历史大势、共担民族大义,必将共创中华民族伟大复兴的美好未来! | We must continue to implement the principles and policies on our work related to Taiwan, uphold the one-China principle, promote the peaceful growth of cross-Strait relations on the basis of the 1992 Consensus, and advance China's peaceful reunification. We must remain firm in safeguarding China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, and must never tolerate any separatist schemes or activities for "Taiwan independence." We should expand cross-Strait economic and cultural exchanges and cooperation, and ensure that over time, people from Taiwan come to enjoy the same treatment as mainlanders when they pursue study, do business, work or live on the mainland. As fellow Chinese living on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, we share a bond of kinship. As long as we go with the tide of history and work together for our nation's greater good, we will together create the future—a beautiful future of national rejuvenation. | |
各位代表! | Fellow Deputies, | |
中国与世界各国发展紧密相连、命运休戚与共。我们将始终不渝走和平发展道路,推动构建新型国际关系。积极参与改革完善全球治理,致力于建设开放型世界经济。推进大国协调合作,深化同周边国家睦邻友好和共同发展,加强同发展中国家团结合作。办好博鳌亚洲论坛年会、上海合作组织峰会、中非合作论坛峰会等主场外交。继续为解决国际和地区热点问题发挥负责任大国作用。加强和完善海外利益安全保障体系。中国愿与各国一道,为推动构建人类命运共同体不懈努力! | China's development is closely connected with that of all other countries; we share a common future and a common stake in that future. China's commitment to peaceful development should not change and we should work to build a new type of international relations. We should get actively involved in reforming and improving global governance and should strive to make the global economy more open. We should promote coordination and cooperation among major countries, deepen friendships and achieve common development with our neighbors, and enhance unity and cooperation with other developing countries. We should ensure the success of the annual conference of the Boao Forum for Asia, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Summit, the Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation, and other diplomatic events that will be hosted here in China. China should continue to play its part as a responsible major country in resolving international and regional hotspot issues. We should strengthen and improve institutions for safeguarding Chinese interests and security overseas. China stands ready to work with all other countries to build a community with a shared future for humanity. | |
各位代表! | Fellow Deputies, | |
团结凝聚力量,实干创造未来。我们要更加紧密地团结在以习近平同志为核心的党中央周围,高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜,以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,锐意进取,扎实工作,促进经济社会持续健康发展,为决胜全面建成小康社会、夺取新时代中国特色社会主义伟大胜利,为把我国建设成为富强民主文明和谐美丽的社会主义现代化强国、实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦作出新的贡献! | Unity gives us strength; good solid work will shape our future. We must rally even closer around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, hold high the banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and follow the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. We must be enterprising, work hard, and promote sustained, healthy economic and social development. We are working to secure a decisive victory in building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, to ensure the success of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, to build China into a great modern socialist country that is prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced, harmonious, and beautiful, and to realize the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation. Let us make new contributions to make these goals a reality. | |
(来源:新华网) | (Source: People's Daily Online) |
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