12月20日上午,庆祝澳门回归祖国25周年大会暨澳门特别行政区第六届政府就职典礼在澳门东亚运动会体育馆隆重举行。中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平出席并发表重要讲话。[新华社记者 谢环驰 摄]
Chinese President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, delivers a speech at a meeting celebrating the 25th anniversary of Macao's return to the motherland and the inaugural ceremony of the sixth-term government of the Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR), at the Macao East Asian Games Dome in Macao, south China, Dec. 20, 2024. (Xinhua/Xie Huanchi)
同胞们,朋友们: | My Fellow Chinese, Dear Friends, | |
今天,我们在这里隆重集会,庆祝澳门回归祖国25周年,举行澳门特别行政区第六届政府就职典礼。首先,我代表中央政府和全国各族人民,向全体澳门居民致以诚挚问候!向新就任的澳门特别行政区第六任行政长官岑浩辉先生和第六届政府主要官员、行政会委员,表示热烈祝贺!向长期关心支持“一国两制”事业和澳门繁荣稳定发展的海内外同胞和国际友人,表示衷心感谢! | Today, we are meeting here on this solemn occasion to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Macao's return to the motherland and to hold the inauguration of the sixth-term government of the Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR). At the outset, on behalf of the Central Government and people of all ethnic groups across China, I wish to extend cordial greetings to all Macao residents. I extend warm congratulations to Mr. Sam Hou Fai, the newly inaugurated sixth-term Chief Executive of the Macao SAR, and to principal officials and members of the Executive Council of the sixth-term Macao SAR government! I also express heartfelt appreciation to all fellow Chinese, both at home and overseas, and foreign friends for their longstanding commitment to and support for the cause of One Country, Two Systems and Macao's prosperity, stability and development! | |
澳门是镶嵌在南海之滨的一颗璀璨明珠,是伟大祖国的一方宝地。中国最早一批留学生从这里走向世界,不少中华经典在这里经翻译传到西方,西方近代科学、技术、文化不少经澳门传入中国内地。在不同历史时期,澳门都扮演着重要角色,作出了独特贡献。 | Macao is a shining pearl on the coast of the South China Sea and a treasured place of the great motherland. It was from here that the first group of Chinese students went to study overseas. It was here that many Chinese classics were translated into foreign languages and introduced to the West. It was also through Macao that a lot of Western modern science, technology and culture were introduced to the Chinese mainland. Across different stages of China's history, Macao has played an important role and made unique contributions. | |
同胞们、朋友们! | My Fellow Chinese, Dear Friends, | |
澳门回归祖国25年来,在中央政府和祖国内地大力支持下,特别行政区政府团结带领社会各界接续奋斗,具有澳门特色的“一国两制”实践取得巨大成功。澳门发生翻天覆地的变化,国际影响力大幅提升。 | Over the past 25 years since Macao's return to the motherland, with the strong support of the Central Government and the mainland of the country, the Macao SAR Government has led the people of all walks of life in forging ahead in unity, achieving an enormous success in advancing the cause of One Country, Two Systems with distinctive Macao features. Macao has undergone earthshaking transformation, and its international standing has increased significantly. | |
——“一国两制”制度体系不断完善,国家主权、安全、发展利益得到有效维护。澳门特别行政区系统建立维护国家安全的法律制度和执行机制,落实中央全面管治权,依法行使高度自治权,行政、立法、司法机关各司其职、各负其责,行政主导体制运行顺畅,以宪法和基本法为基础的特别行政区宪制秩序更加稳固。全面落实“爱国者治澳”原则,民主政制得到完善,澳门居民享有比历史上任何时候都更为广泛的权利和自由,“一国两制”政治社会基础更加坚实。 | -- The systems for implementing the policy of One Country, Two Systems have kept improving, and national sovereignty, security and development interests have been effectively safeguarded. The legal system and enforcement mechanisms for safeguarding national security are well in place in Macao. This ensures both the Central Authorities' overall jurisdiction over Macao and a high degree of law-based autonomy in the city. The executive, legislative and judicial bodies of Macao perform their respective functions and responsibilities. The executive-led system functions smoothly, and the constitutional order of the SAR, based on the Constitution and the Basic Law of the Macao SAR, is ensured. The principle of patriots administering Macao is fully implemented, Macao's democracy is improved, and Macao residents enjoy more extensive rights and freedoms than in any other time in history. The political and social foundation of the policy of One Country, Two Systems has been further consolidated. | |
——经济社会发展实现历史性跃升,居民获得感、幸福感、安全感大幅增强。澳门坚持不懈抓经济、搞建设,改善营商环境,推动博彩业依法健康有序发展,促进多元产业发展,经受住了非典疫情、国际金融危机、新冠疫情等严峻考验,保持了长期稳定发展态势。2023年地区生产总值增长至回归前的7倍,人均地区生产总值位居世界前列。主动融入国家发展大局,积极参与高质量共建“一带一路”和粤港澳大湾区建设,扎实推进横琴粤澳深度合作区建设,发展空间大为拓展。坚持以人为本施政理念,就业、住房、教育、医疗、社会保障等各项事业取得长足进步,构建了涵盖生命全周期、覆盖生活各领域的民生保障体系,保持了社会长期和谐稳定。 | -- Economic and social development has seen a historic leap, and residents enjoy a much stronger sense of gain, happiness and security. Macao has pursued economic growth and development with unremitting efforts. It has improved the city's business environment, boosted the law-based, healthy and orderly development of the gaming industry, and promoted economic diversification. Macao withstood the challenging tests of the SARS epidemic, the international financial crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic, and it has maintained the momentum of long-term steady development. In 2023, Macao's GDP was seven times that of its pre-return period, and its per capita GDP was among the highest in the world. Macao has taken the initiative to integrate into the overall national development. It has actively participated in high-quality Belt and Road cooperation and the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and it has made solid gains in building the Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin. All this has greatly expanded the space for its development. Macao exercises people-centered governance. It has made remarkable progress in employment, housing, education, medical services, social security and other social programs, and put in place a system of social security that covers the entire cycle of life and all areas of life. As a result, Macao has maintained its long-term social harmony and stability. | |
——对外合作持续扩大,“一中心、一平台、一基地”作用日益彰显。澳门同120多个国家和地区建立稳定的经贸关系,是190多个国际组织和机构的成员,吸引了各国投资者来投资兴业、参与建设、分享发展成果。澳门作为世界上唯一以中文和葡文为官方语言的地区,在促进中国同葡语国家经贸合作中发挥着重要平台作用。“澳门历史城区”列入《世界遗产名录》,处处是旅游打卡地,备受中外游客青睐。美食之都、文化之都、盛事之都等美誉纷至沓来,格兰披治大赛车、澳门国际音乐节等品牌活动声名远扬,来自世界各地的文化艺术在这里交相辉映,中外文化交流合作基地的优势更加突出,成为不同文明和谐相处、融合发展的典范。 | -- External cooperation has continued to expand, and the position as "One Center, One Platform, One Base" has grown steadily. Macao maintains stable economic and trade ties with over 120 countries and territories, and it is a member of over 190 international organizations and institutions. Many foreign investors do business in Macao, contribute to its development and share in the fruits of its growth. As the only place in the world with both Chinese and Portuguese as its official languages, Macao is an important platform for promoting business ties between China and Portuguese-speaking countries. The Historic Center of Macao, a World Heritage site full of attractions, draws tourists from both the country and around the world. Reputed as a city of good food, rich culture, and festive events, Macao also boasts signature activities including the Macao Grand Prix and the Macao International Music Festival. It is a city where cultures and arts from across the world mingle. Macao stands out as a base for cultural exchanges and cooperation between China and the world; it is a living example of harmonious coexistence and integrated development of different civilizations. | |
同胞们、朋友们! | My Fellow Chinese, Dear Friends, | |
澳门回归祖国以来取得的辉煌成就向世人证明,“一国两制”具有显著制度优势和强大生命力,是保持香港、澳门长期繁荣稳定的好制度,是服务强国建设、民族复兴伟业的好制度,是实现不同社会制度和平共处、合作共赢的好制度,必须长期坚持。“一国两制”蕴含的和平、包容、开放、共享的价值理念,是中国的,也是世界的,值得共同守护。 | The great achievements of Macao since its return to the motherland have proven to the world that the cause of One Country, Two Systems, with its distinctive institutional strengths and strong vitality, is a good system that sustains the long-term prosperity and stability of Hong Kong and Macao. It is a good system that facilitates endeavors to build China into a great country and achieve national rejuvenation, and it is a good system for ensuring peaceful coexistence and mutual benefit between different social systems. So we must stay committed to this cause. The values embodied in the cause of One Country, Two Systems, namely, peace, inclusiveness, openness and sharing, are relevant to not only China but also the whole world. These values should be cherished by us all. | |
香港、澳门回归以来的实践经验告诉我们,保持香港、澳门长期繁荣稳定,继续推进“一国两制”实践行稳致远,需要把握好以下4条:一要坚守“一国”之本、善用“两制”之利。始终坚持国家主权、安全、发展利益高于一切,落实中央全面管治权,任何时候都不能动摇。同时,尊重“两制”差异,充分保障特别行政区高度自治权,继续全面准确、坚定不移贯彻“一国两制”、“港人治港”、“澳人治澳”、高度自治的方针,确保不会变、不动摇,确保不走样、不变形。二要维护高水平安全、推动高质量发展。安全是发展的前提,发展是安全的保障,维护安全和推动发展都要坚定不移。要珍惜当前来之不易的安定祥和局面,集中精力拼经济、谋发展、搞建设,不断塑造新动能新优势。三要发挥独特优势、强化内联外通。以更加开放包容的姿态,广泛拓展国际联系,提升全球影响力和吸引力,让“中国香港”、“中国澳门”国际大都市的品牌更加靓丽。深度对接国家发展战略,加快融入国家发展大局,在构建新发展格局中更好扮演桥梁角色。四要弘扬核心价值、促进包容和谐。传承爱国爱港、爱国爱澳核心价值,增进多元文化交流融合,凝聚一切积极力量,画出海内外支持“一国两制”事业的最大同心圆。 | Developments in Hong Kong and Macao since their return to the motherland tell us that to sustain the long-term prosperity and stability of Hong Kong and Macao and further advance the cause of One Country, Two Systems, it is imperative to observe the following four principles. First, we should stay committed to the fundamental policy of One Country and fully deliver the benefits of Two Systems. We should place our country's sovereignty, security and development interests above everything else; we should implement the overall jurisdiction of the Central Authorities; and we should not deviate from this commitment under any circumstance. At the same time, we should respect the differences between the two systems, fully ensure a high degree of autonomy of the two special administrative regions of Hong Kong and Macao, and continue to fully, faithfully and resolutely implement the policy of One Country, Two Systems, under which the people of Hong Kong administer Hong Kong and the people of Macao administer Macao, both with a high degree of autonomy. We should see that this policy is not changed, deviated from, bent or distorted. Second, we should ensure high-standard security and pursue high-quality development. Security underpins development, and development, in turn, ensures security. We must remain firm in both safeguarding security and promoting development. We should cherish the hard-won peace and stability we enjoy today, focus our energy on growing the economy and pursuing development, and continue to create new growth drivers and build new strengths. Third, we should leverage the unique strengths of Hong Kong and Macao and reinforce their connectivity with both the mainland and the world. Hong Kong and Macao should be more open and inclusive, expand international linkages, and raise their global standing and appeal, so that the reputation of Hong Kong, China and Macao, China as international metropolises will grow stronger. Hong Kong and Macao should fully align themselves with the national development strategies, accelerate integration into China's overall national development, and better play their role as bridges in ushering in a new development paradigm. Fourth, we should carry forward our core values and boost inclusiveness and harmony. It is imperative to live by the core values of loving the country and Hong Kong and of loving the country and Macao, enhance exchanges and integration of diverse cultures, and rally full public support at home and abroad to create the greatest synergy in advancing the cause of One Country, Two Systems. | |
同胞们、朋友们! | My Fellow Chinese, Dear Friends, | |
当前和今后一个时期是以中国式现代化全面推进强国建设、民族复兴伟业的关键时期,“一国两制”实践也进入了新阶段。实现香港、澳门更好发展,为强国建设、民族复兴作出更大贡献,是新时代“一国两制”实践的重要使命。新一届澳门特别行政区政府要团结带领社会各界,抢抓机遇、锐意改革、担当作为,更好发挥“一国两制”制度优势,不断开创“一国两制”事业高质量发展新局面。在这里,我提4点希望。 | The present and the near future constitute a critical period for our endeavor to build a great country and move toward national rejuvenation on all fronts through Chinese modernization, and we have entered a new stage in advancing the cause of One Country, Two Systems. In the new era, the cause of One Country, Two Systems aims to deliver better development for both Hong Kong and Macao and enable the two regions to further contribute to China's development and renewal of the Chinese nation. The new government of the Macao Special Administrative Region should rally and lead the people of all walks of life in Macao in seizing opportunities, pressing ahead with reform, shouldering responsibilities and making greater contributions. This entails further leveraging the institutional strength of One Country, Two Systems, and making new achievements in the high-quality advancement of the cause of One Country, Two Systems. Here, I wish to express four hopes for Macao. | |
第一,着力推动经济适度多元发展。要结合自身优势和资源禀赋,精准定位、聚焦重点,完善产业发展规划,加大政策支持和资金投入力度,着力培育具有国际竞争力的新产业。推动实现横琴粤澳深度合作区同澳门经济高度协同、规则深度衔接,各类要素跨境流动高效便捷;瞄准重点领域,推动特色产业发展形成规模,打造一批标志性、有带动效应的工程和项目。需要注意的是,中央决定开发横琴,目的就是促进澳门经济适度多元发展、便利澳门居民生活就业。这个定位要把握好,不能发展一些与这个定位不一致的产业项目。要积极主动参与粤港澳大湾区建设,整合优质资源,深化协同发展。要统筹推进教育、科技、人才一体化发展,大力引进和培养各类人才,打造国际高端人才集聚高地。 | First, Macao should endeavor to promote appropriate economic diversification. It should fully leverage its distinctive strengths and resource endowment, be clear about its role, focus on key sectors, improve development planning for relevant industries, and step up policy and funding support so as to cultivate internationally competitive new sectors. Efforts should be made to achieve greater economic synergy, more harmonized rules, and more efficient and convenient cross-boundary flow of various factors between Macao and the Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin. Macao should focus on key areas, promote scaled development of its distinctive sectors, and launch landmark projects and programs that will have knock-on effects on other sectors. It should be noted that the Central Authorities' decision to develop Hengqin is aimed at promoting appropriate economic diversification in Macao and facilitating the life and work of Macao residents. This should be kept in mind, and sectors and projects that are not in line with this purpose should not be developed. Macao should more actively take part in the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, pool quality resources and deepen coordinated development. It is also important for Macao to advance integrated development of education, technology and talent and do more to attract and nurture talent of various types so as to turn itself into a magnet attracting high-caliber talent from across the world. | |
第二,着力提升特别行政区治理效能。要把依法治理和担当作为结合起来,适应经济社会发展要求,完善各项体制机制和法律法规,深入推进公共行政改革,完善组织架构,革新管治理念,改进管治方式,强化宏观统筹,建设高效、有为的服务型政府,激发社会蕴藏的巨大活力和发展潜力。优化公共政策咨询机制,提升决策科学化、民主化、法治化水平。健全政府和立法会协同立法机制。严格公正执法,完善司法制度,提升司法效率,坚定维护法治。推进公务人员管理制度改革,加强管治队伍建设,完善廉政监督体系。 | Second, Macao should endeavor to enhance governance as a special administrative region. Macao should, with a commitment to advancing law-based governance and shouldering responsibilities, better respond to the needs of its economic and social development, improve its institutions, laws and regulations, deepen public administration reform, improve organizational structure, update its approach to and improve its way of governance. It should strengthen coordination at the macro level, and foster a well-functioning and effective service-oriented government, so as to unleash the tremendous vitality and development potential of the society. Macao should improve mechanisms that advise on public policies to increase the level of sound, democratic and law-based decision-making. Macao should strengthen coordinated lawmaking mechanism between the government and the Legislative Assembly. It should strictly exercise fair administration of justice, improve the judicial system, enhance judicial efficiency, and uphold the rule of law. Macao should advance reform of its civil service management system, strengthen its governance team, and improve the system for integrity management and oversight. | |
第三,着力打造更高水平对外开放平台。要立足“一中心、一平台、一基地”定位,健全在国家对外开放中更好发挥作用的机制,主动对接国家重大战略,不断提升国际竞争力。要进一步加大双向开放力度,促进同葡语国家全方位互利合作,积极投身高质量共建“一带一路”,扩大国际“朋友圈”,打造国家高水平对外开放重要的桥头堡。持续优化营商环境,完善民商事等法律制度,培育和激发市场活力,吸引更多国际资源。用好中西荟萃的文化优势,促进国际人文交流,讲好澳门故事、中国故事,打造中西文明交流互鉴的重要窗口。 | Third, Macao should endeavor to build itself into a platform for higher-standard opening up. With its development position as "One Center, One Platform, One Base," Macao should enhance mechanisms through which it can better play its role in China's opening up, take steps to align with major national strategies and continue to enhance its global competitiveness. It should further step up two-way opening, facilitate all-round mutually-beneficial cooperation with Portuguese-speaking countries, play an active role in high-quality Belt and Road cooperation, make more friends across the world, and act as an important bridge for China's high-standard opening up. Macao should continue to improve its business environment, improve its legal systems such as the civil and commercial laws, nurture and fire up its market vitality, and attract more international resources. As a place where Chinese and Western cultures merge, Macao should promote international people-to-people exchanges, better present Macao and China to the world, and turn the city into an important window of exchanges between Chinese and Western civilizations. | |
第四,着力维护社会祥和稳定。当前澳门形势总体稳定,但内外环境正在发生深刻变化。要居安思危、未雨绸缪,着力防范各种风险,坚定维护国家安全和澳门稳定。促进政府治理同社会调节、市民参与良性互动,引导和规范社团发展,筑牢基层治理根基。始终坚持以人民为中心,解决好广大居民最关心最迫切最现实的问题,创造更多更好的发展机会,营造更加公平的社会环境,不断实现居民对美好生活的向往。 | Fourth, Macao should endeavor to maintain social harmony and stability. Macao now enjoys overall stability, but the domestic and international environment is undergoing profound changes. Macao should be mindful of potential perils, guard against them, forestall risks, and firmly safeguard both national security and Macao's stability. It should see that government's governance, society's self-regulation and citizen's participation reinforce each other. It should guide and better regulate the development of social organizations, and consolidate the foundation of community-level governance. Macao should always put people above everything else, resolve the most practical and pressing problems that are of the greatest concern to them, create more and better opportunities for development, foster a fairer social environment, and make continuous efforts to meet people's expectation for a better life. | |
青年是澳门的希望和未来,是建设澳门、建设国家的有生力量。这两天,我接触了不少澳门青年朋友,他们有的成为特别行政区优秀管治人才,有的在创新创业道路上取得骄人业绩,有的在教学科研岗位上一展风采,有的在国际舞台上演绎人生。特别行政区政府和社会各界要更加关爱青年,为他们成长成才、施展抱负创造更好环境和条件。希望广大青年心系澳门、心系国家,志存高远、脚踏实地,当好“一国两制”事业的建设者和接班人,让青春在建设强大祖国和美好澳门的广阔天地中绽放光彩。 | The young people are the hope and future of Macao. They are also a vibrant force in building Macao and building China. Over the last couple of days, I have met many young people in Macao. Some of them display talent of the governance of the SAR, some have made remarkable entrepreneurial achievements, some are brilliant teachers and researchers, and some are pursuing international careers. The Macao SAR Government and people should care about the young and create a better environment and conditions for them to bring out their best. To the young people in Macao, I hope you will keep the city and the motherland close to your heart, set ambitious goals, take solid steps, advance and carry forward the cause of One Country, Two Systems, and thus realize your potentials by fully engaging in endeavors to build a great motherland and a beautiful Macao. | |
同胞们、朋友们! | My Fellow Chinese, Dear Friends, | |
今年是中华人民共和国成立75周年,中国共产党二十届三中全会对进一步全面深化改革、推进中国式现代化作出系统部署,强国建设已经展开壮美画卷并呈现出无比光明的前景,中华民族正以不可阻挡的步伐迈向伟大复兴。我坚信,只要全面准确、坚定不移贯彻“一国两制”方针,有特别行政区政府和社会各界共同努力,有伟大祖国作坚强后盾,澳门一定能打开发展新天地、不断创造新辉煌,一定能为以中国式现代化全面推进强国建设、民族复兴伟业作出更大贡献! | This year marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. At its Third Plenary Session, the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China made a systematic decision to further deepen reform comprehensively to advance Chinese modernization. The cause of building China into a great country is being advanced across the board, with bright prospects unfolding. The Chinese nation is marching toward its great rejuvenation in unstoppable strides. I am convinced that with the full, faithful and resolute implementation of the policy of One Country, Two Systems, with the concerted effort of the Macao SAR Government and all sectors of its society, and with the strong support of the great motherland, Macao will surely open up a new horizon and achieve new advances in development, and make even greater contribution to building a great country and moving toward national rejuvenation on all fronts through Chinese modernization! | |
(来源:新华网) | (Source: Xinhua) |
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