

Comment(s)打印 E-mail 新华网 2024-06-12

6月9日,一对黑颈鹤夫妇带着雏鸟在西藏那曲市申扎县一处湿地栖息、觅食。在西藏那曲市申扎县海拔约4700米的湿地里,一对对黑颈鹤夫妇正在孕育下一代。破壳不久的小黑颈鹤,长着金黄色的绒毛,它们紧紧跟在父母身边,学着觅食。黑颈鹤是国家一级保护动物,主要栖息在海拔2500米至5000米的高原、草甸、沼泽地带。[新华社记者 晋美多吉 摄]

Two black-necked cranes and their baby are seen at a wetland in Xainza County of Nagqu City, southwest China's Xizang Autonomous Region, June 9, 2024. Black-necked crane couples are breeding babies in wetlands at an altitude of about 4,700 meters in Xainza County. Every year around the time of June, pairs of black-necked cranes migrate to Xainza County to hatch eggs on grass piers surrounded by water. The black-necked crane, a species under first-class state protection in China, mainly inhabits plateau meadows and marshes at an altitude of 2,500 to 5,000 meters. (Xinhua/Jigme Dorje)

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