
吉林市:滑雪场单色变彩色 带热消夏旅游季

Comment(s)打印 E-mail 新华网 2024-08-09

游客在吉林松花湖滑雪场乘坐缆车(8月3日摄)。近年来,为了进一步激发旅游资源,吉林省吉林市积极培育滑雪场的夏季旅游市场,通过丰富多元的活动策划、创意十足的景观改造以及特色鲜明的休闲项目引入等措施吸引客流,让冬季里单一色彩的滑雪场变身夏日里彩色的旅游打卡地,为游客提供消暑度假好去处。[新华社记者 李贺 摄]

Tourists ride cable cars at Vanke Songhua Lake Resort in Jilin City, northeast China's Jilin Province, Aug. 3, 2024. In order to further develop tourism industry, ski resorts in Jilin City lay on many outdoor activities, from mountain biking to camping festivals, providing tourists with a good place to cool off in summer. (Xinhua/Li He)

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