

Comment(s)打印 E-mail 新华网 2025-02-24

2月23日,云南省宣威市普立乡尼珠河村的小学生陈泓函出发前在家跟妈妈聊天。2月23日是云南省宣威市普立乡官寨完小开学报到的日子,家住尼珠河村的小学生们相约一起,收拾好10天的换洗衣物,背上书包去学校报到。与其他小学生不相同的是,他们上学乘坐的是“云端校车”。尼珠河村是一个藏在峡谷中的小山村,村边的尼珠河由南向北,在山间曲折蜿蜒切出一道峡谷,一边是云南宣威,一边是贵州六盘水。从前,住在山谷的村民从谷底通往山顶最近的路就是河谷中的崖壁路,路上沟壑相间、幽深陡峭,往返一趟近6个小时。为了上学,村里的孩子和家长每隔10天至少要往返一次。2022年,“山高谷深坡陡”的上学路迎来转机。当地的尼珠河大峡谷生态文化旅游景区正式建成运营,高达268米的电梯和近200米高差的高空索道缆车陆续投入使用,并对尼珠河村及附近的村民免费开放,孩子们上学有了直达山顶的“云端校车”。南方电网云南曲靖供电局还为电梯提供了双电源供电,确保“云端校车”全年正常运行。如今,当地的孩子先乘坐六七分钟景区观光车,转乘观光电梯垂直爬升268米,再换乘空中缆车爬升200余米,加上步行,半小时就能到学校。[新华社记者 江文耀 摄]

Student Chen Honghan talks with her mother before heading for school from Nizhuhe Village in Puli Township, Xuanwei City, southwest China's Yunnan Province, Feb. 23, 2025. Feb. 23 is the day for students of Guanzhaiwan Primary School in Puli Township to report for the new semester. Children from Nizhuhe Village packed their bags and set off for school. What sets them apart from other students is their mode of transportation. Nizhuhe Village is a small hamlet nestled in a deep valley carved by the Nizhu River meandering from south to north. In the past, the villagers' shortest route from the valley floor to the mountaintop was a perilous cliffside path, a journey that took nearly six hours for a round trip. Children and their parents living here had to make this arduous trek at least once every ten days. In 2022, a significant change came to this challenging journey. A local scenic area along the Nizhu River was officially completed and began operations. A 268-meter-high sightseeing elevator and a cable car system were put into use, offering free access to the villagers of Nizhuhe and nearby areas. This provided the children with a direct "cloud shuttle" to the mountaintop. Nowadays, thanks to the sightseeing shuttle vehicles, elevator and cable cars of the scenic spot, the children's journey to school was shortened to just half an hour. (Xinhua/Jiang Wenyao)

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