

Comment(s)打印 E-mail 新华网 2024-08-21

8月16日,人们在吐鲁番葡萄节开幕式现场观看无人机光影秀。8月16日至18日,第三十届中国丝绸之路吐鲁番葡萄节在新疆吐鲁番市举行。本届葡萄节以“吐鲁番的葡萄熟了”为主题,邀请国内外宾客品尝葡萄及其制品,感受吐鲁番独特的葡萄文化与丝路魅力。吐鲁番地处“黄金纬度”的葡萄种植带,现有葡萄种植面积63万亩、品种550个,是全国葡萄种植面积最大的地区。[新华社记者 陈朔 摄]

People watch a drone light show during the opening ceremony of the 30th China Silk Road Turpan Grape Festival in Turpan, northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Aug. 16, 2024. The three-day Turpan grape festival kicked off on Friday. With its dry and sunny climate, Turpan has a long history of growing grapes and is one of the main grape production bases in China. Its planting area totals 42,000 hectares with 550 grape varieties. (Xinhua/Chen Shuo)

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