
青山当户 白云过庭:“华中屋脊”上的夏日生意经

Comment(s)打印 E-mail 新华网 2024-08-09

Tourism booms in Shennongjia Forest District, C China's Hubei

8月5日,游客在神农坛景区游玩。地处秦巴山脉东端的湖北省神农架林区地处北纬31度带,森林覆盖率超过91%,平均海拔1700米,最高峰超过3100米,有“华中屋脊”之称。每到夏天,平均温度不到20℃的神农架林区都会迎来大量避暑游客。近年来,神农架林区依托良好生态环境和山水资源,因地制宜推动发展避暑、康养等文旅项目,吸引各地游客前来体验游玩,带动当地群众发展餐饮、民宿等产业,形成富有活力的生态旅游体系。[新华社记者 伍志尊 摄]

Tourists visit Shennongtan scenic spot in Shennongjia Forest District, central China's Hubei Province, Aug. 5, 2024. Located in the eastern part of the Qinba mountains, Shennongjia Forestry District, with the forest coverage of over 91 percent, has an average elevation of 1,700 meters. The average temperature here is lower than 20 degrees Celsius in summer, making it a popular destination for tourists. In recent years, with rich ecotourism resources and mild climate, Shennongjia Forestry District has witnessed a large number of tourists in summer. The booming tourism has also advanced the development of local catering and accommodation business. (Xinhua/Wu Zhizun)

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