3月16日,游客在重庆广阳岛胜利草场游览、拍照。春日时节,重庆广阳岛春意盎然,一片生机勃勃的景象。广阳岛是长江上游最大的江心岛。近年来,当地积极探索基于自然的解决方案,创新运用“护山、理水、营林、疏田、清湖、丰草”六大策略,系统推进自然恢复、生态修复,丰富生物多样性。同时,融合高品质生态设施和绿色建筑,建成上坝森林、高峰梯田、油菜花田、胜利草场、东岛头等24个生态修复示范地。历经生态蝶变的广阳岛,呈现出一幅原生态的巴渝乡村田园风景画卷,成为生动表达山水林田湖草生命共同体理念的“生态大课堂”,吸引市民和游客前来感受大自然之美。[新华社记者 王全超 摄]
Tourists take photos at Guangyang Isle in southwest China's Chongqing, March 16, 2024. Guangyang Isle, the most extensive green island in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, has been turned into an ecological restoration and protection "classroom" for ecotourists and school children. The local ecosystem and biodiversity were once seriously threatened due to real-estate projects in the area. However, the local government brought harmful projects of this sort to a halt in 2017, starting the restoration of the environment on the island. (Xinhua/Wang Quanchao)
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