印度是一个宗教的国度,也是一个神话的国度,就像林语堂在《印度的智慧》一书中说的,印度人沉醉于神的世界,除了犹太人,世界上没有任何一个民族具有印度人那样强烈的宗教热情(India is a land and a people intoxicated with God.... I doubt there is a nation on earth that equals the Hindus in religious emotional intensity except the Jews. The Wisdom of India P.3)。这样一个历史悠久且热衷于宗教的文明必然会创造出众多的神灵。据说,印度有3亿3千万个神,与人口的比例大约是1比4,也就是说,在印度,差不多每四个人就能分摊到一个神。
哈努曼的传说起于何时已不可考,但是在印度最古老的文献《梨俱吠陀》(Rig Veda)中就能找到哈努曼的影子。天神因陀罗(Indra)在与妻子的对话中就提到了一个精力充沛、强壮有力的猴子。《梨俱吠陀》成书于公元前1500年—前1200年,可以推测,在吠陀时代之前,关于神猴的传说就已经开始在民间流传了。史诗《罗摩衍那》(公元前三世纪)中,哈努曼已经是一个移山跨海、叱咤风云的重要角色了。神话传说的源头很难追溯,只能像印度人讲历史那样,用一句long long ago来表达了。
Her heavenly title heard no more,
Anjana was the name she bore,
When, cursed by Gods, from heaven she fell
In Vanar form on earth to dwell,
New-born in mortal shape the child
Of Kunjar monarch of the wild.
In youthful beauty wondrous fair,
A crown of flowers about her hair,
In silken robes of richest dye
She roamed the hills that kiss the sky.
Once in her tinted garments dressed
She stood upon the mountain crest,
The God of Wind beside her came,
And breathed upon the lovely dame.
And as he fanned her robe aside
The wondrous beauty that he eyed
In rounded lines of breast and limb
And neck and shoulder ravished him;
And captured by her peerless charms
He strained her in his amorous arms.
"O, be not troubled, nor afraid.
But trust, and thou shalt know ere long
My love has done thee, sweet, no wrong.
So strong and brave and wise shall be
The glorious child I give to thee.
Might shall be his that naught can tire,
And limbs to spring as springs his sire."
Thus spoke the God; the conquered dame
Rejoiced in heart nor feared the shame.
Down in a cave beneath the earth
The happy mother gave thee birth.
Once o'er the summit of the wood
Before thine eyes the new sun stood.
Thou sprangest up in haste to seize
What seemed the fruitage of the trees.
Up leapt the child, a wondrous bound,
Three hundred leagues above the ground,
And, though the angered Day-God shot
His fierce beams on him, feared him not.
Then from the hand of Indra came
A red bolt winged with wrath and flame.
The child fell smitten on a rock,
His cheek was shattered by the shock,
Named Hanuman thenceforth by all
In memory of the fearful fall.
有一天,风神的儿子看到初升的太阳挂在树梢上,误以为是树上的果实,便一跃而起,奔着“果子”而去。这一跃就是1500公里(英文原文为three hundred leagues,league,里格,长度单位,约等于3英里)。愤怒的日神发出强烈的光芒,却没有把他吓退。此时,“众神之王”因陀罗(Indra)出手干预,红色的霹雳带着愤怒的火焰击中了他的下颚,把他打落在一块岩石上。从此,风神的儿子就被称为哈努曼,意思是“其颚被击者”。
The wandering Wind-God saw thee lie
With bleeding cheek and drooping eye,
And stirred to anger by thy woe
Forbade each scented breeze to blow.
The breath of all the worlds was stilled,
And the sad Gods with terror filled
Prayed to the Wind, to calm the ire
And soothe the sorrow of the sire.
His fiery wrath no longer glowed,
And Brahma's self the boon bestowed
That in the brunt of battle none
Should slay with steel the Wind-God's son.
Lord Indra, sovereign of the skies,
Bent on thee all his thousand eyes,
And swore that ne'er the bolt which he
Hurls from the heaven should injure thee.
"Come, prince of Vanars, doomed to be
My food this day by heaven's decree.
Such boon from ages long ago
To Brahma's favouring will I owe."
"Nay, hope not thus thy life to save;
Not such the boon that Brahma gave.
Enter my mouth," was her reply,
"Then forward on thy journey hie!"
"Then forward to the task, and may
Success and joy attend thy way!
Go, and the rescued lady bring
In triumph to her lord and king."
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