在景德镇御窑博物院,工作人员在展示瓷片标本的配方研究数据(5月16日摄)。景德镇以瓷立市,目前拥有宇宙瓷厂、明清御窑厂遗址、国营为民瓷厂和国营建国瓷厂四处国家工业遗产。近年来,景德镇工业遗产保护利用工作持续深入,让它们成为焕发瓷都新生命的名片。置身于陶溪川文创街区,这里的“年轻范”和“国际化”给人留下深刻印象。十年间,老厂房变身孵化青年创客的邑空间、培养手艺人的工作室、展示陶瓷产品的直播基地。在明清御窑厂遗址,陶瓷考古工作者从上千万件碎瓷片中逐一拼对,精心修复了大量珍贵瓷器,将它们陈列于毗邻明清御窑厂遗址的景德镇御窑博物馆内,精美的色泽和纹样吸引不少游客驻足。[新华社记者 周密 摄]
A staff member shows research data of porcelain fragments at Jingdezhen Imperial Kiln Institute in Jingdezhen, east China's Jiangxi Province, May 16, 2023. Jingdezhen is a world-famous "porcelain capital" in east China's Jiangxi Province. The city has four national-level industrial heritage sites. In the past few years, Jingdezhen has advanced the protection and utilization of industrial heritage, injecting new vitality to the city's development. The old workshops in Taoxichuan industrial heritage complex have been transformed into art museums, galleries, livestreaming workshops, traditional ceramic workshops, restaurants and hotels. Cultural relics unearthed from the imperial kiln site, an industrial heritage site which dates back to the Ming and Qing dynasties (1368-1911), are on display at the Jingdezhen Imperial Kiln Institute, which is located next door to the imperial kiln relics site. (Xinhua/Zhou Mi)
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