7月4日,2024世界人工智能大会暨人工智能全球治理高级别会议发表《人工智能全球治理上海宣言》。全文如下: | The 2024 World AI Conference and High-Level Meeting on Global AI Governance on Thursday issued Shanghai Declaration on Global AI Governance. The following is the full text of the declaration: | |
人工智能全球治理上海宣言 | Shanghai Declaration on Global AI Governance | |
我们深感人工智能对世界的深远影响和巨大潜力,认识到人工智能正在引领一场科技革命,深刻影响人类生产生活。随着人工智能技术快速发展,我们也面临前所未有的挑战,特别是在安全和伦理方面。 | We are fully aware of the far-reaching impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on the world and its great potential, and acknowledge that AI is leading a scientific and technological revolution and profoundly affecting the way people work and live. With the rapid development of AI technologies, we are also facing unprecedented challenges, especially in terms of safety and ethics. | |
我们强调共同促进人工智能技术发展和应用的必要性,同时确保其发展过程中的安全性、可靠性、可控性和公平性,促进人工智能技术赋能人类社会发展。我们相信,只有在全球范围内的合作与努力下,我们才能充分发挥人工智能的潜力,为人类带来更大的福祉。 | We underline the need to promote the development and application of AI technologies while ensuring safety, reliability, controllability and fairness in the process, and encourage leveraging AI technologies to empower the development of human society. We believe that only through global cooperation and a collective effort can we realize the full potential of AI for the greater well-being of humanity. | |
一、促进人工智能发展 | 1. Promoting AI development | |
我们愿积极推进研发,释放人工智能在医疗、教育、交通、农业、工业、文化、生态等各领域的应用潜力。鼓励创新思维,支持跨学科研究合作,共同推动人工智能技术突破与向善发展。共同关注和缓解人工智能对就业的影响,引导和促进人工智能赋能人类工作的质量与效率的提升。 | We agree to actively promote research and development to unleash the potential of AI in various fields such as healthcare, education, transportation, agriculture, industry, culture and ecology. We will encourage innovative thinking, support interdisciplinary research collaboration, and jointly promote breakthroughs of AI technologies and AI for good. We will closely watch and mitigate the impact of AI on employment, and guide and promote the improvement of the quality and efficiency of AI-enabled human work. | |
倡导开放与共享的精神,推动全球人工智能研究资源的交流与合作。建立合作平台,促进技术转移与成果转化,推动人工智能基础设施公平分配,避免技术壁垒,共同提升全球人工智能的发展水平。 | We advocate the spirit of openness and shared benefit, and will promote exchanges and cooperation on global AI research resources. We will establish cooperation platforms to facilitate technology transfer and commercialization, promote fair distribution of AI infrastructure, avoid technical barriers, and jointly strengthen global AI development. | |
以高水平数据安全保障高质量数据发展,推动数据的依法有序自由流动,反对歧视性、排他性的数据训练,合作打造高质量数据集,为人工智能发展注入更多养料。 | We agree to safeguard high-quality data development with high-level data security, promote the free and orderly flow of data in accordance with the law, oppose discriminatory and exclusive data training, and collaborate in the development of high-quality datasets, so as to better nourish AI development. | |
建立合作机制,大力推进人工智能赋能各行各业,率先在制造、物流、采矿等领域加速智能化,同步推进相关技术、标准的共用共享。 | We will establish cooperation mechanisms to vigorously promote AI empowerment across industries, starting with accelerating smart application in such fields as manufacturing, logistics and mining, and simultaneously promoting the sharing of relevant technologies and standards. | |
致力于培养更多的人工智能专业人才,加强教育培训与人才交流合作,提高全球范围内人工智能素养与技能水平。 | We are committed to cultivating more AI professionals, strengthening education, training and personnel exchanges and cooperation, and improving AI literacy and skills around the world. | |
呼吁各国秉持以人为本、智能向善原则,确保各国在开发和利用人工智能技术方面权利平等、机会平等、规则平等,不受任何形式的歧视。 | We call upon all countries to uphold a people-centred approach and adhere to the principle of AI for good, and ensure equal rights, equal opportunities and equal rules for all countries in developing and using AI technologies without any form of discrimination. | |
尊重各国自主发展的权利,鼓励各国根据自身国情制定人工智能战略政策和法律法规,呼吁在人工智能技术、产品和应用的国际合作中,遵守产品与服务对象国的法律法规,遵守适用的国际法,尊重其经济社会制度、宗教文化传统和价值理念。 | We respect the right of all countries to independent development, encourage all countries to formulate AI strategies, policies and laws and regulations based on their own national conditions, and call for abiding by the laws and regulations of countries receiving the goods and services, observing applicable international law, and respecting their economic and social systems, religious and cultural traditions and values in carrying out international cooperation on AI technologies, products and applications. | |
二、维护人工智能安全 | 2. Maintaining AI safety | |
我们高度重视人工智能的安全问题,特别是数据安全与隐私保护,愿推动制定数据保护规则,加强各国数据与信息保护政策的互操作性,确保个人信息的保护与合法使用。 | We attach great importance to AI safety, especially to data security and privacy protection. We agree to promote the formulation of data protection rules, strengthen the interoperability of data and information protection policies of different countries, and ensure the protection and lawful use of personal information. | |
我们认识到加强监管,打造可审核、可监督、可追溯和可信赖的人工智能技术的必要性。我们将以发展的眼光看问题,在人类决策与监管下,以人工智能技术防范人工智能风险,提高人工智能治理的技术能力。我们鼓励各国结合国情,制定相应的法律和规范,建立风险等级测试评估体系和科技伦理审查制度,在此基础上,鼓励行业制定更为及时和敏捷的自律规范。 | We recognize the need to strengthen regulation, and develop reliable AI technologies that can be reviewed, monitored and traced. Bearing in mind the evolving nature of AI, we will use AI technologies to prevent AI risks and enhance the technological capacity for AI governance, on the basis of human decision-making and supervision. We encourage countries, in light of their national conditions, to formulate laws and norms, and establish a testing and assessment system based on AI risk levels and a sci-tech ethical review system. On this basis, we encourage the formulation of more timely and agile self-discipline norms for the industry. | |
我们愿加强人工智能相关的网络安全,增强系统与应用的安全性与可靠性,防止黑客攻击与恶意软件应用。在尊重运用国际国内法律框架前提下,共同打击操纵舆论、编造与传播虚假信息的行为。 | We resolve to strengthen AI-related cybersecurity, enhance the security and reliability of systems and applications, and prevent hacking and malware applications. We decide to jointly combat the use of AI to manipulate public opinion, and fabricate and disseminate disinformation on the premise of respecting and applying international and domestic legal frameworks. | |
合作防范恐怖主义、极端势力和跨国有组织犯罪集团利用人工智能技术从事非法活动,共同打击窃取、篡改、泄露和非法收集利用个人信息的行为。 | We will work together to prevent terrorists, extremist forces, and transnational organized criminal groups from using AI technologies for illegal activities, and jointly combat the theft, tampering, leaking and illegal collection and use of personal information. | |
推动制定和采纳具有广泛国际共识的人工智能的伦理指南与规范,引导人工智能技术的健康发展,防止其被误用、滥用或恶用。 | We agree to promote the formulation and adoption of ethical guidelines and norms for AI with broad international consensus, guide the healthy development of AI technologies, and prevent their misuse, abuse or malicious use. | |
三、构建人工智能治理体系 | 3. Developing the AI governance system | |
我们倡导建立全球范围内的人工智能治理机制,支持联合国发挥主渠道作用,欢迎加强南北合作和南南合作,提升发展中国家的代表性和发言权。我们鼓励国际组织、企业、研究机构、社会组织和个人等多元主体积极发挥与自身角色相匹配的作用,参与人工智能治理体系的构建和实施。 | We advocate establishing an AI governance mechanism of a global scope, support the role of the United Nations as the main channel, welcome the strengthening of North-South and South-South cooperation, and call for increasing the representation and voice of developing countries. We encourage various actors including international organizations, enterprises, research institutes, social organizations, and individuals to actively play their due roles in the development and implementation of the AI governance system. | |
我们愿加强与国际组织、专业机构等合作,分享人工智能的测试、评估、认证与监管政策实践,确保人工智能技术的安全可控可靠。 | We agree to strengthen cooperation with international organizations and professional institutes to share policies and practices of AI testing, assessment, certification and regulation to ensure the safety, controllability and reliability of AI technologies. | |
加强人工智能的监管与问责机制,确保人工智能技术的合规使用与责任追究。 | We agree to strengthen the regulatory and accountability mechanisms for AI to ensure compliance and accountability in the use of AI technologies. | |
四、加强社会参与和提升公众素养 | 4. Strengthening public participation and improving literacy | |
我们愿建立多元化的参与机制,包括公开征求意见、社会调查等方式,让公众参与到人工智能决策过程。 | We agree to establish mechanisms for diverse participation, including public consultation, social surveys, etc., to include the public in decision-making on AI. | |
加强公众对人工智能的认知与理解,提高公众对人工智能安全性的认识。开展科普活动,普及人工智能知识,提升公众的数字素养与安全意识。 | We will increase the public's knowledge and understanding of AI and raise public awareness about AI safety. We will carry out communication activities to popularize AI knowledge and enhance digital literacy and safety awareness among the public. | |
五、提升生活品质与社会福祉 | 5. Improving quality of life and increasing social well-being | |
我们愿积极推动人工智能在可持续发展领域的应用,包括工业创新、环境保护、资源利用、能源管理、促进生物多样性等。鼓励创新思维,探索人工智能技术在解决全球性问题中的潜力与贡献。 | We will actively promote the application of AI in the field of sustainable development, including industrial innovation, environmental protection, resource utilization, energy management, and biodiversity promotion. We encourage innovative thinking in exploring the potential of AI technologies in contributing to the resolution of global issues. | |
致力于利用人工智能提升社会福祉,特别是在医疗、教育、养老等领域。 | We are committed to using AI to improve social well-being, especially in such fields as healthcare, education, and elderly care. | |
我们深知,这份宣言的落实需要我们共同努力。我们期待全球各国政府、科技界、产业界等利益攸关方能够积极响应,共同推动人工智能的健康发展,共同维护人工智能的安全,赋能人类共同的未来。 | We are fully aware that the implementation of this declaration requires our joint efforts. We look forward to positive responses from governments, sci-tech communities, industrial communities and other stakeholders around the world. Together, let us promote the healthy development of AI, ensure AI safety, and empower the common future of mankind with AI. | |
(来源:新华网) | (Source: Xinhua) |
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