8月18日,游客在湖北省宣恩县贡水河上乘坐竹筏欣赏夜色(无人机照片)。夜幕降临,湖北省宣恩县城的夜游生活也火热开启。湖北省恩施土家族苗族自治州宣恩县以穿城而过的贡水河为轴心,围绕“景城一体,主客共享”理念,打造以县城为核心的国家4A级风景区。入夜时分,市民和游客逛亲水步道、赏璀璨夜景、品地方小吃、乘竹筏游河。丰富的夜游生活,使这座山区小城的“夜经济”持续火热。[新华社记者 程敏 摄]
This aerial photo taken on Aug. 18, 2023 shows people taking bamboo rafts on the Gongshui River in Xuan'en County of Enshi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, central China's Hubei Province. A series of activities have been held to boost the nighttime economy in the scenic area of Xuan'en County including sightseeing trips on the Gongshui River and night fairs along the river. (Xinhua/Cheng Min)
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