在乌英苗寨,一个小朋友在家里荡秋千(2023年10月4日摄)。乌英苗寨位于广西融水苗族自治县和贵州省从江县交界的大苗山深处,是中国传统村落。村民们居住的吊脚楼是苗族传统建筑,从一楼到三楼,有很多窗户,这种设计既有通风防潮的需要,也便于生产生活。吹芦笙、唱苗歌、看风景、晒谷物、晾亮布……一扇扇窗,窗里窗外,经历四季更替,生活百态,展示了苗族的多彩文化,也浓缩了时代的沧桑巨变。[新华社记者 黄孝邦 摄]
A boy plays on swing in a stilt building in Wuying Village on the border between south China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and southwest China's Guizhou Province, Oct, 4, 2023. Wuying Village is a Miao ethnic group hamlet that nestles snugly in the towering mountains stretching across the border between Guangxi and Guizhou. Most villagers are still living in traditional wood stilt buildings. (Xinhua/Huang Xiaobang)
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