Xi'an explores innovative transformation to inject vitality into historical, cultural heritage
西安钟楼夜景(5月2日摄,无人机照片)。古之长安,今之西安。作为十三朝古都,西安有3100多年的建城史和1100多年的建都史,留下了钟楼、城墙、大雁塔等诸多承载历史印记的地标性建筑。近年来,大唐不夜城、大唐芙蓉园等新兴文化景区的火爆“出圈”更是带给人们新的感观盛宴。如今的西安,古之传统文化与今之城市风貌融会贯通,古老的文物古迹与全新的时代命题碰撞出夺目的火花。[新华社记者 刘潇 摄]
This aerial photo taken on May 2, 2023 shows a night view of the Bell Tower in Xi'an, northwest China's Shaanxi Province. Xi'an, a city with over 3,100 years of history, served as the capital for 13 dynasties in Chinese history. It is also home to the world-renowned Terracotta warriors created in the Qin Dynasty (221-207 BC). In recent years, the city has explored innovative transformation and injected new vitality into historical and cultural heritage. Tourists are provided with an immersive cultural experience through a mix of shopping, dining and other recreational activities. (Xinhua/Liu Xiao)
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