
高温挡不住出游热情 重庆暑期旅游人气旺

Comment(s)打印 E-mail 新华网 2024-08-27

8月23日,重庆江北区嘉陵江畔,游客们在迷人的重庆夜景中打卡拍照。连日来,重庆持续高温天气。气温虽高,当地旅游热度依然不减。重庆的洪崖洞、解放碑、观音桥等热门景区和打卡点,夜间客流更旺。不少游客兴致高涨,一边擦汗,一边冒着酷暑打卡重庆。[新华社记者 刘潺 摄]

A tourist poses for a photo on the bank of the Jialing River in southwest China's Chongqing, Aug. 23, 2024. Renowned tourist destinations in Chongqing, a city known for its high temperatures, attract many tourists in summer. (Xinhua/Liu Chan)

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